#where (spoilers) he asks Phoenix if the firm is LGBT friendly and Phoenix goes ''god I hope so or my husband would be so mad!''
kingdomoftyto · 1 year
Li'l author spotlight for all a' you'se tonight, bc I've been bingeing a bunch of their works page on AO3 and everything they've ever written is gold. Okay? Okay. Let's give it up for AO3 author ApprenticeOfDoyle:
The main fic I wanna gush about is pressure (pushing down on me), which is more or less a pathos-riddled retelling of the trilogy up until it veers hard into canon divergence--of a distinctly NaruMitsu flavor, of course. By the time the events of AA4 roll up, Phoenix has a much more prepared (and present) support network, which is just so satisfying and wonderful and ugh. Even after that point, however, it follows the outline of the canon cases closely enough that it turns into an almost 'what-if' style of fic, where the only major difference is that the Phoenix, Maya, Pearl, and Miles (and later Trucy) are all one big happy, adorable, inseparable family.
And like, that'd be enough for me already--I LOVE canon retellings, especially ones that are different in just small ways like this. But this fic also just feels so good to READ. I think in my comment on the fic I described it as "crystallized catharsis", and I stand by that. Phoenix CRIES in this fic, and he does it a LOT, and Maya and Miles and everyone else around him all cry, too, and it is AMAZING. If the author's main goal with this fic was to expand on all the moments in the games that made you think "oh wow, that was effed up, I bet the characters are effed up about what just happened", then they SUCCEEDED.
God and don't get me started on how much appreciation this author has for the Feys, or for Phoenix's sibling bond with them, or for all the trauma these characters have experienced to be given some damn breathing room so they can help each other heal...
Guh. Anyway. The fic is great. If you like it when characters cry a lot and hug a lot and talk about their feelings, this is the fic to read.
(And if you'll allow me to gush just a second longer: the first fic in the series covers from right after Dahlia's trial to the disbarment [and, spoilers: Kristoph's early defeat]. Then, there are SEQUELS, one focusing on Trucy and her adoption, and another focusing more on Apollo in this universe's version of AA4. Both are WIPs but I am salivating over both of them waiting for more, they are SO GOOD. HhhhHHHHNNNGH FAMILY!!!!)
And THEN!!!
Not part of the same 'verse as the aforementioned series (though I think it could work as a part of it no problem): a whole damn fic just retelling the events of the first Investigations game...... but if Miles and Phoenix were happily dating. It's essentially just AAI1 but Phoenix is there to freak out and give Miles hugs after all the terrible things happen lmao. It's delightful and also treats all the panic attacks and kidnapping etc with the gravity and emotion that the game failed to deliver, meaning it's an automatic win in my book. Just let them be mushy sappy boyfriends who offer comfort at each other's time of need.
And finally, because even this author's little smutty oneshots are brilliant, here's a short post-JFA get-together fic with very sweet, heartfelt dialogue, and here's a VERY funny comedy about everyone mistaking a bruise on Phoenix's neck for a hickey (and, as the tags say, Miles getting "a little bit Genghis Khan"). Delightful, delightful, delightful.
I'll stop now bc this post is too long already, but this rec has been ready to burst out of me for almost a week now and I had to write it out. Now go give these fics some love 🌻
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