#when it gets cold they go out of breeding pair mode into large covey gathering mode
sassyhazelowl · 7 months
Why, why, why are all of you trying to breed right now. Its not spring! I know it seems like spring because its 80-90F during the day and 50-60F at night, but it isn't, its October. Eventually it'll realize its actually fall and the temperatures will drop down? Maybe... Also, on the orange cheeks, I keep reading things like "will only breed in large flight cages/aviaries w/ cover" and "makes nest on the ground with cock bird nest on top" and "needs warm weather to breed" and "need insects to get into breeding condition"... OK then why are these little bastards trying to build a nest and breed in the bare-ass quarantine cage on a seed-only diet. Stop. It. I will probably let them breed since they actually come in the house overnight and from what I'm reading young pairs do very poorly their first time. Better to get it out of the way now and let them have a practice run where they probably won't even hatch chicks than waste a whole clutch in the spring I guess. Meanwhile the doves and society finches are all 👀👀👀 at the nestboxes.
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