#will alfonse got ascend too if vero already be one?
nammyfanficsblog · 2 years
ASDGGAAAAAA!!! i forget to write the reaction of "Ascend Eir" banner. So here I am!
Rearmed Grima....can't believed Feh has forgotten the existence of Female Robin as they are keeping give Grima new alts...but her skill is so good and most importantly she is another "Rearmed"!!!
Phila is now a 4* with good skill for SI? Good!
Gregor, wow! One of my fave man of Awakening is here!!! And his skills is so good!!! ( I ship him with Nowi once so I will do it again, here lol, if I got him)
And Ascend Eir, ASDFGHAAAAAA! is she a goddess now or something?? ( Well, she's already is in her Og alt) cause her skills is too good and mystic boosts 4!!!! ( very nice to fodder)
I really glad that Ricken is here but why the character that I liked always got demoted with poorly skills? ; w ; ( except for Summer! Claude and Halloween! Zane though)
That's all guys! Hope you get who you want! For me, I want Ascend! Eir and Gregor ( and yeah, I got them both, I mean I got all of them one by one but Gregor is coming with 40th summon, not bad I guess?)
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