#when I talked about hotarana adopting a child
oooohno · 1 month
The sun has set an hour ago, the dinner you prepared has long gone cold, and your husband is still no where in sight. Since it is not unusual for Haganezuka to get lost in his work and the intricacies of welding steel, you ready yourself to go collect him.
Once you are closer to the shed, instead of the typical sounds of hammering and grinding steel meeting your ears, you can only hear the buzzing of the nearby cicadas. The old door creaks as you push against it, slowly revealing what has been keeping your husband from returning home to you.
In the opposite corner of the room, a small child lies curled up near the hearth on an old dirty blanket with Haganezuka standing over him, both hands on his hips. The moment he hears the creak of the door, his unmasked head snaps in your direction with a queer look on his face.
“What are you still doing here?”, your gaze wonders from the sleeping figure to your husband and back down again.
“Well I obviously can’t leave them here but I also don’t know what to do with them,” comes his mumbled reply, pensive gaze back on his little companion. You blink once. Then twice.
“Just pick them up and carry them home.”
You briefly wonder if he would have stayed here all night contemplating what to do when the solution seems so simply. Haganezuka startles at that. Shoulders rising slightly, his hands flexing near his hips.
“You won’t hurt them. I promise.”
Despite the gentleness and many delicate touches he has shown you over your years of marriage he still thinks himself a brute. That poor fool of a man. After a moment of silent contemplation, Haganezuka kneels down quietly and carefully draws his hands underneath the child’s head and knees. Slowly lifting the small body closer to his chest, trying to avoid waking their deep slumber.
The image of Haganezuka staring down at the sleeping child cradled in his arms, makes a warm fondness spread around your body, starting from the place your heart resides.
“See, you’re a natural.” You both smile at each other before setting out to your shared home, now one resident richer.
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