#working on garrus v2 at the moment
choco-minto · 1 year
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After so many requests for an amigurumi pattern for Thane Krios, I finally got off my butt and made one! Pattern is now available on Etsy.
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Here’s a take: if they had Weiss say something along the lines of “it was easier to blame the Faunus for everything I went through instead of my father” then that could have easily served as an apology and as an explanation as to where that line about her having “always” wanted to make things better for the Faunus in V2 feel more genuine.
There’s so many ways that Weiss could’ve apologized and explained why she was like the way she was in V1. I get so many people trying to explain that “oh, well they scrubbed that aspect of her character because having a racist main character wouldn’t sell well!” without like, actually recognizing that RT decided to write that anyway. You can definitely have a racist character work as long as there’s a sympathetic enough reason behind their initial racism and an actual progression of their character. Take Navigator Presley in the Mass Effect series. His father served in the First Contact War so he’s inherently distrustful of Turians and other aliens because who the hell wouldn’t be wary of a species who decided to shoot weapons at you the moment you realized for the first time ever that you aren’t alone in the universe? He’s explicitly racist and distrustful of Garrus- one of the most loved characters in the series mind you- throughout the first game. But then he dies in the prologue of the second game and you pick up his datapad where you find out that during the events of the first game he’d recognized that his views were wrong and actively worked to change them. If Mass Effect could redeem a previously racist character post mortem then there’s no reason why RT couldn’t have written a solid redemption with Weiss’ character instead of just trying to pretend that she never was racist to begin with, or her entire arc has already been wrapped up despite zero on screen admission that her previous views were wrong, or trying to disguise the previous racism into classism. I think RT really took a whack route with Weiss’ arc, and it’s yet another obnoxiously frustrating issue with this show. From Adam’s arc to Weiss’ arc, from the show to the manga to the comics, not a single aspect of the racism allegory was handled well at all.
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