#what is cotent marketing
digiblogmantra · 7 months
What is Content Marketing its benefits and types?
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Content marketing is a strategic approach to marketing that involves creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a specific target audience. While it is often associated with digital marketing, content marketing is a broader concept that encompasses various marketing channels, both digital and non-digital. In the context of digital marketing, content marketing is a critical component of the overall strategy. more...
Benefits of content marketing, including those in the realm of digital marketing, are as follows:
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reverseskydives · 7 years
7 Tips to Take Your Content From “Meh” to Amazing
One of the greatest struggles content marketers face right now is creating engaging content. More than 70% of marketers have made it a top priority this year to address that and make stronger connections with their audiences.
I think a primary cause for that struggle is that we’re only just a few years past search engine updates that changed, rather quickly, the way content is produced. The days of short, shallow content for the sake of building links are gone.
But change sometimes comes slowly. If you want to stand out, you have to produce better content. That’s all there is to it.
Your customers won’t settle for something boring, shallow, and uninteresting. They have problems, and they want answers to help them address those problems.
Here’s how you can transform your “meh” content into something amazing that your audience has been longing for.
1. Hook them in the opening
The introduction to your content should be the most impactful, hooking your audience when they first read it. You need a compelling intro that isn’t very long but provides an effective tease about what’s to come.
A smart move is to make an emotional impact on the audience within the first few sentences. If you’ve done your audience research, you can use your intro to create a sense of empathy around the main point of the article.
The next segment of the intro can set up the need or desire for a solution, followed by a promise of information to come. Other strong introductions could include:
Engaging use of storytelling
Facts and statistics, especially those that might be surprising
A position or belief contrary to the norm
2. Add visual engagement
Even the driest textbooks I had in school had pictures and visual aids to help break up the blocks of text in each section. Few things will make someone bounce from your content faster than being greeted by a wall of text.
Images and other visual elements don’t just break up the content to make skimming easier; they create a more immersive experience that helps the reader remember your content. It also makes them more likely to read it.
Adding relevant images increases people’s willingness to read by as much as 80%.
Visuals are so effective at promoting engagement that 55% of marketers say creating visual content is among their top priorities for 2016.
Just don’t rely on stock photos.
Find or create images that are highly relevant and fit the context of the cotent. Use Pixabay, Flickr, and Google’s Advanced Image search to find creative commons images, or try using Canva to create your own.
3. The right headline matters
Whenever you’re creating an article or post, create headlines that match these criteria:
Short – keep it under 20 words
Impactful – capture their attention and generate interest
Relevant – no clickbait; match audience intent to the content.
Even the most value-packed content will be ignored if you don’t have a great title that connects with your readers.
Keep in mind that only about 80% of people will read your headline, and of those 80% only about 20% will actually read your content.
When I’m producing content, I can sometimes get lucky and come up with a great headline quickly. More often than not, I spend as much time coming up with a headline as I do writing content.
4. Find the angle
If you come up with a topic for your audience, there’s a good chance that someone has already covered it. That doesn’t mean you can’t write about it or shouldn’t. You just need to have a unique approach and make sure you’re providing original value.
Every piece of content you write has 3 aspects:
        Topic – the overarching subject for your article
        Point – The key idea you’re trying to get across
        Angle – Your specific position on the topic and point
Go after common topics or even trending, heavily-covered topics. Just make sure you have a good angle. When readers are digging into a topic, it will be refreshing for them to find content with a different perspective.
5. Give your content a voice
One of the purposes of producing content is to build trust with your audience to establish authority. You’ll never achieve that if your content reads like a textbook or technical piece. That content has no voice or personality to it.
If you’re promoting your own brand, write in your own voice. Think about your statements using your voice before you write them. Does it sound like you?
For your brand, develop a voice that matches the personality you’ve already created. Content created by a brand with a lighthearted style, like Taco Bell, has a very different voice from the voice of a more serious, driven brand, like Nike, for example.
When you write with a consistent voice, you make a stronger connection with your audience. Content feels more like a dialogue and less like a learning experience.
6. Chase the one thing
As mentioned, your content has a point or key idea you’re trying to get across.
That’s singular: one point.
Every word and sentence in your content should lead toward that point and support it.
Anything that doesn’t engage the reader and help them reach an understanding of that point is only taking up space. Cut it.
7. Match depth and length
I still stumble across the occasional article that dates back to pre-Google updates.
While researching topics and ideas, I see that one 300- or 400-word post that pops up. No images or subheadings, just a little garden wall of text.
They were short, punchy, and often without much value to them. That’s expected, given the length.
What really surprises me is the posts in excess of 1,500 words that have virtually no substance and could be reduced to 400 words without losing anything. They are as vast as an ocean, but as deep as a puddle.
The length of the content isn’t really important; it’s the depth that you have to be mindful of.
Seth Godin is well known for his short, pithy blog posts. They work for him.
Buffer, on the other hand, is known for long-form posts packed with insight and takeaways.
No matter how long of a post you write, make sure the depth matches the length.
A lot of content marketers I talk to say the same thing: “I’m having a hard time making our content really amazing.”
I get that. It’s not easy.
To make the struggle even tougher, more companies than ever are doing content marketing!
Today, to do better, you have to outdo hundreds of other competitors.
Easy? No. But doable? Yes.
What I’ve found to be effective is sticking with it and going back to the basics like the depth of content and the engagement of the headline.
You don’t necessarily need more skill or talent. By taking the right steps in the right area, you’ll be able to level up and improve your content game.
Do you struggle with creating better content? What do you do to step up the quality and value of your content?
from Social Media Marketing http://ift.tt/2kVD03Y via Social Media Marketing
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orbismarketreports · 3 years
Global Heatmap and Session Recording Software Market Analysis By Growth and Forecast 2021-2027: IBM, Mouseflow, SessionCam Ltd, Hotjar Ltd, MouseStats Analytics Inc, etc.
"Introduction: Global Heatmap and Session Recording Software Market, 2020-28 The global Heatmap and Session Recording Software market report is a holistic view of the Heatmap and Session Recording Software industry. This report provides a detailed analysis of the latest trends, market drivers, growth constraints, and the forces that are contributing to the growth of the industry. The competitive dimension of the global Heatmap and Session Recording Software industry is studied by applying Porter’s Five Forces model. The five forces model studies the forces that critically affect the industry or govern the market competition.
Competition Assessment: Global Heatmap and Session Recording Software Market IBM Mouseflow SessionCam Ltd Hotjar Ltd MouseStats Analytics Inc VWO(Wingify) Clicktale Smartlook Lucky Orange LLC Hoverowl LLC Inspectlet Crazy Egg?Inc Wisdom FullStory
Available Sample Report in PDF Version along with Graphs and Figures@  https://www.orbismarketreports.com/sample-request/189879?utm_source=PQY18
It evaluates the competitive rivalry, competitiveness of emerging alternatives, buyer’s bargaining power, supplier analysis, barriers to entry and long term sustenance, and more such aspects of the market. The approaches and ingenuity used in the study to gather historical and current data of the market provide the market participants the detailed insights and quality solutions for long-term business success. The report also acts as an enabler for businesses for making well-formulated decisions and enables them to make use of their resources efficiently.
Segmentation by Type: Platform API Integration Customed Solutions
Based on application, segmentation is primarily been harnessed to understand the scope of application based on industrial demands and user preferences.
Segmentation by Application: E-commerce Finance & Insurance Telecommunications Technology Travel & Hospitality Media & Cotent Other
Regional Segmentation identifies Americas, European nations, APAC countries and MEA as popular growth hubs.
Get ToC for the overview of the premium report @  https://www.orbismarketreports.com/global-heatmap-and-session-recording-software-market-analysis-by-growth-and-forecast-2021-2027?utm_source=PQY18
The report highlights various aspects in the Heatmap and Session Recording Software market and answers relevant questions on the Heatmap and Session Recording Software market: 1. What are the best investment options to launch new products and offer advanced services in the Heatmap and Session Recording Software market? 2. What are the value propositions relevant to the customer or market segment a business should focus on while making new research or investing funds in the Heatmap and Session Recording Software market? 3. What policy changes will help stakeholders to boost their supply chain and demand network? 4. Which regions would demand more products and services offered in certain segments in the forecast period? 5. What are the strategies that have helped the established players to reduce supplier costs, procurement and, logistics costs? 6.C-suite perspective leveraged to move businesses to new growth trajectory? 7. What are the government interventions boosting the Heatmap and Session Recording Software market or government regulations that may challenge the status of the regional and global industries in the Heatmap and Session Recording Software market? 8. How will the political and economic crisis affect opportunities in Heatmap and Session Recording Software growth areas?
Highlights of the Global Heatmap and Session Recording Software Market Report: • The report studies the country players as well as the global players leading the consumption and production across the global Heatmap and Session Recording Software market. • The changing role of the government, environmental groups, and regulatory changes are detailed in the report. • The report specifies the major factors slowing down the production in the industry. • The report highlights the major exporting and importing nations across the world in the market. • The report studies the nature of the market, global and regional pricing structure, and variance by region, by country, and multiple factors for the price variations. • The report highlights the companies that have adopted new technologies, launched innovative products, redesigned their portfolios, and entered into partnerships for global expansion. • Proactive actions taken by the governments to support the industry and revive the market demand.
Make an Enquiry for purchasing this Report @  https://www.orbismarketreports.com/enquiry-before-buying/189879?utm_source=PQY18
Table of Contents Chapter One: Report Overview 1.1 Study Scope 1.2 Key Market Segments 1.3 Players Covered: Ranking by Heatmap and Session Recording Software Revenue 1.4 Market Analysis by Type 1.4.1 Global Heatmap and Session Recording Software Market Size Growth Rate by Type: 2020 VS 2028 1.5 Market by Application 1.5.1 Global Heatmap and Session Recording Software Market Share by Application: 2020 VS 2028 1.6 Study Objectives 1.7 Years Considered
Chapter Two: Global Growth Trends by Regions 2.1 Heatmap and Session Recording Software Market Perspective (2015-2025) 2.2 Heatmap and Session Recording Software Growth Trends by Regions 2.2.1 Heatmap and Session Recording Software Market Size by Regions: 2015 VS 2020 VS 2028 2.2.2 Heatmap and Session Recording Software Historic Market Share by Regions (2015-2020) 2.2.3 Heatmap and Session Recording Software Forecasted Market Size by Regions (2021-2028) 2.3 Industry Trends and Growth Strategy 2.3.1 Market Top Trends 2.3.2 Market Drivers 2.3.3 Market Challenges 2.3.4 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 2.3.5 Heatmap and Session Recording Software Market Growth Strategy 2.3.6 Primary Interviews with Key Heatmap and Session Recording Software Players (Opinion Leaders)
Chapter Three: Competition Landscape by Key Players 3.1 Global Top Heatmap and Session Recording Software Players by Market Size 3.1.1 Global Top Heatmap and Session Recording Software Players by Revenue (2015-2020) 3.1.2 Global Heatmap and Session Recording Software Revenue Market Share by Players (2015-2020) 3.1.3 Global Heatmap and Session Recording Software Market Share by Company Type (Tier 1, Tier Chapter Two: and Tier 3) 3.2 Global Heatmap and Session Recording Software Market Concentration Ratio 3.2.1 Global Heatmap and Session Recording Software Market Concentration Ratio (CRChapter Five: and HHI) 3.2.2 Global Top Chapter Ten: and Top 5 Companies by Heatmap and Session Recording Software Revenue in 2020 3.3 Heatmap and Session Recording Software Key Players Head office and Area Served 3.4 Key Players Heatmap and Session Recording Software Product Solution and Service 3.5 Date of Enter into Heatmap and Session Recording Software Market 3.6 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans
About Us : With unfailing market gauging skills, has been excelling in curating tailored business intelligence data across industry verticals. Constantly thriving to expand our skill development, our strength lies in dedicated intellectuals with dynamic problem solving intent, ever willing to mold boundaries to scale heights in market interpretation.
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filipeteimuraz · 5 years
7 Tips to Take Your Content From “Meh” to Amazing
One of the greatest struggles content marketers face right now is creating engaging content. More than 70% of marketers have made it a top priority this year to address that and make stronger connections with their audiences.
I think a primary cause for that struggle is that we’re only just a few years past search engine updates that changed, rather quickly, the way content is produced. The days of short, shallow content for the sake of building links are gone.
But change sometimes comes slowly. If you want to stand out, you have to produce better content. That’s all there is to it.
Your customers won’t settle for something boring, shallow, and uninteresting. They have problems, and they want answers to help them address those problems.
Here’s how you can transform your “meh” content into something amazing that your audience has been longing for.
1. Hook them in the opening
The introduction to your content should be the most impactful, hooking your audience when they first read it. You need a compelling intro that isn’t very long but provides an effective tease about what’s to come.
A smart move is to make an emotional impact on the audience within the first few sentences. If you’ve done your audience research, you can use your intro to create a sense of empathy around the main point of the article.
The next segment of the intro can set up the need or desire for a solution, followed by a promise of information to come. Other strong introductions could include:
Engaging use of storytelling
Facts and statistics, especially those that might be surprising
A position or belief contrary to the norm
2. Add visual engagement
Even the driest textbooks I had in school had pictures and visual aids to help break up the blocks of text in each section. Few things will make someone bounce from your content faster than being greeted by a wall of text.
Images and other visual elements don’t just break up the content to make skimming easier; they create a more immersive experience that helps the reader remember your content. It also makes them more likely to read it.
Adding relevant images increases people’s willingness to read by as much as 80%.
Visuals are so effective at promoting engagement that 55% of marketers say creating visual content is among their top priorities for 2016.
Just don’t rely on stock photos.
Find or create images that are highly relevant and fit the context of the cotent. Use Pixabay, Flickr, and Google’s Advanced Image search to find creative commons images, or try using Canva to create your own.
3. The right headline matters
Whenever you’re creating an article or post, create headlines that match these criteria:
Short – keep it under 20 words
Impactful – capture their attention and generate interest
Relevant – no clickbait; match audience intent to the content.
Even the most value-packed content will be ignored if you don’t have a great title that connects with your readers.
Keep in mind that only about 80% of people will read your headline, and of those 80% only about 20% will actually read your content.
When I’m producing content, I can sometimes get lucky and come up with a great headline quickly. More often than not, I spend as much time coming up with a headline as I do writing content.
4. Find the angle
If you come up with a topic for your audience, there’s a good chance that someone has already covered it. That doesn’t mean you can’t write about it or shouldn’t. You just need to have a unique approach and make sure you’re providing original value.
Every piece of content you write has 3 aspects:
        Topic – the overarching subject for your article
        Point – The key idea you’re trying to get across
        Angle – Your specific position on the topic and point
Go after common topics or even trending, heavily-covered topics. Just make sure you have a good angle. When readers are digging into a topic, it will be refreshing for them to find content with a different perspective.
5. Give your content a voice
One of the purposes of producing content is to build trust with your audience to establish authority. You’ll never achieve that if your content reads like a textbook or technical piece. That content has no voice or personality to it.
If you’re promoting your own brand, write in your own voice. Think about your statements using your voice before you write them. Does it sound like you?
For your brand, develop a voice that matches the personality you’ve already created. Content created by a brand with a lighthearted style, like Taco Bell, has a very different voice from the voice of a more serious, driven brand, like Nike, for example.
When you write with a consistent voice, you make a stronger connection with your audience. Content feels more like a dialogue and less like a learning experience.
6. Chase the one thing
As mentioned, your content has a point or key idea you’re trying to get across.
That’s singular: one point.
Every word and sentence in your content should lead toward that point and support it.
Anything that doesn’t engage the reader and help them reach an understanding of that point is only taking up space. Cut it.
7. Match depth and length
I still stumble across the occasional article that dates back to pre-Google updates.
While researching topics and ideas, I see that one 300- or 400-word post that pops up. No images or subheadings, just a little garden wall of text.
They were short, punchy, and often without much value to them. That’s expected, given the length.
What really surprises me is the posts in excess of 1,500 words that have virtually no substance and could be reduced to 400 words without losing anything. They are as vast as an ocean, but as deep as a puddle.
The length of the content isn’t really important; it’s the depth that you have to be mindful of.
Seth Godin is well known for his short, pithy blog posts. They work for him.
Buffer, on the other hand, is known for long-form posts packed with insight and takeaways.
No matter how long of a post you write, make sure the depth matches the length.
A lot of content marketers I talk to say the same thing: “I’m having a hard time making our content really amazing.”
I get that. It’s not easy.
To make the struggle even tougher, more companies than ever are doing content marketing!
Today, to do better, you have to outdo hundreds of other competitors.
Easy? No. But doable? Yes.
What I’ve found to be effective is sticking with it and going back to the basics like the depth of content and the engagement of the headline.
You don’t necessarily need more skill or talent. By taking the right steps in the right area, you’ll be able to level up and improve your content game.
http://www.quicksprout.com/tips-to-take-your-content-from-meh-to-amazing/ Read more here - http://review-and-bonuss.blogspot.com/2019/03/7-tips-to-take-your-content-from-meh-to.html
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Protection From Bad Reviews On The Internet
Most of us have difficulty with negative feedback. We tend to become angry, defensive, or hurt when people offer negative feedback. We blame the bearer of the information. Many leaders avoid it altogether, because it strikes at one of our most prized possessions--our image of self. We like to see ourselves as effective, skilled, and capable both with people and task. Negative feedback is an opportunity that should be welcomed and valued as a great gift. NADYA KHOJA has given information on 4 Ways to Manage Negative Feedback in a Positive Way.
The most common suggestion shared by experts was to learn from the negative feedback. Jen Spencer, vice president of sales and marketing at Allbound, suggests first identifying whether the feedback is useful or if it’s garbage. “There are people out there who will always see the negative, and only the negative,” she says. As a result, you can look at the feedback two ways: (1) confirmation that you do, in fact, suck or (2) an opportunity to ask yourself how you can improve. Content Market Institute
Become a listener. Invite information from those who have spoken negatively without defending yourself. Let your focus be to care about their well-being and to understand them fully. Determine what they need from you. Are you seeing them as important? Are you giving value to their needs and concerns? This doesn't mean agreeing with them or satisfying all of their wants. It means you see them as important and you value them. On the above article NADYA KHOJA has privided us Manage Negative Feedback in a Positive Way. Learn more about protection from bad reviews on the internet . There are two kinds of feedback: good and bad. Of course, you want to have the good, but that isn't always the case all the time. Sometimes you also hear negative feedback, which is scary since a lot don't know how to manage it quite well. Before you know it, they have already fallen into deep depression and a feeling of rejection. ARON AGIUS has given information on How to Handle Negative Feedback Online.
No matter how hard you try, it’s impossible to keep an audience happy. Your comments section and social media are the go-to destinations for disgruntled people. Once those complaints live on the web, they’re not likely to disappear unless you take the shady route (hiding and deleting them is not recommended … I’ll get to that shortly). It’s not the presence of the complaints, debates, or negative responses that matters; what matters is what you do once those comments roll in. Cotent Market Institute
Usually the first instinct when you hear a bad feedback is to react immediately. You become defensive. That should not be the case. Allow yourself to process the criticism. Perhaps there's nothing to feel really bad after all, or perhaps it's something you can just completely ignore. A good trick is to count 10 before you say something. Often the moment you say 10, you have a feeling there's not much to say about it. Getting feedback, both positive and negative is crucially important for self-assessment and career development. The more relaxed you feel about any sort of feedback - the better. People around you should feel free to approve of your actions, give you advice or a bit of criticism. In this case, you will only benefit from independent and honest opinions. ROSE LEADEM The 12 Rules of Giving Negative Feedback.
Giving feedback is no easy task -- especially when it’s negative. However, it’s important to give colleagues, teammates or employees the necessary feedback in order for them to grow and improve. While you may be nervous that you'll hurt their feelings, there are ways to reduce that risk if you give negative feedback correctly. Entrepreneur
Watch this video for more information about How to deal with negative feedback:
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eriicz-blog · 7 years
Content Marketing Machine
Release OF COTENT MARKETING MACHINE The marketing world has been modified ugly. It proved few years again that marketers were still specialized in interruption marketing: attempting to put their product term before potential customers' target make leads and customers. But through the web, it provides quickly improved, and marketers acknowledge they need to practice the on the other hand. Now, to really have the ability to help make the collaboration and earn the agreement to market to leads, companies must produce relevant thought control content, not only content about their own product.
The critical factor of fabricating proposal, trust, and thought expert environment is content. Content is merely what attracts potential clients near by the the top of funnel and content is merely what nurtures leads down the funnel.
Marketers now know that brands must become web web web publishers. The "why" of content marketing is just forget about included. But marketers stay requesting "how?" Precisely how do marketing departments create the high quality and amount of content essential to flourish in the new marketing generation?
This eBook can explain how marketers can build and operate a Content Marketing Machine that outputs powerful, relevant content that allures leads local the the top of funnel and leads them down it. The eBook details a Content Marketing Machine program created by Kapost, the principal company of content marketing software. Then it profies how Marketo, one of the pioneers of content marketing and one of its leading experts, carries out its content marketing both at most effective of the funnel and moving down it, that involves own marketing automation software to market content and nurture leads. The eBook also provides perspectives from other content marketing market market leaders on the amount of levels. Finally, the eBook concludes with worksheets that walk step-by-step through the duty of fabricating and jogging your own Content Marketing Machine.
THIS ARTICLE MARKETING MACHINE First, let's take a look at a synopsis of these devices, almost all of its components, smokestacks and parts, to permit you to commence to start to see the big picture of what you will build and operate:
CONTENT MARKETING MACHINE OVERVIEW Here's a reason of different the different parts of these devices: - Plan: Create a strategic construction for your write-ups marketing - Team: Assemble the group to regulate your write-ups marketing operation - Ideas: Generate a trusted flw of ideas for your write-ups - Development and Syndication: Assemble your write-ups and disperse it over the net - Audience Development: Generate traffic to your write-ups - Change & Nurture: Convert visitor to leads, nurture these to opportunities - Strategy & Optimize: Analyze and improve performance Now we'll review each factor in detail, you start with the Plan.
The ebook is quite long in like manner create is inconveniente. These is the starting paragraph of the ebook that i wish to discuss for who enjoy it . Maybe this ebook ideal for you . In the event that you considering , download or read below.
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anseladams03 · 7 years
7 Tips to Take Your Content From “Meh” to Amazing
One of the greatest struggles content marketers face right now is creating engaging content. More than 70% of marketers have made it a top priority this year to address that and make stronger connections with their audiences.
I think a primary cause for that struggle is that we’re only just a few years past search engine updates that changed, rather quickly, the way content is produced. The days of short, shallow content for the sake of building links are gone.
But change sometimes comes slowly. If you want to stand out, you have to produce better content. That’s all there is to it.
Your customers won’t settle for something boring, shallow, and uninteresting. They have problems, and they want answers to help them address those problems.
Here’s how you can transform your “meh” content into something amazing that your audience has been longing for.
1. Hook them in the opening
The introduction to your content should be the most impactful, hooking your audience when they first read it. You need a compelling intro that isn’t very long but provides an effective tease about what’s to come.
A smart move is to make an emotional impact on the audience within the first few sentences. If you’ve done your audience research, you can use your intro to create a sense of empathy around the main point of the article.
The next segment of the intro can set up the need or desire for a solution, followed by a promise of information to come. Other strong introductions could include:
Engaging use of storytelling
Facts and statistics, especially those that might be surprising
A position or belief contrary to the norm
2. Add visual engagement
Even the driest textbooks I had in school had pictures and visual aids to help break up the blocks of text in each section. Few things will make someone bounce from your content faster than being greeted by a wall of text.
Images and other visual elements don’t just break up the content to make skimming easier; they create a more immersive experience that helps the reader remember your content. It also makes them more likely to read it.
Adding relevant images increases people’s willingness to read by as much as 80%.
Visuals are so effective at promoting engagement that 55% of marketers say creating visual content is among their top priorities for 2016.
Just don’t rely on stock photos.
Find or create images that are highly relevant and fit the context of the cotent. Use Pixabay, Flickr, and Google’s Advanced Image search to find creative commons images, or try using Canva to create your own.
3. The right headline matters
Whenever you’re creating an article or post, create headlines that match these criteria:
Short – keep it under 20 words
Impactful – capture their attention and generate interest
Relevant – no clickbait; match audience intent to the content.
Even the most value-packed content will be ignored if you don’t have a great title that connects with your readers.
Keep in mind that only about 80% of people will read your headline, and of those 80% only about 20% will actually read your content.
When I’m producing content, I can sometimes get lucky and come up with a great headline quickly. More often than not, I spend as much time coming up with a headline as I do writing content.
4. Find the angle
If you come up with a topic for your audience, there’s a good chance that someone has already covered it. That doesn’t mean you can’t write about it or shouldn’t. You just need to have a unique approach and make sure you’re providing original value.
Every piece of content you write has 3 aspects:
        Topic – the overarching subject for your article
        Point – The key idea you’re trying to get across
        Angle – Your specific position on the topic and point
Go after common topics or even trending, heavily-covered topics. Just make sure you have a good angle. When readers are digging into a topic, it will be refreshing for them to find content with a different perspective.
5. Give your content a voice
One of the purposes of producing content is to build trust with your audience to establish authority. You’ll never achieve that if your content reads like a textbook or technical piece. That content has no voice or personality to it.
If you’re promoting your own brand, write in your own voice. Think about your statements using your voice before you write them. Does it sound like you?
For your brand, develop a voice that matches the personality you’ve already created. Content created by a brand with a lighthearted style, like Taco Bell, has a very different voice from the voice of a more serious, driven brand, like Nike, for example.
When you write with a consistent voice, you make a stronger connection with your audience. Content feels more like a dialogue and less like a learning experience.
6. Chase the one thing
As mentioned, your content has a point or key idea you’re trying to get across.
That’s singular: one point.
Every word and sentence in your content should lead toward that point and support it.
Anything that doesn’t engage the reader and help them reach an understanding of that point is only taking up space. Cut it.
7. Match depth and length
I still stumble across the occasional article that dates back to pre-Google updates.
While researching topics and ideas, I see that one 300- or 400-word post that pops up. No images or subheadings, just a little garden wall of text.
They were short, punchy, and often without much value to them. That’s expected, given the length.
What really surprises me is the posts in excess of 1,500 words that have virtually no substance and could be reduced to 400 words without losing anything. They are as vast as an ocean, but as deep as a puddle.
The length of the content isn’t really important; it’s the depth that you have to be mindful of.
Seth Godin is well known for his short, pithy blog posts. They work for him.
Buffer, on the other hand, is known for long-form posts packed with insight and takeaways.
No matter how long of a post you write, make sure the depth matches the length.
A lot of content marketers I talk to say the same thing: “I’m having a hard time making our content really amazing.”
I get that. It’s not easy.
To make the struggle even tougher, more companies than ever are doing content marketing!
Today, to do better, you have to outdo hundreds of other competitors.
Easy? No. But doable? Yes.
What I’ve found to be effective is sticking with it and going back to the basics like the depth of content and the engagement of the headline.
You don’t necessarily need more skill or talent. By taking the right steps in the right area, you’ll be able to level up and improve your content game.
Do you struggle with creating better content? What do you do to step up the quality and value of your content?
from Quick Sprout http://ift.tt/2jvTzre from Blogger http://ift.tt/2khRlZL February 01, 2017 at 09:35PM
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