#woo this was fuunn
memidge22 · 7 years
A-Z Game
@bunnycookie tagged me in this and i forgot to do it until now but thanks for tagging me!!
A: Age - 18~
B: Birthplace - Oregon USA :0
C: Current time - 5:03 AM
D: Drink you had last - A huge thing of chocolate milk i made an hour ago
E: Easiest person to talk to - I have 2 friends that i’ve known for like 8 years you know who you are ;)
F: Favorite song - ah jeez... my favorite song changes like every hour ;-; Right now it’s... something from the new BTS album?? Pied Piper maybe??
G: Grossest memory - I once accidentally french kissed my sister. Yes, accidentally. 
H: Hogwarts house - Hufflepuff!!
I: In love - Noooop.. unless you count my angel jung hoseok :3
J: Jealous of people - I mean. No? I used to get super jealous of my friends having other friends because I thought that I would lose them, but now that i know that wont happen I’m good.
K: Killed someone - No? Hopefully?
L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again - Wat. I mean,, is this asking me if i believe in love at first sight?? Because no. I don’t think that anyone can truly be IN LOVE with just one look~
M: Middle name - Lee :0 It’s boring,,
N: Number of siblings - 2!
O: One wish - Ah.. the first one that came to mind was to maintain my close relationship with my friends lmaaooooo
P: Person you called last - My mother. I asked her to buy me cookie dough.
Q: Question you are always asked - I guess “Why are you like this?” I am a very strange person.
R: Reason to smile - Thinking about being able to laugh with my sister when she comes home everyday, BTS, hobert... My friends!! Learning new dances, my kitties, giving my bb this cool mug i found... among many others~
S: Song you sang last - Last song I sang?? Like seriously?? Probably Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid eheh.
T: Time you woke up - 8 am :0
U: Underwear color - rn it is pastel purple and white
V: Vacation destination - k o r e a
W: Worst habit - Procrastination >.>
X: X-Rays - Yeah i had one when i fucked up my tailbone and one when i broke my elbow.
Y: Your favorite food - ah jeez. The full thing is called “Campbell's Chunky Sirloin Burger with Country Vegetables Soup” which i had to look up cuz i just call it Burger Soup :L
Z: Zodiac sign - Taurus!!
I suppose i will tag @smiley-ass, @jk-int-playboy, @nebulasnjunk, @holy-shit-look, @itsbritneybithc and @graceful-ghosts because i love them all with my whole heart <33
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