#where can i get spinatstrudel at 9:30pm
airenyah · 3 months
People I wanna know better tag meme
was tagged my @lurkingshan <3
Last song?
ok so there's actually a story behind the last song i listend to: earlier i was revising some stuff we did in my thai class before christmas (bc our new course is starting tomorrow) and one of the words was "earthquake" and i saw the thai word written down in my notes and somehow i heard the word as a melody in my brain?? instead of my normal reading voice?? and so i went to look up the song and sure enough the word is there
actually i heard the melody of the word "earthquake" from this song in somebody's very specific voice and i wish i could say that you can win a prize if you're able to pinpoint who and where exactly i got this song from but alas i don't have a prize, so you'll have to do with my highest admiration lmao . yes i've linked it on my blog before some time in the last few weeks
Favorite color?
blueee i really like blue, esp a nice shiny dark blue
Currently watching?
cooking crush
last twilight
the sign (i'm like 2 eps behind tho)
and i know i just got done with my bad buddy anniversary rewatch only yesterday, but i was thinking of doing another rewatch next month when i'm on semester break bc i wanna track all the times an instrumental version of "just friend?" plays as background music
Last movie?
*gaily* Überraschung!
no, i will not elaborate. this one goes out to all my german speakers. if you know you know 🤭
or actually, i'll let calvin and habs do the explaining
totally depends on my mood and the dish
(unpopular opinion but savory strudel >>>>>>>>>> sweet strudel)
Relationship status?
trying to get over a crush single. bc i'd rather be caught dead than tell anyone how i feel about them. can't let people know we have, you know...
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running away and denial is a healthy coping mechanism i know lmao
Current obsessions?
what am i if not a bad buddy blog in its joongdunk era
Last thing you googled?
"100 usd to euro" bc of this poll
Selfie or another pic you took?
enjoy this picture from that one time when boy cat INSISTED that he too needed to go on a walk when my mom took the dog outside and then got really angry when there was, well, snow on the ground
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the world sure is not fair, huh
@dimplesandfierceeyes @nongnaos @greenteadumplings @sunnenfinster @visualtaehyun @moonkhao @newyearknwwme @gaym3bo1 @ranchthoughts @mommyzhilla @callipigio
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