#well not eniterly anyway
hopecountylovin · 5 years
Tagged by: @jacobmybeloved thanks for the tag!!
Tagging: @absurdwanderlust @farcry5-obsessions @farcryfuckmeup @zacklover24 @princessnanasrantings @dolphinitley @adelaides-cat and anyone else who wants too!
First ship you ever wrote fic for: Simmons x Ward on agent/s of shield, honestly I'm not as into them as I once was but they're still my ultimate otp.
Ship you write the most now: John Seed x Deputy, oh I love that extra lawyer bby sooo much.
Ship you read the most now: Mmm its a toss up between John x Dep and Jacob x Dep. Though GOT got me reading a fair amount Sanpod fics right now (:
Newest ship: Euron x Cersei!! Oh I love those two there so terrible they belong together!!
Rare ship you wanna read more of: Sharky x Faith (uggg I need I write them more lol)
Your taboo ship: honestly I don't really know, prolly Dannny x Jonn from got (i like aspects but ewww and theres no way they have a happy ending)
They never met in canon ship: Fitz x Kara from aos (Ok they may have met once but I dont think they ever talk to each other). But also Jacob x Grace
Your unexpected ship: I think I gotta say Tiana x Wish!Hook man their chemistry came out of no where.
The ship you always forget to give love to: honestly I'm not sure but seeing as I have mentioned Aly x Winston from New Girl yet I'm gonna say them.
Ship your OC with a canon character (if applicable):  John Seed x my Dep Asha
Ship you’re embarrassed to ship: Marianne x the Bog King from Strange Magic (just because that movies a bit of a guilty pleasure for me)
Your most romantic ship: Mmm either Ben x Leslie from Parks and Rec or Lemon x Lavon from hod
Your sexiest ship: I think I gotta say John x Dep
Your most tragic ship: Ted x the Mother. Though honestly seeing as its hours before THE big battle of got, i think that will change soon 😩😩😩
A ship you want more content for: Sharky x Faith
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