#where it applied of course so a lot of court manners didnt really help much
darudedogestorm · 1 year
unlocked memory that at age 10 i did actually look to the conversation lessons (mostly flattery) in long live the queen for advice on how to talk to other people
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brightwood-duchess · 4 years
Night Swim | Chatzy Log
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Katell, Magnus and Coe. Katell has a realization that rocks her world.
Katell: Katell didn't often swim. She found the bathing suits revealing and as a Seelie court Fae on an island of sexual deviants, that could spell trouble. Night time, however, when all the others had gathered in clubs and bars, was when she felt safe to swim and enjoy the cool water on her skin. She laid back, looking up at her beloved stars in the silence.
Magnus: One of the great things about having his own place next to the ocean was that he could head down to the beach whenever he wanted. Heading down to the beach in just his shorts, Magnus chuckled as he saw a familiar figure floating in the water. "Well, well, well. I didn't expect to see anyone on the beach this late."
Katell: Katell gasped as she found her footing on the sandy bottom. Her arms instinctually wrapped around her chest and stomach as if she'd been caught naked rather than in her recently purchased bikini. Her eyes locked on to her new teacher and she felt her heart race the way it always did in class, a class she wasn't doing very well in. "W-what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at your club?" she asked in a breathless voice
Magnus: With a grin on his face, Magnus shrugged as he slipped into the water, feel the warm water on his skin. His eyebrow cocked upwards when he sawt her try to cover herself like she was naked. "I don't spend every night at my club. Besides, it's a nice night to go skinny dipping."t
Katell: "Skinny dipping?" She questioned incredulously. "Will that be on the next test then?" She questioned with a bit of sass. He'd been kind to her before and she respected his authority as a King, but Katell was still a little bitter that she was forced to take yet another class that she was near failing. A class that set her cheeks aflame and her heart to race at the scandal of it all.
Magnus: A quick laugh and Magnus shrugged. "I wasn't planning on it but I suppose I could make it an extra credit assignment." He remembered that she wasn't doing well in his class, but he kind of expected it from her.
Katell: "Very funny," she spoke and had the audacity to roll her eyes... at a King no less. One could watch her expression change as she realized what she'd done. She bowed her head and told herself to stow her attitude, she had manners after all. With her head still bowed, she lifted her eyes to his majesty, hoping to see if he'd noticed or felt disrespected in any way.
Magnus: Magnus snorted a laugh and shook his head, a grin on his face despite her attitude. He had always been amused whenever she caught an attitude with him considering how formal she tried to act around him. "How have you been Katell?"
Katell: "I've been..." she wanted to say fine but Fae could not lie. "... shaken. I'm taking a new dance program, and now your class. I swear, the earth shattering changes just never stop coming in this place." Her eyes looked over him, so at ease in the same place that had her so on edge. "What about you?" Maybe she could figure out his secret.
Magnus: "What's wrong with my class?" Magnus asked, confused for a moment. He tried to keep things fairly equal in his class, never picking someone to the exclusion of everyone else.
Katell: "The topic is...." She bit her lip before explaining. She wanted to say that it wasn't proper talk for a duchess but in reality, she hadn't been with anyone or even felt her own hands since May of last year. She was pent up, by her own protest, but the class wasn't helping. Her things squeezed together at the thought. "I just wish I wasn't forced to discuss and listen to such salacious conversations."
Magnus: His eyebrow rose as he waited for her to explain to him her opinion of his class. "Salacious conversations huh? Tell me Katell, how long have you been at the Institute?"
Katell: "A year and 4 months," she answered, a little unsure where he was going with his questioning.
Magnus: "So in 16 months, you still have not yet come to grips with what this island is about?" Magnus asked, his eyebrow rising incredulously. "The fact that you cannot seem t hold a discussion about these topics without wishing to have it into the dark recesses of your mind is part of why my class is so important."
Katell: "I know what the island is about, but I didn't ask for that. I thought I was getting a diploma and a way into the mortal workforce. Otherwise I would never have come here." She sighed and tried to explain. "I just... I don't indulge in that discussion as acts like that can cause rumour and scandal, things I avoid at all costs. It's why my protest is..." Katell stopped. She'd never admitted to anyone that she was holding her own protest. She blushed and wished she could take back those words. If she was asked about them, she couldn't lie.
Coe: Coe wasn't sure what it was about the beach, but sometimes when he was having a restless night it just calmed him down. He never really slept, being a hellhound, but it let him relax when he needed it. But when he realized that he wasn't the only one here, Coe smirked and waved. "Hello!"
Katell: Katell's gaze lifted to the distraction from her verbal blunder. Thank the realms! Although her arms tightened a bit more where they wrapped around her own body, at least this could distract from her accidental admission.
Magnus: "Look, I get it. You were exiled from the one thing you knew and thrust into a world that didnt make sense to you. Unfortunately, if you're gonna make it in the mortal world, you need to stop acting like you're still a Fae noble." His head cocked to the side at her comment. "Your protest?" Looking up, Magnus nodded to the newcomer. "Hi."
Coe: Coe felt like he interrupted the conversation when he entered and he ran a hand through his hair. "Ah. Um. Do you need me to go?" He pointed a thumb over his shoulder. "I feel like this is a serious conversation. I hope I'm not intruding."
Katell: "But I'm not going to be here forever, I'm going to go back home and whatever I do here could ruin that. I can't live for the now, I have to live for my future." She winced a bit when he questioned her protest. "I... I swore to myself that.... that I wouldn't... find.... release..." before she could admit anymore she latched onto Coe's entrance. "No, it's fine. We weren't discussing anything important."
Coe: Coe smiled when he saw Katell. "It seems like whenever we see each other, we aren't completely dressed. Hi Katell. I hope you've been well." He said as he walked towards them into the water.
Katell: "Right," she remembered the lack of attire when they'd met during the Winter break. She was beginning to deeply regret buying the bikini but she'd little money for herself and it was a costly option. "We were just discussing the new class Magnus is teaching," not a great segue away from her admission of celibacy, but she didn't have a better idea.
Coe: Coe nodded. "And you still look just as good as before. I like it." He gave her his normal goofy smile. "It looks amazing on you." Coe nodded. "Ah yes. That's why he looks familiar. I knew I've seen you somewhere. Hello Professor." He held his hand out. "Nice to officially meet you and not just see you in class." Coe smiled. "I'm Coe."
Magnus: Magnus raised an eyebrow at Katell and shook his head in exasperation. "You are missing the point of the class dear, but then I suppose I can't be too surprised. Most people do." Turning to the newcomer, Magnus nodded his head in greeting. "Hello Coe. Please, call me Magnus. I don't worry about titles in settings like this."
Katell: Katell bowed her head at Magnus' words. She was missing the point of a lot of things it seemed. Everyone she spoke to these days was telling her how wrong her approach was. It was wearing on her a bit. How could they all agree she was wrong?
Coe: Coe nodded. "Nice to meet you, Magnus." He corrected himself. "I've had fun in the class. It's been really helpful. I like it. If that is any consolation." He shrugged.
Magnus: Chuckling, Magnus nodded. "Well, I try to make it both fun and informative. I figure if I can make the topic more fun then I might actually get some real information to sneak in."
Katell: "Real information?" Katell asked, quieter than before. What real information could come from learning the difference between a foot fetish and a hand fetish?
Coe: Coe nodded. "I would say so. I've never done anything before I came here, and I've learned a lot. Definitely been a helpful course. I've had a lot more fun recently."
Magnus: Nodding his head, Magnus smiled. "Yes. The whole point of my Sex and Kink class is to teach proper kink so that hopefully proper techniques will be applied and there will be less injuries amongst the grant students."
Katell: "Abstinence would do the same thing, wouldn't it?" It was working in her favour at least. She'd been 8 months without orgasm herself. Then again, all of her friends would likely have told her the opposite.
Coe: Coe shrugged. "I would assume even if you were abstinent here, it would come in handy at any point in your life. Even if you left the island, it could come in handy if there is anything you ever want to try with a willing partner."
Katell: That was a good point. She wasn't just living for the future, she was living for one goal in her future. "Still, its just... so much to take in..."
Coe: Coe smiled and grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze. "Even if you are choosing to be abstinent, as hard as it is while here, I would say it's still something to try to at least soak in the information. Better to at least have the knowledge, than not have it at all."
Magnus: "I'm not teaching abstinence. The idea of trying to rely solely on abstinence as any kind of control factor is outright ridiculous."
Katell: It shocked her how easily he called out her little game, and Magnus putting down her plans brought her near to tears in a way she'd never been on the island before. "So what, I'm just supposed to lose myself in the arms of anyone who wants me? Jeopardize my future to survive in a place I don't even want to be?" She bit her lip to stop herself from crying in frustration. "What if my court finds out I'm sleeping around on a sex slave island?" She honestly didn't know what they'd do but she often had nightmares about them finding out which usually ended in the loss of her title and eternal banishment.
Coe: Coe knew how hard it was to be abstinent, but he wasn't one to talk. He liked sex and it was something he discovered with himself once he got here. And it seemed like a lot of people wanted him in that way. So if it made others happy, he didn't mind sleeping with them. He loved it. But he sympathized. He didn't want anyone to do anything they didn't want to. Though that wasn't what this island was about. So he kept ahold of her hand as she got frustrated and gave her hand a squeeze. "That sounds tough. But it also sounds like you're putting a lot of faith in things you can't control. And it seems like those who you belong to outside of the island control you just as much as this island does. Why choose either?" He asked curiously. "I've chosen my happiness. And it has seemed to help. Myself is more important than anyone trying to control me."
Katell: "I don't belong to-" her tongue stopped her, unable to tell a lie. Of course she belonged to someone. She belonged to the Seelie Court. She lived for them in every aspect of her life. They had as much control over her as the collar around her neck. Her shoulders sank and the arms that were wrapped around her fell away, one hand remaining in Coe's. She felt defeated as she saw just how long she'd lived with chains around her.
Coe: Coe pulled her into his arms and gave her a tight hug, like he was trying to hide her away. Like he was trying to block her from being seen from anyone. It seemed like there was many issues at play here and sex was just one of the factors. He rubbed her back with one of his hands. "It's okay."
Magnus: "Did you not chose to come to this school?" Magnus asked quietly, trying to tamp down his natural aggression. "I'm not trying to say you chose to be a sex slave, but last I knew the Institute was not in the habit of kidnapping people and forcing them to come to the island. You may not have wanted to leave the court, but you were made to leave and you chose to come here instead." Dunking his head in the water, he pushed his hair back out of his face before continuing. "As for what your court does or does not know, I think you have a mistaken idea of what they will or will not be ok with. The Seelie Courts are not the mortal royal courts for as much as the royals try to emulate the Fae." He could see that this was not a topic Katell was interested in talking about and so shook his head. "It seems my presence has upset you so I will bid you both good evening."
Katell: Katell hardly felt the embrace at first, she felt tricked, lied to and betrayed by the last people she held dear in her life. Would everyone she cared for only use her in the end. Eventually she registered his comforting and gave Coe a short hug back. All the while Magnus spoke and made her feel even stupider for her choices.
"No, It's fine. I'm the one who should go. I..." she had some thinking to do over this and perhaps some tears that she didn't want to shed in front of anyone else. She gently removed Coe's arms and gave both of them a head nod before heading out of the water, grabbing her things from the beach and heading off. She needed to assess so much now.
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