#wigodasts web of words
caleb-wigodast · 3 years
Prompt 44 from Drabble List #2 for Doriax 👀
44. “Is that my shirt?”
“Is that my shirt?” Dorian whispered, trying not to attract the attention of the others.
Dariax looked down and chuckled, “heh, yeah, guess I must’ve put it on by accident when I got dressed this morning. We kinda threw our clothes off wherever last night,” he waggled his eyebrows, “We were really eager to-“
Dorian frantically shushed Dariax, “I don’t want the others to know, go get changed!”
Dariax’s face fell as his own shirt was shoved into his arms, “oh, okay… Yeah, I- didn’t realize…”
“Why would I want them to know??” Dorian asked incredulously.
“Yeah,, you’re right... sorry.”
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caleb-wigodast · 3 years
(another lil Doriax ficlet, this one has spoilers for episode 6)
Dorian felt like the world was spinning, he was very low on health and his head felt light as he stumbled over to Dariax before slouching against a wall, holding his side as he bled out from a wound left by the beast.
Dariax immediately came to Dorian’s defense, blocking with his body and telling the beasts to attack him instead. Dorian, of course, was barely hearing this through the blood pumping through his ears, his clothes were stained red as the large gash in his side pulsed under the futile pressure of his hand.
He felt the world go dark, and in a moment where the beast's attention turned to Orym, Dariax turned and placed his hand over Dorian’s on his wound, placing the other on his shoulder. Dorian felt his life being restored as the healing magic coursed throughout his body.
He took a deep breath as he stood upright again and looked at Dariax with earnest gratitude, “thank you,” he whispered, still trying to regain his voice.
“Don’t mention it,” Dariax whispered back sweetly before turning to blast the beast with a Sacred Flame, standing in his defensive position before Dorian once again.
Dorian felt his face flush, Dariax might view Dorian as the leader, but Dorian saw Dariax as his hero. He was always so strong and protective of others, making sure that- above all else- they were safe. His loyalty was unmatched by anyone Dorian had ever met. He heard Dariax hit the beast, announcing he’d set its genitals on fire with a deep giggle, and Dorian took a moment to wonder why he found that as endearing as he did.
But there would be time to question these emotions later, to wonder why Dariax’s sweet voice made him feel butterflies in his stomach, to wonder why Dariax’s hand over his made his heartbeat faster, and why his breath caught in his throat as Dariax looked intensely into his eyes as he healed him. But right now, they were being attacked by a multi-headed dog, and they really needed to focus on that right now.
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caleb-wigodast · 3 years
Dorian awoke from his sleep in the middle of the night, thankfully not from a nightmare, but from a twig poking his back rather uncomfortably. He reached behind him and tossed the twig aside, stretching his arms out to get into a more comfortable position.
"Ow" he heard a soft voice complain. He blinked his eyes into focus to see Dariax laying next to him, rubbing his face, "you hit my nose, babe."
"Sorry, love." Dorian mumbled, leaning forward to give Dariax a gentle kiss on the sore spot, "that better?"
"Yeah," Dariax smiled sleepily before moving to snuggle into Dorian's chest again. Dorian wrapped his arms around Dariax, one hand moving to run his fingers through his auburn locks as the other rubbed his back and held him close.
"Night, Dorian" the sleepy dwarf mumbled against his chest.
"Goodnight, Dariax" he smiled to himself as he slowly drifted back off to a peaceful sleep, feeling safe and happy with his lover beside him.
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caleb-wigodast · 3 years
(alt ending to the battle where purple lady didn't show up)
(also im almost certain i got facts about who was where in the battle wrong but idc)
[Read on AO3]
Dorian fell to the ground, the last of the stone guards taken out as the rest of the group gathered a few feet away. He stormed (haha, get it?) up to them with frustration and pain evident on his face.
"What was that?! Why did you all leave me!?" he spat.
The others looked at him with a mix of confusion and shock.
"I thought you could handle it yourself? You seemed to be doing well so far," Orym questioned, cocking his head slightly.
"I only had a spell to get me out of there and I assumed a lot of your stuff was like, a radius effect or something," Opal shrugged.
"I needed to get Fearne out of there, she was looking pretty hurt. And c'mon, you're Dorian Storm! I knew you could take that guy out no problem!" Dariax encouraged with a blinding grin.
Dorian clenched his fists as the voice in his head spoke, "You let them down, they expected you to handle things yourself. You depend on others too much, they don't care about you enough to be there for you, they're just going to leave you like everyone else."
"Dorian? are you ok?"
He didn't realize tears were spilling from his eyes until he tried to make eye contact and realized they were squeezed shut. He opened his mouth to take a breath to steady himself but all that came out was a sob.
Dariax was the first to rush over, wrapping his arms around Dorian's torso in a firm hug. Fearne and Opal followed soon, and even Orym and mister joined as they all enveloped Dorian in a hug.
The thoughts inside Dorian's head began to spill out through his mouth, "you let them down, you're useless, you can't protect them, they're going to die under your leadership, you should've been more like your brother."
They words came out in a distorted voice that was not his own, it made his chest rattle as he sobbed out the hateful words into the bone-crushing hug.
"You could never let us down, Dorian," Fearne assured, rubbing Dorian's back.
"The way you took out that stone thing was amazing!" Opal insisted.
"AAAA AAAA" said mister, sitting on Fearne's shoulder.
"You do a great job of leading the group," Orym comforted, giving a pat to his thigh.
"You're literally like the coolest ever!" Dariax enthused.
Dorian tried to pull all of them in closer for a hug (as if that were possible) as he continued to let himself cry.
"I'm sorry we weren't there to help you, Dorian," Fearne apologized, mister gave an apologetic "AA AA" as well.
"You're a lot more powerful than you think, really, and you have to give yourself credit where it's due," Orym insisted.
"We honestly didn't expect you to need our help," Opal confessed.
"That's not a bad thing! You just gotta have more confidence in yourself, buddy!" Dariax encouraged.
Dorian let himself smile into the crushing hug, maybe they were right, maybe the voice in his head was wrong... maybe.
"Thank you," he croaked as he let himself hug them back in full.
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caleb-wigodast · 3 years
Prompt #19/#20 .A part of me wants to fix the "is that my shirt" dribble buttt ... I really love the angst .
#19 Please don't let me be alone #20 Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken.
“Please don’t let me be alone,” Tears ran down his face as he saw the thorns of the circlet dig into Dorian’s skull, feeding off him like a leech.
Spiderwebs spiraled across Dorian’s face and burned into his skin until his face cracked like a shattered clay pot. A sharp-toothed grin emerged that Dariax could never recognize as Dorian.
“Please,” he begged, “come back, this isn’t the way to protect me!” He grabbed his spear and aimed for the thorns that poisoned Dorian’s mind, fighting back a sob at having to aim his weapon at the man he loved.
A blue hand grabbed the end of the spear, halting him with one swift movement. He felt his heart sink as he sensed no recognition or familiarity in the jet-black eyes staring back at him.
A low voice reverberated around him as Doria- the creature in front of him spoke, “Do not try to fix me, I am not broken.”
Dariax felt tears dripping from his chin as he watched the pattern of webs overtake the hand holding his spear, beginning to crack and fall away. With a strong gust of wind, Dariax was tossed aside as Lolth’s new champion laughed.
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caleb-wigodast · 3 years
#85 / #94
(Not sure if we can double prompts but if so...)
85. “Who gave you the black eye?” 94. “Wanna try that again sweetheart?”
He was half asleep when Dariax stumbled into bed last night, so he hadn’t gotten a good look at him until now. The sun beamed through the bedroom window and illuminated Dariax’s wound as Dorian blinked awake.
He let out a soft gasp and touched his eyelid gently, casting cure wounds and watching the mark fade away. That was enough to wake Dariax, who blinked awake, “oh, g’mornin,” he mumbled.
“Who gave you the black eye?” Dorian asked, still tracing over the shadow of the wound.
“Hm? Oh, that. Yea uh, *hic* bar fi-“ his words were cut off by a large burp.
Dorian winced at the smell, smiling though tight lips, “Wanna try that again, sweetheart?”
Dariax chuckled, “bar fight, it’s no big deal, really. You should see the other guy,” he joked as he snuggled into Dorian’s midsection.
Dorian ran a hand through his hair and rubbed his back, “Well, if they come back I’ll be there with some choice words and a few choice actions!”
Dariax yawned against his chest, “That’s great, babe.”
Dorian rolled his eyes fondly as he let Dariax drift back to sleep, he needed the rest after a night like last night, apparently.
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caleb-wigodast · 3 years
Whatever is in Your Heart
Rating: Explicit
This is the first fic I've written in like over 3 years and it's just 4k worth of smut. Anyway I wanted to write some somft Doriax fucking, so I did. The premise of this fic is a sex pollen flower, so there's some questionable consent with the premise itself, but in the fic I made it clear that they are both very much into it and would be dtf without the sex pollen.
Spoilers for episode 5 of Exandria Unlimited!
(Read it on AO3)
“Whatever is in your heart, this place will know” those words from Fy’ra Rai rang through Dorian’s head as they made their way past the obelisk. A vine sprouted out of nowhere and tripped Dorian, causing him to fall into the radius of the flower emitting a dangerous pollen Orym warned them about. Dariax rushed over to help him to his feet, but he was too late, (or right on time depending on your perspective) The next blast of pollen emitted from the flower coated them both in its intoxicating scent. If this place knew what was in their hearts, it knew their desires, and it clearly wanted them to fulfill those desires...
Dorian coughed and choked on the scent as it filled his lungs, forgetting he can hold his breath indefinitely, and he felt a tingly warmth flow throughout his body that set every nerve alight inside him. Dariax’s hands on his waist felt like fire, it felt magnetic, and he leaned into Dariax as Dariax seemed to do the same.
Dorian blushed, “Are you?”
Dariax stuttered, “y-yeah, you?”
Dorian nodded, he looked to Dariax and saw his face pink with blush as they clung to each other, trying to remain standing. Within a few moments after the pollen took full effect, they felt their knees go weak as they collapsed on the forest floor together, still holding each other in a loose embrace, panting and staring into each other’s eyes with desire and need.
“Are you okaaaaay!?” Opal called out.
Right, the others.
“U-um, yes! We just, got a bit too close is all!” Dorian called back nervously, trying to crawl out of the flower’s radius and back to the group, he could feel Dariax’s eyes on him even as his back was turned.
“Are you sure? You’re not poisoned?” Fy’ra questioned.
“Nah, I think it’s just like a, like an exhaustion thing,” Dariax supplied, stumbling his way over behind Dorian.
“Do you think you’ll be alright to continue?” Orym asked.
“Uh, I might need a bit of a rest, but I wouldn’t want to hold the group up. Besides, Fy’ra, you said that flower was the only dangerous thing here?” Fy’ra nodded and Dorian continued, sitting on a stump “Well, in that case, you all can go ahead. I think Dariax and I are just going to rest here for a bit, if that’s alright with you all, of course.”
They looked at each other nervously, “If you’re sure, we really don’t mind waiting.” Fern reassured.
“Thanks but uh, nah I think we just need to rest by ourselves for now.” Dariax slumped against a nearby tree, not trying at all to hide his massive hard-on.
Opal, of course, noticed this, and checked Dorian too, who brought his legs a bit closer to his chest to hide, she grinned, “I think they’ll be fine guys, lets just keep going!”
Opal ushered the group forward, and Dorian would have to thank her for that later. In the meantime, he was painfully hard in his trousers, so was his crush, and they were both alone in the woods.
The second the others were out of earshot, they locked eyes, gazing intensely, “I don’t want you to agree to something purely of circumstance, or to think I’m doing the same,” Dorian clarified.
Dariax nodded, eyes blank, “I don’t know what that means, I just don’t want you to fuck me just cause we’re both really horny.”
Dorian paused, “yes, that’s… what I mean, and honestly I’d rather it be the other way around.”
“Wait, you mean, you’d want me to fuck you?” Dariax looked a little confused.
Dorian blushed, “only if you’re fully on board!” he insisted, staring at the ground.
“I mean yeah! I just figured since you were taller you’d wanna be the one to top, but hey! I’d love to fuck you!”
Dorian turned an even deeper shade of blue, “Great. Wonderful then.”
“So… do you wanna have sex?”
Dorian, still staring at the ground, nodded, “Yes, Dariax, I would very much like to have sex.”
Dariax pushed himself off from the tree he leaned against and began to close the distance between him and Dorian, “Cool! Anything off limits? Or-?”
“Um,” Dorian’s hands fisted in the fabric of his pants, he was painfully hard and really just wanted to get going, “just don’t degrade me or anything, what about you?”
Dariax took Dorian’s hand, prompting him to stand up as Dariax hopped onto the stump Dorian had been sitting on, making them eye-level. “same for me really, I just want us to both have fun. If anything hurts, just tell me and I’ll stop, yeah?”
Dorian nodded as he moved to press his body close to Dariax, “mhm, yes, good.” His brain was already fuzzy with contact, head swirling as the heat of Dariax’s body enveloped him as their arms wrapped around each other and they desperately held each other close.
Dorian buried his face in Dariax’s neck as they moaned out. Their cocks weren’t quite aligned, Dorian’s was closer to Dariax’s knee and Dariax’s was kind of against Dorian’s abdomen, but it was friction nonetheless, and the pair moaned as they moved to lock lips.
Dorian lost himself in Dariax, forgetting momentarily where they were and what they were doing, all he knew was Dariax and pleasure as he rutted against his thigh and felt his knees get weak at the large bulge against his hip. When Dariax ran his tongue against his lips and pushed in, Dorian let a desperate moan slip out, gripping Dariax’s shirt and kissing back feverishly.
Everything felt so hot and yet they weren’t close enough, Dorian worked at the ties on Dariax’s shirt, pulling them undone and breaking the kiss only momentarily to rip his shirt off over his head. Dariax got the hint and started working on Dorian’s shirt, leaving licks and kisses to each new piece of his smooth blue skin he exposed.
Dorian found it sweet, but he was getting impatient, he moved to untie Dorian’s pants and shove them down his waist as Dariax left a trail of kisses along his shoulders. Dorian moved to pull Dariax’s underwear down too, but of course he wasn’t wearing any, so Dorian was now gripping Dariax’s ass. He let out a groan at that, biting down on Dorian’s shoulder in response.
Dorian moved his hands to explore the hairy dwarven expanse in front of him, roaming and mapping out every spot that made Dariax moan and suck harder on Dorian’s skin. He was gripping his ass again when his delicate fingers brushed against Dariax’s balls, causing him to buck forward into Dorian and let out a high-pitched whine.
Dorian felt his erection strain against his pants, desperate for Dariax as he whimpered the man’s name, he broke away from the kiss and furiously worked to remove his pants, tossing them aside and lying down on the grass. Dariax moved to lie on top of him, hands roaming the soft, tender blue sea of skin before him.
“You’re so pretty, your skin is like the sky,” he gazed at Dorian’s body with awe, Dorian squirmed under the attention, “Can I give you love bites?”
Dorian blushed but nodded, watching as Dariax moved to kiss the tops of his shoulders, using his tongue to trace his collarbone down to his chest, leaving little bites and nips here and there before he reached his nipples, swirling his tongue around one before taking it into his mouth and sucking in earnest.
Dorian let out an undignified noise of pleasure as he felt Dariax’s hand come up to pinch at his other nipple. Dorian let out a string of whines and moans as Dariax alternated between sucking and pinching each of his nipples. Dorian gripped Dariax’s shoulders tightly before moving him off, panting. Dariax stopped immediately to check in, “everything alright?”
Dorian nodded, catching his breath, “Yes, I just- if you keep doing that I’m not going last much longer-“ he grunted out, trying to hold himself back.
Dariax nodded, he took his sweet time trailing kisses and love bites down his chest to his hip bone and making a tapestry of bite marks around his abdomen. Dorian whined, he was getting impatient. He ran his hand through Dariax’s hair to guide him towards his cock, but his fingers got caught on some matted areas and he tugged more forcefully than he intended. He was about to apologize when he heard Dariax whimper and let out a shuddering breath against him.
“Can, can I suck you off?” Dariax asked, staring up at Dorian from between his legs.
Dorian huffed out a laugh, the sight alone making him harder, “as long as you allow me to return the favor.”
Dariax grinned and moved to press a kiss to the base of Dariax’s cock, swirling his tongue around his balls and suckling gently. Dorian moaned out and bit his lip to restrain himself, keeping a hand in Dariax’s hair to tug and pull as he pleased, wishing Dariax would just get on with it already! And he did, Dariax licked a slow stripe up the backside of Dorian’s cock before sucking on the head and taking him further into his mouth, gazing up at Dorian through hooded eyes filled with lust as he swallowed him down.
Dorian panted heavily, fighting to keep his hips down against Dariax’s apparent lack of a gag reflex. He didn’t know a blowjob could feel this good, especially with a beard involved, but it seemed to only add to the sensations. His hand tightened in Dariax’s hair and he felt the other moan around him, unable to control his hips from thrusting into the air, he pulled Dariax off as he caught his breath.
Dariax stopped again, looking at Dorian expectantly, needing to make sure everything was alright before he continued.
“ah- sorry, I can’t. can’t seem to control my hips,” Dorian bit his lip anxiously, “Would it be alright if I-?” he trailed off, unable to make his request out loud.
Dariax understood though, “You can use my throat all you want, buddy, just do what makes you feel good. I’ll let you know if its too much, don’t worry” he gave a reassuring smile with a hint of wickedness behind it.
Dorian flushed and nodded before Dariax went down on him again, he felt the head of his cock hit the back of Dariax’s throat before he swallowed around it, and Dorian let out a shuddering breath.
Dorian cried out Dariax’s name and thrust his hips up into the tight, wet heat of his mouth, hesitating at first but feeling encouraged when Dariax made no protest, only moaned louder and sucked harder. Dorian gripped Dariax’s hair and bucked up into his face, loosing himself in bliss as his hips snapped up against Dariax’s head.
A few minutes in, Dariax took a moment to swallow the precum and spittle that had gathered in his mouth, and that’s what tipped Dorian over the edge, breaking him in the best way and causing his body to shudder with the force of his orgasm. He held Dariax’s head against him the whole time and he swallowed as much as he could, though come inevitably dribbled into his beard as he looked up to admire the dark-blue flushed Dorian who fought to catch his breath.
When Dorian finally came back from his high, he looked down to discover he was hard again. Whatever effect this plant had on them, it certainly wasn’t going away soon. He then noticed the warmth around him and looked to see Dariax snuggled close against his side, holding him.
“Dariax, are you, still…?”
Dariax nodded, “Yeah, but I can take care of myself, don’t worry,”
Dorian scoffed playfully, “I thought you said you’d let me return the favor,” he slid down until his hands were on Dariax’s thighs, holding him to the ground, looking up at him for any signs of discomfort. He found none, Dariax was just staring at him, wide-eyed as he nodded his head, “O-okay, yeah, sure!”
Dorian smirked and used his hands to hold Dariax’s hips to the ground as he lowered his head. Though he was a dwarf, Dariax was decently endowed, and what he lacked in length he made up for in girth, so when Dorian deepthroated him, he didn't have to worry about gagging on his length, just about fitting all of him in his mouth.
Dariax seemed to be enjoying it though, and Dorian was as well, he pressed his face close to Dariax so his nose brushed his public bone and he rested there, breathing shallowly through his nose as Dariax squirmed and groaned beneath him. Dorian swallowed around Dariax’s cock and hollowed his cheeks as he ran his tongue around him, swirling around the base before trailing up to the head, keeping his mouth as far down on Dariax as he could.
After only a few minutes of this, Dorian moved his nails to gently run against Dariax’s taught balls, and Dariax came with a pitiful moan of Dorian’s name. He shuddered all the while Dorian sucked, swallowed, and worked him through his orgasm. When he’d finished and pulled off, Dariax tugged Dorian’s arms up towards him to hold him close. Dariax was a cuddler apparently, but Dorian didn’t mind, what he did mind was that his ass was feeling entirely too empty, and his cock was still painfully hard.
After a few minutes of holding each other and exchanging gentle kisses, Dariax was hard again, and the kisses became hickies and the snuggles became grinding. Dariax was sucking another mark on Dorian’s shoulder as they rubbed their cocks together when Dorian decided he couldn’t wait any longer, “Dariax, please, I need you inside me. Do you have anything, oil, water- anything at all to help with that?”
Dariax kissed the mark he left before nodding, “yeah, I should have something in my pants, just a sec,” he crawled over to his discarded pants and procured a small vial from one of the pockets, he returned to Dorian and squatted between his legs, spreading the substance on some of his fingers before moving to kiss Dorian sweetly, “If at any point it hurts, or it’s too much, you just let me know, yeah?” he spoke softly.
Dorian nodded, heart warmed by how tender Dariax was being, “Yes, just, please. Need you,” he moaned, his hips shifting a bit.
Dariax teased the rim of Dorian’s entrance making him shudder, “I got you buddy,” he moved to close the distance between them and distracted Dorian with a long, slow kiss, waiting to feel his muscles relax before making his first intrusion.
Dorian naturally tensed at the prodding until Dariax swiped his tongue over his lip in a way that turned his brain into putty. He let out a soft moan and relaxed into it, barely noticing when he pushed his finger in completely.
Dariax was sucking on Dorian’s lip when he began gently scissoring him open with three fingers, massaging his inner walls but purposefully avoiding his prostate. Dorian whined and tried to roll his hips back on Dariax’s fingers, but Dariax pulled out his fingers altogether and broke their kiss.
Dorian whined, “Dariax, please!”
“It’s alright, I just- mmm, needed to get myself ready,” Dorian looked up to see Dariax coating his member in the contents of the vial from before. He breathed deeply to steady himself as Dariax moved his legs to hang over his shoulders. “Are you sure you can handle this? I’m a bit big.”
Dorian huffed out a laugh, “modest much?”
“No really, I mean it, the last thing I wanna do is hurt you,” Dariax hovered over Dorian, lining up with his entrance but not breaching it yet.
Dorian looked at Dariax and saw only earnest concern in his eyes, making his heart warm, “Thank you, I’ll be ok, Dariax.”
Dariax smiled, “Alright, I’ve got you buddy,” at that, he slowly began pushing into Dorian. The intrusion felt good, like warm honey spilling into his insides, a sensation filled with pleasure and a little bit of pain, but the good kind. It was the kind of stretch that hurt but felt oh so good at the same time, and it was making Dorian’s head swim.
When Dariax finally bottomed out, Dorian felt like he was flying, he gripped Dariax’s wrist as he adjusted to his size.
Dariax needed a moment to adjust as well, “Fuck,, Doriannn. You’re really tight,, but like, in a super great way. You feel amazing,” he moaned out, biting his lip.
Dorian let out a breathy laugh, “Hah, you were not kidding about your size,” he whimpered, “fuck! you feel incredible!” he cried out, gripping Dariax’s hair to pull him into a searing kiss.
Dariax returned the kiss gladly, a tongue slipping inside Dorian’s mouth as they kissed, trying to battle for dominance as they adjusted. Dariax rolled his hips as he sucked Dorian’s tongue into his mouth, pulling a desperate whimper from him.
Dorian tore away from the kiss panting, “Fuck- Dariax, please move, now!” he begged.
Dariax nodded, holding Dorian’s hand and lacing their fingers together. He slowly slid out and Dorian made a weak moan at the loss, before he was slowly filled up again and felt like he was walking on clouds. This repeated a few times before Dorian decided this angle was no good, and used their held hands to pull Dariax back down for a kiss.
Dariax happily obliged, pressing kisses all over Dorian’s face, his cheeks, his nose, his chin, his jaw, his throat, leaving even more marks here and there. Dorian panted and squirmed under the affection, using the hand not laced with Dariax’s fingers to grip his hair, not guiding, just tugging, and making Dariax moan out.
Dariax continued at the languid pace, brushing against Dorian’s prostate occasionally, the only indicator being a sharp whimper that would burst from the string of moans Dorian sang. He could tell Dariax wanted to take this slow and carefully, and his heart ached for that, but also, the plant sex pollen was still in their system, and he really wanted to come.
Biting his lip and deciding to sacrifice his dignity, he whimpered, “Dariax.. please,, harder.” And he felt Dariax’s breath catch at that, he nodded with his nose pressed against Dorian’s neck as his hips picked up the pace a bit.
Dorian moaned out, shifting his hips up a bit until a sharp gasp made Dariax stop moving, “What’s wrong, are you ok?”
“Fuck yes! There. please, that spot- again, please. Yes, so good!” Dorian cried out helplessly.
Dariax nodded and moved his arm under Dorian’s waist to help keep the angle as he thrust his hips back up against that spot and made Dorian cry out again. Dorian locked his ankles together as he wrapped his legs around Dariax’s waist, desperate for that sensation again.
Dariax kept at that spot, making Dorian cry out and whisper swears and pleas for “more, harder, faster, please, Dariax!” and Dariax was happy to fulfill all his requests. He thrust into Dorian harder, keeping his face near Dorian’s while his hips did most of the work, planting his knees firmly in the ground as he fucked up into Dorian’s ass.
Dorian was nearly in tears from pleasure, his voice raw with the obscene amount of noise he was making. Dariax kept hitting that spot and making him feel so good. He moved his hand from gripping Dariax’s hair to rake his nails down his back, biting down on his neck to return the favor of the many love bites Dariax had given him. Dariax’s hips faltered at that, crying out and quickening his pace even further.
Dariax got a bit rougher at that, he gripped Dorian’s hips hard enough to bruise as he pounded into him, Dorian’s teeth sinking into his skin as his nails made erratic marks all throughout his back. But throughout this all, they were still holding hands, fingers laced together in a tender pairing, a sign of the true intimacy behind what otherwise looked like a desperate chase for pleasure.
Dorian came with a reverent cry of Dariax’s name, clenching around him and pushing Dariax over the edge as well. If Dorian thought he was full before, he felt like he was bursting now. They collapsed to the ground, both covered in come and sweat and feeling utterly exhausted as they came down from their highs.
The stars in Dorian’s eyes faded back to reality as he felt the warm, hairy embrace of Dariax next to him. Dorian moved his arms to hold Dariax close to his chest as they sat for a few moments, just breathing, and enjoying each other’s company.
“You’re like. Really… really hot,,” Dariax broke the silence.
Dorian chuckled, “I could easily say the same for you, Dariax, that was… incredible.”
“You’re tellin me, that was like. The best fuck of my life!” Dariax exclaimed.
Dorian blushed, “Really?” was all he could reply, he knew Dariax got around, so that was a high compliment.
“Yeah,” Dariax looked at him in earnest, “It’s always nice having someone you trust to do stuff with.”
Dorian gave a sincere smile, looking down at their still laced hands, “I’m glad, I feel very much the same,” Dorian moved to kiss Dorian sweetly on the lips, but when he shifted, their- once again, hard cocks brushed against each other, making both men moan out.
Dariax looked down, puzzled and a bit frustrated, “Really? Again? What does this forest want with us…”
Dorian sighed, “well, at the very least it means we can try out more,, things, alternative positions, other methods of arousal?” he arched an eyebrow.
Dariax looked at him blankly, thinking for a second, “I don’t know what that means but I could always try riding you!”
Dorian blushed, sighing fondly to himself “Yes, I think that would be nice.”
Later they would ask what this meant, later they would talk about relationships and first times and much more, but right now, the sex pollen was still working it magic, and the forest wanted them to fulfill their desires.
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caleb-wigodast · 3 years
#28 /# 33
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(2 anons requested #44 and #77)
This was originally just gonna be 3 prompts combined but I've been challenging myself with word count and I wanted to have 100 words for each prompt. It kept getting longer and I didn't want to cut anything, so I just kept adding more prompts.
33. “I hate you because you make me feel like I’m not good enough. I am good enough!” / 28. “Don’t fucking touch me!” / 77. “Don’t apologize if you don’t mean it.” / 44. “You’re still mad.” / 17. “Congrats, you’ve now graduated to a Grade A dick.”
Dorian finally snapped, turning to Dariax, “I hate you because you make me feel like I’m not good enough. I am good enough!”
Dariax was taken aback by his words, but even then, he couldn’t stifle a laugh, “Dorian,, it’s just Mario Kart…”
“I don’t care! You always win, it’s not fair!” He crossed his arms.
“Babe, c’mon-“ Dariax placed a hand gently on Dorian’s shoulder.
He jerked away from Dariax’s touch, “Don’t fucking touch me!”
Dariax snorted despite himself, “I’m- I’m sorry for laughing but like, c’mon… it’s just a game! I’m sorry you lost,,”
Dorian pouted, “Don’t apologize if you don’t mean it.”
Dariax gave a sympathetic look, “I really am sorry… how about we play on team mode! We can be on the same team and use our skills to win together!”
Dorian sighed, “Alright, I guess.”
Dariax smiled, he hovered over the “New Game” button before setting the remote down and turning to face Dorian, “I hope you didn’t actually mean what you said, right?”
“What? That I was mad?”
“No, that you feel useless,”
Dorian looked down, mumbling, “I mean sometimes…”
Dariax gave a frown, “Dorian,, you have so many skills, you can play multiple instruments, you sing expertly, you always know what to say to inspire us, you keep us safe, you’re an excellent leader! You really do so much for all of us, babe!”
Dorian gave a small smile, “Thanks, Dariax, I just don’t feel like a good leader sometimes…”
“Well, even though I come in first at Mario Kart, I’m happy following your lead everywhere else! And besides, you’re just coming in second… I think you may have your standards a bit too high,,”
Dorian sighed, “I guess,,”
“You just gotta give yourself credit where it’s due, yeah?” Dorian nodded, “just try to be a bit easier on yourself, love.”
“Alright, Dariax… Thank you,” Dorian smiled.
Dariax smiled back, “Don’t mention it, now let’s go to rainbow road!”
Dorian inhaled sharply, the tension back in his shoulders, “Dariax if you have any love for me in your heart you will set that remote down and walk away.”
Dariax snorted, “You’re still mad?”
“-just a little bit.”
“-alright alright,” Dariax handed Dorian his remote, “You pick the courses.”
Dorian sighed again, “thank you.”
Dariax smiled, “See! You’re a great leader! I’m sure you’ll pick great ones!”
Dariax watched Dorian as he smiled to himself, “Alright, ready to go.” He handed the remote back.
“Aw, Moo Moo Meadows! You know I suck at this one!”
Dorian chuckled, “Yes, I do.”
Dariax pouted, “Congrats, you’ve now graduated to a Grade A dick. Though I guess it’s only fair after last round.”
“You didn’t need to blue shell me right at the finish line.”
“-I’m sorry! I didn’t realize you were in first! I was aiming for Bowser!”
Their playful bickering continued as they made their way around the laps of Mario Kart and eventually, into each other’s arms as they snuggled up and raced together.
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caleb-wigodast · 3 years
Your Boobs Look Great Today!
Minor spoilers for episode 7 of EXU
Explicit Doriax smut
Dorian said Dariax's boobs looked great and I just kinda went with it.
Notes: Dariax is not of any particular gender in this fic, though i use he/him pronouns, I try to use phrases that are ambiguous enough that he could be afab or amab. I don't describe what he's got downstairs at all, and I use terms like "breasts, nipples, and chest" to describe his "boobs"
could be read as transmasc dariax with little to no top dysphoria, or cis dariax that's on the chubbier side and has enough chest fat to be squeezed and played with.
[Read it on AO3]
“I meant it, you know?”
Dariax looked up at Dorian who hovered over him, “Hm?”
“When I said your boobs looked great today,” Dorian slipped the rest of Dariax’s shirt off.
Dariax felt his blush go down to his chest as his nipples perked up at the compliment, “oh- well,, thank you”
Dorian grinned, “I love having you like this,” he pressed a kiss to his peck and Dariax shivered at the soft touch of his lips against skin.
“Just look at you, laid out so beautifully for me, I can’t believe I get to have you all to myself,” Dorian mused.
Dariax felt his face grow redder by the second, shifting under Dorian as he felt the anticipation build up.
Dorian chuckled, “You’re always so sensitive, darling~” his finger trailed over Dariax’s nipple as he gasped and bit his lip.
“Wonder if I could make you come just like this? Teasing your nipples and marking up your breasts? I’d love to see that, wouldn’t you?” Dorian had slipped into his more dominating persona, his voice was syrupy sweet with a promise of more to come, but he was asking first, and Dariax always knew that he was more than welcome to say no if he wished.
But he didn’t want to say no, so he didn’t. He looked up at Dorian with his big doe eyes, pupils blown wide with desire, and nodded, “Yes,, want that,” he breathed, watching a grin spread across Dorian’s face as he moved down to his chest.
Dariax gasped as a tongue traced around the ring of his nipple, sucking the sensitive bud in a long, languid kiss as Dariax squirmed. A firm hand came down to still his hip and Dariax felt himself begin to slip further into that wonderful hazy space of limited control and mindless obedience.
The mouth on him moved to the other nipple as a hand came up to gently rub a finger- calloused with years of playing instruments- against the sensitive spot. Dariax let out a shaky breath as he moaned out in pleasure, he loved this, loved when Dorian was in complete control, he loved not having to worry about himself, he knew Dorian would take care of him, just like he always did.
Dariax yelped as a set of teeth sunk into the soft flesh of his breasts, sucking and licking and marking him up, Dariax moaned and gripped the sheets below him, trying to keep his hips still like Dorian wanted.
Dorian left little nips and licks across Dariax’s chest, each one making him squirm and whimper helplessly. As Dorian shifted his mouth’s focus to the opposite breast, his hand would knead at the flesh of the other, rolling Dariax’s nipples between his fingers, leaving ghosts of marks with his nails across the sensitive flesh.
And Dariax was loving All of it, he was so close from just this alone, but he needed permission, “D-dorian, please, please I’m so close!” He begged.
Dorian licked a broad stripe up the dip between Dariax’s breasts as he looked at him with dark desire, “Come for me, darling.”
With one last pinch to his nipple, Dariax came in his pants, biting down on his lip maybe a bit too hard as he saw stars, but when his mind refocused to reality, he found Dorian already sucking his wounded lip, running his tongue over it to soothe the pain.
Dariax kissed back as soon as he gained himself again, still floating in that light headspace Dorian loved to keep him in. He broke away softly, “D’ya need help?” he slurred.
“I appreciate the offer but I’ll be alright, Dar-“
“I wanna make you come, please?” he asked, leaning against Dorian.
“U-um, if you think you’re up for it, I’d love that, what did you have in mind?”
Dariax sat upright and started at Dorian, eyes hazy with a desire to be obedient for him, “use me,” he whispered, letting his tongue hang out of his mouth as he opened it in offering.
Dorian’s eyes darkened, “oh you’re so good for me,” he moved to strip off his pants as Dariax shifted on the bed.
Dorian reclined back on the pillows as Dariax stared up with reverent eyes from between his legs. Dariax grabbed Dorian’s fingers, put them through his hair, opened his mouth, and waited.
Dorian took a breath before guiding Dariax’s head down onto him. Dariax didn’t mind taking all of Dorian at once, he was used to it, and it felt good to have that weight in his mouth. He didn’t realize he lacked a gag reflex until he met Dorian, apparently 10 inches is a lot? Dariax had no idea, all he knew in this moment was that he wanted to be good for Dorian.
And that he was, Dorian gripped Dariax’s hair and guided him on and off his cock as Dariax swallowed and moaned around him, sucking and bobbing his head when he could. Eventually Dorian’s movements turned frantic, and he started fucking Dariax’s mouth in earnest, Dariax moaned out and let himself be used, let his head be jerked in whatever direction Dorian pleased, happy to be good and giving him what he wants.
Dorian shoved Dariax’s mouth down onto him entirely and held him there, trying to catch his breath. Dariax swallowed around him and his eyes rolled back at the pleasure he felt, that must’ve been what broke Dorian, because hot ropes of cum were shooting down Dariax’s throat before he realized it. He moaned out and greedily swallowed as much as he could.
He used his tongue to catch what spilled out and cleaned off Dorian’s cock with his mouth until he was pushed off and beckoned to come closer against Dorian’s chest.
Dariax gladly snuggled up against him, happily being enveloped by the genasi’s arms as his back was rubbed. A kiss was planted to his forehead as he barely registered a soft whisper of, “good boy,” before he drifted to sleep.
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caleb-wigodast · 3 years
The Cloak of Disguise and its Many Uses
Doriax (Dorian/Dariax) 18+
[This fic takes place after episode 3 of Exandria Unlimited]
Summmary: The Cloak of Disguise can physically alter the wearer's appearance as far as their race, height, and biological sex. Upon learning this, Dorian has something to ask of Dariax, and Dariax is more than happy to indulge his boyfriend.
A/N: Hi I don't care if this isn't how the cloak of disguise works, i didn't look it up, ANYWAY i got this idea and spent the whole day writing it and whoops! it's a love confession fic now. I love somft, lovely smut so I write it. Enjoy!
Read it on AO3!
It had been a long day, they’d headed into Emon, avoided detection with a distraction that soon became Dariax’s debut drag performance, had a long meeting with Gilmore about goods and evils, and were nearly killed as they were hunted on their way out of town. But they were finally able to rest now, finding a clearing in a nearby woods and setting up a campfire.
The rest of their lot was asleep by the fire as Dorian and Dariax took watch, sitting on the edge of Gilmore’s cart and looking up at the stars as they held hands. A breeze blew by that made Dorian shiver, and Dariax reached back to put his cloak over Dorian.
Dorian smiled, “Thank you, Darling,” he pulled the cloak tighter around his shoulders. Dariax watched Dorian consider it for a moment before asking, “How,, does this work, exactly?”
“The cloak? I just swirl it around, think of what I wanna look like, and it does it,” Dariax replied easily.
Dorian nodded, “…How much of you does it actually alter?”
Dariax shrugged, “As much of me as I want it to.”
Dorian thought for a moment, “Earlier when you were Tharla-“ Dariax grinned at that, “your outfit was rather revealing, so it showed much of your body-“
“Don’t think I didn’t catch a certain air genasi gettin’ a good look at me,” Dariax spoke with vocal fry, “I could tell even with all my twirling that you couldn’t take your eyes off me, could you?”
Dorian rolled his eyes with a slight smile, “The sight was wonderful but the voice was horrible,” he cringed as Dariax laughed, “Regardless, one thing I noticed during your performance was that, certain aspects of your body were,, rather different.”
“Yeah, I can change my appearance as far as like, what race, what height, what sex… and it all interacts with the world around like the clothes do, It’s pretty cool!”
Dorian nods, “I see, does- when it interacts with the world.. how,, much do you feel?”
Dariax gave him a look of confusion, “Pretty much everything, why do you ask?”
Dorian swallowed, “You mentioned it can change your biological sex… would that mean?”
“Yeah, I had a vagina,” Dorian eyes went wide at that, blushing and staring intently at the ground, “When I transform into a woman- or, someone who I assume has a vagina, I change everything down there just so no one gets suspicious or whatever. But it functions and all! I’ve had a few dicks in there before.”
Dorian chokes out, “At the same time???”
Dariax thinks for a moment, counting on his fingers and mumbling half-forgotten names to himself, “I’ve had two at once maybe like, 4 times. I’ve met some people that had two dicks. One of them had three dicks but I just couldn’t take the third in the front, so I had that one in my ass instead.”
Dorian’s face was a deep blue, but he shook off his blush and asked, “How much changes anatomically? There’s no risk of…” he trailed off before Dariax gave him a confused look “like, getting pregnant or anything?”
Dariax made a sour face, “Nah, I mean, I know magic like that is possible but that’s like, Super high level. I’m still a dude with a penis at the end of the day, so things don’t change completely. Like, if someone had a fever and I transformed into them, I wouldn’t get their fever. Ya’know?”
Dorian nodded, “Right, that makes sense… um, would you… be interested in,, trying something with me? Sexually, that is?”
That got Dariax’s attention, he leaned in, “What kinda thing sexually?”
“Um, well, I like vaginas as well as penises, and- I love your dick! Don’t get me wrong, it’s wonderful!-“
“Oh I know,” Dariax gave a dopey grin.
“-But,, well, variety is the spice of life as they say-“
“I thought that was Suude?”
“No, Dariax, that’s drugs.”
“Oh, well anyway, I think I get what you mean,” Dariax leaned close to Dorian’s ear before sensually whispering with vocal fry, “would you like Tharla Starr to give you a private performance?”
Dorian playfully shoved Dariax away, who laughed before moving back to his snuggling position.
“I was actually hoping the illusion could be a bit closer to you, if possible,” Dorian admitted.
“Really?” Dariax was touched, he’d seen so many fall for Tharla, he only got as much attention as he did because he was her, so to know that Dorian still wanted him made him feel so treasured.
“Of course, Tharla was beautiful, but the reason I found her as attractive as I did was because I knew it was you underneath all that.”
Dariax blushed, “D’awww,” he moved to give Dorian a sweet kiss, “you’re sweet, and I’d be more than happy to transform and alter some things for you, if you’d like,” he grinned.
“But, do you feel anything when you transform? Does it feel good?” Dorian seemed hesitant.
“Oh yeah” Dariax moaned, his mind supplying a million memories at once, “I’ve been fucked a few times like that. It feels,, Absolutely incredible. And I’d love to try it with you if you’d like,” he walked his fingers along Dorian’s thighs, making Dorian shiver.
“I would love to Dariax,” was all he was able to reply.
“Great,” he looked around, “wanna do it while the others are still asleep or?”
Dorian huffed out a laugh, “As much as I’d love to right now, I don’t think we could get away with it, I know how loud you moan.”
“I only moan that loud cause you feel so good, and my moans are nothing compared to how I make you scream,” Dariax teased, tracing patterns with his finger’s in Dorian’s thigh.
Dorian blushed, mumbling “Well I only scream that loud cause you feel so good…”
“Aww,” Dariax pressed a kiss to Dorian’s cheek, “Well, we got the cart if you wanna do anything.”
Dorian looked at him, then to the group, then to the cart, gesturing with his eyes to point out the small distance, “I thought we just went over this, they would Absolutely hear us in the cart, Dariax,” he gave an amused smile nonetheless.
“It’s soundproof though-“
“Earlier when we were trying to talk to the others outside, it was Real hard to hear them. I’m pretty sure its magically enchanted or something.”
From what little they knew of Gilmore, that seemed to track for the kind of man he was. But Dorian still seemed hesitant, “Are you sure?”
Dariax, “Oh for sure, I would love to have you inside me in a new way!”
Dorian blushed, “Alright then, as long as you’ll enjoy it as much as I will.”
Dariax nodded, “Believe me, I will… you want me to add the boobs too?”
Dorian didn’t make eye contact with Dariax, but nodded, staring firmly at the ground.
Dariax grinned, pressing a kiss to his cheek before standing and transforming into… himself. For a moment it looked like it hadn’t worked before Dariax felt his breasts sagging his shirt down. He looked up at Dorian to see him staring and swallowing thickly.
Dorian smiled, squeezing his boobs a bit and giggling, “they’re nice and squishy,” he moved to sit on a flustered Dorian’s lap and hang his arms around his neck as Dorian’s arms secured around his waist.
Dariax leaned close to Dorian’s ear and whispered (with vocal fry again) “I can’t wait to have you inside me~” punctuating the sentence with an exaggerated moan.
Dorian took the opportunity of Dariax’s underarms being exposed to tickle him. He moved his elbows down and giggled as Dorian smiled fondly and teased him, keeping one arm firm around his waist, making sure he didn’t fall off his lap and onto the ground in their game.
They heard someone stirring and stopped, watching to see Opal turn over in her sleep.
“…we should probably get into the cart before continuing any further,” Dorian suggested.
“Yeah, probably a good idea.”
Dariax moved to secure the opening of the fabric hood over the cart as Dorian moved further in. Though most carts at Gilmore’s were used for transport of magical goods, this one seemed to be for luxurious travel. The inside was ornately decorated with plush rugs and comfortable throw pillows, all decorated in a variety of golds and purples. They weren’t particularly comfortable, but they were firm, and it allowed Dorian to sit up comfortably as Dariax moved to sit on his lap again.
Dariax smiled deviously down at Dorian as he rolled his hips against the bulge in his pants and Dorian moaned. He moved to nose and mouth at Dariax’s boobs through the layer of fabric before he took the ties keeping the shirt up between his teeth and tugged slowly, Dariax felt his breath hitch in his chest as Dorian looked at him with desire as his boobs jiggled free of their constraints.
Dorian took a moment to caress Dariax’s chest, running his hands over the soft, smooth skin- still hairy, he was a dwarf after all- and he held and squeezed and felt the weight of them in his hands. Dariax hadn’t made them comically large, they were proportionate to the rest of his body, a bit on the larger side, but proportionate. They were big enough for Dorian to grip and squeeze and oh- now he was sucking on his nipple... Oh this felt really good.
Dariax moaned out and rolled his hips against Dorian’s again, making the boob not in Dorian’s mouth bounce as he moved. Dorian groaned out at that and brought his hand up to begin pinching and squeezing at his nipples Dariax let out a whine and squeezed Dorian’s hips with his thighs, he moved his hands to rest on his shoulders to keep him steady as Dorian teased both nipples with his fingers, now moving to leave love bites and hickies all over the expanse of Dariax’s chest. Who knows if they’d stay there tomorrow, if Dariax had a say- he’d make them stay there forever.
Dorian continued leaving marks and bites over Dariax’s chest until he sucked particularly hard on one of Dariax’s nipples and caused Dariax to nearly double over in pleasure. This brought his boobs to press against Dorian’s face before he felt warmth spread against the spot he’d been grinding on- only it wasn’t from him.
“Babe,, did you just come from my boobs being squished in your face?” He tried to hold back the amusement in his voice.
“They’re really nice, okay!” was the only reply he got as Dorian hid his face in them.
Dariax laughed at that, moving to cup Dorian’s face to bring him in for a kiss, “I’ll have to bring them out more often then,, do you wanna keep going or-?”
“I think I’ll need a bit to recover, but you haven’t come yet, no?”
Dariax shook his head, “Nah.”
“Well, that’s simply a crime!” Dorian declared, He moved to grip Dariax’s ass and hold him against his chest as he kissed him and flipped them so Dariax was sprawled out against the plush carpets of the cart.
Dariax caught his breath as Dorian tossed off his shirt, “Well that’s a crime we really don’t wanna commit, now do we?”
Dorian chuckled, “we certainly don’t, I’d much rather eat you out so I can fuck you properly later,” he smirked.
Dariax arched an eyebrow as he tossed his own shirt aside, “I think you mean so I can ride you later,” he teased.
Dorian rolled his eyes fondly, “Regardless, may I eat you out, or no?”
Dariax chuckled, “Absolutely,” he gestured towards his crotch, “dinner is served, eat up!”
Dorian cringed at the words, making Dariax laugh again before he moved to pull his pants down slowly. Dariax saw Dorian’s eyes go wide as he gasped, finally getting to see what sat between his legs. Dorian licked his lips hungrily and looked up at Dariax with desire.
“Alright now, don’t come twice already,” Dariax teased.
“You’re joking but-“ Dorian responded before forgetting his sentence, moving down in awe to lick a stripe between Dariax’s folds. He shivered in response. It was barely any stimulation yet, but it felt so good. He was wet already, providing great lubrication for Dorian’s tongue as he licked up the salty substance and buried his nose in Dariax’s curls, searching around with his tongue.
Dariax gasped and bit down on his lip, letting out a moan as Dorian found his clit and began sucking softly, “Fuuuuuuck, that feels really really good please do more of that, yeah.”
Dorian hummed against Dariax and he bit back a whine at how good it felt, Dorian moved lower on Dariax but quickly replaced his tongue with his thumb on Dariax’s clit. Dorian moved to stick his tongue deep inside Dariax, moaning out into the wet heat of the dwarf. Dariax let out a soft whisper of Dorian’s name as he felt himself being explored by the gentle ministrations of his lover’s tongue.
He felt Dorian fuck his tongue in and out of Dariax as he frantically moved his hands down to grip on Dorian’s hair. Dariax felt himself puff up slightly against Dorian’s face and he felt like he was on pins and needles in the best way possible. Dorian removed his tongue and Dariax was about to complain before he moved to suck on Dariax’s clit again, and oh Changebringer, that felt good. Dariax curled his toes as came with a soft whimper of “fuck!”
He saw stars, and when he came back down he could feel Dorian cleaning up what had spilled out with his tongue, sucking on his folds gently before Dariax used the hand still in Dorian’s hair to tug him up for a deep kiss. Dorian returned the kiss gladly as Dariax wrapped his legs around Dorian’s waist, pulling him down even further.
Dariax made a scrunched up face, “I’m cold,” he frowned.
Dorian chuckled, “me too,”
Dorian moved to sit up against the mountain of pillows and Dariax followed, grabbing a blanket and tossing it over them both before snuggling up to Dorian’s chest, “fuck me- that felt incredible!” he sighed.
Dorian chuckled, “In a bit when I can get it up again, darling.”
Dariax snickered, “Well I’m excited for that but- man,, I don’t know why I’ve never tried that before.. that was great!”
Dorian looked at him, “You’ve never been eaten out before?”
“Not like that nah, I’ve had my ass eaten a few times, but not my vagina.”
Dorian looked at Dariax in amazement, “Have I been your first for something? You, Dariax, the ever-experienced in the world of sexuality?” he was half joking, Dariax could tell he was proud to be Dariax’s first experience with something knew.
“Well, you’re not just my first for that,” Dariax chuckled.
“Oh?” Dorian raised an eyebrow.
Dariax fiddled with his fingers, “You’re my first love…” he felt Dorian still beside him, “I love you, Dorian.”
“I- I love you too, Dariax, so much,” Dorian’s hands moved to cup Dariax’s face and bring him close for a sweet kiss. Dariax kissed back and wrapped his arms around Dorian’s neck, he tilted his head to deepen the kiss as he moved to sit on Dorian’s lap.
Dorian wrapped his arms around Dariax’s back and held him close as he kissed him sweetly and tenderly, running a hand through his hair to tilt them to a better angle. Dariax moaned out into the kiss, but as he felt tears on Dorian’s face, he pulled away slowly, “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked softly.
Dorian sniffled, “I’m just- I love you so much Dariax, I’m happy to have the feeling returned,” he pulled Dariax in for another kiss he poured all his love into, and Dariax did the same. For a moment they weren’t worried about what would come next, they weren’t worried about Dariax’s transformation fading before they could be intimate again, as long as they were there, holding each other in their arms and knowing they were loved, they would be content forever.
Their sweet loving kiss eventually turned desperate and feverish as hands roamed and gripped flesh as their mouths travelled to leave love marks on their necks and chins and shoulders. By the time they were panting desperately, taking a breath against each other’s lips, Dorian was fully hard again, he looked at Dariax with lustful eyes, “Dariax, do you-?”
Before Dorian could finish his sentence, Dariax nodded and lined himself up with Dorian before sinking down, moaning out as he was filled. Dorian panted, hiding his face in the crook of Dariax’s shoulder and neck, sucking a mark there as Dariax began slowly moving up and down on Dorian’s cock.
Dariax was decently endowed naturally, and since he didn’t have a gag reflex, he usually didn’t think about Dorian’s size when sucking him off. Though Dariax usually topped, he’d ridden Dorian before, though certainly not like this. He hadn’t realized the air genasi was so big he wasn’t as thick as Dariax was, but he was long, and right now as Dariax rolled his hips against Dorian, it was hitting all the best places.
“Mmmm, fuck yes. Feels so good,” he moaned out as Dorian whimpered and moved to suck on Dariax’s breasts further. Dariax gently pushed on Dorian’s shoulders and he looked up, making sure all was ok.
“I love when you suck on my tits, but right now I think you’ll enjoy things more if you just sit back on that cute little butt of yours and watch, yeah?” Dariax purred.
Dorian flushed and nodded, “mhm, absolutely.”
Dorian might have requested Dariax instead of Tharla, but Dariax was gonna give him a good show either way.
Dariax stretched his arms behind his head, putting his breasts on a prominent display as he rolled his hips against Dorian’s, noticing the way Dorian fisted his hands in the blankets below, trying not to touch, and Dariax smirked at that.
He rose his thighs to pull himself off before sinking down again and moaning out, he did this a few more times in rapid succession, moving so the head of Dorian’s cock rubbed against his G spot wonderfully. Dariax moaned out as his eyes rolled back in pleasure, he gripped his hands on Dorian’s shoulders as he continued his rapid pace, moving up and down and angling so he was hitting the spot more forcefully as he made a desperate noise and bit his lip.
Dorian was singing beautiful moans beneath him, “Fuck, Darling,, you look so beautiful,, I love seeing you like this, enjoying yourself and feeling good. Watching you chase your own pleasure is the loveliest sight in all of Exandria.” He bit his lip, still fighting to keep his hands off Dariax.
Dariax blushed at that, “Y-you’re so pretty, Dorian, I love when you turn blue and bite your lip like that, it’s really sexy…” Dariax wasn’t as good with words as Dorian was, but he trusted understood the sentiment regardless.
Dariax went back to rolling his hips against Dorian, “Fuck, babe, you can move now, I need you to use your hips some-“
Dorian quickly obliged, moving to take Dariax’s nipple into his mouth and grip his other breast as he brought his knees up to buck up into Dariax. Dariax moaned out at the change in angle, feeling Dorian’s hips slam into him and hit that spot over and over again. His mouth hung open with silent gasps as he felt his brain rocketing to the moon.
Dorian moved a hand down to grip his ass tightly and that’s what sent him over the edge, he shouted, “DORIAN!” as he came and clenched around his length. Dorian whimpered into Dariax’s chest as he came, filling Dariax even further and making him slump forward against Dorian’s face, smothering him in his boobs yet again.
They heard the fabric of the cart entrance being opened as a very grumpy halfling stomped into the room, “What on Exandria are you two doing?? Don’t you know how late it is???” Orym stopped in his tracks when he saw the scene before him, not-so-subtly checking out Dariax’s butt.
“I thought you said the cart was soundproof!” Dorian frantically whisper-yelled at Dariax.
“I thought it was!” Dariax insisted.
“Why would it be soundproof? It’s just a fabric cart- …why does Dariax have a vagina now?”
Dorian and Dariax looked at each other, blushing furiously, they had a lot of explaining to do.
A/N: I hc that Dariax sleeps naked sometimes so Orym would know that Dariax has a penis, which is cause for legitimate confusion when he sees him without one, he wasn't being weirdly transphobic or anything. Also, Opal and Fearne went off to go fuck in the woods when they woke up to Dorian and Dariax's sex noises.
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caleb-wigodast · 3 years
I made a fic tag! #wigodasts web of words
all the fics i write will be under this tag!
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