#where the main character *isn't* kassandra
semperintrepida · 7 months
I really appreciate your analyses of Kyra and her relationship with Kassandra. Something that’s been frustrating to me in video game fandom is that even if you’re lucky and get a compelling female main character, the chances of any potential female love interest also getting a fair shake in canon is very low (looking at you Lara Croft/Sam Nishimura… 🙃). Therefore, any deeper dive into the love interest in fic is always HIGHLY appreciated. I’m also curious: what is your opinion on Daphnae and Aspasia, and their respective potential romances with Kassandra?
So you're saying I should write more analysis dispatches from the SS Kyssandra? 🤣
(Before I answer your question, I must admit that I'm no multishipper. I trip face-first into a ship and cling to it for dear life until I tire of it. But that doesn't mean I can't opine on demand.)
Daphnae, Daphnae, Daphnae. So devoted to her goddess. So fucking unHiNgEd. "Go run around Hellas killing big beasties to prove your love worthiness as my opponent." After the first couple of pelts Daphnae had to have known that Kassandra was going to be the one. I respect a woman with a death wish.
Artemis is the goddess of young girls and maidenhood, of wild lands and wild beasts. But a young woman's freedom comes to an end in marriage, to a stranger she's only just met and had no time to love, with whom she's expected to bear children that she will of course love with all her being, but at what cost...
What I mean to say is I think this storyline is the first and only time Kassandra is a metaphor for marriage.
Now let's talk about Aspasia as a love interest for Kassandra. Kasspasia fans avert your eyes! And people who haven't played the main AC:O storyline and don't want to be spoiled. Scroll away!
Kasspasia is my NOTP. I can see Aspasia seducing an unsuspecting Kassandra. I can see how that would be delicious in a soap opera kind of way. (Such a tragic reveal!) But what I can't see is Kassandra letting Aspasia live after finding out the true identity of the Ghost, not after saying:
"I will not stop until every last Cultist has met my spear. You will be erased from history. I will erase you."
No matter how silky it is between Aspasia's sheets, the idea that Kassandra would forgive her for being the Ghost just does not compute. My big logic brain can't accept it in any circumstance, not when there's an equally compelling, educated, intensely charismatic woman over on the Silver Islands waiting to be wooed, a woman who, most importantly, is not a member of the Cult.
That said, I might be interested in an AU where deimos!Kassandra and Aspasia get it on in their secret villain lair. Someone write me that fic.
This is all, of course, my opinion.
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revui · 22 days
can you please explain the names of your oc ship tags? i am very curious where they come from
i'm so glad you asked :3 (i always answer these with readmores since my oc rambles can get. Long)
Prophesized Doom - This one is between my characters Colum and Pippin. The former is a Diviner with a magical specialty in foresight and voted most likely to be doomed by the narrative because he sucks. The latter is the vessel for a manmade God-bird made of magic mercurial sludge, hailed by a cult as a hero from their prophecy, and voted second most likely to be doomed by the narrative. Of the main cast, these two guys have the most tumultuous approximation of a romance, like if a "will they/won't they" was an extreme sport. Hence, prophesized doom.
(Not all of them are this complicated.)
Dragon Bones - The absolute simplest. Hyacinth is obsessed with bones and skeletons; Delilah is a dragon. (Also - hehehe boning a dragon)
Dumpster Blaze - This one is actually drawing on old versions of the characters involved, Tessera and Azar. Tessera is a weird garbage woman who, in an older story, made her debut by getting stuck in a trash can. Azar in that same story was a pyromancer, and despite losing her fire abilities, she's still heavily symbolized by fire, largely candles. And also their relationship is a metaphorical trash fire, so.
Young Gods - Surprisingly literal! Miranda is of fae descent, which in this world means she's the closest thing they have to a rightful empress AND venerated god, not that anyone figures that out for a while. And that bird goop god I mentioned - Kassandra spends a large portion of the story working with Pippin to pretend that she's its vessel, not him, and so she is hailed by the cult as a god before he is. And both of them are like, teens.
Firework Show - Veerabelle and Ignatia are somehow perhaps the most normal couple. Veer is symbolized frequently with firecrackers and such, and a firecracker actually plays a key role in their relationship. It's also a reference specifically to how Ignatia views Veer, as beautiful and enrapturing but overwhelming at times.
Book Club - This is the one tag that isn't between main characters; it's a reformed antagonist (Xylem) and a side character (Evander). They're both big nerds and also stuck in an assassin's guild, and they hate each other but largely have no one else to talk to. They work out together, spar each other, talk about books, try to kill each other, get weird and homosexual in the midst of all of the above, and generally behave as the only two members of the saddest, horniest book club ever. Hence the name. Their weird gay shit is far and away the healthiest outcome possible for their dynamic.
I made all of these because I wanted to have something that wasn't just both characters' names, and this was a prime opportunity to get a little silly and go a bit nuts with the jokes and the themes and such
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keyrousse · 2 years
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"Dream of a thousand cats" was beautiful and heartbreaking (my cats weren't interested, I think it's for the best ;) ).
"Calliope" was a very nice addition to the series, with solid acting from every side. It was nice for me to see Melissanthi Mahut in her true(-ish ;) ) form after having a crush on her a couple of years ago, when I started playing AC: Odyssey, where she absolutely slayed as VA for Kassandra (with a much thicker accent than she has here).
It was nice that they hired an actual Greek actress for the role of a Greek goddess.
Also, damn, Tom Sturridge, him again. Not only rocking that eyeliner, but also showing the whole array of emotions without saying much. Damn, Dream still loves Calliope. Damn, he cares about her so much. Damn, he hates people who imprison and enslave other people, especially if those imprisoned are his ex-wife. Maybe he changed after his own imprisonment, maybe he just knows what Calliope is going through, maybe he would have helped her anyway. We don't know. I just love them, your honour.
This episode also confirms what Tom said in one interview and people here made fun of it: Sandman isn't always the protagonist. He's not the main character, not always. I can point out at least two eps of the "main show" where he wasn't at the centre (5 and 7; damn, the whole second arc of the show wasn't about him!). Believe Tom next time, he knows what he's talking about.
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alethiometry · 1 year
get to know a blogger // tagged by the lovely @aeide!
Share your wallpaper:
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i have a dual-monitor setup where on the left is a vertical non-4k monitor (i really thought i was gonna use it more for coding but now it's just where discord / game wikis / spotify live lol) and on the right is my main monitor which is curved 4k, so i had a hell of a time finding something that works for both — but this shot of leyndell actually works beautifully because the erdtree sanctuary area fits perfectly on the left, and the rest of the city sits nicely on the right. the resolution discrepancy isn't too jarring either, which can be tricky when you're trying to make a single image flow relatively seamlessly between non-4k and 4k. i mean it's definitely not perfect, but i think it looks really really good
Last song you listened to:
"carnival of rust" by poets of the fall
Currently reading:
a memory called empire by arkady martine
the hands of the emperor by victoria goddard
Last movie:
oooooo. uhhhhhhh. i think i rewatched the princess bride relatively recently?
Last show:
yellowjackets season 2 episode 2 "edible complex" babEYYYYY
scrambled eggs
What are you wearing right now:
How tall are you:
just the earlobes! i don't wear earrings often though
a small joshua tree design thing between my shoulderblades
chrysanthemums on my left bicep
a twin peaks owl + roses on my right thigh
the girl + triceratops skull from this promo pic from jurassic world fallen kingdom on my right calf. absolute dogshit movie but i really really liked the still lol
i do want more in theory but haven't decided what of / where on my body.... maybe a shark on my ribcage idk
Glasses? Contacts?
usually contacts. glasses if i'm having a really slow/lazy morning, but i don't wear them out
Last thing you ate:
blackcurrant candy drops
Favorite color:
dark purple / red / burgundy! anything from the range of eggplant to red wine.
Current obsession:
elder scrolls online... i want to spend my real actual hard-earned american dollars on an in-game furnished house SOOOOOO BAD... i might do the math to see how long it would hypothetically take me to earn enough monthly crowns via the eso+ subscription vs a one-time crown purchase ughhh i hate this for me but also the game is quite fun! do i know what's going on? not really! but i am vibing
these stupid blackcurrant candies that i paid jeff bezos way too much money for to ship from the uk but goddamn they're good. simpkins established 1921 finest all-natural and original travel sweets blackcurrant drops hmu babe i would shill for you on instagram in a SECOND.
Any pets:
none, but i really want a dog!
Favorite fictional character:
kassandra from ass creed odyssey :)
The last place you traveled:
catalina island! but i'm also going to chicago soon!
i am tagging: @winedark @doomcountry @ellrond @dinluke @reiverreturns @thychesters and anyone else who wants to do this!
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codexassassin · 4 months
Bayek and Amunet: what did they call their brotherhood(s)?
I decided to do some research.
I watched the last scene in Origins again where they part ways, to me, Bayek named themselves the Hidden Ones, and for location I don't know, it does not say. However, I muse that their brotherhood is formed out of their love, their love begin in the Duat, (do at) the Egyptian underworld.
Others have said it would be the Ptolemaic Brotherhood, loosely.
However, Bayek hated the Ptolemiac Rulers, because his son was killed, so there is no way he is calling it that. From a scholar's standpoint who isn't connected, looking at the time frame, one would call it that, but there is no way.
The Ptolemaic Kingdom, also known as the Ptolemaic Empire, was an Ancient Greek state based in Egypt during the Hellenistic period12345. It was founded in 305 BC by Ptolemy I Soter, a companion of Alexander the Great, and lasted until the death of Cleopatra VII in 30 BC2. The Ptolemies were ,the longest and most recent Egyptian dynasty of ancient origin, ruling for nearly three centuries2. The Ptolemies broke millennia of tradition when they based the capital of their Egyptian empire not in Thebes or Luxor but in Alexandria, a newly constructed port on the Mediterranean Sea.
I muse that it would be called The Duak, because it implies what is brought here from the underworld. Bayek was a romantic, he would have implied it with it's name, because Aya his wife, changed to Amunet, and they parted ways due to the death of their son. However, Bayek was keen to all early Hidden ones that they remain secretive, so that is probably (I muse) ut has no actual location of name for the first brotherhood(s), and neither does Amunet's brotherhood that she helped found. Which I think was much more in Greece than Egypt.
Duat means "down below" and Duak implies "brought forth". However, this is a musing of a first brotherhood, and it may be more reasonable to believe that they were working with Alamut or the Persian brotherhood, due to warriors like Darius and Basim, which is also written about in the fandom, https://assassinscreed.fandom.com, where Basim requests help from Bayek and his Egyptian brotherhood.
In Assassin's creed odyssey, both Bayek and Amunet can be co captain's of Kassandra's fleet on the Andrestia.
According to Bing's Chat Search:
According to the Assassin’s Creed Wiki 1, Bayek founded the first bureau of the Hidden Ones in Memphis, Egypt2. He sometimes used the alias “Amun” when signing off on letters of correspondence1. The Hidden Ones were the precursor organization to the Assassins, who fought against the tyranny of the Order of the Ancients1.
Sometimes in Egyptian lore, Memphis was seen as the beginning of the Duat or birthplace of the Duat. As if the portal opened there.
I could muse that he could have called it the Diat, meaning "Brought here" as brought to earth. Or he could have gone with a more Akkadian name, like Uruk, or something like Urud Asad. Will we ever truly know? lol Give it a "Tumblr Canon Name" lol
The Andrestia is the name of the ship that the player uses to sail across the Aegean Sea in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey1. It is a single-sailed trireme with a crew of over 200 people, armed with arrows, javelins, and fire braziers2. The player can upgrade the ship’s hull, weapons, and cosmetics, as well as recruit lieutenants from various enemies and allies3. The Andrestia is captained by Barnabas, a friend of the main character, Kassandra4. The ship also serves as a fast travel point and a source of naval contracts and bounties3. The Andrestia is named after the Greek goddess of justice and revenge2.
Learn more1gamepressure.com2assassinscreed.fandom.com3primagames.com
Yes, I am a nerd/geek. :-D
Hidden Ones Bureaus - Locations and Guides - Assassin's Creed Valhalla Guide - IGN
The first Hidden One’s Bureau was founded by Bayek in Memphis, Egypt 1. He sometimes used the alias “Amun” when signing off on letters of correspondence 2. The bureau was located in a hidden underground chamber beneath the Temple of Ptah 3.
1: Hidden Ones Bureaus - Locations and Guides - IGN 2: AC Valhalla Hidden Ones Bureau locations: All Valhalla Codex Pages … 3: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Codex Pages & All Hidden Ones Bureau Locations
Learn more 1ign.com 2pcgamer.com 3gamertweak.com 4ign.com
Ptah is an ancient Egyptian deity, a creator god and patron deity of craftsmen and architects. He was the chief god of Memphis, the capital of Egypt from the 1st dynasty onward. He was also the father of the sage Imhotep, who was revered as a god of medicine and wisdom1. Ptah was depicted as a mummified man with a skullcap and a short beard, holding a staff that combined the symbols of life, stability, and power2. He was part of the Memphite Triad, along with his wife Sekhmet, the goddess of war and healing, and his son Nefertem, the god of the lotus and the dawn3. Ptah was also associated with the sacred bull Apis, who was believed to be his manifestation and gave oracles at his temple4.
1: Ptah - Wikipedia 2: Ptah | Creator God, Memphis, Patron | Britannica 3: Ptah - Students | Britannica
Also spelled PhPtah. (Fa-Tah?) Pas-Tah?
I muse further: If Basim knew the Egyptian Hidden ones, instead of one kingdom or time frame dictating or following one after the other, wouldn't it make sense if The timelines of Egypt and Alamut/Ottoman Brotherhoods existed at the same time, as perhaps the bureau's of Valhalla?
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mini-uzzy · 5 months
Heyyy!! 1, 5, 8 for art ask!
yooo!! thanks for the ask!!
(1) Who's you favorite character to portray? Ivarr Ragnarsson (AC: Valhalla). He's my default comms sample for a reason because I really enjoy drawing him. See, I have a weird obsession of his character design. To me, he isn't conventionally attractive and since I'm a sucker for details, I love drawing his scars, facial structure, baggy eyes, nose shape, haircut, tattoos, body structure-- it's just his character design is the right amount of chaos and "ugly" to me. I even have an AU for him where he's a deathcore singer and it's my favorite designs I did so far.
(5) Are there any artworks you'd like to talk about more? I'm currently drawing this Kassandra fanart and this has been a huge WIP since late 2021. During those times, I was working at a job that was stressing me out, so I just didn't have the right energy to finish it. Just last month, I found it in a random folder, and I have ran out of Copic ink. So, I tried drawing it again, and it's been challenging- physically because I'm using colored pencils, which is not my main media, and emotionally because I have crippling perfectionism. I'm finishing this piece because I want to beat that perfectionism and to make peace with said past.
(8) What's something you'd want to draw/paint but can't/won't? I'm gonna answer a type of media, and I'd say digital media. Not because I hate it or against it, but during highschool, I noticed a huge decline of traditional artists on the internet that time, and I felt bad because I thought what if one day trad art dies? So, I made up my mind to never do digital painting/drawing, and even though nowadays I think trad art will definitely stay, I want to stick with it, because trad art is cool!
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bradongamesodyssey · 2 years
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In the main story as well as when you're playing side-quests you'll have some crucial choices that will affect the narrative of the game title and your character's path. While the majority of the choices you make are insignificant and only result in slightly different endings for quests the crucial decisions that have an impact can result in dramatic twists in events, with some plotlines and characters coming to their fate in a hurry. At times you'd never expect that you'll witness the repercussions of decisions you made early in the story, either for either a better outcome or a worse one. With nine outcomes that could occur at the story's end, there's a surprising amount of causes and effects that make the story feel individual. Here you can buy Xbox Series X keys for the 30 best online games to play with friends.
When you travel through your journey across the Greek continent and islands in the Mediterranean sea, you will come across diverse locations that display stunning landscapes that pay homage to the ancient gods as well as interact with numerous historical figures from the past who were trying to impress Greek society. The quantity of details that are packed in each place is amazing that is connected with a vibrant and lively ecosystem in which local wildlife and civilians maintain their territories. However, as you explore further you'll witness the numerous challenges and the realities of living in Ancient Greece directly, including horrific slavery as well as the ongoing war between militaristic Spartans along with the heavily administrative Athenian army. Here you can buy game keys for the best videogames of all time.
As you explore more of the world and advance the main plot new gameplay mechanics and other possibilities will emerge providing even more reasons to investigate. If the plot to destroy Greece becomes known it will be possible to track the key players by navigating the vast interconnected web that appears within the game title's menu and show their links to other targets as well as the best way to find them. However, in one of Odyssey's more challenging adventures, you'll meet a variety of mythological creatures that are hidden around the globe, offering some of the most memorable and imaginative encounters where violence isn't always a solution.
The characters of the different game series also serve some of Odyssey's most charming and enjoyable moments. Despite the dark nature of the game comedy and amusing humor often ease tension, even on serious occasions. Although Kassandra and Alexios have the same dialog and story beats but their different characters, genders and viewpoints give them a unique flavor, making them distinct, with some situations and storylines that feel more appropriate to a particular persona.
It's also an option in Odyssey. Although some of these scenes might be funny, they're generally just bizarre gestures of affection with no purpose at all. They usually end in a slack pause during the conversation, followed by the actors disappearing from the screen before returning to the conversation without missing one beat. The majority of the time the awkward romantic opportunities are seen immediately after (or in) other traumatic events. In addition to seeing extra scenes featuring specific characters, there's no reason to engage in romance even if you want to. The presence of these kinds of scenes isn't very appealing and can ruin otherwise fascinating conversations.
The map is larger than in size than the prior game title, Odyssey is built to be explored, and includes added content that can satisfy your desire to travel. Your actions have an impact on the world wherever you go. Odyssey provides a wide array of content that will help your development at a steady rate. Although the issue of level-gating occurs occasionally, which prevents players from exploring any area they want to You can also have a break from the main narrative and explore the vastness of the site content at your own pace. Several side quests provide an impressive amount of depth and passion and include some of Odyssey's most memorable moments. Here you can buy cheap Xbox Series X keys for the 50 best video games of all time, according to critics.
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alethiometry · 1 year
WIP Game: Departures, please!
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'departures' is the working title for my kasseivor/valhalla last chapter fix-it wip! it was borne out of my disdain for how utterly underwhelming the last chapter was, as well as just me using any excuse to shove kassandra into any scenario. my hope is that, although i don't plan on it being a very happy fic, and i still want it to end geographically in the same place as the last chapter, the emotional and narrative payoff feels much more earned.
the premise is that eivor convinces kassandra to join her raiders and come live in ravensthorpe for as long as she wants. kassandra knows she shouldn't stay long (and aletheia is in her head doubling down on this thought) but ultimately as a big fuck-you to aletheia and also because she has the biggest gayest crush on eivor, she does accept the offer.
the fic opens with kass arriving in ravensthorpe, and the general idea is kass and eivor growing closer as in the background other characters come and go. vili returns to snotinghamscire to finally accept his position as jarl. gunnar and brigid have a child. randvi finds her calling in joining the hidden ones (under both kass and hytham's tutelage) and accompanies hytham back east. rollo goes to france. the raven clan kids' trio are growing up. "dreams" by the cranberries is playing in the background despite not debuting for another thousand years and i'm crying my eyes out just thinking about it etc etc.
eventually aelfred comes knocking and eivor and sigurd clash over what to do; sigurd wants to resist aelfred's army by any means necessary (aka all-out war), but eivor (from her own experience fighting in the south, and advised by kass who has already observed the spread of christianity through her travels and feels this is a force that cannot be resisted outright the way sigurd thinks it can) is inclined to follow in her father's footsteps and surrender/come to some kind of compromise in order to spare her people.
and that's kind of where the details end. i've got maybe the first couple thousand words written and everything else vaguely outlined up to this point. i have some ideas/inspiration for how i want certain plot/character beats to go, but a lot of it is heavily influenced by the final season of black sails, so for the sake of @milfeivor who is still watching that for the first time, i will keep my mouth shut for now :)
the main issue is that i feel like in order to do justice to any of the characters i would either have to re-play the game (which is too fucking long and i don't want to do it), watch clips of character interactions and cutscenes on youtube (which i could do but am lazy), or read fics featuring the characters i want to write about (which i don't feel comfortable considering "research" because i don't want to mistake authorial interpretation for canon fact or unintentionally pass off somebody else's ideas as my own). so for all those reasons, this one is on the backburner. i do hope to come back to it one day, but for now i don't feel any real urgency to work on it.
also, havi/odin does not exist in this story or at least isn't narratively present, because i simply do not fucking care <3
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