#while still being *the* biggest german movie star just as hitler had risen to power
aikainkauna · 7 years
A scene from Jew Süss (1934). Süss (Conrad Veidt) discovers his daughter (Pamela Mason) has just committed suicide because his despicable boss, the Duke (Frank Vosper) tried to rape her, and she had no way out except to plunge off a tower. Cedric Hardwicke co-stars as Süss’s rabbi.
Connie’s acting is not only harrowing but terrifying.
Bear in mind this had serious reality subtext for him as well: his own daughter, Viola, the person he loved more than anyone in the world, was still stuck in Nazi Germany at the time (he himself had just fled to Britain with his Jewish wife, barely escaping with their lives). In another eerie parallel to this, unbeknownst to Connie (Viola never told him this because she knew he would fall apart), the Nazis tried to get Viola to become a part of one of their Aryan breeding programs. They took her in for “interrogations” and even arranged a blond “husband” candidate for her “to clear the Jewish stain off the Veidt family name”. But even if Connie didn’t know, this scene nevertheless represented his very real fear of the worst thing that could happen to him at that point in time.
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