#where's that doctor who quote that goes: all that pain and misery and loneliness and it just made him kind
simmyfrobby · 1 year
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― Little Softness, samsketchbook
Hockey Poetry Post 34/?
(Photo credit: Mark Blinch, Kevin Sousa, Mark Blinch, Kevin Sousa, Mark Blinch, Andrew Lahodynskyj, Andrew Lahodynskyj, Kevin Sousa, Kevin Sousa, Mark Blinch)
Also I've been made aware that baby's got Narrative. This edit owes a not-insignificant amount to @sergeifyodorov's 2015 draft summary.
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amelia · 3 years
related to that last ask but now i actually have a question! what are your favourite episodes for amy as a character? (sorry if i’m pestering you btw you don’t have to answer right away ❣️)
it is absolutely never a bother for me to talk about amy pond!! gosh though this is a Question. okay. i did interpret this as episodes that are my favorite for the lens of My Understanding Of Amy instead of favorite pond era episodes as a whole if that makes sense? under the cut bc i got long as i tend to do
i think my number 1 has to be the big bang, because it really is just like. okay, pond era absolutely runs into the problem of frequently making stories/episodes that should be centered around amy's emotional journey actually about somebody else — but the big bang is all hers. it is all on her! she's leading the show SHE'S the one in the pandorica SHE'S the one who remembers the doctor into existence it is HER choice to say goodbye to leadworth and continue to travel completely without remorse SHE IS THE HERO. it goes from "time can be rewritten, he'll find a way" to AMY being the one who finds the way. rory and river and the doctor all of course get their Moments but it's unquestionably amy's spotlight moment the whole way through
i have also ALWAYSSS been obsessed with starless universe amelia and the way that she still believes in stars in a world where they DON'T EXIST the power of her mind and the conviction of her beliefs is a CORE TENET of amy's character, the doctor has NOTHING to do with it!!! it's just who she is !!! best character of all time <3
other things about the amy's writing in this episode i love: the line "the universe pouring into her dreams every night," space florida outfit <3, ok i obviously do not love this but i think so much about amy talking about the doctor at her wedding and her mother is still like "NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN… i thought the psychiatrists FIXED her" like once again !!! a UNIVERSAL CONSTANT that amy is the one who believes in things nobody else does and is LOUD about it and is RIGHT !!! (let's kill hitler tried to retcon this but it simply won't work on me ❤️ just like anything else about the let's kill hitler flashbacks ❤️❤️❤️), OKAY DOCTOR DID I SURPRISE YOU THIS TIME? <3
number 2, i think, is the eleventh hour itself? like it's just… i've rewatched it so many times and it's still the most captivating character introduction i have ever seen. i know i'm biased but i love it so much. her introduction as a clearly neglected seven year old girl (constantly think about the deleted line that has her talking to aunt sharon and saying "you're not supposed to leave me, i'm seven!" WOOF) who's not afraid of anything except for the crack in her wall… she has drawings up all over her house of burning houses, she draws smiley faces into her apples bc her mom used to do that, she can cook for herself way better than i could at seven, and she desperately just wants to leave. but when the doctor tells her he'll be back in five minutes, amy is already so used to adults leaving her and breaking their promises that she doesn't believe him. but he makes her believe anyway. and he doesn't come back.
and all of the rest of her character hinges on that introduction — of course she has to believe him, he was REAL, nobody can take his realness away from her even if she is the only one who believes. but he also left her all alone for so long, just like everyone else who was supposed to be there for her did, so what good does that to her? so yeah of course she grows up angry and bitter and hiding those layers of hurt deeply under the surface, scorning all attachment and serious relationships because she knows she can't trust them. she outwardly distances herself from her childhood self by changing her name but she IS still just such a child inside.
she's not ready to settle, to grow up, to become what everyone in her tiny village wants her to be, thinks that she should be — so when she gets the chance to GO, of course she takes it. but she's also not just going to let the doctor off the hook for [gestures] her entire life, you know? the exchanges "people always say that" "i'm not people, do i even look like people?" | "people always have a reason" "do i look like people?" "Yes." always just GUT ME. she may trust him but it's NOT a blind trust, it can't be.
number 3 has to be the beast below it just makes me SCREAM how good that episode is at really developing amy through her compassion for other people — right from the start she sees that kid crying and she thinks the doctor must ignore stuff like this all the time, and she says that she could never do that. she's learning and intuiting leaps and bounds about the doctor with everything he says to her — which is another one of my favorite amy character traits, the way she is SO quick to pick up on things about other people and analyze them. everything that she picks up about the doctor allows her to KNOW what to do to save the star whale, allows her to be confident in the fact that the star whale wanted to help the whole time. the choice is IN HER HANDS she IS THE HERO <3 as she always should be. you couldn't just stand there and watch people cry! all that pain and misery and loneliness and it MADE IT KIND. i don't care how overused that quote is it still HITS !!!
um. number 4 is the girl who waited but my very specific headcanon-ridden interpretation and cutting out all that garbage "rory's the most beautiful man i've ever met" "defying destiny causality the nexus of time itself for a boy" bullshit. idk there's so many terrible things about this episode but it also gave me so much to think about when it comes to amy it's on my mind a LOT. one thing i think about is the way it parallels amy's first abandonment by the doctor — not just in the obvious sense but in the way that she's actively fighting for her life in a hostile atmosphere, but nobody else SEES it as a hostile atmosphere. the two streams facility is leadworth like it really is. and what adds a more chilling component is the way the handbots signature line is "do not be alarmed, this is a kindness" — like all the people who were trying to convince amy she was crazy throughout her entire childhood really thought they were doing her a kindness. they thought they were helping her. but they were killing her. because she wasn't made for that environment.
beyond that i am just obsessed with 36-years-later amy she is an icon she is a legend she is the moment i don't care! every mean thing she said about the doctor and rory was absolutely deserved and in fact she should have been so much meaner! she is SO SMART she makes her own SONIC PROBES OUT OF CAMERA PHONES the fact that she even was able to SURVIVE THAT LONG and in COMPLETE isolation and still retain her own mental faculties is just insane to me it speaks so much about her insane mental strength oh my god it makes me sooo emotional i am tearing up a little typing this right now.
i just am always THINKING about the line "there he is, the voice of god. number one lesson: survive, because no one's coming for you. you taught me that" it says SO MUCH about her. oh my god older amy didn't want to die she'll be kicking and screaming and fighting til the end… i fucking hate this show and picking and choosing when paradoxes should apply OLDER AMY DESERVED TO LIVE
number 5 is probably the power of three but my own very headcanon infused interpretation of it. because it's like. the ultimate miscommunication/misunderstanding that exists between amy and the doctor coming to a head. where amy in 7.02 is like "i can't not wait for you, even now. (…) we think you're weaning us off you" (that line always makes me slow exhale … the phrasing of the doctor as a drug) and the doctor keeps insisting that's not true, "you'll be there until the end of me" "or vice versa" (and they have that loaded held stare and you know they're both thinking about what he said to her before he left in the god complex…)
but it's not until this episode where amy starts to actually believe he means it. at the same time she's spent so much TIME preparing for the inevitable moment where the doctor says goodbye and doesn't say hello ever again that she's not willing to fully hope that the doctor really means it when he says that he would never leave her permanently on purpose. and i love that this episode gives amy a lot of space to verbally communicate her emotions because the later pond episodes SORELY LACK THAT. and amy tells him, don't be nice to me, don't stop coming around just because you think that's the kind thing to do. even though she says herself that she doesn't know if she can have "both" — she knows that she can tell the doctor to stay, in her own way, and that he'll listen.
ideally they would have just gone off traveling together forever after that and the angels take manhattan did not happen but unlike what the doctor says about amy, i don't ever get what i want 🙃
also, this episode gave amy friends that weren't rory or the doctor or river so i love it for that on principal <3 i know amy had fun being the bridesmaid at laura's lesbian wedding. and kate!!
( i do hate that this episode ends with that conversation between brian and the doctor. i hate brian as a character and i will forever. won't get into this right now but OUGH )
honestly this list is kind of wobbly and might change if you asked me in a month so i'll just rattle off other favorite episodes / moments real quickly: the good night minisode (it counts!), RIVER SONG DIDN'T GET IT ALL FROM YOU SWEETIE (timeline frozen amy my beloved!), "i remember it so it happened so i did it," vincent and the doctor specifically when vincent tells amy that he hears the song of her sadness…. ow, i could write a whole other essay about amy's choice and how it is so much more complex than people give it credit for but this post is already so goddamn long
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copperhawks · 4 years
Numair goes out to talk to Constant, having been informed by Daine that Constant is worried about Sav and Numair having no time and less love for him now that they’re in a relationship.
Constant, of course, is on the roof.
“Sometimes, love isn’t good for you. It’s a spectacular, heady, wild feeling, but this is what makes it dangerous. People accept loves that aren’t good for them because they’re scared of not having that feeling anymore, like a drug. If you’ve always had that love, that drug, that person, not having it suddenly feels empty and frightening, hollow. It feels an awful lot like …”
He sought for what it felt like.
He thought of Ozorne.
He said, “It’s an awful lot like being dead.”
While Numair is obviously in the dark about Constant’s asexuality/aromanticism, he does recognize that Constant has not been in love before and attempts to make sense of what Constant has experienced of Don and Sav’s relationship and why it has been different to the other romances Constant has seen in his life.
Constant doesn’t seem to quite understand entirely where Numair is trying to hint with his words, that Sav’s been hurt before and devoid of love before and so he clings to his love for Don because to be without it is worse than the consequences that came of having it.
So Numair tries to explain his suspicions about Cole. How he thinks Cole may have hurt Sav, which is why Sav is so againt Constant going to the palace in the first place. While this does the trick of making sure Constant knows what to be wary of and understands Sav’s resistance, it also has the upsetting side effect of eliciting some real anger from Constant that could lead to some less than well thought out actions once Cole returns to the palace.
I’ve mentioned before how much I love Numair and Constant’s relationship, how Numair is so open with Constant, as much as he can be, and how clearly he cares about Constant and believes in Constant’s abilities. He refuses not to respect Constant simply because Constant’s young, or just assume he won’t understand something.
He doesn’t go into any detail about where his knowledge on love comes from, his past with Ozorne isn’t something Constant needs to know here and would distract from the overall point about Sav and Don and how their relationship affects Constant.
But the READERS know. The readers understand that Numair is coming into this conversation after getting a major hit of homesickness from that care package, both for Tortall and for Carthak. And his trauma from Carthak has clearly been steadily building up the longer he stays in Galla as he makes comparisons between his former situation and Sav’s with Don.
The readers know that Numair wasn’t BORN with this attitude. He learned all of these things about how to handle people with trauma and how to handle love and relationships through his own experiences. He’s had to learn most of this the hard way.
As the popular Doctor Who quote goes, all that pain and misery and loneliness, and it just made him kind.
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pickingstars-blog1 · 7 years
3, 13, 28 & 29. Also, I hope you're having a wonderful day! :)
Ahh thank you! I am having a wonderful day, hope you’re having one too :)
Thoughts on the current Doctor 3. Favourite Quote
I was so so tempted to say that speech from The Doctor Falls about kindness, but then I realised what my favourite quote actually is, and I mean...it really couldn’t be anything else:
“What if you were really old, and really kind and alone? Your whole race dead. No future. What couldn't you do then? If you were that old, and that kind, and the very last of your kind, you couldn't just stand there and watch children cry....All that pain and misery and loneliness, and it just made it kind.”
I actually got a little teary just copying and pasting that quote oh. my. gosh. The Beast Below is Moffat’s most underrated masterpiece - I won’t get into that now because I’d be here for days raving about it - instead, I’ll just say that...this is it. In retrospect, this is it. This is the episode, this is the moment in which Moffat establishes his vision. His game-plan. His Doctor Who. That glorious speech in The Doctor Falls? it all comes from this, from a little (and yet...so huge) thing Amy Pond once said to The Doctor a long time away on Starship UK. It says everything we need to know about The Doctor under Steven Moffat, it says everything we need to know about not just Amy Pond (whose most shining character trait, much like The Doctor themselves, is her kidness) but about The Companion under Steven Moffat. “My friends have always been the best of me.” says The Doctor, and they have! Clara changing The Doctor’s mind about Gallifrey? Clara’s wonderful speech to baby-doc in Listen? It all comes from The Beast Below. This is where everything I hold dear about the Moffat era derives from, how could any other quote ever come out in-front!?
13. First story you saw on TV
Rose! I #SatDownWithTheFamily as a tiny eight-year-old on the 26th March 2005 at 7:00pm to watch what I assumed was...a medical show about some Doctor who lived in a house that was super big inside or...something...I had no clue what I was getting myself into, but I’d truly never seen anything like it on TV before and around 20 minutes in I was flat-out hooked for. life. I don’t think I’ve ever fallen for somthing so fast ever lol. Like..light switch fast. In the span of 45 minutes I suddenly like...had found my first ever real, proper, obsession. I can to this day remember being that person who just wouldn’t shut up about it at school that next Monday morning, I drove everyone MAD!
28. Anything you want to see in the next season
I have IDEAS.
Primarily, I want change. I know that goes against the grain of ye-olde-docteur-who-fan but the changes in the show are so so SO exciting to me. I love Moffat’s era with my whole heart, but I am so here for a new...everything. New intro, new TARDIS, new logo, new theme music, (new composer altogether?) Series 5 is seven years old now, and every time I watch it I still get that “EVERYTHING IS SO DIFFERENT OMG” feeling that I got when The Eleventh Hour first aired, it’s timeless!
In terms of like..specifics...I really would love for the show to expand it’s characters a little and give us more of an ensemble cast. A group of 4 companions + Thirteen would be perfect I think. If Game of Thrones/The Sopranos’ HBO style storytelling has given audiences anything beyond a fetish for....bleak TV, it’s an appreication for exploring how a range of fleshed-out characters interact with eachother - I’m not Game of Thrones’ biggest fan at all but even I squealed a little when Jon finally met Dany. I think Chibnall’s work on Broadchurch really lends itself to that kind of showrunning. We could have a companion from the past (@ Chibs I think Helen of Troy would make a wonderful Who companion Just Saying Just Saying), our routine Contemporary Earth Companion and then maybe a pair of siblings from a future colony or something.
If Chibs only has one companion, then I would want them to stick to a young-ish Contemporary Earth based character. The audince surrogate thing works wonderfully. and I’d like to see it stay. Contrary to popular opinion I do think this specific companion-prototype should be a male companion this time around. I think it could make for some quietly revolutionary storytelling. Just imagine a wistful 20-something London boy dreaming about space and exploring the universe Luke Skywalker style. He’s bubbly and energetic, rather than hyper-masculine and dashing. He’s in total awe of The Doctor and sees her as his role-model. Picture that, the young man being mentored and inspired and shown the wonder of the universe by the woman. That’s an exciting, fresh, and subversive dynamic, and a dynamic fully worth exploring inmy opinion.
Also, tight and expansive full-out season story arcs!!!! I know many fans want a return to flat-out standalones but gosh TV can do so much better than just an unconnected bunch of stories now. Let’s have a proper, running, story arc ala Series 5. A little like The Dalek Master Plan or The Keys of Marinus but even bigger in scope and in stakes. Let’s go Chibs don’t ltet m down!
29. Thoughts on the current Doctor
My absolute, without-a-doubt favourite Doctor. So gentle, and righteous and not the least egotistical. With a clear and defined character arc that’s simple enough for guest writers to not...fuck up and cause inconsistency. (The Lie of the Land notwithstanding)
Also, the most wonderful Doctor is so delicately and completely genuinly masterfully played by the most wonderful human being in Peter Capaldi. So...even more amazing. He’s not only a magical actor, but he’s a magical person and a magical ambassador for the show. I’m going to be so sad seeing him go.
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