#what happened to all that talk about keeping me around for pity huhhh?
this might be a rlly shitty prompt, but how about elaborating on the ed/die not postponing d&d thing? like, the pollen count is really high and he's still hosting his meeting even though he can barely talk through his sneezes and steve's there to take him home?? idk but i'd love to see this if you don't mind 💕💕💕
thank you sm for the request - it’s absolutely not shitty i love it!!! apologies for any incorrect/inconsistent d&d terminology, ive never played before and had to just google some monster names and stuff ahah- big thanks to everyone who gave me info & advice though, it really helped me and gave me somewhere to start!
“That’s a miss!” Eddie shouts energetically, a wide grin stretched across his face, “Seven points of damage!”
A groan spreads throughout the party, and they waste no time in plotting what move to make with them all on such low health. After a minute or so, Mike decides to roll for damage since he has a few more HP than everybody else.
The room is silent as Mike tosses the die. It clatters across the table, seven pairs of eyes trained on it.
“Over twelve for a hit,” murmurs Eddie, swiping a hand briefly under his nose,
It slows down… stops.
Cheers, clapping, and uproarious laughter fill the room. Steve, who is across the room, leaning against the doorframe, catches Eddie’s eye. He smiles and raises an eyebrow at Eddie, who grins back. Steve never really ‘got’ the whole Dungeons & Dragons thing, but that didn’t stop him from spectating the occasional session just to see his boyfriend in his element. Eddie turns back to his game.
“The Thessalhydra has been slain!” he shouts, only amplifying the group’s excitement. High-fives are exchanged across the room as Eddie prepares to proceed with the campaign.
Steve, still watching Eddie from across the room, stands up a little straighter as he notices the darker-haired boy’s brow furrow. After a few moments, his shoulders raise briefly as he ducks into a fist soundlessly, clearly making use of the group’s distraction so as not to draw attention to himself. Steve’s own brow furrows now, this time due to concern. He decides not to say anything for now, however, and instead opts to pay closer attention to Eddie as the game goes on.
Their campaign continues as normal for a while longer, the usual dice thrown, enemies slain, and party as boisterous as ever. Steve momentarily forgets about keeping his eye on Eddie until the same happens again - three sneezes stifled silently into his fist. Steve takes this as an opportunity to move closer to the table, under the excuse that he "wanted to get a better look at the game." Eddie knows this is a lie - Steve has never shown much interest in D&D.
It's only once he's pulled up a chair and sat next to Eddie that he realises just how bad he looks - nose rimmed red, eyes glassy with tears, every sentence punctuated by a pitiful sniffle. Steve's about to say something until Eddie begins hitching again.
"ihH'kNXGt! hnNGXT! F-fuck, I'm…huhHh-!?"
After two haphazardly stifled sneezes, the third seems to elude him, until -
He's caught off guard by the final explosion, just barely managing to loosely lift an arm to his face, and earning a chorus of "bless yous" from around the room. A mist of spray lingers and falls in the air around him.
Leaning in closer to him, Steve puts a comforting hand on Eddie's thigh.
"You okay?" he says softly.
Eddie scrunches his nose before replying.
"Y-yeah… 'm fine. Got.. hhuh… got half an hour left of this campaign. I'll be… I'll be fine."
Steve looks skeptical but chooses not to press the matter. Another thirty minutes can't hurt, right? DND is Eddie's favourite thing too, he wouldn't miss it for the world…
Eddie gets right back into the swing of the game, albeit sounding a little tired and congested.
"You enter the cave, lit dimly by torches along the walls…" He pauses, sliding a knuckle briefly under his pink-hued nose, before continuing his dramatic description, "...when you… you… hh-hHEhh-! Fuckihhn..-"
A hand hovers instinctively near Eddie's face as he attempts to continue talking through the impending need to sneeze.
"Y-you begin to… to hearhH'isZSCHIEW! Shit- huh'uHSHHiew! ah'kKSHIEW!"
The room observes this spectacle awkwardly, while Steve looks at Eddie, exasperated.
"Eddie. Eddie."
Eddie manages to look up at Steve, eyes brimming with irritated tears, and presses his lips into a sheepish smirk.
"I'm taking you home. Now."
That wipes the smirk right off Eddie's face.
"No, wait, there's - it's not-" he begins.
"I think your party can live without twenty minutes of a game. Didn't look like you were going to get anywhere with it either way," replies Steve, taking Eddie by the arm, prepared to drag him from his 'throne' if he has to. The group protest quietly amongst one another but no outward objections are made. Steve takes this as a sign to walk Eddie right out of the door.
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seelestia · 2 years
that's what i get for always spending time with him i guess lmao and yes ofc you're v v welcome to invade my inbox anytime you so wish <3
the two hu taos running around is sure to turn anyone's hair grey lol i can't for the life of me imagine the shenanigans you're both up to when put together /j
ah the social status gap ;;;; THAT'S 3 TROPES IN ONE HLDJSFLKSJDL OH MY LORD i can already taste the bitter angst at the tip of my tongue....
I THINK SO lol black + blue palette on ayato... and with all the signature fatui accessories... gosh. i really can't. any artists seeing this, if you ever want to draw it please tag me 🙏🏻 yeah no the moment he starts liking your presence you're locked in for life sis i am so sorry- /j
that's so fast sldkjfsldf i'm still on part 2 atm and i probably won't continue anytime soon cause of vacation plans sobsob
the rng gods blessed you with that one lollll nahh i am hopeless at building characters i tell you. i have no idea what i'm doing 80% of the time 🤣 i'm just here for the lore and music/voice and zhongli ✨
literally us:
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"a child holding a bomb is two terrible signs manifested into one." i am dead, deceased, wheezing, tearing up with laughter-
oh al haitham is coming home whether he wants it or not 😈 i think i might skip 3.1 banners entirely in favor of saving up... the remelting tablet has got me hooked on ayato's playstyle so i'm eyeing for when he reruns too. probably not gonna be soon but still... also i want scara when he comes out solely bc his jp va lmao (and on that note, maybe childe hmmm)
definitely, more chars >>>>>>> constellations!!! yeah that's actually a good thinking hahah being on guaranteed is fun but also stressful sometimes.... my brother is at 60 pity rn and he actually wanted dori but he doesn't dare to pull bc he doesn't like ganyu or kokomi's playstyle lol rip
oooo strawberry and passionfruit tea, those sounds gooooood <3
i imagine zhongli very much approves of our tea addiction lol
atp, you should put copying zhongli's speech to a tee as your hidden talent 😭 i guess, this is what happens when you write for him sm, huh?? + all that listening to his voicelines, uh-huhhh 👀 i cannot blame you for that will also be me when i get ayato 🚶 (the day i start using, "ah, yes. naturally." like him is the day you'd know i've gone off of the deep end /j)
i may make your hair grey, but you will love me either way, right??? *innocently bats eyelashes* (/lh) hu tao and lia in one room would fr be the most effective aging process because i'd honestly laugh at her jokes and then add on to them 😭 also, i vividly recall that one time when zhongli did his osmanthus wine idle and i just absentmindedly responded, "i think your friends are six feet under tho". THE SILENCE AFTERWARDS WAS SO LOUD. idk how i can be both chaotic and chill at the same time (is this where my venti side comes out /j)
a love triangle with ayato and thoma is such a concept 🙏 but with a more realistic twist to it and with that, comes the harsh realization that reality brings. after all, a fairytale-like love is pleasant to indulge in; an escape, an almost surreal-like lantern of hope but you can't keep your head buried in books forever, can you? reality where capitalism reigns (/j) will always call, whether you wish to turn a blind eye to it or not. MMM, REALITY, THE ENEMY OF DAYDREAMERS *hiss* 🤺 (/lh)
fatui!ayato, what an enigma (don't lock me up, please. at least, let rin jie visit me because she'll help bail me out /j) 👀 yeahhh, you can't escape him if he's locked onto you <//3 which makes me think about how he'd be as your ex... i feel like ayato would be that smiling yet salty on the inside + passive aggressive ex. LOLLL he would 100% sneakily trip your new partner in public and extend an oh-so gracious and concerned helping hand to them (wowww, talk about sneaky).
rin jie, the only thing keeping me going with the quests is the aranara's <//3 i just divided the quests neatly, so i followed the process of completing at least one or two quests per day — THIS WAS EXACTLY HOW I DID MY STUDYING AND I GOT WAR FLASHBACKS FROM MY LAST EXAMS 😭 i love it when i apply my studying technique to long genshin quests, hehehe 🥸🏃 (/s)
who cares about meta because even at ar 50+, we're just cruising thru 🏂 does your brother beg to differ with his op builds??? we shall abandon him. (/j) i still remember when you told me he started building diluc after the new skin was released LOLLL and speaking of !! have you read up on enkanomiya's lore yet??? because remember my boy, caelin?? i think i might post his profile soon 👀 but absolutely dw if you haven't, the lore related to enkanomiya is only in the trivia section at the very end~
YEAHHHH, the way we are saving for both al-haitham and ayato 🤝 no because i was so happy when i saw ayato in the fayz trials + remelting tablet event 😭 the way he does his normal attacks, hello??? it was enjoyable being an ayato main even for a few minutes, i'm getting a taste of my future <//3 but let's wish scara and al-haitham won't be on the same banner because that shall be your true test + you're softening up to childe, it aeems??? 👀
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uesugi-miu · 5 years
We've now come to an end~
Firstly let me say that I was so happy translating Kageie. I'm so proud of him, I'm so proud of being the Uesugi and I'm so proud of myself.
I will not put his other ends so...another 1-2 years in SLBP maybe...and when his MS released in SLBP, May anyone find missing details or additive informations or even alternate translation here.
Thanks to anyone who interested or like my translation. ❤️❤️❤️
:: Kageie MS #19 ( END ) ::
Miu : 「......Yes.」
Kageie : 「Babbling again huh, Yocchan.」
Miu : 「Are you fine with it?」
Kageie : 「With what?」
Miu : 「About Matsumoto-san...I heard you stop him from leaving......」
Kageie : 「So you heard that too...Really, Yocchan is such a pain......」
Kageie-san steps on his long shadow, lets his feeling show with a sudden smile.
He's seemingly sad but acts just like he's already get over it.
Kageie : 「In this world, people whose parents were killed is not only me. You too. Didn't your farther die in the battlefield?」
Miu : 「That's correct but......」
My dad was not killed before my very eyes......
The sorrow somehow remains in my heart but still, I have my mom and also Yahiko.
My words just can't get out of my mouth. Kageie-san senses it so he looks at me and nods.
Kageie : 「If you pity me, stop it. It's common thing, happened in every corner in the world such this. There's nothing special about it.」
Miu : 「......It may happen everyday but for someone in the family...each and every life is special, isn't it? Your parents and your brother too...For Kageie-san, their lives are irreplaceable, isn't that what you feel?」
( That's why even now, he still holds his brother's amulet so dear and also built that gravestone. )
Kageie : 「......」
Kageie-san says no more. He's only coughing to clear his throat once then giving me a grin and uses one of his hand tousles my hair affectionately.
( Kageie-san...... )
He says nothing at all but even so I can perceive that our feeling communicated.
This person's heart that I never seems to understand. I know now that I've already gotten through even if it's just a little.
( That alone is enough...I'll keep getting closer, little by little, as long as I'll get to know more...... )
I stick even closer, try never to let our two shadows separated. Kageie-san also holds my hand, enveloping mine in his.
At the alleyway before reaching the mansion, we see small shadows.
( Eh? There...those kids...... )
Those kids that closed to Kageie-san.
They're crouching down, forming a circle as they're setting up strategy.
When they noticed us, they stand and move our way rapidly.
( Urgh...What will they do now...... )
Unconsciously, I put myself on guard. Since last time, they came to throw stones at the mansion's wall. Kageie-san's awared of the hole in the wall too.
The children stand before us and holding out their hands without any hesitation.
Within those small hands are...cucumbers, eggplants and many vegetables.
Kageie : 「Why...all these.」
Boy 1 : 「As an apology.」
Kageie : 「What apology?」
Boy 1 : 「Our dads told us to apologize because we all treated you as a traitor......」
Boy 2 : 「Even though I knew Kageie is a good guy but I...I still doubted you. Please forgive me!」
Girl 1 : 「Please forgive us!」
Everyone bows down their heads all at once. Quietness goes on for a little while.
Kageie-san then addresses the children over their heads with his serious look.
Kageie : 「One condition required.」
Boy 1 : 「Eh......!」
The children raise up their faces one by one, showing their uneasy expressions. Gulping down their saliva, they wait for Kageie-san to continue.
Kageie : 「Come to play again. That's the condition.」
He lets out a broadly grin then one of the girl shakes her neck up and down enthusiastically.
Girl 1 : 「Umm! We'll come! We'll definitely come!」
Boy 1 : 「I'll make bamboo butterfly again! It will hop higher than last time!」
Kageie : 「I know. I know. Just stop being noisy and go home already. Your family are worried by now.」
Then the children gave him all their gifts so that one of his arm was full of vegetables.
Boy 1 : 「See ya, Kageie!」
Girl 1 : 「Bye~! See you tomorrow~!」
They ran off energeticly towards the setting sun but just a second later, a boy runs back with fast speed then he stops in front of me and fixing his gaze on me.
Miu : 「What's wrong hmm?」
Boy 1 : 「So to say, you weren't a guy! Are you Kageie's "Good girl"?」
Miu : 「 ! 」
The boy laughs mischievously and quickly runs away.
Heat rises straight up to my face.
( ......How come he's so mature for his age...... )
Kageie : 「......」
Kageie-san says nothing. He only smirks and stares maliciously at me.
『Good girl』......Whatever was said......our relationship has no progess though.
A moment before entering our individual bedding, we silently embrace one another.
Miu : 「......Good night.」
Kageie : 「Night.」
We exchange our good night and so...that's it...never a thing happens beyond this point......
After hearing Kageie-san breathes out his gentle sleep sound, I open the sliding door quietly to take a peek inside.
Kageie-san doesn't go out aimlessly anymore. I'm really really glad that he sleeps soundly just like this.
Kageie : 「......」
In a corner of my heart, I'm also troubled with that face. He's sleeping so well that I cannot help but plunged into that thought.
Miu : 「......Even so he said 『tell me something about you which noone else knows』......」
Just after I finish my word, Kageie-san's eyes unexpectedly opened. He then turns over his body to me.
( Eh!? He was awaked!? )
Kageie : 「"Stop it", wasn't that what it meant......」
His whisper sounds very irritated so that I almost can't bear and feel like running away.
Miu : 「......I'm so sorry. You don't like it. You already told me so......」
Kageie : 「Huhhh......You got it wrong.」
He raises half of his body above the bedding then fixes his gaze my way.
Kageie : 「I...I had done terrible thing to you......or rather say, forcible.」
He said it sinfully so that I finally recall the incident.
( Terrible thing......perhaps that's when...... )
『Miu : 「Don't tell me......Kageie-san did that on purpose to make me reject you?」 』
( I see...so the truth is...he's trying to treasure me. )
I'm glad but at the same time feeling frustrated.
Miu : 「For me...that night when Kageie-san came back to the castle. When I felt your warmth on my skin, I'd experienced the real truth that Kageie-san is truly alive......It was such a great happiness so...more...I'd rather feel your life more......」
When I said it like that, Kageie-san's line of sight was loitering in midair, searching for a word to say. Just when his eyes catch mine again, he suddenly takes off his nightcloth.
Miu : 「Eh......」
Kageie : 「Really, I never think I'll be seduced by you.」
Miu : 「What of...seduce...I didn't......」
Kageie : 「What...You've just talked about that kind of thing, haven't you?」
Miu : 「That...kind of thing, is it......right.」
I was taken aback but Kageie-san smiles at me then slowly sets me down, peering into my eyes. His gaze is so tender yet filled with burning fire.
Boom. Boom. My heart pounds noisily.
Kageie : 「......If you will touch, all of me...is yours......」
He grips on my hand, leading it the way to touch his arms......his chest......
( So warm...... )
Sound of his heartbeat circulated along with his body warmth certainly help me to acknowledge how true he's breathing in life.
Kageie : 「Come now.」
This time, he takes both of my arms, wrapping around his neck.
Our faces draw closer. Naturally, our lips starting to touch then they become deeply connected, deeply entwined, savoring each other. Flame is now burning gradually inside our mouths, taking on even more heat.
Miu : 「............tsu............」
Our lips slightly apart just to blend in again and again.
Before I know it, my obi was untied and not even a second delay, my skin was exposed to the night air.
His skilful hand slips in, toying with my body. Sweet ache's flooding into me, coaxing me to moan in high voice.
Kageie : 「Very good......more, your voice......let me hear it more.」
He burns me feverishly. Without stopping, his body heat fills into me at a stretch.
Kageie : 「Here too.」
Again my hands was led, crawling, caressing over his sturdy body. The area between his eyebrows slightly crumpled everytime our movements match.
Kageie : 「......You're amazing......better than I imagine......」
Miu : 「Kageie-san......」
Kageie : 「......Un.......tsu......Miu......」
Low breath he's leaking out together with his painful groan is so sexy.
( Ah...Ahh......I will never ever want to let go of this man...... )
I wish, night time that was dark and long will turn itself into something gentle and affectionate for him......
I secretly make a prayer just when our overlapping bodies delicatedly engraved as one.
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C:R ~VE~ Chapter 17
Aouda is holding my hair back as I splash warm water on my face from the basin.
We’ve spent the afternoon talking together about everything, from my experience at the university to her literally being swept off her feet by Fogg.
“Our first adventure was, quite literally, a trip around the world,” she says. “She had made a wager with her fellow members of the Reform Club to travel around the world in eighty days... without the use of an airship.”
“Eighty days... I wager that didn’t give too much time for sightseeing,” I say before patting my face dry with a towel. My eyes are still a little red, but I look much better than I did before.
This innocent observation surprisingly makes Aouda blush, then she looks at me with a smile. “Philomena told me that I was the only thing she took the time to see on that trip. I was the only thing that she allowed to distract her. It sounds so simple, but if you know her--”
I nod. Fogg is, to put it bluntly, a walking clock.
Aouda brushes out my hair and sighs. “There, are you feeling better now?”
I nod again.
“So... what do you think will make you happy now?”
“I want to be with Nemo and Barbicane and the others. Even if I’m just sitting and reading, I want to feel their energy.”
I’m surprised to hear laughter bubble out of my mouth. “Observing is my job, after all! It’s what I do best!”
Aouda shakes her head. “Honestly, being around such large egos might do you some good. I had better prepare to make my return to Steel London, though. I assume that you will be there to see us off, won’t you?”
“Of course,” I say.
I walk over to the door to open it for her, but both of us jump when we hear something slam on the door.
“Owww.... ow ow ow owww...”
Aouda and I look at each other.
“Huhhh? Why is the door locked...”
“Aouda, I do have a question for you,” I ask. “Has your cousin always been....”
I clear my throat, unsure of how to finish that sentence.
Aouda laughs sympathetically. “Not as blatantly, perhaps, but yes. He’s always been ‘eccentric’, to put it mildly.”
“Hmmm~? Aoooouda, have you been keeping the Professor all to yourself~? I’ve been waaaiiiting all afternoon!”
I quickly open the door for Nemo, who’s still rubbing his nose, a pitiful frown on his face.
Aouda shrugs and crosses her arms. “I told her about the engine, but I’m afraid we got wrapped up in our discussion. Sometimes, women just need to talk about things alone. Geez...” Aouda looks down at the doorknob and shakes her head. “I thought you would’ve learned to knock by now...”
Aouda moves past her cousin and begins walking away. “I’ll see you before we set off. Don’t keep us waiting, okay Da-- Nemo?”
“Mm-hmm~ ciao ciao, my cousin~” Nemo waves over his shoulder before looking back at me-- at my eyes, specifically.
Shit, they must still be red...
“The engine will still be there,” he says before closing the door behind him and walking towards me. When he’s about to step into me, I stumble back and trip into my vanity.
“Ahh-- hold still,” he says. He leans over me and tilts my chin up.
I wonder if he can hear my heartbeat. Certainly he can feel my skin heating up.
“Where did I puuuut thaaaat....”
Nemo roots around in his coat before pulling out a vial with a triumphant (and loud) ‘a-ha!’ He quickly takes off his gloves and sighs before quickly undoing the bandages on his fingertips.
“Ho~nest~ly~ Polly-chaaaan, you’re so much trouble... close your eyes.”
My eyes widen, and he just looks at me until I obey him.
My lips are aching, and I wish that it was those that he had touched! But instead I feel a cool sensation on one cheek, then the other.
Is this lotion?
“Crying dries out your skin,” I hear Nemo say. The lotion grows warm with his touch as he gently rubs it into my cheeks. “There~ we~ gooo~ feel better?”
I open my eyes and put my fingertips to my cheeks. They do feel soft.
“Hehehe! It’s my own formula~! I am a chemist too, you knoooow!” 
“You... you make your own beauty products?” I really shouldn’t be surprised, but the eager smile that stretches out over his face makes it worth it.
“Mmm-hmm! ❤ Lotion, serums, and l-i-p-s-t-i-c-k-! Sweat-proof, water-proof, feather-proof, and ki~ss~proof!”
Kiss-proof, huh...
I feel my face heat up under my fingers, and I quickly put my hands to my sides.
“Of course, leaving a mark on a lover can be fun, but sometimes you just want your makeup to stay in place. Besiiiiides~” his teeth glint. “There are other ways to leave marks~”
“L-Let’s be serious, Nemo...” I stutter, laughing nervously. “Ah, th-the engine, right? You were having problems because-- because fire consumed oxygen, which is--isn’t ideal for being under the water, s-so...”
Nemo leans over me again, putting his hands on the vanity behind me, effectively pinning me to it.
“S-So instead of using fire to boil water and create steam, chemical reactions would be used, a-and... it would be a... a chemical furnace and...”
He lowers his head, and soon I can feel his lips gently press against my neck. I can feel them against my pulse, quickening under his touch. They’re so soft and warm. Is this our first kiss? Does this count as a kiss?
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Chemical... steam made by chemicals... oxygen not being consumed as a result... I... I could really use some oxygen, too....
“Well, how about it~?” I feel his breath hot on my skin when he opens his mouth. Then, there’s a light pressure as he grazes my skin with his teeth.
My voice, once occupied with technology, lets out a sigh that sounds so needy that I shudder in shame.
“Shall I show eeeeveryone that you’re miiiiiine~?”
I swallow, feeling the sensation of my throat move against his mouth.
I feel light-headed as I respond: “Y-Yes...”
He smiles, and I feel him open his mouth again “Ahhh~n~”
And then...
He blows a raspberry into my neck, making me jump.
“HAAAAAAAAA---- hahahahaaa!” He stands up and leans back, cackling loudly and pointing at me. “You should see the looooooooook on your faaaaaaaaaaace!!”
He was teasing me. That’s all it had been... teasing.
Maybe it was out of embarrassment, but after a moment of mortifying silence I begin to laugh, too. The situation had been so serious only a moment ago, and now here we are laughing like fools.
He takes my hand and leads me out of the bedroom, not even giving me time to pin my hair back up.
“You’re right, though,” Nemo explains as we walk towards the warehouse. “Impey Barbicane and I have finished constructing an engine that actually creates oxygen as a byproduct! With this, we won’t have to surface nearly as much! We took the concept that Narcís Monturiol designed and adjusted it so...”
Nemo is leading the way as he excitedly talks about the history of submersibles. Though his speech is still flamboyant, the langue that he’s using is easy for me to understand, so I’m able to get excited alongside him. 
I put my free hand to my neck where he had kissed me. It still feels warm.
When we make it to the warehouse, Nemo pulls out one of his arm bandages and orders for me to close my eyes again.
“Are you going to...?”
“Mn~?” Nemo tilts his head.
“N-Nevermind,” I quickly mutter.
Nemo sticks his tongue out impishly as he begins to cover my eyes.
“Okay, okay~ I’m going to be taking you inside the inner hull, so I’ll have to carry you.”
I nod silently before I feel him pick me up in his arms.
“I-- I’ve seen the blueprints before, so why are you being so secretive--?” I ask, yelping as I feel him kick open the warehouse door.
Of course, it’s for the drama of it all.
Still, I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t enjoying this.
“Uhh...” I hear Barbicane express his confusion. “N-Nemo... isn’t it a little soon to be carrying Polly-chan across the threshold like that...?”
Nemo’s laugh is so loud that I have to cover my ears.
“Impeeeey Barbicaaaaane! Haven’t you realized by this point that my bride is SCIIEEENNCEEE?!”
“Y-Yeah, you’re saying that, but still... um.... your arms are shaking, do you need help...?”
I have no idea what he just said.
“P... Peace... sign...?”
All of a sudden I feel Nemo running. He must have overexerted himself by kicking down the door and carrying me at the same time. Or maybe it has something to do with what Barbicane said...
But that’s probably just wishful thinking.
With the voices of the others dwindling, it feels safe for me to lean my head against Nemo’s shoulder. Even with the smell of chemicals and metal, it’s easy for me to think back fondly to that night on the airship. 
Nemo sets me down and mutters something about opening up the hatch.
I realize with a shiver that I’m likely standing next to the very submarine that will take me on my adventure.
I reach out my hand and grope in the air, only to hear a shriek. “STAAAAAAY PUUUUUT!”
I immediately freeze.
“Geeeeez....” I hear the sound of heavy movement, and I realize it’s probably the hatch being opened. Then there’s a thump and I hear Nemo walk over to me.
“What were you trying to do?” he asks.
“It’s kind of embarrassing to say it...” I mumble.
“Ufufufu....” Nemo’s giggle is haughty and wicked. “Don’t forget that you’re blindfolded, Professor. I can make you as embaaaaaaarrassed as I want~”
I may be blindfolded, but I hope that Nemo can see the glare that I’m giving him. It’s really not fair how easily he can tease me, but I guess it’s my own fault.
“So~?” he continues, and I can practically see his leer. “What were you trying to accomplish by grabbing around at a highly dangerous piece of machinery?”
I look away, hoping the bandages are hiding my blush. “I want... to touch it...”
“... Eh?”
“T-The submarine,” I quickly clarify. “Since I can’t see it yet, I want to touch it. I want to touch my dream. I suppose it will feel more concrete to me, then. Like it’s really happening.”
I hear Nemo take a few steps away and thump against something metallic.
I hear a sniff.
“Polly-chan.... that... that’s so....”
The air is suddenly squeezed out of me as Nemo hugs me tightly.
“Urk! Nemo, I’m still blindfolded!!”
But he doesn’t let go, spinning me around and sweeping me back up in his arms. I couldn’t even protest as I felt him nuzzle his cheek against mine.
“A woman in love with sciiiiiience-- can anything be so preeeciiouuusss?!”
He carries me in the direction he had been working on and sets me down on the ground. Then, he takes my hand in his.
I hear him inhale and feel soft strands of his hair touch my fingertips. Then, the warmth of his lips on my knuckles, slowly kissing each one in turn.
My knees feel weak.
Then he quietly laughs and says: “I told you I could embarrass you, didn’t I? Hmm~ what fun is making a threat without sometimes acting on it~?”
I feel my body heating up again, like it had back in the bedroom. It’s really terrible how a simple kiss can make my senses so muddled.
“You keep on teasing me,” I murmur. “Is it that fun?”
“It iiiiiis~!” he draws me close to him again. “And I will keep on teasing you until I’m certain that my cute professor will never reject me~ I’ll intoxicate you with my very being, the most sinful of experiments.”
I feel his warm hand cup my cheek, and feel his breath on my ear. “And when I know you’re mine, that you’ll never reject me... I will do everything in my power to make you happy.”
Then, he puts my hand against something cold. With an excited shiver I realize that I’m touching the hull of the submarine. He puts his hand over top of mine and threads our fingers together.
“Your dream,” he says, laughter in his voice. He sounds so unbelievably happy. After meeting Aouda, hearing the truth about everything, after I realized how my own insecurities were affecting me... that loud laughter of his was a wonderful sound.
When the blindfold drops from my eyes, I look around in shock. Though the hulls aren’t complete and there’s a gaping hole, I’m clearly inside the submarine.
This room doesn’t look anything like an engine room, though.
Nemo’s grinning at me as he sprawls out on a velvet chaise lounge.
“I hooooope you don’t mind that I told a little~ white~ lie~! Of course, I’ll show you the engine room, but...” he looks up at me with a lopsided smile. “I thought you might enjoy this more.”
Though the room is somewhat small, it’s nothing short of luxurious. A sofa sits in front of the circle cut into the metal, leaving me to believe that it will eventually house a gargantuan porthole for undersea viewing. The entirety of one of the walls has been converted into a metal bookshelf already lined with volumes on science of all kinds.
As I step around, my eyes focus on...
“Is... is that a...?”
“Hrm?” Nemo tilts his head back and looks upside-down at the wall behind him. “Oh, yes.” He points at what I’m staring at. “She’s in progress right now, but she’s eveeeeeentually going to be a pipe organ. Isn’t she looooovely~?”
“A... a pipe organ?!”
It’s huge, taking up the entirety of the wall in a beautiful patchwork of metal.
“I mean, I figured you were a piano player, but...”
Nemo tilts his head to look at me. “How did you figure that out?”
I... I hadn’t meant for him to hear that. Oh, dear.
“I... uh...” Well, there was no way I was going to get out of this one. I might as well just suck it up and hope he’s somewhat merciful in his teasing-- though judging from today’s events, I doubt it. “I... noticed...”
I rub the back of my neck and take a breath.
“I observe these sorts of things. When you work, you tend to hold your hands out in a way that pianists would.”
I stretch out my fingers to demonstrate.
“Though, I shouldn’t be surprised that your instrument of choice is the pipe organ. The multiple ranks and manuals would provide more mental stimulation for someone like you compared to a singular keyboard.”
I inwardly curse at myself for going on like that.
Nemo looks surprised, but then his lips stretch out into another one of his grins.
“My, my.... how obseeeervant! It’s no wonder you excel in your field!” He swings his legs over the edge of the chaise lounge and props himself up. “I suppose your observant mind is ooooone of the reasons why I’m falling in love with you, Professor Aronnax.”
I can do nothing more than stare at him.
“Oh~ don’t look so surprised!” he waves a hand idly. “I told you already that I’m ex~pe~ri~men~ting~ on you. What fun would it be if my heart weren’t also in this test?”
He giggles as he tilts his head and looks out the hole in the wall. “Ahh, and speaking of love~”
I follow his gaze and see Barbicane and Cardia walking next to each other on the ground level.
“He’s been very entertaining,” Nemo continues. “Almost as entertaining as the submarine itself... honestly, having Cardia-chan be our assistant was a moment of geeeenius!”
Barbicane has an expression of embarrassment on his face. Seeing him look hesitant is a little strange.
“He’s inexperienced...” Nemo continues with his musings. “I’m not sure he even reeeeaalizes himself what he’s feeling! It’s cute...”
I clasp my hand over my mouth when I see Cardia reach up to touch Barbicane’s cheek. Barbicane looks just as shocked as I imagine I do.
Nemo just continues giggling. “First love~ there’s nothing quite like it.”
I hear him stand up and walk behind me. He quietly peers over my shoulder down at Barbicane and Cardia.
“She’s going back to London with her brother,” I say. “I wonder if they’re saying goodbye...”
I shake my head.
“We shouldn’t be watching this, Nemo.”
Nemo sighs and turns away. “I suppooooose we should be making our way to the airship.”
I swallow. “Do you really think they’ll manage to convince Queen Victoria? Or stop Aleister?”
I hear Nemo stop at the doorway.
“Don’t ask me questions like that, Polly-chaaaaan.... I may not look like it, but I really am quite a pessimist.”
I close my eyes. Right now, unfortunately, I feel that his pessimism might be right.
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rennyji · 3 years
June 17th tweets
June 17th tweets...
you know what's cool? Gas spring wall mounted monitors...you can turn the monitor in any direction, raise it higher, lower, whatever...the gas spring is key...
so i bought Ugg Men's In House shoes...(do men call these slippers?! i dunno)...I went through several pairs from exchanges/returns. Why? The fuzz or fur inside is being pulled out/apart in all directions, right out of the box...Come on Amazon...aren't you guys about quality?!
So I saw "Superman & Louis" on the CW app, the other day. Lara (would like that name for a potentialDaughter, but moving on..), a.k.a. Superman's Kryptonian mom was revealed 2be married to 1 man, had a child, &then married Superman's dad, Jor-El-whom she later fell in love with.-
- this was said in passing on the show, as part of a different theme. But it makes you wonder...Are all women like this? Constantly out to seek "the best deal", regardless of stage of life? After having a son with 1 man, she falls in love with another and has another child...-
- what happens to marriage vows? Are these just empty words among America's pandemic of empty promises, hopes, and help? These words of through sickness and health, whatever, are meant to have power. These kind of things give life meaning and power...-
- Things aren't working out with your partner? Work things out. The option of divorce, I feel, makes people try  less harder. Your partner is literally supposed to be ur other half. You are one being. There are extreme cases of people being abused, but the rest is ego. -
- U marry me, ur stuck with me for eternity and beyond...think about it...u being my half is like my hand which is part of me...not going anywhere without my hand...duhhh...huhhh, womennnn...
moving on... From Run Girls, Run!, YouTube anime song “share the light” - kinda girly, but catchy jingle...
YouTube “Ultra instinct (trap remix)”
On a differentNote, U can learnSomething fromThe IndianConcept of arrangedMarriages, America.. Whereas U have theOpportunity of datingAround, findingPeople who share in ur hobbies/interest, make U feelExtraordinary, Indians,for centuries&beyond have been paired by theirParents.-
- If you talk to Indian couples, who probably have nothing in common, they say, they and their spouses have a "deep bond." They're bound by simply having the constant presence of another...someone to talk to, someone to care for them, and so forth...-
- This American thing about common hobbies/interests, making you feel special - these are biological feelings/impulses. You need to expand ur mind: "who will always be there for you?" Astrology and hobbies aren't what forms a "connection." It is the answer to that question...
Check out "Mud Wtr" on Google, as an alternative to caffeine…nothing to do with actual "mud" - that's just what its called...good stuff, but expensive...
If regular coffee doesn't do it for you, you can search and find coffees like "Kion Coffee", or, on the other extreme, "Death Wish Coffee." But remember, different stuff holds the potential of working for different people. Looking for options? Give one of them a try..good stuff..
I want to get to a point where I’m traveling and have a secretary. I want to get to a point where when I go downstairs, breakfast is ready...when I need something, it’s before me…don't want to worry about the little things...
Try the " CoreStretch " from Amazon...quick way to stretch your back and other muscles...
After shaving, there isn’t a single after shave out there that reduces post shaving sensitivity, preparing u 4 tomorrow’s shave. Ive found a cream in Indian Ayurveda, alleviating that “ahhh it burns/stings!!!” post shave feeling by piling on the cream when no 1 supposedly looks.
So I found out that Miranda Cosgrove, Nickelodeon's "Carly Shay" from iCarly, made $180,000 per episode from a legally/appropriately run show...for this illegal relaying of me, from lawsuits and salary-never-received, I'm going to say $180,000 per relaying is the base line...
so moving on...now...don't get me wrong, but i'm not into, getting into the following subject. but the majestic orchestrators of "the situation" frequently keep talking about a girl "I knew 'of' " and don't in fact know. I don't know why. -
- By "knew of", Im not even sure what she looks like. Sometimes I remember her tall or with meat on her bones or sometimes short or skinny..Im not even sure if all these were the same girl, when I saw her. Whoever she was, I remember liking the girl in the black North face Denali? jacket. Then amidst these versions of this girl, there was another look alike who rode the white Van type taxi called “Best Taxi.” Then there’s the short skinny version with the red stroller suitcase. I know facts about this individual from simple things like her last name.-
  - last names can be an indicator of where ur from, origin wise. But I don’t even know what she exactly looks like. From wishing her HappyBirthday on facebook, without a response back, I no her birthday is on june 24th. I know that&remember that b/c I did it once, & in high school, my memory was so good, Id memorize my notebooks.-
- ladies, something to know about me. i'll never forget a birthday or anniversary. -
- with all the talk about this girl, you get curious what she's up to, and through google, you can find out she went to columbia. a smart cookie. and in the random times i bumped into her, -
-i remember her telling her friends jen and valerie or whoever (i can remember even small details) that she wanted to transfer to columbia in her first or second year, but didn't. i happen to be walking by at that moment when she was talking and her mother or whoever -
- picked her up in a white infiniti. In a part time job on that campus as a telemarketer, on the computer system 4 calling students homes, her mothers name & address popped up on my neighbors call screen, so I even know random things like her mother's name &she's from  New Jersey. -
- this is what I mean, I don't know her. over the years of explaining things over and over, for one reason or another, it seems like i knew this person. Please stop with the talk. Now the orchestrators, with the sounds projected, want me to-
- think this girl, who never so much as responded to a Happy Birthday, is chasing after me, and has gone mad in a massive game to prevent women from talking to me, when its the orchestrators instructions. Never a moment to reset the mind on that subject. It just shows neither -
- the girl, her wackadoodle friends, and the orchestrators know a thing about me, and just want me to talk all day. Its not even fair to the girl, if she has the time to see this. What'll she think?! Find a new subject, orchestrators...
- and about people i bump into, people from the dorms in Binghamton...i remember it all...in binghamton dorms, they have everyone's names stickered onto the doors. i don't know that girls friends either. -
- ladies, something U should know about me...b4 we become girl friend/boy friend, or even friends, what U see in "this situation" may not be what U get, inPerson. Im different w/different people. Just b/c Im soft w/my brother doesn't mean Im going 2be soft w/some1 on the street.-
- those who cross me, in certain cases, I forgive, but I never forget. Guys, girls, I do not play games. I'm in my very early thirties and I don't have patience for a majority of the things that go on in this...
- going back 2 the girl, 1 last thing. i think the desperate orchestrators want 2give their meaningless cr*p of a program some kind of twist, by hooking me up w/some1 I don't even know how they look, for the sake of their program. After allThis, Im sure I have some1 who hates me-
- through no fault of my own...
It just isn't wise for me to put out anything really, because the orchestrators who have nothing to talk about, who don't know me, who think by seeing me everyday we're besties, then get stuff to harp on. -
-When I do hear them, not always, out of pity I'm telling them something verifiable, if you have a lie detector, u know none of what's said carries any relevance or significance. Its just noise, both literal and figurative.
- then the nonsense about my appearance...what are we 10? am i teenage girl? I'm an average guy, and a regular guy in real life. Everything that goes on is hype from constant chatter through an unresolved and ongoing crime...
moving on...
so moms...my mom never listens 2 a thing I say. Partly b/c she's in a rush to speak what's on her mind. As I continue talking, shell go so far as to walk around or decide to literally hammer away at something for some coincidental purpose.-
-My mom is not how I want my spouse 2be. She claims "there's no talking to me." over the simplest of things when its her stubbornness and clouded mind against my clarity. I'll be in the middle of making a point or saying something insightful, shell tell me she's not into it.-
- if i run into a woman like that, goodbye. maybe its her busy day inciting lack of patience. But then my day...i got her randomness, the randomness in my environment, the randomness from the orchestrators, the randomness at work...it's all very tiring...-
-that's how the orchestrators get material. through tiring randomness...
America is a very flawed country lacking heart, conscience, &insight. But they do have the nuclear family going on 4them. Mom, dad, son, daughter are seen equal, & what every1 says has value. Son can correct mom, mom doesn't take it to heart, & may even use it to better herself.
so had an argument w/mom over Listerine mouthWash. She takes like a tablespoon &dilutes the rest w/water in theCap. I gargle a capful of Listerine. Im content w/how Im doing it &ran into noProblems. She wants 2insist on her way of doing it. Stupid things. Is that a culturalClash?
so tweeted a ton today...the orchestrators got their tantalizing desires possibly fulfilled...moving on...
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