#when put into the perspective of vampire=queer her pov is so sad😭😭
male-duckk · 2 months
just listened to the lost boys novelization and some of my highlights include: sam biting michael being the reason theyre running around the house, sam quoting bruce when they get to the boardwalk because hes overdressed ("i wanna change my clothes, my hair, my face"), high michael staring at dwayne skateboarding and wondering when marko would come with the food (real), david making a move on michael to be inturrupted by marko with the food, sam tearing off a leaf of grandpas marijuana and trying to smoke it, star saying the boys are her family multiple times, star biting michaels neck when theyre making out multiple times, david catching michael after he falls off the bridge, paul trying to cheer up star, and michael saying david looks like the lord of the vampires when he first sees him in the final battle
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