#what we think of as intelligence is just a series of trainable skills
alternis · 2 years
tim isn't the 'smartest member of the batfamily' but its easy not to realise that bc other characters have been like "what a unique mind he has, he's so intelligent, smartest of us all" when actually he just has the flavour of autism that results in knowing complex terms, impressive trivia recall, and pattern recognition. which I like to call "TV smart" bc it's how people who write tv/movies seem to imagine a "smart person"
i can tell you, from experience, as a teen people treat you like a child prodigy if you use big words, know a little trivia on most subjects they bring up, and can Recognise Patterns faster than them. like "praise your intelligence after a 15 minute conversation" kind of thing.
also intelligence isn't a singular quantifiable and immutable trait, and IQ is fake
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