n0rthrnk1ng · 1 year
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“Rejection is an opportunity for your selection.” @west1rosi.
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The Tyrell girl was intriguing to be sure. He looked up at her and tilted his head in a curious manner. He could see from looking at her that she was smart. He liked a smart girl, and she engaged him immediately. "And what opportunity is it that you speak of, Lady Margaery?"
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lcerys · 10 months
❝ i wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to you. ❞ - from rhaena witcher blood of elves starters / @west1rosi
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❝ have some faith in me - i shall return unharmed, dear rhaena. ❞ the smirk in his face is almost genuine, he thinks. it is, hopefully, enough that she will not see right through him - but if he stays unmoving for even one more day he will lose himself. ❝ i fell from the sky. the battlefield will not be my end. ❞ he may no longer have arrax, but he can still be part of the war. he can still hold a sword well enough, and he has heard enough of lord tully that he wishes to see the man with his own two eyes.
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dcviline · 11 months
᯽ @west1rosi // ❝ i do what needs to be done. ❞ - jaime to dany
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ㅤㅤㅤ❝ IS THAT WHAT YOU TELL YOURSELF? ❞ There is a fire dancing in hues of lilac beneath Daenerys' gaze, held solidly upon the face of the Kingslayer. What would her mother think, if she knew that her daughter hosted him in their home? The man who was meant to protect her father, yet drove a sword through his back instead. Who ended the Targaryen dynasty and left the remnants of their family in shambles. No, that was not all his fault; the Usurper brought all of this to fruition, but the Kingslayer played no small part. She could never have reached Robert. He was killed before she so much as turned her eyes to Westeros. But Jaime is right here, willingly within her reach. It would be so easy to kill him here, she knows, but she cannot. Now, he is her guest and a possible ally, and while she should consider it a victory to potentially have earned a portion of House Lannister to her side, part of her feels like the world has been turned upside down in the process.
ㅤㅤㅤ❝ I intend to make good on my promises. To not let past sins ruin the alliances being built here. But since you have arrived on Dragonstone, I have lost sleep to nightmares of my father and his death. Dreams of violence and laughter, of innocents slaughtered by his hand. Horrors of which I cannot separate truth from story. Here I am, left desperate for an answer that you refuse to give me. ❞ Another sleepless night spent roaming the castle, but at least this time her restlessness has given her the opportunity to be frank with the Lannister with no one around to dissuade her at this hour. Inside, Daenerys is a daughter that has never had a chance to grieve for what her family has lost. Much worse, there is a woman within her who feels guilty at the thought that her father may have deserved to die. The two have always been at war with each other, unable to decide if she is allowed to mourn a man who supposedly did the horrific things claimed against him. ❝ I need the truth, Kingslayer. I need to hear it from you. ❞
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summerkng · 11 months
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grab my muse by the throat | accepting ( somehow ?? )
【@west1rosi sent a raven】: 🙌 from robb ( here goes nothin )
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someone must have been talking a bit too loudly around people they were supposed to be most quiet around, someone must have informed robb of renly's true plans for the north and how they contradicted their previous conversations .. he wasn't sure what exactly robb had heard, how much he already knew, hence why it was going to be quite difficult to explain himself but he was certainly going to try.
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".. robb, you must listen to m—"
oh but he was having none of it ; sword-calloused hands found the stormlander's neck before he got a chance to even rise from his seat, cutting off any attempts at coaxing him. taken aback, renly stared up at him wide-eyed and pale, gulping at the sound of SNARLING somewhere behind the north king. the beast was there too. it'd be upon him the second he gave into the urge to pull out the dagger in his sleeve to harm its master .. he had to find another way out of this.
"what on EARTH are you doing .. ?" he managed to ask then, hoping the other would come back to his fucking senses already.
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fatedtruths · 1 year
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@west1rosi asked !! I will spill blood to defend what's mine. ( loras & willas )
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loras spun his sword around his hand for a moment, aimlessly and halfheartedly swinging at an enemy that wasn't there as he trailed over to his ELDEST brother. garlan would scold him for being careless with a weapon but garlan had gone back inside nearly an hour ago , what he didn't know wont hurt him.
" any of us will. " sword hanging by his side , he reached past his brother , stealing his wine glass . " INCLUDING margaery . . . actually ---" he thinks of his sister , so similar in age and looks THEY COULD BE TWINS but where he leant heavily on those around him , and no one more than his eldest brother for advice , their darling sister was fiercely independent and quite possibly the strongest of anyone .
the flower knight , newly knighted but already the title floated around him , grinned at his brother. " if anyone was to kill anyone it will be margaery, BLOOD AND ALL , and we both know grandmother will be involved. "
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gleamingcrowns · 1 year
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starter for val for @west1rosi
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Jon sat by the fire in the hut he had now called home. It was quiet at night, made him uneasy most nights. There were still threats, but nothing like before. Nothing that would make his stomach sink, and his skin threaten to release from his body. "It's colder than usual tonight." He admitted, rubbing his hands together to try and get friction to keep warm. Looking over at Val, clearing his throat. "Get closer, so we can keep warm. You'll fall asleep easier if you get closer too." Jon spoke softly, but his eyes couldn't meet hers due to embarrassment.
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amongthevipers · 1 year
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@west1rosi sent those memories are a part of me. but i am stronger than they are. - myrcella
"i don't ask you to forget your good times in dorne, darling." though, cersei would rather she get that place out of her mind entirely. she knew her daughter had an affection for the people she'd met there, the life she had lived there, but it as over now. she'd come home, back safe with her. "i only asked because i wanted to reassure you that you're home now. those wretches cannot get to you here. and, as for your engagement, we'll find you a much better match when the time comes. no one will hold it to you that you were once engaged." her status would ensure that. after all, it was much more fortunate to marry a baratheon princess than whatever lady from some other house the man might have married before myrcella returned. "tell me, are you happy to be back?"
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khalesci · 8 months
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picture: daenerys trying to win an argument while looking like this
it's all fun and games until she starts kicking people in the knee !!
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ofoldvalyrias · 9 months
@west1rosi asked *⠀⠀ ⸺ ⠀❝ You are not at all what I imagined. ❞ argella to orys
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WAR allowed rumors to run rampant and unchecked ⸺ fine, skittering whispers amongst the tents of men during nights of rest as hosts joined and separated once more or the towns of smallfolk as they marched through to the next battle. orys had attempted to list at first ( interested in how they often colored enemies as gods amongst men ⸺ but when they bled and fell, he stopped giving credit to such words ; stopped listening. the only would-be-gods to be feared rode upon dragon back ).
her fathers blood STAINS his sword and her lands lay in partial ruin due to his own efforts, yet he is to consider her bride. she is not who he would have chosen for himself, though orys can't be certain he would have chosen at all ( content to stand at the conquerors side and simply assist in his reign ). this sense of duty is new, but so is the name BARATHEON.
the AMUSEMENT in her choice of greeting blooms an easy smile across his mouth ( certain any rumors she heard of him are just as distorting as those he's heard of her ). "and how have you imagined me, my lady? i must say, the whisperings of sharp teeth and an unhinging jaw was certainly entertaining."
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northsballad · 11 months
@west1rosi, theon greyjoy — ❝ even the best iron grows brittle with too much beating. ❞
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 ‍ in the aftermath of it all, sansa knows the quietest moments can be the most difficult. when there is no immediate threat to turn your attention to or urge to action, your mind tends to linger on its darkest reserves. everything that is cloaked and hidden away in hopes of being able to endure the chaos before you. that is partly why she had sought theon out today, with the wars now only a hum of quiet conversation, a terrible thing to reminisce. she likes to think that he looks better, despite everything. fuller. like he has been taking care of himself. at least, she hopes.
 ‍ ❝ iron can be forged anew, ❞ she reminds him, gently. theon was no saint, and his sins will weigh on him for the rest of his days no matter how many times he cleanses in saltwater. but a thread continues to bind them, inclines her to move on even if some things can't be forgiven. no one else can fully understand what they endured underneath ramsay bolton. and he is family. it's just a shame it took them both this long to realize it.
 ‍ her smile is quiet and fond, visage soft with a calm that surprisingly comes easily to her now. ❝ it just needs to be tempered a little first. ❞ there is a slight pause, wherein she shifts to sit straighter in her seat and pulls a breath between her teeth. ❝ which is . . . partly why i'm here. i wanted to ask something of you. ❞
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warringdragons · 9 months
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@west1rosi: ❛ I don't think anything. But I imagine everything. And it is those imaginings that cause me great pain ❜ - from heleana to daemon
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Daemon rarely interacted with the children his brother had with his second wife. The Hightowers were an insufferable lot and he had no doubt that trait, and more unfortunate ones, had been passed down. But even he knew there was something different about his youngest niece. A sweet girl for sure, but odd. Looking at her now, he was momentarily taken aback by how much she reminded him of Viserys. Perhaps that should have been a comfort of sorts, yet it filled him with a sense of dread.
“Don’t let yourself fall into the same trappings as your father.” he replied with a shake of his head. “My dear brother always obsessed over his books, and stories, and dreams. It blinded him to the present.”
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n0rthrnk1ng · 1 year
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"Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something." @west1rosi.
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He wanted to be angry. No...He was angry. It was hard not to be staring down the daughter of the people responsible for his father's death. But he knew it wasn't her fault. He could hardly remember Myrcella when he saw her last, and she had been just a girl then. She had nothing to do with any of this, and in his mind...There was no question. No harm would befall her. She had been innocent in all this, and he was going to ensure her safety in this.
Still, he could see that she had suffered through all this, and his heart did in fact hurt for the poor girl. "Perhaps we both know that a little more closely than we would like." He forced a smile and a scoff, though the smile was weak.
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pyrinas · 11 months
Starter for @west1rosi ( Joy + Myrcella )
“I counted twenty and, uh, three ships this morning.” She was no longer sure of the number --- too many ships moved about the harbor of Sunspear. It annoyed her that they did not just stay put or slip in by a dock. It was like they were trying to spite Joy and ruin her tally. The girl let out a huff before clambering away from her perch beside the window to look at the princess. "Are you going to play cyvasse with... Prince Trystane today?"
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dcviline · 11 months
᯽⊱ @west1rosi ⊱ 𝐖𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐓𝐲𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐥 ⊱ s.c.
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ㅤㅤㅤTHE REALITY DOESN'T FULLY HIT HER UNTIL SHE SEES HIM AGAIN. All the homesickness, all the longing for her family that she pushed down for the sake of her own survival. ( If she let the grief or longing overtake her, she would be lost. ) But there he is as at long last, her big brother , come to see the sister once thought to be dead. Margaery has no words when she lays eyes on him, only a welling of tears in her own. All sense of etiquette is abandoned as she approaches and wraps her arms around Willas, holding her brother tightly for the first time in two years. ❝ I'm so happy to see you again. ❞ The words are whispered, leaving her as a breath, the relief of an answered prayer. The rest of her family will be arriving soon, but she's glad it's Willas that's come first. She takes minute to soak in the moment before releasing him, wiping away the wetness from her eyes. ❝ Forgive me if I seem a mess. I missed you, all of you. But I promise, Winterfell has treated me well, and Jon has been more than gracious as a host. ❞
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hamcrtia · 1 year
❛  the  most  dangerous  thing  we  can  do  is  forget  how  to  feel .  ❜ - from cassandra to aegon
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too stressed to find the meme but here is the meme tag / @west1rosi
his head tilts back as he empties the goblet of wine, lips curling into a smile though it is devoid of anything that would make it genuine. " and what is it that i am supposed to feel ? " his words are drawn out, though he takes a few steps in her direction. it is almost as if he expects her to retaliate and put more space between them. before she can decide to do that or not, aegon has a shaking hand softly caressing the side of her face. " tell me, " he begins quietly, lavender hues that were once locked with hers falling to her lips. not stained with arbor gold like his own, he notes. the weight of the world does not sit as heavy on her shoulders as it does on his own. he wishes to be free. does she wish the same when she is with him ? thumb and forefinger capture her chin, tilting it up so that their lips barely graze against each other. " tell me how i am supposed to feel, cassandra. "
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zaldrizotianogar · 1 year
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Norvinyt had more than deserved his reputation and nickname, eater of all, as any man who had dared approach the beast never returned; devoured by the beast. yet this northern boy caught the beast's curiosity as he approached, a warning growl still leaving him to see if the boy was brave or foolish like the ones who had come before him.
@west1rosi for Cregan or Jon
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