#whose paralyse spell got immediately negated by one of the two of us having literal templar training
vigilskeep · 8 months
I can def imagine Zev playing it up and maybe throwing in some Antivan lines cause he KNOWS how people view Antivans and then-
Tristan, in Antivan: "Do the Crows not background check their targets?"
Personally, I think they would, but this IS Zev suicide attempt tbh. He just took the job and maybe didn't look. Also, Oriana probably told Tristan stories, tbh so maybe he knows already.
i think zev does suspect that tristan knows antivan but tristan’s trying to hide it in case zev gives something away bc he doesn’t trust him yet so zev keeps saying absurd things in antivan to get him to flinch or laugh. but he’s a tough one to crack... actually i think eventually a redcliffe or circle mage child is going to get foisted into tristan’s arms and zev is going to catch him humming an antivan lullaby oriana used to sing for oren and go “AHA I WAS RIGHT” “zevran! she’s finally sleeping!” “aha i was right”
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