#with the guy eating the omulet. no pendant
mood2you · 1 year
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I was going to make this and have to mod it but my friend made a 72 hour one! It was inspired by me wanting to read Interview with the Vampire competitively https://discord.gg/VCjDGh2c
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The prompts are Paranormal Romance, Bite to Eat, and to post a picture of your currently reading.
I'll be here all month, personally. Finished The Rosie Project yesterday so it counts for my board. It wasn't very pitchfork (...kinky), (it was fade to black) (there's a trope name for that in romance) it was pretty cute and had tension and a good narrator. Now I'm reading Alice Isn't Dead! It's not very spider so far but the beginning still gets me (the beginning is like the podcast, with the guy eating the omelette.) I'll be updating and letting you know how [blank] my reads are.
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