#went to a bbq and bonfire with coworkers and everyone loved the food and it was the worst potluck food ive had in my life
arborescent-shadows · 10 months
ok while we are at it again!!! People here are bad at making bread!!! It's not that hard to make very basic bread!! it's ok to cheat with quick rise yeast or make milk bread. But everyone here is adding sugar to bread!! not pumpkin bread or like a sweet bread. i mean like sandwich bread. sandwich/savory bread should taste good on its own or with butter! you dont need to add sugar if you do it right!!!
also it's OK to stop putting random shit in your pasta salads!!! Some veggies and spices wont hurt you!!! stop adding jello and marshmellows to savory things!!!
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suckitsurveys · 7 years
Are you currently wearing anything red? I have a tiny red bow on my underwear.
Have you had a deep conversation with anyone today? Nope.
What would you say is the most disgusting thing you’ve ever tasted? Capers.
What was the last food you got a random craving for? I don’t remember.
Has anyone/anything made you angry recently? Yes, always.
Who did you last go to the cinema with? My niece earlier this year to see Moana.
What was the last song that got stuck in your head? How Far I’ll Go from Moana is now stuck in my head thanks to the previous question haha.
When was the last time you listened to it? It’s been a while.
Who was the last person to say something thought-provoking? I have no idea.
On your Facebook friends list, who was the last person to have their b-day? My friend Mary’s birthday was yesterday. Also America’s.
How old were they? 37.
What did you/are you having for dinner tonight? I have no idea, I have to plan meals for the rest of the week at some point today.
Is your best friend in a relationship? Lydia and Sarah both are in relationships. Randal is not.
How old were you 5 years ago? 22/23.
What is something you enjoy doing, but aren’t good at? Singing, I guess.
Who was the last person you talked to, whose name started with ‘C’? The temp Creighton.
What colour are that person’s eyes? I have no idea.
Name some healthy foods that you enjoy eating. Veggies!
What is your favourite Studio Ghibli film? I guess Spirited Away.
Do you have a favourite hair accessory? What does it look like? Just good ol’ fashioned hair ties.
What’s your favourite type of insect? Lighting bugs.
What’s your LEAST favourite type of insect? Earwigs.
Who was the last person you Facebook messaged? Stephanie.
What’s his/her favourite food? I’m not sure. I’ll ask her next time I see her.
Did you have a good day yesterday? What did you do? Yes! We had a 4th of July bbq and ate a bunch of burgers and drank yummy drinks and jello shots and had a bonfire going and lit some sparklers and Stephanie’s friend brought actual fireworks and I got to light a couple!
When was the last time you went to a fancy dress party? I don’t know if I have ever been to a party you would call “fancy.”
Who/what did you dress as? ^
What genre was the last film you watched? Did you like it? Comedy, and yes.
Have you made a sandwich today? What did you put on it? I am actually going to make a sandwich for lunch. If sloppy joes count as sandwiches that is.
If your best friend was a fictional character, who would he/she be? Why? A mix of Gayle from Bob’s Burgers and Liz Lemon from 30 Rock. Because she’s basically both of them already.
Do you remember the last time you overheard part of a random conversation? I can overhear my coworkers talking in the other room.
Did it make you feel awkward? Nope.
What were you doing at 10 o'clock this morning? This, haha.
How many vowels are there in your first name? One, but it’s repeated twice.
What was the last song you listened to? Does it mean anything to you? No idea.
What flavour was the last cupcake you ate? Stephanie’s friend made brownies in a cupcake pan for the party yesterday. They were fudge with M&Ms in them.
When was the last time you complimented a stranger? I don’t remember.
What’s your favourite milkshake flavour? Vanilla.
Have you had an interesting or amusing dream recently? Eh.
Do you know how old your favourite actor is? She just turned 33 I believe.
Is there anything worrying you right now? Getting back on a healthy eating plan.
If so, have you talked to anyone about it? Mark. Is there anything you desperately want, that you can’t have? To lose 30lbs in like 2 weeks.
When will you next see your best friend? When Lydia comes back from vacation; when Sarah comes to Chicago/Wisconsin for my wedding celebration; when Randal is free again.
Apart from sleeping, what do you plan to do tonight? We have to go to dad’s to stay over with my grandmother for the next 10 days and I don’t want to fucking do that.
What’s the age difference between your parents? My father is older by 2 years.
You can only have one flavour of ice-cream for the rest of your life. Which do you choose? Butter pecan.
Are there any foods you’ve been craving, or eating a lot of, just recently? I’ve been eating so many burgers lately.
When was the last time you wanted to do something, but didn’t do it? I want to tell off my brother in law so bad.
Why did you choose not to do it? I have to work with him and I don’t want it to effect the relationship I have with my sister.
When was the last time you ate an apple? A couple of weeks ago.
What’s the nicest thing your best friend has ever said to you? They say a lot of nice things.
Have you ever experienced a hangover? Yes, currently. Oops.
What was the last food or drink that you tried for the first time? Some sort of Bosnian sausage yesterday, I forget the name of it.
Did you like it? I did! I was a little weary of it because it’s apparently made with veal, but I took one for the team and it was really good. I probably wouldn’t seek it out to eat on my own though.
What is your least favourite pizza topping? Pineapple. Fight me. Also I don’t like green peppers or onions on my pizza. But I do like all three of those things off pizza.
What do your friends think of the person you’re currently interested in? Everyone seems to love Mark and they all say he’s perfect for me. :)
Name one of your favourite foods, that starts with the letter ’S’. Salsa!
The last time you hung out with your sibling(s), what did you do? My sister came to my housewarming party a couple weeks ago.
Who was the last blue-eyed person you spoke to? Good question.
Is there a person you’d like to speak to right now? I wish Mark was awake to discus food with me.
Why that person, specifically? ^
When you woke up this morning, what was on your mind? I woke up at 4:30 with a bad tummy ache, so that.
At this moment, what are you most looking forward to? Weddinggggg.
Do you have any scented candles in your home? What scent(s)? I have a honeysuckle one in the kitchen and a vanilla one in the living room. We also have two wax burners that both have coconut in them
Are you planning any special outings with family or friends? Yes, in September my friends and family and I are going to the Dells to an indoor waterpark to celebrate me and Mark’s wedding.
Who were the last 3 males you talked to? Eric, Creighton, and Tony. Coworkers.
Do you ever wear lipstick? What colour(s) do you prefer? Nope.
If you have a pet, when did you last pet him/her? This morning when she crawled on me.
Do you have a favourite Celine Dion song? My Heart Will Go On, naturally.
Name one of your favourite foods, that starts with the letter ‘C’. Crab legs.
Does the person love/like have a car? What colour is it? Nope, he uses my car, which is silver.
Have you ever received a compliment on anything you’re wearing? On something currently? I get compliments on my Pusheen sweatshirt constantly.
Have you had any caffeinated beverages today? Yes, my green tea latte.
What was the last alcoholic drink you tried for the first time? A French Martini.
Did you like it? Yes I did.
Have you eaten any chocolate today? What kind? I have not.
The last person you kissed - are they older or younger than you? 5 years older.
When was the last time someone wanted you to do something, and you refused? I refuse to stop referring to my brother in law as a temp even though he asked me to because that’s what he fucking is.
What’s your favourite feature of the person you’re currently interested in? His face is nice. And his arms. And pretty much all of him.
How many people have you hugged today? 0.
Do you have a favourite hair colour or eye colour on your preferred sex? Nah.
Do you remember the first CD you ever bought? Tragic Kingdom from No Doubt.
Is there anyone on your mind atm? Nah.
The last song you listened to - does it remind you of anyone? Didn’t you ask this?
Is your birth year an odd or even number? Odd.
Have you eaten any of your favourite foods today? Nope.
What did you have for lunch yesterday? I didn’t have a legit lunch. I had some Chex mix and a bloody mary, haha.
Who was the last person you messaged on Facebook? What’s their sign? I’m not sure actually. She told me her birthday but I’m blanking. Maybe it says it on her Facebook. March 6th, which would make her a Pisces.
How many different towns/cities have you lived in? Just the one.
What are your parents’ middle names? Irvin and Kay.
Are your eyes the same colour as your sibling’s? Yes.
How many pets do you have? Would you like any more? One kitten. I would like 17 more kittens.
Do you prefer still or sparkling drinks? I don’t like sparking water, if that’s what you mean.
Is there a song you can’t stop listening to atm? Not really.
Did you have a strange or interesting dream last night? Is it just me or is they survey repeating a lot of questions? I may still be stuck on the survey I took before this one though.
Which friend do you confide in most? Ellen and Kayla, usually.
Who was the first male you talked to today? What colour are his eyes? This is definitely a few surveys smushed together, but oh well. <--Ahh, see I knew something was fishy with this survey.
Are you wearing any accessories in your hair? Describe them: Nope. I actually just took it out of a ponytail a minute ago.
When was the last time you felt ill? What was wrong? This morning, my stomach is feeling weird.
If given the chance, would you change anything that’s happened today? ^
Who was your first best friend? Do you still speak to that person? I guess some girl named Liz in grade school. I have her on facebook and we kinda still talk but not really.
Do you like your middle name, or does it embarrass you? I love my middle name. I think it’s super interesting.
Are you wearing anything that was given to you as a gift? My dad bought me this shirt in Arizona. And my engagement ring was technically a gift?
Have you received any compliments about your appearance today? Nope.
Have you ever written a song or poem for someone special? Nah.
Have you ever had an argument with the last person you text messaged? Nope.
What colour is your shampoo bottle? Clear.
Are you attracted to the last person you Facebook messaged? Nah. She’s cute but other than that, nothing.
Do you have any ice-cream in your freezer? What flavour is it? Nope.
Have you spoken to any of your neighbours today? Yeah, Stephanie is my neighbor and the person I mentioned two questions above.
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