#why dont users automatically tag when i paste them into the fucking post SET ME FREE
luvring Β· 1 year
nia congrats on being free from the shackles of school!!! (i still have finals but my delusions never stopped me before, so spiritually im in summer modeℒ️). i FINALLY signed up for your taglist after i kept forgetting,,,, also was convinced to play touchstarved demo because of your headcanons 😭
anw! i know you're probably busy, but know that i //still// love your writing and our mitski username bond is unbreakable!
BAZ!!! MY BAZ HELLO!!!! i get it. I srsly get it. u will be so so free soon and life will be a bit brighter.. a little sillier... how many do u have.. + welcome 2 the taglist & touchstarved brainrot. YEOW! my ts hype died down while ago but theyre lovely and im still writing! for the people! WHO R UR FAVES. i giv u hc.
mitski will keep us 2gether 4ever i still think ur user is saur good. like yes so true friend. thank u 4 liking my writing aw man. uve been around so long ☹️ high fives/hugs u
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