#which is a bdsm/kink celebration that happens very close to my store
homosociallyyours · 1 year
Megan hi!!! I was in my lecture, listening to ways the government implements policies and then then my mind faded to boobs. Large boobs, hand full of tits, small breasties. So I am here, asking you (because I wanted to make you smile hehe), favorite boob size? Yes all are beautiful af, biteable af, but do you have a fav? Also, what's your favorite cheese🧀
Lololol LIYAH this is the best ask 🤣🤣🤣
I don't think i can pick a favorite boob size though-- they're each perfect in their own way?? No you know what? I'll just go with MY boob size, bc I love my boobs!! So-- a lil more than a handful. A delight!!
And picking a favorite cheese is impossible BUT i can give an approximate top 3 in no particular order:
-Big Sky Grana (a very limited grana style cheese made by a weird dude from Wisconsin, Willi Lehner). It's crumbly and sharp with a bright, fruity acidity and the crunch of tyrosine crystals. You can use it like parm but I prefer to eat it as a snacking cheese until I get near the rind.
-L'Amuse aged goat gouda, "Black Betty" iirc its ideal age is around 13-14 months, so it gets dry but not so dry that it forms a lot of crystals. It's smooth and sweet, with notes of brown butter and salted caramel.
-Petit Marcel Aged Comte, aged 18-24 months. Rich, milky, complex-- amazing to melt but better to snack on. Comte and Gruyere are always sure bets (as long as they're actually from France and Switzerland, respectively) but this one in particular is incredibly good and consistent, thanks to the incredibly skilled people who work at the forts where its made.
I could keep going but I gotta stop or I'll miss cheese too much 😫😫
Thank you for this ask!! I hope my answers make you smile AND that you get to keep thinking of boobs!!!
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