#with a bday card and a sweater her mom knit for me
neet-elite · 3 months
im really delirious on pain meds atm so that's why i've been absent haha but i wanted to ramble a little about potential future plans for the game im making/ why here instead of the blog? because they're dream scenarios that might not come to fruition and i dont wanna let anyone down by posting abt them on the main game blog at @degenerate-game. anyway,
i wanna implement a phone system, where you can text and call NPC's, as well as receive random text and calls FROM NPC's throughout days. i want there to be special conditions met for specific texts and images, for example: have a love interest high enough and they might try to convince you to skip work by sending you nudes, begging for you to come and "help" them >:D
ID cards that contain the PC's stats, relationships, etc. i wanna make chibi versions of all the character creator items so that it reflects perfectly on whatever you choose. maybe also ID cards that you can collect from all the love interests with special info? there's gonna be an inventory system so it's possible :D
gods. i wanna create a detailed religious system that involve many gods, and eventually have them be romanceable too after tedious worship and offerings. maybe also tie specific gods to specific love interests? something about gods. want to allow the PC to pick a god (or none at all!) to provide offerings to for... something. like benefits, idk, i just thought of this today so it's not fleshed out at all lmao.
and somewhat related to gods: titles. i want there to be in game PC titles related to what you end up doing in the game. Mimi the Newbie for example of the begginer one? idk i also just thought of this today too, but gods would have titles like "God of Tradition". the PC could have something like: Dog of Lucas, if they decide to go Lucas's route. i dunno i just think it'd be a neat detail to at a glance see what route you're going down from the title.
little windows into rooms on the playable screen that have clickable areas to them. Rather than always clicking links to progress, it could be cool to for example… go to work as a barista, and click on the coffee machine to start work, or the door to leave, and maybe a love interest shows up while you're working and you can click on them to have an event or something.
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