#which i also can’t do in my normal browser i have to enter incognito mode to do that so. that’s cute
starscelly · 1 year
ok going to bed Shortly but for ppl who also use espn+ (or attempt to): earlier this season when i would get my clips from there, i was able to rewind and everything like i would on hulu or wherever else. but recently i like. Can’t. is that a universal thing happening or is my stream just fucky for some reason
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My Research For The Privacy Seminar:
Light Methods
Incognito modes: - On chrome: the browser won’t save browsing history, cookies or information you enter into any forms like website log ins. - When your send your get request to a website, you’re still automatically including some information like your IP address, so you can still be identified. - Shared network: the owner can still see what you are doing - Your Internet Service Provider can still see your connections and data usage.   - So, all private browsers do is stop the browser itself tracking you, you’re still very visible.
Privacy focussed browsers: - Another way to increase privacy is to use different search engines. Just as an example, Duckduckgo is a widely used search engine for people seeking privacy. - Claims that it doesn’t use cookies to track its users and doesn’t collect personal information like IP addresses.
Taking Care of Your Accounts:
- log out if you don’t need to be logged in. For google, if you aren’t using docs, drive, Gmail or posting anything, then you really don’t need to be logged in.
- Also, this won’t work unless you log out everywhere:
private browsing on safari
logged in on the YouTube app
Go on my laptop later & all my YouTube data is updated from phone activity.
- Don’t link accounts.
Don’t sign up for something like Spotify or Instagram with a Facebook account.
Essentially just increasing the number of access points all these companies have to your identity.
- just flat out lie. Like Richard said all the way back in week 1, when you sign up to any account, just lie. So companies have your information, but it’s all wrong.
Heavier Methods:
- Establish an encrypted connection to your VPN's server
- Then when you browse, your network connection isn’t directly to your normal address, it’s to the VPN.
- Harder for someone to know your identity on the internet, since the identity they see if the VPN’s
- VPN’s also prevent your ISP form seeing your browsing data as easily since they just see a whole bunch of instances of you connecting to a VPN, but not what the VPN does
- Ineffectiveness:
Do you trust your VPN service?
Your VPN provider can look at your network activity if they keep user data logs
A less suspicious VPN provider will sell on the fact that they don’t keep logs of user information
Added benefit: if a 3rd party demands access to the providers resources, there are physically no user logs for them to look at
A less suspicious VPN will usually need to be payed for
Not always but if you aren’t paying for a VPN you should probably consider how the company supplying it makes its money.
Onion Routing:
- requests are encrypted and sent through around a bunch of intermediate routers
- Client uses symmetric-key encryption with a unique key for each node in the route so only they can fully encrypt and decrypt a data package
- 3-node onion route: client encrypts the message 3 times, once with each key.
Node 1 receives a 3-times encrypted message, peels off 1 layer, realises it’s still garbage and passes it to the next node.
Repeat until the 3rd node decrypts and can read the actual request, which it then makes
- On the way back:
Server responds to Node 3
Node 3 encrypts with key and passes on and this repeats until the client receives a 3-times encrypted response from the server, but they have all the keys so they can decrypt it and get the servers unencrypted response to their original request.
- Effective: restrict what any nodes in the chain knows.
Anyone who listens to the traffic on node 2 only finds out that it’s a node in an Onion route that passes encrypted messages to its 2 neighbours. They don’t know me or the server and can’t decrypt the messages without the keys
- Ineffective:
logging in to a website means that website knows, if you were successful, that it’s most likely you
Eavesdroppers still don’t know, but Facebook knows since you just typed your username and password
So, this undoes the effect of the server not knowing the client
Timing attacks:
Eavesdrop on entry and exit nodes.
If I see someone connecting to an entry node, and then I look at a node and see it’s connecting to a website almost immediately after, you can begin to compare the timing of requests.
After doing this for a while, you can begin to piece together what someone is done even with onion routing.
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