#why are people so mean asks op and then describes the most harrowing interactions ever
caparrucia · 30 days
I sometimes wonder how many people go through life poisoning their interactions with needless aggressive nonsense, without even realizing it.
People are kinder, on average, than you think they are.
But most people will respond with hostility if you bring that shit in first. You're not owed sympathy and compassion if you insist on treating everyone around you with unwarranted disdain.
And before you bring in the "I gotta protect myself!" Bullshit, protecting yourself means being cautious of who you interact with, not inciting violence by coming to every conversation like it's a fight.
"Why don't people like me?"
Because you open every interaction with a sneer and a taunt and respond to any kind of sincerity with demeaning and insulting language, that's why.
Life isn't twitter and you're not the main character, if you want people to be nice to you, you have to be nice to them first. And also, interpreting every single neutral interaction as a passive aggressive dig at your insecurities is a you problem. Neutral IS nice! If you want nicer, you ought to earn it first.
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