#what IS important is shanks' tan lines
pocketwei · 8 months
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Strange as angels dancing in the deepest oceans
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honeybeezgobzzzzz · 3 months
🗡️ Something Dread, Something Red: Chapter Nine
Something Dread, Something Red: Stuck in a proposal to a Marine Commodore, you escape minutes before your wedding in one last ditch effort to avoid getting married to a tyrant. Barely making it to the port of your town, you stumble across a ship just starting to leave and beg for passage off the island. You fail to notice that the people you beg for help, are pirates.
Warnings: Confused Thirsting.
To Note: “Red Haired” Shanks x FemReader
Word Count: ~3.2k
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Ingles was three days behind the Red Force and bright open skies were stretched ahead. So you had grabbed Cerise’s soup and stew book and found a nice place to sit on the deck of the ship while the men roughhoused and goofed off. The sun felt nice on your face and the slight breeze kept the air from feeling too hot. While you had intended on spending the morning studying Cerise’s cook book to bolster your cooking knowledge, you had instantly gotten distracted the moment swords came out.
Slowly lowering the book in front of your face, you peered over the edge as Benn and Limejuice sparred with each other with live steel. Good gods, someone was going to get hurt! You blanched at the pair, wincing every time steel clashed and sharp echo permeated the calm day.
“Better get used to it, Aria,” Hongo’s voice came from off to your left, and glancing at him, you saw him watching the pair of men. “This is pretty normal for us, we held off on it because we didn’t want to shock or upset you. But you seem to have adjusted and they were itching to get some practice in.”
“I’m not in shock or upset, I’m worried they are going to hurt each other,” You snorted indignantly. “They’re using live steel and we are on a ship that constantly moves. What happens if someone get’s cut or worse?” Hongo shrugged with a lazy smile. Of course you wouldn’t be upset by them practicing! You just didn’t want them to get hurt.
“Think about it, we’re pirates,” He stated, returning his eyes to Benn and Limejuice. “Knowing how to wield a blade on a ship is pretty damn important in our line of work. We get used to the motions and if someone does get hurt… well, I’m around and they know how to take a cut.” You still didn’t like the idea of them getting hurt by sparring like this, but you could understand the need for practice and the practicality of practicing in the same conditions they might find themselves in. So you took to watching them.
Every single one of them moved with grace and skill, they clearly had several years under their belts to hone the fine skill of wielding a blade. The sharp ring of metal on metal was not bothering you as much as it had in the beginning and you actually found enjoyment watching them as long as you ignored the little nicks and cuts they gave each other. Then the shirts came off.
Naturally they were going to get hot and work up a sweat working out and sparring, but you hadn’t been expecting them to just whip off their shirts and continue where they left off. You’d nearly snorted the water you were sipping when Bonk Chonk had whipped his own shirt off without even bothering to pause his spar with Gab. You had been slack jawed for approximately a minute before realizing that this was normal for them, and you probably shouldn’t be to worried about it. So you got over the fact that you were watching grown men with no shirts spar with live steel… until Shanks joined in on the fun.
Now, you had absolutely no problem watching the men spar shirtless, they were like older brothers to you at this point. But Shanks? Your jaw dropped open the moment he had his own shirt off and you were very lucky that Cerise’s cook book was blocking your mouth otherwise the entire crew would have seen you gawking at Shanks. When you finally managed to snap your mouth shut again, you swallowed thickly and took at least a minute to appreciate what a beautiful man Shanks was. He was appropriately tanned from sailing the Blues, not to deep but not to light, had well defined muscles that clearly indicated lifting you over his shoulder with his only arm was effortless to him, and an overall body that clearly indicated that he took good care of himself.
In your eyes, he was perfect in every way.
Your eyes stayed glued to the captain as he pulled out his own sword and loosely batted away a few strikes from Benn. It should be heavily noted that while Shanks was one armed and using his non dominant one to parry the blows to his person, his own blade moved with such refined grace that it looked like the red haired man was barely putting any effort into it! You found yourself entranced and unable to tear your eyes away.
Benn and Shanks moved about the main deck, exchanging light hearted jibs at each others form and playing on each others age. Benn was fifty, but to you he moved with the suave grace of a twenty year old. Surprising, but at the same time, not at all. With the way the men lived, their bodies were in a constant state of work. They didn’t let themselves get lazy because one simply couldn’t be lazy sailing the Blues. Shanks was thirty nine, and that did surprise you.
He had the refined looks of a mature adult, but not one almost going on forty. To you he almost seemed like he was in his early thirties, not late thirties. He was also laid back and fun, you hadn’t ever encountered an adult his age who wasn’t crotchety, asinine, or just plain mean. Another reminder that you had missed out on so much being confined to Bonn Manor. Your mind strayed from old memories, distracted by the trickles of sweat carving paths along tanned skin.
You grew rather envious of those little trails running along smooth skin and beautifully crafted muscle. Perhaps not envious, jealous might be a better word. You wanted to trace those paths to find out if Shanks muscles were truly as sculpted as they appeared to be. Your fingers twitched at the idea of them running along warm skin, following dips and curves. Oh it would be even better if it were your tongue…  Freezing in place, you let out a strangled noise in the back of your throat and proceeded to smack Cerise’s cook book against your forehead as your face and neck rippled with unbearable heat.
For the love of the All Blue, Linaria! Get control of yourself!
Unfortunately for you, your noise and sudden face smack hadn’t gone unnoticed and the crew was now looking at you in concern.
“Aria?” Shanks called out, lowering his sword and worrying that something was wrong. The last three days had gone so well and he hated to have something happen now.
“I’m jealous!” You blurted out without thinking and the moment your brain caught up with your lips, mortification soon took residence within your body. Why did you say that!? You were going to burn up right in that seat, reduced to a smoldering pile of bone and ash. What you did not expect, was for the men to start laughing at you.
“Don’t be jealous, I’m sure you just have ta’ bat your eyes at Shanks all nice and pretty like, and he’ll give you some pointers on how to wield a sword.” Yasopp called, doing a fancy trick with his sling shot. For a few precious moments, you didn’t quite understand what the sniper meant… then it came to you. They thought you were jealous of them knowing how to use a sword! Relief flooded your body, but the fiery burn of embarrassment over your rather naughty thoughts lingered. Slowly lowering the book from your forehead, you eyed each of the men while trying not to openly gawk at Shanks and his unfairly handsome state.
“I don’t bat my eyes,” You huffed with a grumble. There was another round of laughter and Shanks took pity on you, sheathing his sword and walking over. “You all are terrible, I hope you realize that.”
“They’re just teasing you,” Shanks said with a teasing smile of his own. He leaned against the deck railing next to you and observed your body language. Something had embarrassed you, he could sense the heat pooling beneath your cheeks and neck, but knew that it was a far better choice to pretend that your embarrassment did not exist. “Though Yasopp is technically correct.” You glared at the red haired man, your embarrassment quickly trickling away. Shanks gave you a curvy smile.
“I’m not batting my eyes at you, just so we are clear,” You retorted, rolling your eyes and hugging the cook book to your chest.
“Shame, I rather like your eyes,” Shanks replied, leaning in a little closer to look at your eyes. They were indeed a beautiful color, one that complimented the tone of your lavender hair. Your face and neck started to warm up again. Seas give you mercy this man had no idea what he does to you. You don’t even know what he does to you!
“So about learning how to use a sword?” You broached, trying to steer your mind and the conversation away from Shanks’ body. Find your reason Linaria. Shanks’ lips twitched.
“I’ll teach you, it’d probably be better for you in the long run.” Shanks admitted, running a thumb beneath his lips. “But not when the men are sparring. They sometimes get carried away.”
“I can see that,” You said, eyeing Building Snake who had a laceration that Hongo was lecturing him about keeping clean. “This is part of your routine, and they seem to enjoy it. Please don’t let my presence alter that, I’m not going to flop in a faint because Limejuice and Gab decided to settle a wager via a sword fight.” Your frank words had Shanks’ smile stretching wider as he chuckled.
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“You sure?” Lucky asked, rubbing the back of his head. He was used to doing all the cooking on board the Red Force, so you stating that you were going to be more proactive around the ship by fixing meals for the crew was a little odd. Well, you had already forced your way into helping him to feel useful, and clearly something had changed in the three weeks you’d been on board.
“Quite so,” You answered before lofting up one of Cerise’s cook books. “I’ve come armed and ready, and need some practice.” Lucky squinted at the book, almost not believing what his eyes were telling him.
“Wait a minute, is that one of—”
“Cerise’s cook books? Yes, yes it is,” You stated calmly. “She gave me a couple to learn how to cook while sailing.”
“But those books are like the holy grail to Cerise, I spent an entire summer beggin’ for just a look at one and didn’t even manage that.” Lucky complained, wondering how you had managed to get the old woman to give you not just one cook book, but several! The cook decided then and there that you must have some sort of magical gift. “Well if it’s one of Cerise’s recipes, and she gave you her books, you must have impressed her. What were you thinking?”
“Her autumn stew with jerky,” You explained, opening the book up to the page with the recipe on it. “I noticed that a lot of the ingredients you stocked up on in Ingles matched up with this recipe and I’ve never had jerky before so I figure it would be a good start.”
“Oh that stew?” Lucky asked, bouncing in place at the idea of having Cerise’s famous autumn stew with jerky for dinner. It’d been at least a year since he and the crew had tasted it. “The boys’ll eat it up! Probably won’t have leftovers but that’s why we stock up on food.” You beamed at Lucky, glad that he was on board with your plan.
“Great! Just keep them away from the kitchen, I know they like to snack on bits and pieces of stuff while you cook and I will not allow that in my kitchen.”
“Your kitchen?”
“Yes,” You stated. “If I’m cooking, it’s my kitchen. No snacks, no hovering, no ‘is dinner ready yet’!” Lucky let out a slow drawn sigh.
“You really do know us, don’t you.”
“I’ve spent the last three weeks watching all of you. It wouldn’t have been very smart of me to not pick up on your quirks and habits. Additionally, you are men.” Lucky gave you a hurt look and you simply raised your eyebrow in challenge, for nothing you had said was technically wrong. “Now then, where did the jerky get stored? We need to get that soaking…” 
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You were proud to say that the smells coming from the kitchen had many of the men coming to investigate. However, much to their great disappointment, Lucky Roux kicked them out before they could question what was for dinner. You were busy reading through the cook book yet again while the stew simmered on the stove and barely gave the investigative men any mind. Cerise had handwritten several notes in the margins of her cookbook giving high quality tips and tricks the she had learned over the years.
Such tips included how to pick out the best produce for this recipe, how long it would stay fresh in the fridge, and what cuts of meat were best for making jerky. Making jerky wasn’t exactly something you ever thought you would want to know, but the more you thought about it the more you realized that jerky had a long shelf life and was good for the seas. Then again, you didn’t even know if you liked jerky! Your eyes flickered away from the book to the few bits of jerky left on the counter.
“Small bites, just incase you don’t like it,” You mumbled to yourself before reaching over and snatching a small piece of jerky. Looking at the small piece of red meat, you smelled it and shrugged, its smell was surprisingly good. Nibbling on the edge of the jerky, you were pleasantly surprised by the intense meat flavor. Rather than take another nibble, you simply ate the rest of the piece, savoring the flavor and rather exciting prospect of sneaking something behind Shanks and Hongo’s back. Giggling to yourself, you reached for Lucky’s special spoon and gave the bubbling stew a stir.
“The men are getting restless,” Lucky announced, shooing away Benn for what had to be the fifth time in the last hour. He peered at the stew and felt his own stomach rumbling. Just by the smell he knew that there wouldn’t be a drop of soup leftover.
“Fifteen minutes,” You said, running the spoon through the stew and checking the consistency. Oh yes, fifteen minutes should be more than enough for the stew to come together. “Youmight as well tell them to wash up, I swear I can hear them drooling.” The cook did as you bade, chuckling at your words because the men indeed were drooling.
While you had a moment alone in the kitchen, you grabbed a small spoon from the kitchen drawer and dipped it into the stew. You were fairly sure that by the smell alone, you hadn’t made anything horrendous, and you had followed Cerise’s instructions to a t, but you didn’t want the men to eat anything you cooked without tasting it first. Blowing on the small spoonful, you tentatively looked at the spoon before sticking it in your mouth.
By no means did you think the stew was anything special, certainly if you had made it… but you were pleasantly surprised by how nice it tasted and how delicious the fresh vegetables had turned out. Of course the flavor of the jerky was there, but the dried meat had softened up to a texture that was only slightly chewy. Pleased that your first ever dish had come out well, you ladled some of the stew into a small bowl to eat before the men came along and ate everything in sight.
Bowl in hand, you squirreled yourself away the corner of the kitchen and delicately ate your portion as the men filed into the kitchen (at least in a somewhat orderly manner) to get their share of dinner. Shanks was last to grab a bowl, which he always did so intentionally, and eyed you.
“You get enough to eat? The men have been driven crazy by the smell and I doubt there will be any leftovers.” He spoke, serving himself up a bowl and grabbing a spoon. You had been surprisingly absent the last two and half hours, usually this time of day you liked to be out on the deck to watch the shimmering sunset. “Are you going to come out on deck with the rest of us men or has the drooling turned you away?”
“Oh I’ve had enough, stomach is still quite small and it’s very filling,” You reassured Shanks with that gentle smile of yours he loved. “I’m just writing some notes down before I forget, I’ll be out in a few minutes.”
“I hold you to that, madam, as your company has been greatly missed this afternoon,” Shanks stated with a half smile and a teasing gleam in his eyes. You giggled further and turned your attention back to Cerise’s cook book. She had said that you could try adding your own variations to things, after you had made the recipe as it was intended the first time. You were thinking about how to stretch the food made on the ship, and a great many of the recipes you’d tabbed through in Cerise’s other cook books had main dishes over variations of potatoes.
You wrote down your last thoughts, making sure that you wrote down the nuances and taste profile of the stew. While you had initially intended to learn how to cook to be self sufficient, you found that you enjoyed the task and wanted to work on the skill more than just for survival. Tucking the book away in a safe place, you wandered out to the main deck while humming beneath your breath. The moment you appeared on deck, the chatter of the men ceased and you found all eyes on you.
“Something wrong?” You asked, your eyebrow rising while you looked around.
“When did you learn how to cook?” It was Bonk Chonk that spoke. You blinked and tilted your head to the side.
“Three days ago, why?”
“Bloody hell you’re a lucky man,” Limejuice complained, much to your confusion as the rest of the crew nodded with equal groans.
“Well at least we get to enjoy it for now, because this is life changing,” Hongo muttered before diving back into his dinner. Nods went around and they all resumed eating, leaving you in a state of confusion.
“Come on, you’re missing the view,” He said, guiding you by the elbow to the perfect view of the fading sunset. You looked up at his face with your eyebrows scrunched.
“What was that about?” You questioned, really not understanding what the pirates had been talking about. Shanks shook his head and was grateful that you didn’t understand their subtle quips.
“They’re just being themselves, Aria, never mind them.” He reassured you, making a mental note to tell the men to back off on the comments.  The last thing any of them wanted was to scare you off.
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Date Published: 1/25/24
Last Edit: 1/25/24
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You Weren’t Supposed To Get Hurt - Newt Imagine
Lines indicate time passes, enjoy :)
*Differs from both movies and books
Someone was bound to get hurt.
It was inevitable, really.
I just didn’t think it was going to be me.
I was untouchable, said the gladers. Throughout my 6 months I spent in the glade no one nor anything seemed to injure me.
When we escaped, people died. I was one of the lucky ones who made it out.
When we broke out into the scorch, I was never once bruised, scratched or otherwise.
When our position with the right arm was revealed and chaos broke out, I joined the fight, bullets flying left and right.
Still, nothing ever touched me.
Not when WCKD took loads of immunes, including Minho.
Not when we attempted to rescue him.
Not when the giant wall that separated WCKD and thousands of people started openly shooting.
Utterly untouchable.
It used to be a joke amongst the gladers.
There was no time for joking anymore.
Now, it became a gift. A strategy.
It would all come down to me.
In my hand was the one most important thing, a blue vial.
The serum.
The cure.
The only thing that determined whether Newt would live, or die.
I had to get it to him.
My lungs burned and my legs ached and still, I kept running.
I wasn’t used to it, running so much.
I was a cook in the glade, along with Frypan.
Now it seemed that I was running every day.
This time though, I didn’t think about it.
Instead, I thought about Newt.
The way he always managed to make me laugh, even in the times where laughing seemed unreachable.
The kindness behind every action, just wanting to keep his friends safe.
Always trying to make it to a place where we would be safe, fighting until there was no more fight.
I couldn’t lose him.
I ran faster.
Newt was teetering on the edge of sanity when I finally reached where we agreed to meet up.
His humanity was almost gone.
The flare was him and he was the flare.
He was fighting Thomas .
There were only brief moments when he would realize what he was doing, and pause, begging for Thomas to kill him.
He wanted it to be over.
He didn’t want to become one of them.
A crank.
“Please Tommy, please. Please.”
I could feel tears spilling down my cheeks at the scene before me, but I didn’t let them deter me, still running, screaming at Thomas that I had it, I had the cure.
Thomas’s eyes flicked to me, unfortunately at the wrong time, as Newt took the chance to lunge at Thomas while he was momentarily distracted.
He was able to successfully pin him to the ground, Thomas stuck underneath him.
Newt had a knife, and was pressing it down towards Thomas’s chest, while Thomas was struggling to keep it from penetrating him.
I was quick, sliding to my knees, and pulling up Newt’s sleeve, which was proving to be difficult.
It took a few seconds, but I thankfully was able to get it up, a sick taste entering my mouth at the sight of the snaky black veins that crawled up Newt’s skin.
It was then that Newt noticed me.
I was surprised he hadn’t before, I wasn’t trying to be stealthy in any manor. I was prepared for a fight.
But I was so close, all I had to do was plunge the syringe into his arm, and all would be fixed.
It all happened so fast that I wasn’t aware of it.
I stuck the needle into his arm, and pushed down the top, the serum slowly draining from the tube and into Newts bloodstream.
I looked up, just in time to see the darkness fade from his eyes and a haunting look of horror flicker on his face before he slumped to the side, Thomas and I lunging to grab him before he slammed his head on the concrete floor.
Out of pure adrenaline, or perhaps hysteria, I laughed.
It hurt to laugh but I couldn’t stop.
There was to much adrenaline in my body that it felt unnatural.
I heard Thomas say my name, quietly. Scared.
I looked up at him with a bright smile. I expected him to look happy, we had just saved Newt.
But rather he looked at me, pain and fear freezing his features.
“What?” I chuckled.
He simply pointed to my stomach.
I looked down and like a button was pressed, my laughter cut off.
To much of it.
I looked back up to Thomas, pain flooding in. It was strange, how the body worked. I hadn’t felt it until I was focused on it. Until the adrenaline shut off.
His eyes flickered to the knife that lay limply in Newts hand, blood coating the tip.
My blood.
I could see black spots in the corners of my eyes.
I was gonna pass out.
“Don’t tell him.” I mumbled.
And then the world went black and the pain faded.
I opened my eyes to light.
Bright, blinding light.
A small groan left my lips as I slowly sat up.
What the hell?
I lifted up my shirt - different than the one I wore last time I was conscious - and my fingers hovered over the thick bandage wrapped around my abdomen.
There was a light red, excess blood seeping through the bandages, and there was a dull ache emitting from my stomach, but not as badly as I remembered.
I winced as I stood up from the bed, a sharp pain shooting through my body, and my hand immediately flew to my stomach, holding my arm around myself as if it would barricade the pain.
I could hear laughter outside of the hut, and I took a moment to take in the unfamiliar surroundings.
The air smelled salty, such a stark contrast from the glade, that smelled of dirt and earth.
I slowly walked out of the hut, trying not to aggravate my injury too much.
When my eyes adjusted to the outside light, I was able to take in everything around me - from the blue of the ocean, to the tan grains of the sand, the giant huts and billowing sheets of white that covered them, and the abundance of people milling about.
A small breath of laughter left me, we had done it. We actually did it. We were safe.
I scanned the crowd until I saw a familiar face.
“Minho!” I called out, and I could see him turn to me, before jogging over with a smile wide on his face.
I guessed that he was aware of my injury, as he hugged me gently from the side, rather that his usual tight squeeze.
“We thought you were dead shank, how you holdin up?” He gestured to my bandages, hidden by my shirt.
“I’m doing alright. Hurts a shucking ton though.”
He let out a small chuckle, and called out for Thomas and a couple other of the gladers, each greeting me like Minho did.
It seemed all of them knew about my injury, hugging me with care, some looking concerned.
“Hey, where’s Newt?” I questioned.
“Oh, he’s over by the crops, helping Vince or something like that.” Minho replied, pointing to a group of people further away from the groups of shelters.
“Thanks.” I said, making my way over to the gardens in the distance.
I really hoped the serum had worked. It sounded like it had.
If Minho wasn’t worried then Newt should be fine.
I spotted him quickly, his blonde hair glowing in the sunlight, and his skin perfectly free of any black veins.
“Newt!” I called out, waving my hand at him.
He immediately dropped whatever was in his hands, and jogged towards toward me.
Newt was quick to wrap me in an embrace, holding me tightly.
So Thomas did hear my request.
Don’t tell him.
Don’t tell Newt that I’m injured.
Don’t tell Newt that he was the one who injured me.
It seemed Thomas had understood what I was asking, and complied.
For that I was thankful.
The rule back in the glade was never to hurt another glader on purpose.
I don’t know what Newt would do if he found out he had hurt me.
Found out that I was hurt.
I was supposed to be untouchable after all.
I never questioned his intense protectiveness over me - it made me feel loved, and safe.
He was never overbearing about it, knowing I could handle myself, but that’s just who he was. Always wanting to protect and save everyone. I would break him to know he failed his moral.
So I should’ve been prepared for a full on hug, but I wasn’t.
It was to late to hide my yelp of pain, a tight wince on my face as pain racked through my abdomen.
“Woah, are you okay?”
His face wore concern, but I decided to brush it off.
“I’m fine.”
Yet my arm still circled my stomach, clutching the thick bandages.
“You’re obviously not.”
“I’m fine, really Newt.”
I looked at him and he looked at me. He knew I was lying.
I didn’t have any excuse so instead I came up with the best idea I could.
I walked away.
I had expected him to follow me, but when I looked back, he stood there with a dejected look on his face.
This was not the reunion I wanted.
A huge bonfire was lit in the middle of the beach.
There was music, and dancing, and laughter.
I was sitting with some Group B girls who had approached me, laughing lightly with them.
It was nice to have some girl company for once.
“Woah, what’s happening over there?” Asked one of the girls, gesturing to the left of where we sat together.
My gaze flipped over to where she was directing her comment at.
It was Newt, looking angry at a flustered Thomas.
I looked at the girls and shrugged. “I’ll go check it out.”
They let me go with the promise to bring them back all the tea, and I agreed with a chuckle.
Newt was close to yelling, as once I got a bit closer I could hear each word loud and clear.
“What do you mean she was bloody injured?”
My step paused, and I glanced at Thomas, who had noticed my presence and looked sheepish. ‘Sorry,’ he mouthed.
I saw Newts head swivel my way, looking at me with disbelief.
“Why the hell would you keep something like that from me?”
I didn’t answer, looking at him with silence, so he asked another question.
“What happened?”
At that, I lowered my eyes, and became very interested at a particular grain of sand just at the toe of my right shoe.
Newt was always good at connecting the dots.
“I.... I didn’t do that did I?”
His voice was soft, so that I could barely hear it over the chatter and crackling of the fire. The pain was evident in his voice, and I knew there ways no trying to lie my way out of this one.
“You were half delusional with the flare-“ I began to reason, but he had already stalked off. “Shit.”
I looked at Thomas who still looked sorry for spilling the secret, and Minho who was now whistling and looking anywhere but me.
I almost wanted to laugh at the situation, for believing that I could actually get away with the whole thing.
Instead I stalked off in the direction he went, ideas to try and make him understand that he shouldn’t feel like it was his fault running trough my mind.
I didn’t know how long I had been walking for to find Newt, and looking back, the bonfire was only a speck in the distance.
Here, it was just the stars and the waning moon lighting the cold beach sand.
I had taken my shoes off halfway through the walk, enjoying the tickle and peacefulness of being barefoot on a beach.
It wasn’t hard to find Newt, there was a trail of footsteps leading up to where he sat, off in the distance, and my injury made it hard for me to move at a faster pace, so I continued my slow treck - enjoying the moment alone while breathing in the salty air.
It felt wonderful.
It was a rare feeling to come by in a predicament such as ours but we had done it.
And when I finally reached him, I laid down in silence, looking up at the stars.
It was silent for awhile before he began to talk.
“I had nightmares; when we first arrived and I was fully healed. Most of them consisted of you. You being tortured, you being dead. I remember there was one where you were screaming and I couldn’t get to you. It was like I was stuck. They’re all bloody terrible but the worst one was when I was a crank, fighting Tommy. You were trying to help me, give me the cure but - the flare - it consumes you. I didn’t know what I was doing. But I remember so distinctly taking my knife and running it across your stomach, deep... it always ended there.”
He pauses briefly, taking a shaky breath.
“I always thought they were just nightmares. I guess that last one was actually a memory.”
He was staring out into the distance, at the dark ocean.
I stayed silent.
“Can I see it?” He questioned quietly.
I sucked in a breath of my own, but nodded, knowing that he needed to see it for himself.
I sat up slowly, and lifted the bottom of my shirt, giving him access to where my bandage was tied up at the back.
I looked down and saw a noticeable difference from when I checked it earlier. The light red has blossomed into a darker one, coving almost the whole front of the bandage.
I hadn’t even seen it myself, and I wasn’t sure I wanted too.
I closed my eyes as Newt carefully unwrapped my bandage, until I could feel the sting of cold air hit the injury.
His reaction was enough to get me to look down and I could feel a bad taste in my mouth again.
Although stitched up, there was still blood oozing and so much red.
I looked up and closed my eyes again.
I had never done well with blood, always making Frypan cook the freshly cut meat, and turning down a part time medjack job after helping Frypan with a small burn he had recived from cooking said meat.
“I’m so bloody sorry love.”
I looked at him, tears in his eyes and his hand shaky, hovering just above the cut.
“Hey, Newt, it’s okay.”
“No it shucking isn’t.”
He sounded angry, force behind his words but it was only a short burst, his voice turning sad again as he cursed more.
His fingers trembled slightly as he carefully wrapped the bandage back up, asking if he needed to make it more loose or tighter.
Chills ran up and down my body when I felt his fingers brush my bare skin, and was disheartened when he finished.
I hadn’t talked much during the whole ordeal, not knowing what to say, and afraid to voice the wrong thing.
Mostly, I just wanted him to stop blaming himself, like I knew he was.
“I should’ve done something to stop it, I should’ve-“
“Nope, we aren’t doing this. Stop it.” I said firmly.
“No, it’s my fault, I should’ve just fought I harder, if I could’ve-“
And because I couldn’t think of any other way to get him to stop talking, I grabbed his chin, and pulled him down to me, gently colliding his lips with mine.
It was moments of pure bliss, before I pulled away and looked into his searching eyes.
“I told you to shut up.”
And it was like all traces of our previous conversation had dissolved when he mumbled, “Tell me again,” moving his hand so it was cupping my right check, and bringing our lips together once more.
It was soft, but I could still feel his anger and sadness and I pressed my lips harder to his.
When we broke apart, he rested his forehead against mine, both of us breathing harder than normal.
“You weren’t supposed to get hurt.” He said.
“I would’ve done it again. You’re alive Newt. That matters more than a cut.”
He just hummed a response, though I couldn’t translate what he meant by it.
“Wanna go back?” He asked.
“No.” I simply said.
So we sat side by side, watching the waves crash against the beach.
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alkhale · 4 years
Hm... That’s like, five, so I’ll stop there for now lest I make you wanna murder me. Sorry this got so long! Anyways, take care of yourself, and make sure to eat or sleep or drink some water when you need to! Also, I really loved the recent chapter!!! Thatch was great, I hope he lives. Also also, what’s the letter she left Ace??? I wanna know geeez. (Vira, 8/8)
Lovely Vira has actually left a handful of great and amazing AUs for Memos, I’m just hopelessly slow at getting through asks and I feel like when I go on an answering spree I just spam you guys, answering this one might not make sense, but it’s because the last line of ask (7/8) is about a soulmark AU!
I’d like to expand and write a blurb for it (I’ve been contemplating making a separate story for all the AUs/Side Bits to the story called Drabbles or Doodles of a Suicidal Pirate, but lmk how y’all feel about that) but I’ll just give you guys bits and pieces of what it’d be like
Soulmark AU (with a twist) 
In this world, people are born with a small splotch of color on a specific part of their skin, when they turn 12, their marks appear fully. Marks range from designs, images, splatters of color or monochrome, and sometimes words. In this world, however, some choose to believe marks are meant to be signs of a significant other or “soulmate” and many romanticize and publicize these marks to be of romantic nature--however, the general consensus is actually that one’s mark is meant to represent a person who will make a significant, soul changing experience to the life of the person who has the mark. A person’s mark represents someone who will come into their life and make an impact, a change--a person who by some unknown force is meant to come into their life because they are connected down to the core of their souls.
A group of people can have different marks that in actuality, represent one single person who will influence each respective person’s life.
It could be said that their souls have been marked by this person.
People can also be born, by chance, without a mark.
- The people of Artopoki are funny about soulmarks, as coming of age marks are usually placed somewhere on the body as well, their marks are often mistaken for one of their many tattoos
- Hoku notes the information of soulmarks dully, they don’t really seem important to her and she doesn’t pay much attention to it since she’s busy trying to figure out how to kill herself
- Mahina’s soulmark is of black fire that lines her collarbones, sparks coming out like a forge and fire-- “A black sword is being made, maka.” Manu’s is cherry blossoms that stretch over his shoulders.
- The Fall of Artopoki occurs and while Hoku is traveling with Mihawk, she asks him about his because she’s curious and she can’t see it anywhere visibly. It isn’t until one day where he’s wearing his overcoat but not his dress shirt that she sees it--falling feathers covering his back.
- Hoku starts to grow fond of drawing soulmarks, it’s a bit taboo for her to do so, but she usually rips it up after, just keeping the drawings of the people close to her
- Hoku hopes she never meets the person her soulmark is meant to match with, she prays for their better fortune.
- And then there’s Luffy.
- Luffy doesn’t talk much or care much for soulmarks, Hoku is relieved
- and then there is Shanks and for once, Hoku considers the idea of a soulmark and how beautiful it can be and how she’s never wanted to see anyone’s more than she wanted to see his
- They go about those days in a blur and then time passes and people come and go and when its down to the soft three of them, no longer four--
- Ace’s mark comes in a blur, fissures and cracks across his chest as though someone had shattered glass, trickles of hot red shining through.
- And then Hoku turns 12 and her mark never comes. They wait, they wait and Luffy’s mark comes in the form of the sun on the front of his chest, spreading light every which way--and still, Hoku’s mark never comes.
- Hoku has no soulmark, she is markless.
- She’s perfectly, utterly, and completely content with that.
- “I was never supposed to make an impact on anyone’s life anyway.”
- When Hoku and Kid meet, his mark is prominent and showy--it’s violent and angry--splatters of dark red along his biceps with claw marks slashing through and down. He demands to see hers, becomes furious when she won’t show him, and is left staring when she reveals she has none and will never have none.
- (For some reason, that doesn’t sit right with Kid. He doesn’t know why but he feels it in his gut, that something belongs on the light tan of her skin and he knows it. He does.)
- It isn’t hard to figure out why the Straw Hats are brought together, in a flurry of dazzling, bright, shining marks--it’s painfully clear to see who has touched their lives and marked each of their souls, shining his rays of sun on their skin
- Law’s mark is hidden and private, a swatch of black dragged across his right hip like a paintbrush dipped in ink, splattered with tiny stars.
- He can’t get the meaning of Hoku’s name out of his head or the bright white star that stands out against the black of her cloak, he can’t get a lot of things out his head lately, including the fact that her wrists are blank and her neck is blank and every inch of her skin is only colored by the ink she placed there herself
- (He can’t get the idea that her soul, the core of her being, even for a person like Law who only believes in bone and flesh and blood--isn’t touched by something in this world, isn’t grasped or splattered or colored by anything else and--)
- “What does it take to color a soul?”
- (How can he color a soul--)
- Hoku is happy she doesn’t have a mark, she really is, it makes things easier.
- (But perhaps some marks just can’t be put into ink, into words or pictures because some souls are so colored, so marked and blinded by so many people in their lives that--)
- i think it would go something like that hahahaha
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comfortwear · 3 years
Most Comfortable Logger Boots
Is it accurate to say that you are utilized to work in intense conditions or even outside? Are your toes, feet and lower legs continually being undermined by your environmental factors? Then, at that point you need a couple of lumberjack boots.
Indeed, you need those kinds of boots since they secure your lower legs and feet with unimaginable achievement.
Notwithstanding, the issue is that it very well may be a serious test to get the best ones in the market as most lumberjack boots are of low quality and costly to buy.
Yet, I did the due persistence and made this article that goes about what are the main 5 best lumberjack boots and features their exceptional highlights.
1) Chippewa Men's Waterproof Steel-toe Super Logger Boots
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In the wake of testing these lumberjack boots made by Chippewa for some time, I went to the goal that they were ideal for individuals working in dangerous and requesting regions (like lopsided concrete or lopsided territories).
The boots were made utilizing a great sort of cowhide which felt as though I was wearing one of the hardest and most defensive lumberjack boots on the lookout.
Another striking element I truly enjoyed was the significantly increased ribbed steel knife which gave me additional steadiness to walk and Do any assignment I needed to do.
So recall, assuming you need lumberjack boots that would ensure your security, as I would see it, investigating these Chippewa lumberjack boots wouldn't be an ill-conceived notion!
It's obvious that the producers of these Chippewa lumberjack boots had solace as a top priority when the time had come to plan them.
I felt as though these boots might have been worn in any functioning condition. Regardless of whether I tried them in mud, oil, snow it didn't make any difference, they furnished me with insurance and solace anyplace.
The truth of the matter is that with the Dri-Lex dampness the board framework highlight, the boots established an extraordinary connection as it didn't just make the boots breathable, yet in addition assisted with the boot's drying cycle a great deal. 
Consequently, the shots at getting rankles and different diseases because of the feet continually being wet were exceptionally little.
Highlights and Specifications
Vibram Tacoma Logger Outsole (Every drag fused in this plan has been deliberately positioned for slowing down, start off, footing, security, slip opposition, oil opposing, and great scraped spot.)
3M Thinsulate Ultra Insulation
Dri-Lex (dampness the board lining framework that is absolutely breathable and fast drying)
Chip-A-Tex (waterproof film framework is breathable.)
Steel Toe
Electrical Hazard
Client Reviews and Scores
There are in excess of 297 audits in Amazon.com about these work boots at the hour of composing and they have given them a 4.4 out of 5 rating by and large. The audits of this pair of work boots are positive in general.
2) Georgia Boot Men's Loggers G7313 Work Boots
This pair of Georgia lumberjack boots is that kind of footwear which is so clearly durable that will serve one for seemingly forever before they get exhausted.
They were made with an extraordinary outsole which gave me perhaps the best foothold I have at any point experienced utilizing a couple of work boots. I was stunned with respect to how much steadiness and hold these boots would give me when strolling on crude surfaces.
To close, the boots were built utilizing the Goodyear Welt strategy which, as I discussed in different articles, includes a piece of material sewing the development of the boots. This, toward the end, guarantees that the shoe is tough for something like a couple of years under hefty use.
During the testing time frame, these Georgia boots kept my feet dry and agreeable just as protected while managing my work as a development specialist.
They ensured my feet against slips and hard falls as they had outsoles that truly astounded me concerning the great quality they had. What's more, they accompanied wellbeing toes that shielded my feet from falling as I tried them in various landscapes and doing various sorts of undertakings.
Additionally, the boots had electrical peril insurance which kept my feet liberated from hazardous electrical apparatuses, which is an element I truly like as I'm continually taking care of job close to crude wires!
Highlights and Specifications
Goodyear welt development
Removable brush monitor kiltie
Georgia waterproof framework
Full-grain cowhide
Steel knife
Strong stud snares and eyelets set on steel washers – Will not pull out
ASTM F2413 defensive toe characterization (Steel Toe)
ASTM F2413 electrical risk standard
Scraped spot safe elastic "Georgia Logger" outsole
Client Reviews and Scores
There are in excess of 72 surveys in Amazon.com about these work boots at the hour of composing and they have given them a 4.4 out of 5 rating by and large. The surveys of this pair of work boots are positive
3) Sketchers USA men's falls lumberjack boots.
These Sketchers lumberjack boots are very agreeable. My assessment in the wake of testing them was that they were truly agreeable and breathable, particularly during hot days.
They were not excessively weighty, on account of their light but rather defensive materials utilized in their development, consequently I had the likelihood to handily move around at the building site with no sort of uncomfort.
Another extraordinary component I preferred was the shock-retaining padded sole that made the boots truly agreeable when strolling on lopsided surfaces. Taking everything into account, the boots were entirely agreeable, as agreeable as possible get.
The Sketcher USA men's falls lumberjack boots were an extraordinary pair of work boots at the cost I paid. They had rough haul designed foothold outsoles that were key for giving me grasp and dependability in each progression of my way. 
That is to say, tumbling down and harming myself was practically outlandish, it didn't make any difference the surface or development I would do, they did marvelously!
By taking a gander at these boots, one can tell that they were made absolutely from solid calfskin. This was the sort of calfskin that during the testing time frame would not scratch regardless I would test them with.
Highlights and Specifications
Thick climbing style boot bands
8-inch shaft stature
Heel pull on circle
Cushioned tongue
Delicate texture boot lining
Padded insole
Sewed top-sole trim
Differentiation shaded triple supported sewed creases
Side and heel overlays
Metal bolt detail
Unobtrusive emblazoned side S logo
Ribbon front and center with metal eyelets and top snares
Shock retaining padded sole
Tough carry designed elastic foothold outsole
Oil safe foothold bottom
Metal screw itemizing in outsole for added toughness
Client Reviews and Scores
There are in excess of 154 surveys in Amazon.com about these work boots at the hour of composing and they have given them a 4.2 out of 5 rating by and large. The audits of this pair of work boots are positive generally.
4) Chippewa Men's 73100 Ace-To-Toe Logger Boots
These Chippewa lumberjack boots were developed with the Goodyear welt innovation which implied that the boots were all around built to withstand any unfriendly condition I would test them with.
At the difficult period, I thought it was a smart thought to test them by going through a little marsh of water I found close to my building site. On that test, the boots did a truly pleasant occupation keeping water from getting to my feet and annihilating the boots.
That is to say, I can't utter a word else more than what has effectively been said as far as toughness, they truly destroyed any remaining work boots!
These Chippewa lumberjack boots fitted me impeccably, my feet felt incredible precisely right now I put them on.
That happened predominantly because of their delicate insole that offered magnificent curve help just as help.
Also, they had steel knifes which furnished me with the dependability important to have the option to allow me to work with the adaptability I generally require.
That is to say, there is no uncertainty that these boots will give you the necessary solace at your work environment or while taking part in requesting open air exercises.
Highlights and Specifications
Layer: Waterproof
Calfskin Uppers
Sole Material: Rubber
Snares/Eyelets: Metal
Steel Shank
Track Pattern: Aggressive
Sole Construction: Goodyear Welt/Stitch Down
Client Reviews and Scores
There are in excess of 64 audits in Amazon.com about these work boots at the hour of composing and they have given them a 4.1 out of 5 rating all things considered. The audits of this pair of work boots are positive generally speaking.
5) Justin Original Work Boots Men's Jmax Logger Work Boots
As I would see it, these Justin Original lumberjack boots are perhaps the most agreeable boots I have at any point tried in my numerous years as a development specialist.
They accompanied a twofold solace framework made out of a cross section spacer footbed cover that offered a sound climate and additional solace to my feet.
What's more, the boots had a cooling framework known as Dri-Lex that drew all the dampness away, which proved to be useful at specific pieces of the testing time frame.
At long last, the polyurethane gel cushions found in the ball region and impact point gave me a staggering vibe of solace to my feet. These work boot accompanied a steel-toe which was joined as it gives greatest insurance to the foot, on the off chance that any weighty item would fall onto the specialist's feet. For my situation, I felt consistently secured on account of this solitary component.
Another wonderful component I enjoyed of these Justin Original lumberjack boots is their defensive outsole as it furnished me with solidness while working and truly helped me in bringing down the odds of me falling and harming myself.
Highlights and Specifications
Brilliant tan cowhide outside
Waterproof safeguard that will keep your feet dry regardless of the conditions
Steel toe for greatest insurance at work
The J-Max Double Comfort System uses a lattice spacer footbed cover that gives additional solace and a solid climate for the foot
J-Max removable orthotic embeds with J-Flex Flexible Comfort System with Justin Jel offer a multi-thickness froth pad that assimilates beginning effect and gives energy return as you walk.
Dri-Lex cooling framework that pulls dampness from within the shoe.
Client Reviews and Scores
There are in excess of 27 surveys in Amazon.com about these work boots at the hour of composing and they have given them a 4.7 out of 5 rating by and large. The surveys of this pair of work boots are positive in general.
My Verdict: 
The Best Logger Boots Are…
Chippewa Men's Waterproof Steel-toe Super Logger Boots
0 notes
nessietessimalnua · 5 years
SCORE - research notes
Marco Beltrami - PIANO TUNES WITH THE WIND - MALIBU (LOOK INTO): Sound travels through the wire faster than the air, results in a reverse echo - no effect needed (find film used for) - The gunman - columba (instrument), intrigue - following a mystery,
Jon Burlingham, film music historian - Leonard something or other Bill Field, organist - Wurlitzer
MAX STEINER - king kong - orchestra music in a movie?? It completely changed the movie - what was before unexciting and studied became terrifying with the addition of music  
ALFRED NEWMAN - horns and woodwinds - 20th century fox logo
David Newman - a flow, like speaking: it fluctuates
John Debney
James Cameron - spot session, trying to communicate the sound they hear in their heads, etc. - most directors don't know how to convert emotions into music, so the composer has to act as a 'therapist and go through the mish-mash 
BEAR MCCREARY - try to figure out what their insecurities are first,
HANS ZIMMER - always the blank page,
RACHEL PORTMAN - change in the direction in the scene, often a prompt for when music will come in (quote);
Joseph Trapanese - invent a clever way of introducing something familiar
Motif - group of notes that might highlight what a film is (close encounters)
Beethoven - took a motif/theme, spin it out : 5th symphony
Simple hooks, feels like a pop song, casting them in different lights
HOWARD SHORE: "by using motifs, it helps you to understand the relationships in the story - when you hear a certain motif, you connect it, and it actually helps you follow the story." LOTR AS AN EXAMPLE "By the time you get to the end of the film, when you play that music in its full glory, it's already familiar to the audience. We're kind of building our way up to that main course."  
ALEX NORTH - a streetcar named desire (background of ballets and shows - first film score incorporating jazz in writing)
The Pink panther,
JOHN BARRY - James Bond. Came from a band - band sensibility to movies,
big band was cool, swung, felt like a guy that could do anything - no spy/secret services without a reference to James Bond, just like Morricone with spaghetti westerns
ENNIO MORRICONE - Kill you with a melody - The good the bad and the ugly: guitar into the western environment - still the sounds of westerns 50/60 years later
BERNARD HERRMANN - THEME FROM VERTIGO: mystery - little phrases that circular madness to them that worked really well - everything driving you forward in a sick, disastrous way
psycho - tricked you into thinking you saw way more of the violent acts in the scene that actually occurred
MARK MOTHERSBURG - rugrats on a toy piano
Any instrument is valid if it improves the music
Anything can be music
hurdygurdy - instrument
PROF. SIU-LAN TAN: different aspects of music are processed by systems in the brain - multifaceted - melody pitch, tempo and rhythm, -- physiological reaction - reward center, dopamine, react to music. Film music and orchestral music is of great interest to scientists because of it's ability to emote: film music isn’t something we pay conscious attention to and yet it has such a powerful impact on us - an audience's eyes can be drawn to different parts of the screen with music that matches certain characteristics being shown on the screen - for example a rising pitch with something that's rising: UP - first time we see the balloons - important visual motif and theme - interesting to see that music can be part of the choreography of our eye movements ET - Vast expansive music with the taking off of the space ship - go from big music to small - reminding us who's going into the spaceship, it's very sad, these are farewells - this fanfare that's very triumphant, saying we're looking at it from Elliot's view point, it's not a loss, it's almost like saying "Mission accomplished" - film music, so powerful, so un-captureable to scientists
QUINCY JONES -  everything you see, you here (used to be) - eyes doing the same things the ear was doing
JERRY GOLDSMITH - planet of the apes: using modern techniques, reapplied it into drama - rubber balls being bounced in bowls, metal bowls, CHINATOWN - four pianos, etc. - ballsy
JOHN WILLIAMS - jazz pianist - JAWS - crazy experiment - engine, accelerate - if we didn’t have that theme, we wouldn't know what was happening - spots and places music in the movie - only wanted music to announce the arrival of the shark STAR WARS - huge impact - theme - symphonic score, rediscovered the classical orchestral film score, good and bad, beautiful themes for romance and heroes, the Darth Vader theme - so marshal and broad - "oh boy there’s something not good here"; helps discern characters SUPERMAN theme - krypton theme: mysterious, av-ante garde, way of surrounding pieces with other pieces INDIANA JONES raiders of the lost ark - spends more time on those small bits of musical grammar so they seem inevitable - plethora of parts ET - film music has changed because film has changed, what it needs to do - end of ET - wide space of just music, JURASSIC PARK -
air studios - pick a studio ‘cus it's appropriate to the sort of sound you want to make - churches - haunted, etc. DAVID ARNOLD. - CASINO ROYALE - acoustics, choice - hundreds of mics - how close/how far you wanna feel from the music.
ABBEY ROAD STUDIOS - live sound, less absorbent material on the walls - great reverb, Beatles, Return of the Jedi, lord of the rings, mission impossible - different layouts for different sounds - Rogue Nation, changing music at different cuts to fix problems/change it up
film making styles have changed, so has film music
19702 - synthesizers and punk
DANNY ELFMAN - short musical ideas that become big musical ideas - Tim Burton, batman - only one rule: there are no rules -
THOMAS NEWMAN - difficult to develop what the sound it - like Danny elf man, developed his own sound  - Shaw shank Redemption. American Beauty - marimba, sets the tone of the film, sets you a little off balance, captured the way of ding uncertainty - establish a key center, things will then weave in and around that baseline - creates a texture that lives behind the orchestra, yes could write orchestral scores, but sometimes a film needs something more intimate. prevailing mood, slap it on an image and let it sit for 2 minutes - cold, emotive piano
HANS ZIMMER: unconventional rock swagger to film screen - GLADIATOR - brutality, violence where the notes are placed, intensity - woman's vocals over the orchestra - shaped cinema - took the string section and made it like a guitar - they're playing rhythm - PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN - like led zepplin payed by an orchestra; DARK KNIGHT - blurred the line between giant symphonic and orchestral - constant pulse - powerful, exciting - INCEPTION - it's like a new morning, washes over you in waves, music just piles up - left with a big question.
People who aren't film composers being asked to make film scores - can bring so much authenticity to sound music - sounds are extremely contemporary - SOCIAL NETWORK - disturbing lyrical piano - human and technical, emotionally dark, - ATTICUS ROSS and TRENT RIZZLER
unconventional image and unconventional sound - so much greater than the sum of their arts beautiful chaos far more experimentation, freedom, Technology has made it possible for every composer to be a producer - at the core of it is the tune
STEVE JABLONSKY - Lockdown theme - first introduces french horns into the score, mixing them up a bit, bringing texture to the piece, you want your intention to be clear - the horns give it more of an emotional weight - you want to make sure the emotions you mean to grab the audience are strong enough, make bold statement
FOX STUDIOS - LA, stronger sound, London, softer sound -
music - the most human and emotive thing we have
BRIAN TYLER - if everything was perfect in music, everything would sound terrible - fast and furious 6 - you can feel when a cue is working the audience - goes to watch audience reactions when watching the movie, helps him for future films - get a sense of how did this work, do they scenes move people - will run into a bathroom stall, will see if anyone is humming or whistling the theme - feels like he affected them on a level they're not aware of -
MOBY - the one art form that doesn't technically exist - you can't put your finger on music - it's just air waves moving a little differently
Film music being used outside of film - Remember the Titans - Obama, whatever the audience felt in the theater was resonant again
HANS ZIMMER - LAST PEOPLE ON EARTH THAT FREQUENTLY COMMISSION ORCHESTRAL PIECES - WITHOUT THEM, ORCHESTRAL MUSIC WOULD DISAPPEAR, WOULD BE A CULTURAL LOSS TO HUMANITY, - we all have fragility, when i play you a piece of music, i completely expose myself, and that's a very scary moment - i love i love i love what I do -
music plays such an important role in a film
film music i one of the great art form of the 20th and 21st century
James Horner - titanic - sketch out on synthesizer
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alkhale · 5 years
modern au ace modeling???? PLEASE????
you caught me in an ace kinda mood, anon, u sneaky u
“You know it’s four hours, right?”
Ace’s cocky little satisfied grin settled over his lips. Hoku snorted in amusement, setting up her work station.
The art room toward the west wing of the high school building was fairly spacious enough. Windows lined the outer wall of the room, curtains pulled up for privacy in particular to today’s focus of study. Her fellow classmates and club members were somewhat acting in usual fashion, the few unaffected by the new presence helping to hand out easels and boards, sharpening their pencils and getting ready for the four hour anatomy study.
The rest however, were lost.
Majority of the girls in Hoku’s art club–majority of which had been the ones always eager to rifle through her sketchbooks and swoon and sigh over her choices of drawings–she did join in when it was the occasional Shanks though–were gathered in clusters around the room. They watched with adoring eyes, fixing their skirts and their hair, whispering and chirping back and forth to each other as they watched today’s focus of study.
Who, clad only in a red satin silk robe that actually complimented the sun kissed tan of his body ridiculously well and also revealed the muscular ridges of his chest and the toned muscle of his arms and calves and that he was naked as the day as he was born under there–
Portgas D. Ace.
Her–metaphorical brother? Friend? Housemate? Kin? Very important person. One of the very important people in her life she happened to somehow manage the hassle of living with.
Ace scratched his neck. The robe shifted, revealing torso and abs and more Ace.
A few of her classmates swooned, cheeks flushing and one flustered boy rushed from the room.
“Your teacher’s paying me twenty bucks an hour for this,” Ace said, lips curling as he crowded her station and Hoku continued setting up all her stuff and getting comfortable. “With a break and food–this is the easiest job ever!”
“And you’re fine with the fact that you’re only getting a sheet up there, right?” Hoku added, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. Ace’s hands instantly went up in grabby motions. She sighed through her nose, relenting and handing him her hairtie. Ace shuffled behind her, gathering up her hair with long, larger fingers carding through bright white locks.
“I always wear the same at home–”
“That’s right, dumb question, you’re an exhibitionist at heart.”
Hoku squawked when he pulled back on her ponytail a little harder. She reached to smack his arm, but Ace simply grinned, the constellation dusting of freckles along his cheeks and nose more prominent. “Come on, you love having me here! Isn’t it a nice change of pace? You’re always drawing us at home anyway, now you get the real deal.”
“I’m foaming at the mouth,” Hoku said. Ace pulled at her cheeks. She swatted his hands away. “I only told you about the request cause they kept asking and you could make some cash, try not to fall asleep, yeah?”
“Sure, sure,” Ace drawled. He finally relented with one last tug to her ponytail–Hoku hissed at him and he grinned, crossing his arms behind his head as he sauntered off to the platform like one big cat. “Get my good side, shooting star.”
Hoku mimicked him behind his back. Her teacher came up, explaining to him the different types of poses he could consider. One of her classmates took a seat down beside her, finally in place.
“He’s so hot,” she whispered, face flushed.
Try not to get mauled by the high school girls. Hoku considered mouthing to him. Instead she laughed, shaking her head at her classmate.
“He’s the biggest, narcoleptic dork you could ever meet.”
“But he’s so hot.”
Hoku shrugged.
She tried.
Ace was an absolute bastard.
And she was absolutely going to get back at him when this was all over.
It had all started the way it normally should. Ace took position on the platform. Their teacher explained today’s assignment, four hours, four different poses meant to be captured, an hour for each. Hoku settled that she could probably finish them sooner or try something new while she was at it since she’d drawn Ace plenty of times as it was.
Their teacher gave him free reign of his choice of poses, saying to do whatever made him the most comfortable.
Ace had scratched the back of his head, looking around curiously while the entire class watched with avid, waiting eyes. He finally shrugged, grabbing the folded bedsheet and holding it up to his waist.
Ace let the satin red robe fall to his feet with a flourish, pooling around him like a ring of fire.
People swooned.
Hoku adjusted her easel, waiting for him to pick a pose. There was a bit of shuffling on the platform until Ace finally settled down. Hoku looked up.
Charcoal black irises smoldered right back at her. Straight at her.
Hoku blinked once. Twice.
Ace had one hand tangled in the thick mess of ink black locks, fingers propping up his head. He’d stretched out along the platform like a large jungle cat soaking up sun, bed sheet pooling dangerously over the sharp dips of his his, following a defined ridge line and teasing anything else. People positioned behind him were furiously working at the line of back muscles presented before them and Hoku stared back in disbelief.
Ace continued to stare.
Right fucking at her with that ridiculous face and those stupid hooded eyes while he was butt ass naked because he knew she’d get pissed off and–
You’re so stupid. She mouthed at him.
Ace merely winked, keeping still, looking absolutely content with himself.
An hour had passed since then–Ace had switched positions as asked, seating himself on a chair and turning it around so his legs hung on either side of the back, the chair’s back the only thing shielding his very naked front while he propped his arms on the top of the chair, leaning his head on them and dogging her down. His eyes smoldered mischievously, watching her intently and refusing to look anywhere else.
Hoku was almost certain the girl beside her was about to pass out. Or lose blood. Or both.
Stupid Ace with his stupid jokes and his stupid fucking staring. Hoku grumbled.  Knows I hate being stared at for no good reason, asshole. Hoku glanced back to where chips of coal kept watching her and she almost groaned something ugly aloud, turning a page.
She’d drawn four of the ugliest figures she could possibly manage at first out of sheer pettiness. She contemplated drawing a ridiculous, gross caricature of Ace to top it off, but she had to turn something in and…
Hoku frowned at the blank paper in front of her. She glanced back to Ace.
He waggled his brows briefly, obvious grin hidden behind his arms before he returned to his intense, stoic staring.
Her eyes flickered to the potted flowers in the corner of the room. Hoku sat there for a moment, playing with the worn down pencil in her hand before she sighed through her nose, setting to work.
She might as well try something new out then.
She’d just tell Sabo on him later.
“C’mon, lemme see, how’d they turn out?”
Hoku ignored Ace, shoving her supplies back into her backpack.  
A break–where many of her classmates rushed to Ace offering to bring him food and water and he promptly fell asleep three times before responding (he fell asleep four times during the modeling)–and two more hours later, they’d finally finished.
Ace had promptly chosen a cross-arms-behind-the-back look as his third pose, flexing a line of muscles and ridged abs from all the hard work he poured outside into all his jobs. The sheet had almost come undone until the teacher hastily rushed to reknot it (to some of her peers’ disappointment and her uncontrollable laughter). His final pose had been a simple one, sitting down with his legs spread–and the sheet over his hips to cover–and his arms resting on his knees. A comfortable position he fell asleep in until someone managed to wake him up.
And he’d never stopped staring at her.
Fucking once.
“Come ooooonnnnn,” Ace wheedled, crowding in her space. Hoku searched the room for a moment before crossing past him to her designated spot. Ace trailed behind her, sheet trailing behind him like a long train. “What’s it look like? Did ya like the angle I gave ya? What’d you draw–”
Hoku shoved his discarded clothes at him. Majority of the class had already dispersed, eagerly thanking Ace and graciously declaring that he had to come back and model for them. 
“Put some clothes on, you dork,” Hoku said. “I’m hungry, so let’s get going.”
“Hoooookkkkuuuu,” Ace whined. “I wanna seeeeeee.”
Hoku reached for her sketchbook. Her stomach demanded retribution, reminding her that Sabo was making hamburger steak tonight and Luffy would be home before them.
Ace’s eyes lit up like an excited puppy, crowding even closer. She shoved at his chest, rolling her eyes and flipping the page he could see.
A stick figure with a triangle as the bedsheet and a stupid smile stared back.
Ace stared at it for a minute before tipping it down so he could peer at her over the top. Puppy eyes flashed at her as his lip wobbled, a pout on his face.
“You’re stupid,” Hoku said mercilessly. “I can’t believe you got paid just to be a naked idiot.”
“All bark no bite,” Ace teased. He played with the edge of her sketchbook, peeling back the next page. Hoku didn’t fight him, humoring him this time as she leaned back onto a desk and Ace turned it fully so he could see.
Ace stopped. 
The other paper hovered in the air, blocking his face from her view.
“I draw you guys a lot,” Hoku said, only a bit sheepish. “I figured I might as well try exploring with something new with it. Your poses were pretty unoriginal.”
Hoku had sketched out with soft shading, Ace’s grinning, laughing face. The rounded curve of the wrinkles around his eyes when he laughed because he could only laugh fully and heartedly–just his kind of laugh. His head was half turned, eyes half peering back as though to talk to someone who’d just said something to make him that happy.
Ace turned the page.
His lips pursed into a sort of pout, head tipping to the side as though in deep thought. He looked dumb. Stupid. Arms crossed over his chest and–
Ace turned.
Several sketches of his face–different versions of himself perhaps from her imagination of what he might look like older. Different angles and grins and his older visage laughing about something and the future and the last one–
Ace stared at the drawing. A heartbeat. Two. He quietly lowered the paper.
Hoku was already turned around, shoving the rest of her supplies in. Her shoulders were relaxed, face content.
“C’mon,” she said. “I’m starving–”
“Hoku, c’mere.”
“I’m going to get–huh? Why?”
Ace set her sketchbook down. He stretched his hands out, fingers curling in grabbing motions. His face was set in utter determination, facing her down.
“No,” Hoku said suspiciously. “What the hell do ya want–I swear if you–”
“I really need to freaking touch you right now or I’m going to explode.”
“No! You’re making a gross face–no! Ace–no! Put some fucking clothes on first, I swear to god–ACE IF YOU COME ANY CLOSER I’M CALLING SABO!”
Ace laughing, in the last drawing, lips pulled wide, eyes shut from the force of it. His head was tipping forward a bit, hair curling all around him, hugging his chin and brushing wild and wavy like it always did. He looked alive and bright and full, full, full of life and–
Hoku had sketched a flower to tuck itself behind his ear. She’d started inking it in with red and pink ink, not quite finishing.
“Sabo, I have to thank you again for getting your friend to come in last minute for this shoot–it’ll only take a second! It’s for the midnight summer line and her tan is just like Ace’s, so she’ll compliment the color really nice with her eyes and–”
“It’s no problem,” Sabo laughed, walking into the shooting floor with his clipboard in hand. A pencil was tucked behind his ear–one of Hoku’s left lying around and she’d found it recently and thrown it at him to hold on so she wouldn’t lose it again but forgot to get back from him, so it was his now–white dress shirt rolled up to his elbows and a dark, navy blue tie knotted impeccably around his neck. “She said she could use the spare cash anyway.”
Hoku had also come rushing to him from the dressing room–wearing a bunch of clothes with curlers still in her hair where hair dressers rushed out after her, frantic about how to make her white hair look right–freaking out and gushing about the free cakes on the table outside and ah, Hoku.
“When you smile like that, it worries me,” Koala said absently, checking her own clipboard before glancing to the photo shoot set up. “Alright, let’s get started everyone! Is Hoku ready?”
“All dressed!” a worker shouted.
“Good to go,” the photographer for today said, fixing his lens.
Sabo heard Hoku’s muffled voice, asking something about a to-go box. He chuckled, turning on his heel as the door opened and she stepped out and–
Sabo blinked.
Satin white silk draped around Hoku’s bare arms. A few thin scars peeked through. Soft, thin straps of fabric looped around her neck like a halter, cropping short dangerously and loosely below the curve of her chest. Bare, smooth stomach showed for what seemed to be miles on end. Finally a pair of silk shorts hugged her hips, riding dangerously low and stopping just a short–thin straps started where the shorts ended, tight to her thighs before they stopped above her knees in thinly laced–wasn’t that basically a garter belt? Wasn’t that a–
The entire outfit, little that was there, was colored entirely in dark, satiny navy blue and–didn’t he love that color? 
Sabo stared.
Hoku turned. She met his gaze and offered a lazy wave. Her eyes brightened and she pointed to the snack table in the back.
“Try raising your arms over your head,” the photographer suggested.
Hoku promptly raised her hands up as though she’d been ordered by a cop to do so.
Her top inched up.
“No, no, like behind your head, cross ‘em, hun.”
The clipboard in Sabo’s hands snapped in half.
“Sabo? Oh my gosh, Sabo! What the heck–” Koala started, turning wildly. “Someone get some water and a tissue–Sabo’s finally cracked!”
- :)
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