#with daylight saving time‚ which means now posts every day will be at 2:20 PM and 5:40 PM eastern instead of 1:20 PM and 4:40 PM
front-facing-pokemon · 2 months
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coppermarigolds · 5 years
Now that we’re halfway through January...a semblance of a “year ahead” post.
Writing: In 2018, I completed the first draft of my novel. Finally. My only 2019 writing goal is to get it revised and done and over and finished. I’ve been working on it for 283971 years and I just want it out of my life. Unfortunately, when I opened it for the first time this year, I realized I hate the last 2/3 of it and will probably have to rewrite it. I’m trying to look at that as a positive--seeing areas of weakness that I didn’t see before means I’m growing as a writer? or something?--but it’s exhausting, man.
Travel: I’ve been lucky enough to do a fair amount of traveling in my life, but always with other people, usually my parents. In 2018 I decided to take a solo trip to New York City for my birthday weekend. This was, believe it or not, the first time in my 3+ decades that I’d ever flown on a plane or stayed in a hotel by myself. I realized that I LOVED IT. Travel became so much more freeing when I had no one to answer to and no one else’s schedule to keep. I loved it so much that I’m seriously considering another solo trip for my birthday this year, but I’m holding back a bit because I should probably save the money.
That said, Sis and I are still planning to take at least one trip together. Last year we went to Asheville, North Carolina. This year, we’re tentatively planning on Colorado Springs. Part of the reason for this is that we’re sussing out new cities we might potentially move to someday. While I love my state, I’ve lived here my whole life, and I’d like to branch out. Preferably somewhere near nature and mountains. Hence, Asheville and Colorado Springs. 
(Confession: at least 50-60% of the motivation behind checking out Co Springs is because of My Feelings about it in HZD. I realize that spending many happy hours in one video game’s depiction of post-apocalyptic Colorado Springs is not an intelligent reason to consider moving there in real life. But I want to at least visit anyway.) 
Health/Fitness/Nutrition: this was a dismal category for me in 2018. Constant fatigue prompted bloodwork, thyroid tests, and a sleep study, all of which turned up nothing. But I’m still tired all the time, and having various other symptoms no one wants to hear about, so I’m scheduled for exploratory surgery early next month. In the meantime, trying not to obsessively google cancer symptoms and freak myself out any more than I already am. 
In 2017, I lost a decent amount of weight through running and calorie tracking, leaving me the skinniest I’d been since college. In 2018, I gained it all back. Sob. So 2019 will be spent trying to figure out a more sustainable way to not only lose weight, but also maintain it. Thus far this year, I’ve purchased a set of dumbbells and am working on some weightlifting routines, as well as shorter but more intense bursts of cardio exercise. As much as I enjoyed running in 2017, the weather and daylight savings time ultimately sabotaged me. Some people may be intense enough to run in 20 degrees Fahrenheit, but I’m not one of them. I also don’t feel comfortable running after dark, which pretty much rules out running any time in the fall or winter since it gets dark at 5:00 pm. And I just don’t like running on the treadmill. So I’m hoping the indoor interval routines I’m trying this year will do the trick. 
Real Estate: still searching for that elusive first property. We’ve gotten really close a couple times, but no dice yet. I’m hoping it’ll happen soon. Just the other day I read about a couple of guys who somehow purchased over a hundred units of rental property and were able to quit their day jobs in just two years. Man, would I ever love to be able to do that! The further I get into my thirties, the more I’m realizing I really, really do not want to spend the rest of my working life chained to a desk for eight and a half (or more) hours every day. Real estate seems to be the most plausible way to get free of that, short of marrying a millionaire, so I’m going to keep at it until it sticks. 
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barytyrannus · 6 years
My Conversation w/ Murdoc Niccals
(Just posting this cause I want to save it somewhere)
Hello Michael Meyer. Welcome to the Wormwood Scrubs Prison Messenger System. You can now receive a fortnightly digital visitors pass. Would you like to apply for the fortnightly visitors pass?
12:14 PM
Free Murdoc,12:14 PM
Ok. To receive your pass, you must first get through our really strict security process.
Free Murdoc,12:14 PM
What is your name?
12:14 PM
Free Murdoc,12:14 PM
You want us to call you Michael? We'll call you Michael. So, Michael...
What is the name of the prisoner you wish to contact?
12:14 PM
Murdoc Niccals
Free Murdoc,12:14 PM
You have selected Murdoc Niccals.
Please type the prisoner's number:
12:15 PM
Free Murdoc,12:15 PM
Please type #24602's favorite alcoholic beverage:
12:16 PM
Free Murdoc,12:16 PM
Close enough. He’ll drink anything.
Congratulations, you have passed the vetting process. You now have digital visitor access once every two weeks (in case you don’t know what fortnight means).
Connecting you to prisoner #24602…
Finally! Where the bloody hell have you been!?
12:16 PM
Trying to get pass security
Free Murdoc,12:16 PM
Whatever. Right, well long story short, I'm stuck in bloody prison because some dodgy bloke named El Mierda framed me! So, naturally, I hatched a masterplan to prove my innocence
Genius, isn't it?
12:17 PM
Wow. Amazing
Free Murdoc,12:17 PM
Course it is. It's fullproof. Right, so the only way to prove my innocence was to get some INFO on El Mierda.
The only way to do that was to gain RESPECT! And the only way to gain respect around here is to pick a FIGHT with the biggest baddest bastard in the bin, Big Balls Mcguinness.
So, bet you’re dying to hear about how I gave Big Balls a proper beating, MMA style, eh?
12:17 PM
Tell me
Free Murdoc,12:17 PM
Well, it didn't go quite as planned. But in my defense, I had no time to defend myself. He sucker-punched me as I was doing my warm-up stretches.
I protested, only to be informed there are no rules in a prison yard brawl.
How was I supposed to know?
12:18 PM
You never really can know, can you
Free Murdoc,12:18 PM
Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine, luv. Anyway, no honour amongst thieves, as they say.
Next thing I remember is waking up in the infirmary. I’ve had a lovely time in there, tbh. Comfy pillows, daylight, and all the baby food I can drink.
Still gorgeous, eh?
12:18 PM
You're a fine pickle
Free Murdoc,12:18 PM
I know.
Anyway, they’ve wheeled me into the computer room for my five minute’s chat time. Which is expiring faster than a raven in a microwave (which was a friggin’ accident, btw, I’m not a sicko). So let’s keep this moving.
Listen, mate - I cannot in good conscience go on without warning you. El Mierda is an evil, twisted bastard. Imagine if Anne Robinson mated with Krampus and sired a child. Actually don't. That's horrible. Has he reached out to you? Maybe an email? Carrier pigeon? Horse's head in your bed?
12:19 PM
Not yet. I worry that he may try to, though.
Free Murdoc,12:19 PM
Phew. Some say he can turn your own mother against you, so watch your back.
Let not the Beast get a taste for you, for he serves la Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte, Our Lady of Holy Death, and her teeth shall feast on your flesh for all eternity.
Anyway, lovely stuff! BTW, by proving I can take a beating, I’m now respected in here for having medium-sized balls.
What do you think of that?
12:19 PM
I think you're over-compensating for something
Free Murdoc,12:19 PM
Oh FFS the keyboardjkljlk is stickopkling again. Bloody savages don't wasgfgfgh their hands before using thffsis computer.
Anyway, fortunately, a few of my fingers aren’t broken, so I can still get online and take care of the important things…
12:20 PM
Like what
Free Murdoc,12:20 PM
I'm talking about messaging you to begin stage 2 of my master plan, tentatively titled: Murdoc Niccals Proves His Innocence, Gets Gorillaz back and Makes The World Great Again with the Help of an Awe-Struck Fan, Act II. What do you think of the name?
12:20 PM
Needs work.
Free Murdoc,12:20 PM
Looks like it's international 'I don't give a monkeys' day so in the spirit of the holiday, I'm gonna ignore what you just said.
Anyway, it's a work-in-progress, and thanks to my new medium-sized balls, a little birdie whispered in my ear that an associate of El Mierda is currently residing IN THIS VERY PRISON!
What are the chances?
12:21 PM
Pretty high I guess, considering how contrived this whole thing is.
Free Murdoc,12:21 PM
If I was a betting man (and my gambling debts would suggest I am), I'd say you're a prime smart-arse!
Anyway, El Mierda’s associate goes by the name of Vlad the Inhaler…
Not the prettiest but if we’re gonna track down El Mierda and prove my innocence, we're gonna have to go through Vlad. You up to this?
12:21 PM
I'm up for whatever
Free Murdoc,12:21 PM
Lovely! Now, the problem is, the location of El Mierda’s hideout is a closely guarded secret. When I say "closely guarded", I mean Vlad keeps it on him at all times. And by "on him", I mean literally ON HIM…
Am I going to have to spell this out for ya?
12:21 PM
So are they a gay couple or what?
Free Murdoc,12:22 PM
Well you'll just have to tell Eusebio AND Sebastian that you're not that kind of boy, honeybuns...
Soz mate, that last message wasn't meant for you.
Anyway, I meant a tattoo, you wanker! On his body somewhere. He’s such a moron he got the map to El Mierda's hideout tattooed onto himself cos he kept getting lost.
Oh, by the way, how well can you impersonate a woman?
12:22 PM
Depends on what type of woman
Free Murdoc,12:22 PM
You had me fooled, darling.
So, here's the plan. Vlad is going to reach out to you in two weeks’ time. Thanks to a nifty bit of hacking by yours truly, he’ll think he’s chatting with his fiance Millie. But he’s really talking to you!
Your mission is to GET HIM TO SEND YOU A PICTURE OF THAT TATTOO! I don't know why I'm screaming. Bloody caps lock.
Anyway, can you do that?
12:23 PM
I'll try my best.
Free Murdoc,12:23 PM
Smashing. I’d do it myself only this needs to come from an outside line. Your mission: convince Vlad you're Millie, then get a peek of that map tattoo.
Right! Don't let me down, Michael Meyer, I mean Millie 😉. Gorillaz, the free world and my private collection of nearly extinct Bornean Orangutans are depending on you. Seriously, I forgot to feed them before I got locked up. LMAO.
Oh, and one more thing, mate…
12:23 PM
Free Murdoc,12:23 PM
Write this down: BEETLEJUICE. Remember that word. It'll come in handy.
Ok, good luck with Vlad. Look out for his message in TWO WEEKS TIME! Right, I best get back to my one-handed press-ups. Murdoc out!
15 notes · View notes
gobigorgohome2016 · 7 years
Training Cycle Recap
I made it!  
Truthfully, I think everyone’s “A” goal for any race should be to make it through the training cycle - and to the starting line - healthy, happy, and emotionally prepared to race.  We put so much emphasis on time goals that we rarely see the big picture:  just getting to the starting line is a feat within itself.  
Without a doubt, this training cycle has been my best since when I hit my OTQ.  When I look at the big picture, that is. In October, I didn’t really have the US half champs on my radar as being my *big* race.  I thought it was going to be cross country, and I put the 15k and half champs on schedule figuring if I had a good race at xc and subsequently ran at worlds, I would cross those two off my list.  
But, if I look back I see now how Houston, xc champs, and the 15k were all key components in making this entire training cycle something really special for me.  I have learned so much about myself, my needs, my strengths, and my weaknesses that I would be content to say this has been my most successful cycle yet.  
Mileage Consistent, high mileage is kind of my jam.  But, consistent high mileage without quality does not a great runner make.  I topped out this training cycle with a few 95/96 mile weeks while balancing high-quality track work.  My highest mileage week ever is 115, so it was a little on the “low” end for me, but I think it was important for helping me develop consistent leg speed in the 4:40 - 5:10 speed range.  
I looked at the last 6 months (this training cycle started at the end of October), and I have run just over 2,000 miles.  Even though I thought this was a period of “low” mileage, it’s only ~70 fewer miles total than during the 6 months leading up to the Houston half in 2016, where I ran my PR.  A big difference between that cycle and this cycle is that I now incorporate strength work, core, and track work, whereas before I was exclusively doing marathon pace and 10k effort.  
Since the end of November I have been above 75 mpw, and with only a few exceptions, I have completed a 20 mile long run every weekend since December 11th.  This cycle has definitely balanced my strengths (high mileage, 20 mile long runs) with my weaknesses (being comfortable at top-end speed) quite well.  
Best/Worst Workouts It seems like cheating to say that a tempo was one of my best workouts of the cycle, since tempos are my bread and butter, but I would definitely say that my 5 mile tempo the Thursday after the 15k champs was one of my best of the cycle.  I was TIRED but I still cranked out 5:27 pace for 5 miles on crushed gravel, on a moderately windy day, to run 27:14. 
My best non-tempo workout was probably my final 400 m or mile repeat workout.  A few weeks ago I did 6 x mile on crushed gravel in 5:12, 5:09, 5:12, 5:09, 5:09, 5:07.  That was definitely out of my comfort zone.  I also did 10 x 400 m in 72, 72, 72,72, 72, 72, 72, 72, 71, 70 on a stupidly windy day.  Actually, all of my track work has been in 12 - 20 mph wind, and I’m kind of ready to never do a track workout in wind again.  
My “worst” workout was 5 x mile on the track on a windy day.  I couldn’t get under 5:25 to save my life, and i think my slowest repeat was 5:35.  It definitely made me question whether some of my other workouts had been a fluke, but later that week I ran a great fartlek so I got over it.  
Lessons So many.  
I’m still learning how to balance my life in the best way possible.  A lot of people wonder why I just don’t get a “real” job now, take some time away from high level training, and come back full speed right before the trials. 
For me, this period in between qualification windows is the “off-season.”  I am nowhere near as good as I want to be, but I know that the only way to get there is to train as if I already am.  I might lose this opportunity tomorrow.  Everyday I hear about friends who are diagnosed with terrible diseases, who one day wake up and decide they no longer want to run, or for who life just simply got in the way.  Of course there have been times where I have questioned what I am doing, and why, but ultimately this training cycle was a good one for reminding me that I have been given an incredible opportunity and I don’t want to waste a single day.  
I also learned an important lesson that I never in a million years thought would have applied to me:  I don’t eat enough to sustain my training. 
I think my low point, in terms of energy and recovery, came right around the xc champs.  I didn’t feel great at that race, but i think it’s safe to say that no one did.  I recovered terribly.  I had to take two weeks of no workouts because my legs just couldn’t handle it.  I didn’t get my period that month. 
Also during that time I went into post-big race mode and Dave and I ate out quite a bit.  Every time I ate more than normal, I would have a great run the next day.  I started putting the pieces together that I needed to reevaluate my needs.  I began tracking my calories and macro/micro nutrients and realized I was severely under-fueling.  This was by no means purposeful, but when you’re working out 2 - 3 times per day and have dietary restrictions it’s just going to be tough.  
With a few adjustments I started feeling better than ever before.  Initially I gained weight, which, truth be told, freaked me out a little bit.  However, I value performance far more than a number on a scale, and the best workouts of my life came at my highest weights.  My period also got back on a 28 day cycle.  
Another lesson is that I drink too much caffeine.  As much as I want coffee to be part of my pre-race routine, it simply cannot be.  I perform MUCH better when I drink green tea.  I have found that when I drink coffee, I can’t get my heart rate up.  I think this is actually perfect for long runs, but not so good for when I’m trying to run an all-out effort.  
About 3 weeks ago I was struggling again with inflammation.  The scale was creeping up every day, and I had gained ~4 lbs in a week and my body/legs felt lousy.  I couldn’t figure out what I was doing differently.  Then, I thought about my daily routine:  no water, just black tea, green tea, or coffee ALL DAY.  In a typical day, I have 4 cups of coffee or ~8 - 10 cups of tea.  I stop drinking caffeine around 7 or 8 PM.  I decided to see what would happen if I drank just one cup of caffeine in the morning, and then only drank water the rest of the day.  Within 3 days I was back to my normal weight and feeling a lot better.  I later read that there are compounds in coffee and black tea (catechins, I think?) that, while healthy, still require ~1 gallon of  water to flush entirely from your liver and kidneys.  I kind of wonder if I was overdoing it with the tea/coffee to the point I was dehydrating myself.  Fortunately, I didn’t have any caffeine withdrawals, and honestly don’t feel like I *need* caffeine to get my day going. 
I tried to nap more during April, but realized that napping just doesn’t work for me anymore.  If I nap during the day, I can’t fall asleep at night and wind up going to bed after midnight and waking up at 9 or 10.  If I don’t nap, I fall soundly asleep at 10:30 and am up at 7:30, which I much prefer.  I used to nap a lot before I took my food sensitivity test, but the changes in my diet have either caused me to be less tired (fatigue is a sign of food sensitivities), or the timing just correlated with me being better able to handle my training/work load.  
Races I race quite a bit, and this training cycle definitely was a reflection of that.  
November - Turkey Trot 10k, 35:35, 1st place, 5:43 pace I was bummed because the year prior I had run 35:20, but that’s kind of a dumb thing to worry about, in retrospect.  It was a good rust buster. 
December - Resolution Run 5k, 17:19, 1st place, 3rd OA, 5:34 pace I really wanted to break 17:00 but it wasn’t in the cards on a super cold/windy day.
January - Houston Half, 1:16:43, 18th place, 5:51 pace I was irrationally bummed that on a day with 96% humidity and strong winds I didn’t run faster.  Again, hindsight is 20/20. 
February - XC Championships, 38:06, 20th place, 6:07 pace I was disappointed.  Lots of travel for what felt like a missed opportunity.  Had I run ~12 seconds faster I would have qualified for a championship race in FL. But, this race sparked a turning point for my season.  
March - 15k Championships, 52:49, 17th place, 5:39 pace  I went into this race with a different plan:  go out hard and hold on.  I went through 5k in a PR (16:58), and 10k in a PR (34:42), and held on the final 5k.
April - Spring Into Fitness 10k, 34:26, 1st place OA, 5:33 pace This was my final tempo of the training cycle.  Very happy with this, especially considering the huge hills (my 5th mile was 5:55 due to one climb!)
I noted that I thought xc was a turning point for me.  After this race, I met with my coach and we talked training.  He helped me identify a few adjustments that needed to be made:
-no less than 4 hours between runs (I was especially bad about this when daylight was scarce) -more top-end speed work -more balance in my training plan
I also identified a few areas of my own that needed adjustment, particularly a sense of guilt I had been feeling towards my training.  I had fallen into a rut of doing things that left me feeling guilty at the end of the day.  For instance, deciding not to do my 2nd run of the day, eating half a tray of peanut butter bars that I knew for a fact were made with soy, not getting enough sleep, etc.  I would justify these things as, “if this ONE instance derails my training, then I’m doing something wrong” but, to be honest, all of those “one” instances were starting to add up.  One week of 5 less miles isn’t going to make or break me.  But, when I was doing it 3 weeks in a row and suddenly I’ve lost 15 miles of training, that does matter over time.  The peanut butter bars aren’t a big deal, except when I can’t finish my run because my stomach cramps are too bad and I know there isn’t a bathroom nearby, because Indy has no public restrooms (a topic for another day).  Happens once?  whatever.  But it was becoming a habit that I needed to break.  
I decided no more guilt.  I'm not going to lie and say “no more guilt” meant that I broke free of mental constrains and blah blah blah.  But no, no more guilt meant I woman’d up and just stopped behaviors that I knew were detrimental.  I feel like many people will want to read something like, “I worked out less, ate more sweets, and saw the best results ever” but that wasn’t my reality.  
Injuries/Illnesses Part of what made this training cycle so successful was a relative lack of setbacks.  Since October, I have  taken 9 total days off:  2 because I was sick, 2 for travel to/from Oregon, 2 for an Achilles issue in December, 2 for a plantar issue in March, and the other was when my mileage was low and I didn’t need the extra training day.  
My achilles issue was promptly taken care of by my massage therapist. 
My foot issue was a little more stubborn.  I was actually pretty concerned I had a neuroma or a stress reaction, but again my massage therapist saved the day and it turned out to be some tightness in my plantar that was causing pain near my 2nd metatarsal.  This issue affected me for about 2 weeks before and after the 15k championships.  My foot actually went numb with about 2 miles left in that race, which had me convinced I had a nerve issue.  Ultimately, I think I wore a pair of running shoes about a week too long.  
In contrast, my last training cycle probably went a week too long.  I stood on the starting line at the 10 miler with a really bad back, and that course beat me up.  Prior to that was the trials, where I was in massive denial about the things my body was experiencing, particularly in my entire right leg.  I’m even healthier than I was before the Twin Cities marathon, when I had a slight hamstring and IT band issue.  
Taper My taper for this race has been going really well.  In high school we didn’t call it taper, we called it “peaking,” which I much prefer.  I don’t drastically cut my mileage.  I ran 96 miles two weeks ago, last week I ran a total of 79, and this week will be ~60 with the race and nothing on Sunday.  The majority of my “taper” comes from less volume on workout and long run days.  Otherwise, I still run the same, just maybe a mile or two less.  
Goals My goal is to PR on Saturday (sub-74:03).  I am ready.  When things get tough in the race I want to remind myself to be a gritty bitch and to run as if I’ve already achieved my ultimate goal, which is to break 2:30:00 in the marathon.  
What’s Next? Remember how I’m actually a marathoner?  Well, I will be making a return to the marathon in December!  CIM is hosting the US Marathon Championships, so that will be my first 26.2 since the trials.  I also plan to race the 20k and 10 mile championships in the fall, and will do the Monumental half as my tune up.  I am not-so-secretly hoping to dip under 73 minutes at Monumental so that I can just knock my trials qualifier out of the way.  My goal at CIM will be to go under the (yet unannounced) A standard.  
In the immediate future, I’m looking forward to a bit of a break.  I have been grinding since last May without more than a week off from training, which I took in October after the 10 miler.  I will take two weeks completely off, and so far we have the following things planned:
-short vacation post-race on Saturday/Sunday.  Dave and I are trying to make a memory in each of Indiana’s 92 counties, so we are going to knock off 5 this weekend with casino visits, lunches/dinners at new restaurants, and a trip to Clify Falls.  Other things include: -bike ride to Graeter’s for ice cream -Fogo de Chao for lunch -coffee festival -no nutrient tracking, going to bed early, limiting caffeine, or eating kale -deep clean our house (this only happens during breaks) -eat all the pastries at the farmer’s market -drink all the beer that has been in my fridge for months -go to Burger Haus -eat the JB burger at Big Woods -start my container garden -binge watch Golden Girls
My vacation starts today and I am excited.  I am nervous, in that way you get nervous when you know you’re about to do something hard but you also know once it is over you will feel the most amazing sense of satisfaction.  I am excited to see what my body is capable of.  I am excited to be faced with that opportunity during a race to either give in or push, and see what all of the training I have done outside of my comfort zone allows me to do.  I know that I am on the brink of a breakthrough, and while there are no guarantees that the breakthroughs happen on the day that you want, I know that I have trained to the point that even a bad day will be better than a previous bad day.  I am going to stand on the starting line on Saturday with no watch, no real race plan, and no expectations, other than knowing that my legs and my competitive fire will not let me down.  
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disc-golf · 6 years
061 – The Perfect Travel Formula to Have the Time of Your Life
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Here’s what you’ll discover:
How to plan your high-performance holiday properly
Mark Ford’s 4-Hour Workday Solution for Work-Holidays
How to pack for fewer problems
My proven formula for beating Jet Lag when you travel to Europe
Jet lag can be a major nuisance. You might have been able to push through it 10 or 20 years ago—possibly using a “young person” approach—but no longer.
“When I first became a professional traveler,” writes Andrew Harper, the famed reviewer of luxury hotels, “I dealt with jet lag the old-fashioned way, which is to say that I drank a few Old Fashioneds (or the equivalent) on the plane, popped a mild sedative, and knocked myself out for most of the flight.”
As we age, however, Harper admits that jet lag becomes harder to avoid. He no longer goes about it the old-fashioned way; “new age” preparation is now his go-to method for avoiding the loss of a few days of travel to exhaustion.
I’m with Harper. And while the secrets I’m about to share for defeating jet lag are not all that sexy, they work. So no more excuses about hampered productivity on work trips abroad or vacation days lost to bad travel prep.
Use these 7 tips and you’ll be set the moment you get off the plane.
1. Don’t order booze on your flight
It’s far more memorable to enjoy a nightcap in Bar Hemingway at the Hotel Ritz in Paris than on American Airlines flight 44 from NYC to Charles De Gaulle.
Even if it’s a special occasion, like an anniversary trip, save the bubbly for when you get to the hotel—not for runway revelry.
To be clear: Don’t just “limit” your alcohol intake on the flight. You must strictly avoid it. While alcohol might help you fall asleep on the plane, the quality of that sleep is not good and it certainly won’t help you navigate international customs upon arrival.
Stick to water or juice.
2. Pause the caffeine
One essential rule of good sleep hygiene is to stop caffeine intake 10 hours before bed. That’s the average length of time your body needs to metabolize the drug’s effect (and yes, caffeine is a drug). If you drink a cup of coffee or energy drink too close to bedtime, it becomes difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, and get deep, restful sleep.
So no coffee midair, okay? You can get back on coffee time as soon as you see daylight (or land) from the airplane windows. But until it becomes “morning” on your journey, stick to water, juice, and herbal tea only.
3. Sleep through it
Every summer, I attend the SovereignAcademy.org event in Lithuania. It’s four days of teaching young entrepreneurs and trying to keep up with their partying at night (I fail miserably here). It’s an amazing weekend and I need to be well-rested for it, so I look forward to getting a decent night’s sleep on the flight from Toronto to Vilnius.
As soon as the plane takes off, I set my watch to Lithuania time, the eyeshades go on, earplugs go in, the seat reclines, and I tell the attendants not to wake me. While six hours of sleep through turbulence and the clanging cutlery of meal service don’t make for the best night’s rest, it’s better than eating a late dinner, watching a movie, and napping for two hours.
Now I know a lot of people struggle to sleep on planes, but here are a couple of tips that might help:
  a) Sleep like a local
Dr. M. Rizwan Sohail of the Mayo Clinic offers this advice: “If you’re traveling east, go to bed one hour earlier each night for a few days before you leave. If you’re traveling west, go to bed an hour later for several nights. Adjust your meal schedule accordingly, too. And make sure you’re well-rested before you go because starting a trip with too little sleep will make jet lag worse.”
  b) Choose flight times wisely
Put an early bird like me on an 8 p.m. flight to Europe and I’m sleeping like a baby in 30 minutes (assuming we have an on-time departure).
If you’re a night owl, take the latest flight out so it’s as easy as possible for you to get some shut-eye. That means you’ll arrive (in Europe) closer to noon, and that also makes it easier for you to stay up and adjust to a local bedtime on your first night.
  c) Choose your plane wisely
Older planes were not built for jet lag-fighting flyers. The cabin air is dry and the pressure is not the same as what we experience on land. As a result, the environment leaves us tired, even if we manage to sleep overnight.
However, the Airbus 350 and Boing 787 Dreamliner were engineered to “pump the highest pressure, which actually makes conditions on the plane feel more like those found on the ground,” according to the website Boarding Area. “They also offer higher humidity, which does less damage to your ears, nose, and throat—which helps prevents fatigue. New planes also filter air in safer ways, offering actual air, rather than engine air.”
4. Stay awake when you land
Don’t try to cram in a visit to EuroDisney, a trip up the Eiffel Tower, and a five-star meal at Le Cirque on day one in Paris. Instead, here’s what to do…
“The cheapest and least complicated way to tackle jet lag,” says Dr. Sohail, “is to force yourself to stay awake when it’s daytime wherever you land, then end the day tuckered out, so you’ll sleep most of the night.”
After you get to your destination, avoid the temptation to “just lie down for a minute” on your comfy hotel room bed. Instead, put on your walking shoes and get outside to take in some culture (hopefully in sunshine).
“Exposure to bright light when you arrive at your destination can help your body adjust its circadian rhythm to your new schedule,” says Dr. Sohail. “For example, if you travel east, exposure to sunlight or other bright light in the morning can help you adapt. If you travel west, seek out light in the evening.”
Still struggling? Change your state. Have a cold shower. Take a plunge in the pool. Hit the gym. Get a vigorous massage in the spa. Do anything but lie down for a quick nap in the middle of the day.
Lastly, Andrew Harper recommends self-administered acupressure. I’m no expert on this, but you can read more here
5. Eat like a local
Finally, some good news! When you land, it’s time to start eating like a local and adjusting to a regular mealtime as soon as you can. It’ll be all the more enjoyable to have a simple meal at a café in Paris after skipping out on the so-called “gourmet” airline food
6. If all else fails, stick it out.
Roll with it. Do your best to grind it out until 7 pm local time. Then crash. Sleep like a baby. Wake up at 6 am and dominate your first “real” day abroad.
But if you do give in to an afternoon nap and then find yourself struggling to sleep like a local on your first night, Dr. Sohail recommends over-the-counter sleep aids such as Tylenol PM or Advil PM. “Taking a relatively low dose of melatonin (0.5 milligrams) has also been shown to be effective,” he adds.
The most important lesson is to delay your gratification. Avoid the cheap temptations during your journey and it will make every meal and moment far more enjoyable when you reach your destination.
P.S. If you have any tips you’d like to add, I’d love to hear them in the comments below. Bon, voyage!
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The post 061 – The Perfect Travel Formula to Have the Time of Your Life appeared first on Early To Rise.
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kalachand97-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Globeinfrom
New Post has been published on https://globeinform.com/wintry-weather-storms-affecting-long-weekend-tour/
Wintry weather storms affecting long weekend tour
Saskatchewan’s dwelling skies gave a few citizens a mild show early Friday morning, however, Winter storms are also growing treacherous avenue situations as they cross the province.
Maidstone RCMP officials are urging drivers not to travel on Highways 17 and 303 or Motorway sixteen east of Lloydminster as freezing rain and snow create slippery sections.
Strength outages additionally observed thunderstorms overnight, such as one that precipitated blackouts in various Regina neighborhoods. Social media customers additionally mentioned storms near Melville, Alaska, and Canora, Sask.
The return of Wintry weather after a period of spring conditions in some parts of Saskatchewan is because of an excessive low-stress machine in southern Saskatchewan.
The hurricane is anticipated to convey up to 35 centimeters of snow to relevant and northern components of the province by using Saturday.
How Weekend tour Offers May be Your Nice Answer To A Brief Spoil From Work Making plans for a vacation Can be a huge assignment for a few due to the quantity of concerns you may make. For a begin, you may determine on a region, consult a travel agent, and then plan your price range. It would not help if you have an afternoon task because you will have to devise your go away. Perhaps the Pleasant answer for such a state of affairs could be to search for weekend travel Deals.
Weekend journey Deals Can Save you Money and time
First off, a short journey abroad ought to Save you a variety of time, mainly in case you look for them over the net. They generally do no longer value as lots as the large applications definitely because this is simplest a weekend experience. Moreover, in view that you’ll handiest be traveling at some stage over the weekend, you want now not follow for depart, until you’re required to Work at some point of weekends.
Right here’s some other point to do not forget. On every occasion airways are not able to replenish all their seats on a aircraft, they have a tendency to minimize the costs of the aircraft tickets. They do that because flying with empty seats will most often bring about lower income. Subsequently, so that you can make a flight as in your price range for themselves as feasible, they offer the empty seats at lower expenses. In the sort of scenario, you could grow to be saving a massive amount of money and time, because generally, these Offers include lodging.
Weekend journey Offers to Provide you with Extra Time To Revel in Your Ruin
The following motive why weekend tour Deals Maybe your Pleasant Solution to a Quick Wreck from Paintings is due to the fact in maximum cases, a weekend trip method a shorter journey. It absolutely is not a great idea to travel to a vacation spot it’s a long way far away from domestic because you need to spend the majority of it slow taking part in yourself with that us of as points of interest and sounds, as opposed to sitting on a aircraft for lengthy hours and looking ahead to the aircraft to take you to your destination.
Weekend journey Offers Can Hold You Going In the long run
in case you have been to select two week holiday, you’ll want to make certain that you settle as a lot of excellent Work of as you possibly can to keep away from your Paintings from piling up even further even as you’re long gone. no longer most effective that, but there is a risk that you’ll have quite a number of Work to catch up on as soon as you return from your vacation. Happening a weekend excursion removes the want to hurry through your Paintings and the opportunity of getting a huge pile of labor whilst you go back.
Bakkhali Weekend travel Guidelines in case you are looking for an easy escape from the ever growing hustle bustle of the town of joy without emptying your pockets much, then Bakkhali is a really perfect weekend vacation spot. Placed simply a hundred thirty km far away from Kolkata (Calcutta, India), Bakkhali may be reached inside four hours easily by means of the road. It’s far the a lovely beach covered with white sands and much less crowded than famous sea seashores round Kolkata. Hotels are masses and reasonably priced; all you need to have a very robust bargaining potential. There is not an awful lot to do at Bakkhali, however witnessing a sunset on the beach with your family can be an unforgettable enjoy. Wish this Bakkhali Weekend travel Hints will make your journey Extra enjoyable.
Day I – We took a 7AM direct Nation Transport bus from Esplanade Bus Depot, Kolkata to Bakkhali. It charged us around Rs.70 every. An interesting a part of this journey was crossing the river close to Namkhana on a barge. The bus itself is transported from one aspect of this river to the other in this barge. The system was a piece time eating but gave us the opportunity to have a Quick walk around the area and to take a few interesting snap shots of fishing boats and different port related sports. The bus ultimately reached our vacation spot round 11 AM.
We booked a padded van from the bus station to look for reservations in distinctive Resorts. Luckily or you could say, alas we were given lodging at an inn simply 5 minutes taking walks distance far away from the bus station and 10 minutes on foot distance far from the seaside. The room turned into massive enough with two double beds letting 4 folks having our very own proportion of area. We paid Rs.500 for the room and it turned into a first rate good buy.
by 1 PM, we reached Frazerganj port to enjoy the first-rate boat trip at the Bay of Bengal. A padded van took us to the port from our inn within 20 mins. We bargained with one of the boatmen and finally employed an entire motorized boat for ourselves. The deal becomes to take us to the confluence point which changed into around 2/three km away inside the sea. The sea changed into a chunk difficult and with mangroves on one side and endless horizon on the opposite, we didn’t want something else to get excessive. however, we enjoyed our chilled beer, which at that point had nearly misplaced its coldness, thoroughly. We satisfied the boatman to take us to a few solitary island for some more dollars. And voila, he agreed. We traveled a couple of Extra kilometers similarly and landed on Mousumi Island. The seaside changed into pretty muddy but there had been in reality no human beings around us. It changed into More like having a proportion of our personal seaside. We lower back round three:30 PM to Frazergunj Port. The whole adventure fees us around Rs.400 (for the boat) and Rs.150 (for the boatman).
After having lunch near a small roadside resort, we headed for the Bakkhali beach to Revel in the terrific evening. The sundown turned into terrific on the beach, and with decreasing daylight the water level started out growing. It turned into a nicely spent evening till we decided to return to our room around 8:30 PM. Before that, we bought a hook and gave it to a restaurant to cook dinner it for ourselves. you may purchase your raw food (meat/ fish) and supply it to any hotel for cooking at a totally affordable fee. The meals arrived in our room around 10:30 AM and we had a ball having hen curry with roti and to accompany there has been the lethal combination of rum-coke. The day I stopped very quickly as we were too tired to do something put up dinner.
Day II – We once more headed towards the Bakkhali seashore round 8:30 AM after having our breakfast. After spending around and 1/2 hours in the water, we finally got here lower back to our motel. We left the inn at 12 PM and headed towards Henry Island by a minivan. Henry Island may be reached within 15-20 minutes from there. We additionally explored the beach of Henry Island which became completely people-less at that time. finally, the identical minivan took us to Namakhan round 2:30 PM. The Bakkhali-Henry Island-Namkhana journey cost us around Rs.300. We crossed Namkhana and took a direct train to Kolkata. We have been domestic by way of 6 inside the night.
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