#whambracket updates
Hey, everyone! Hope everyone’s having a good Sunday!
A couple of updates:
There are so many iconic white haired anime boys and men it’s embarrassing. I’m sorry to anyone and everyone that expected some niche ones to slip through the cracks, but I already made a list of the obvious choices and... It is so long. There are still a couple that I would consider niche, but generally the main poll is going to be full of heavy hitters. To remedy this, with a small handful of exceptions I’m going to keep it at one guy per series. Expect some polls in the future to choose your fandom representative, I guess?
The candidates for the Judges’ Choice/OP polls are in the process of being chosen and matched up. Expect a poll some time this week for that! To save time, I’m combining the two. Erm... I hope everyone’s cool with that............... It will include some characters that I’m genuinely surprised got 0 entries, too. Just because someone’s in the Judges’ Choice/OP poll doesn’t mean they’re disqualified from the bracket proper, though!
If anyone wanted some statistics that I find weird but fun:
No one submitted 9S until the last day. How.
Kakashi from Naruto was only submitted 5 times, meaning he counted for roughly 0.8% of submissions and I am going to commit tax fraud!
The most popular submission was Killua from Hunter x Hunter at 15 submissions! Yamato from One Piece was a close second at 14 submissions!
komaeda was only submitted twice... am i out of touch?
why was thanatos from hades only submitted once maybe i really am out of touch
22/500 people who answered aren’t excited for the Barbie movie. :(
7 of you submitted Decim from Death Parade! ...I don’t really have anything to add, he was just a pleasant surprise.
The series with the most submissions was One Piece at 28 submissions!
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Erm... This general PSA might get kind of lost in the noise, but just to let you guys know I am not answering any questions on who did and did not get submitted.
I want to keep the bracket a surprise, with a handful of unpreventable exceptions. (The fandom specific polls to choose a representative that will be starting next week, obvious choices like Komaeda, etc.) And to make something else clear in case I haven't already, just because a character has been submitted doesn't automatically mean they'll be included in the bracket. There were over 500 entries, and I know we want the bracket to... actually have an ending!
Please stop sending questions confirming if your blorbo got submitted. Thank you and sorry that you found out about this a little late!
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Judge's Choice Has Begun!
And with it, I feel like clearing things up before people ask so! Here we are!
The winner will have nothing to do with the official bracket proper. The winner won't be the secret 93rd spot in the bracket or be the secret extra final boss against the winner of the real bracket. (...But they could be.) This is purely for fun!
There are a mix of joke choices and guys that I like, but there's also a lot of overlap between the two so please be nice to all of them!
Just because someone is in the Judge's Choice doesn't mean they're disqualified from the bracket! Inversely, just because someone isn't in the Judge's Choice doesn't mean they'll be in the official bracket.
Not putting someone in the bracket doesn't mean I personally dislike them either! There were a lot of characters I wanted to shine a spotlight on without affecting the official bracket, but these things are kind of hard to organize if the number of entries isn't divisible by 8. (You have no idea how much it's breaking my heart not to have Thanatos Hades or Adam Nier Automata in what's supposed to be the "my favoritest guy that doesn't stand a chance against some of these fellas" bracket...) Also, I wanted to keep this short.
Hope everyone has fun and possibly discovers some new faves!
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Hoping to start Judge’s Choice in about an hour, stay tuned!
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More asking because I'm curious, (and there are a TON of entries so starting the bracket proper is gonna take a minute) but would anyone be cool with a mini bracket before the real one?
Judge's Choice poll will be just submissions that I like, but don't make the cut. OP poll will be joke submissions characters that are too good for the bracket to stay fair.
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Another update!
This one is unrelated to the previous post, but I will be turning off anon asks for the time being.
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