#with my unasked for extended commentary
dontyoulistentome · 10 months
EDIT: If I've tagged you, there's absolutely no pressure to do this, or to even fill in all the sections. I'm sorry for not adding this sooner.
9 people you want to get to know better!!
Tagged by @likemmmcookies : D
Favourite colour: oscillating between maroon and navy
Currently reading: The Nameless Ones by John Connoly (it's a crime thriller that I started reading for the incidentially gay assassins and it's great. But if you've got dwarfism, just be aware that one of the only characters who has the same condition feels really 'othered') & To Paradise by Hanya Yanagihara (tragic, self-desctructive gays so far. Lots to say about class, colonialism and self-identity. There's a revolving door of MCs but I have to say this woman does unlikable main characters very well).
Last song: Anon -Dorian Electra (this artist would be a national treasure if America wasn't such a treasure trove of bigotry)
Last series: What We Do in the Shadows (mockumentary-supernatural-queers needs to be its own genre)
Last movie: The Killer Nurse (My mother and I like to watch true crime during lunch, okay?)
Working on: Various sewing projects that I'll only really finish after uni (which I am currently procrastinating on) this year.
EDIT: If I've tagged you, there's absolutely no pressure to do this, or to even fill in all the sections. I realise now that I've just dumped a truckful full of pressure on people, when being here should be a fun experience. I'm sorry for not seeing this sooner. Have fun out there!
Tagging: @cornon-thekopp @ashes-skye @2offayyo-kzt @minty-tea-soup @certifiedoptimist @sleeper1312 @taradacty1 @loudspeakeer @rachela1630
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haleigh-sloth · 1 year
Ngl you are right.
Like in that time Izuku would have 1 panel where he is nice to Endeavor and those specific todostans that hate Deku would lose their shit.
Okay but honestly it's not even just that
It was about Shouto and his siblings too.
The whole "I think you're getting ready to forgive him" scene, granted it might not leave the best taste in people's mouths--it depends on how you individually want to absorb the Todoroki plot as a whole. But just....acting as if it was out of interest for Endeavor and not for Izuku's friend is what I'm talking about. I never thought THAT was the case, but I DID wrestle with it for a bit! I did, I sat on it, I decided that "hm maybe not the best thing to say but okay he means well". But now, looking back, all that matters back then was that he meant well.
Takes from back then "He shouldn't give commentary on a family matter 🙄", well, maybe Shouto shouldn't have forced his horribly traumatic past on him on a whim when literally nobody asked, and at the time, they didn't know each other. And maybe when inviting them over for dinner don't talk about how you're deliberating forgiving your abusive father, how he reminds you of your mother's mental break, and talk about how one of the siblings basically accuses him of killing their oldest dead sibling. Maybe, if you don't want anybody to think or talk about it, don't do that. Bakugo had a point to be made during that scene lmao.
Now again, this isn't me snubbing the Todosibs because it's very clear Shouto is written to be awkward socially and very unsure of what to do in certain social situations, and that is by no means his fault. And it's only fair you extend that grace to the rest of the siblings too. But that doesn't erase the impact of what they're doing, and it's fucking called out via Bakugo--in a humorous way!--but still addressed.
The other big scene that caused upset was during the PLF war when Izuku stepped in to STOP SHOUTO FROM BURNING. And SURE you can argue that he didn't need to give commentary, I guess, but Touya saying "Don't meddle with family affairs" and that statement being taken way more seriously than the fact that if not for all the unasked for information Izuku received from Touya's FAMILY--Izuku would have absolutely nothing to say, is pretty wild. And don't get me wrong--I WRESTLED WITH THIS TOO. I DID. IT MADE ME UPSET. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to agree with Izuku at the time or fucking Touya. I think uh, given my gradual change in mindset toward the villains (that I still love btw let's be clear about that) I can safely say you're not supposed to be like "Yes, Touya, as he was trying to actually kill his brother and by proxy everyone else in the vicinity, was right actually and we should agree with everything he says".
I mean, one thing I never agreed with was that Izuku was forcing Shouto to accept his dad. Never ever did I ever jump on that stupid bandwagon, but that is almost exactly how specifically todoroki fanbase acted at the time--and unfortunately this is still a thing, yes. And it took me a while to come to this conclusion but....I mean what did people want Izuku to do? When he met Shouto, Shouto was trying to reject his dad with all of his being. Never did Izuku say "accept your dad", he said "accept yourself as an individual". And from that point forward it was Shouto's choice to open up to accepting his dad. He saw Shouto FREAK out over his dad during the pro hero arc, worried for him, and rooting for him to make it out alive. From that point, as Shouto's FRIEND, Izuku has two options 1) Go along with his friend's choice and match his energy toward the man in question i.e. being respectful and just acting like he would toward any other adult OR 2) NOT accepting his friend's choice?? and just??? telling Shouto to uh not do that???
And...Izuku doesn't comment on Shouto's situation without Shouto around, without Shouto himself bringing it up, without it being prompted out of him. He isn't talking about it in the background, giving his two cents on what HE thinks Shouto should or should not do. Like....that's just not a thing that's happening.
I'm really glad to get this all out because really, I'm over the deku hate boner that exists on the villain side of the fandom especially because all of the reasons for it are again--bad faith at best, and stupid at worst.
This is all to say that the Todoroki plot is great, I love it, I'm excited to see Shouto and Touya be brothers, I'm excited to see their dad finally do something, I'm excited for family reconciliation. But this whole mindset of shitting on every other character at the expense of erasing their negative traits is just dumb. Don't take the flavour out of Shouto, he overshares and sometimes makes the situation uncomfortable. It's great.
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softshuji · 11 months
Me watching train to Busan (again) sobbing my eyes out:
My dad with his unasked for extended commentary: :)
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