#whoa gwen ships on every taste
paltrypal · 3 years
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don't judge me
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withjust-a-bite · 3 years
As about the "give me a character thing", Heather and Sierra
Nice choices - okay so Heather
How I feel about this character: Oh my god! I despised Heather the second I got a good taste of her vibe on that dock because she reminded me so much of the reigning “Mean Girls” at my high school, but I also found her fascinating by just how far she’s willing to go with making sure she’s in the good no matter who she has to stomp on. There’s a lot of truth in having an entertaining villain, and Heather certainly didn’t make things boring - no matter how manipulative and underhanded those actions were. Oh and those moments where Karma would come back to bite her in the ass on Island were ridiculously satisfying~✨
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 100% Alejandro - its the love/hate shared respect with a dash of rivalry passion that they have. Neither is honestly a “good person”, but you can clearly see that they honestly care for each other. They keep each other on their toes - its very Mr. & Mrs. Smith.  
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Courtney or Leshawna or both. Our proud former CIT can easily go toe-to-toe with someone as meticulous as the Queen Bee and let’s not forget that she can be just as merciless when it comes to bending other’s to her will. I don’t think I would say they would ever be best friends or friend like go do our nails and just hang out, but friends in the sense of getting drinks or coffee and having those serious talks about stuff like gossip and venting and they know they can turn to the other when they need a cut and dry no punches held back reality check.   Oh these two sure as all hell are not “besties”, but if the show hadn’t scrapped what little progress she and Heather were starting to make at possibly learning to tolerant each other better like they were on Action then I like to think they’d be able to be more civil and dish dirt. Still plenty of fights though, but that’s not uncommon between girls with a whole lot of pride and two very distinct ways of viewing the world.
My unpopular opinion about this character: When fans think Heather is some sort of Master Strategist from the get-go and planned every single move she made on Island... Guys, she’s cunning, manipulative, and the only morals she follows are the ones that solely benefit her. She’s got the looks, brains, and talent to already be given anything she desires on a silver platter just for those traits alone, but Heather has an ego the size of the continent that she so fantasizes of ruling over and an appetite for POWER. Last I checked... That’s pretty typical Popular Alpha Bitch 101 right there. Besides, if she were that level of Strategist then she would have planned way ahead for a number of possibilities like Beth standing up to her or Gwen getting payback for the whole PUBLIC DIARY READING!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish we got to see a bit more of Heather’s vulnerability like during the special in between Island and Action. It really just helps as a reminder that despite everything, she still is a teenager and a human. She may not be the best type of person, but she could be a victim of her own reputation that she’s built as the Queen Bee/Mean Girl and I think that’s something that unfortunately happens to a lot of people where they have to keep..”acting” a certain role. Its essentially pigeonholing yourself.
And now Sierra
How I feel about this character: Not going to lie, but I had mixed feelings about Sierra when we first got introduced to her. A big part of it is because I actually can’t stand people who are so obsessed with anything, and no - I don’t mean “obsessed” in the cutesy sugar-watered way about someone just being so into something that they have this passion for it and all the intricate parts... No, I mean the “obsessed” way as in OBSESSED as in the clear definition where people feel uncomfortable or get tired real quick of being around said individual. I’ve dealt with that before in High School and its where I quickly learned to not share right away the shows or movies I’m into that fall under the category of Animated. ITS! NOT! FUN!!! That and while I admit I did get some amusement at seeing Cody get a taste of his own medicine - you’re a damn liar if you say he wasn’t hella CREEPER in WT with Gwen, she was no angel during that season, but have SOME dignity, Cody 🙄 aim a little higher than scoring for a rebound, dude - Sierra’s..enthusiasm.. was just..whoa. I feel like she knocked Izzy off the Crazy pedestal in that season big time. 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Yeah no... no... just no... At least not until the girl gets the proper help she needs first from professionals and does some reflecting and remembers AGAIN that these are PEOPLE, not just cardboard cutouts and posters that you can leer and confess all sorts of worrying and disturbing fantasies to. And even after that, I still wouldn’t ship her with anyone from the show... Maybe some nice S/O that’ll make her feel special and give her the attention and affection she’s been denied for so long. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I don’t ship them romantically, but I do think the idea of Sierra actually having a friendship with Cody is real cute. That’s why I get salty over what was done on All-Stars to her and even her having that nasty accident on WT right when she’s finally getting it, that Cody is a actual person that has feelings and worries just like she does.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I honestly can’t think of any... Well aside from some hc about Chris possibly being her biological Dad - like wtf? From everything that's mentioned and hinted in canon and her official contestant bio, her life is sad enough so why make it sadder?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: That she never relapsed the way she did on All-Stars and she’d gotten a chance to really prove herself by her own skills. Sort of a way to prove that she’s a lot more than  just a Super Fan, you know?
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