#we were supposed to go buy rice this weekend w/ the last ten bucks but I don't want Byron on his feet until he's had a chance to rest
sootonthecarpet · 11 months
Byron @heyfagbutt and I need to get a small run of groceries and we're not going to have our budget for the month until at best the middle of next week. We can't walk to the store right now (he fucked up his knee doing errands earlier in the week), but if we can get 40-80 dollars in addition to the ten we still have, we can place a small grocery order. (paypal, venmo, both his.) if not, I might be able to make it down to the store tomorrow or monday for some pantry goods, and anything extra would help with that. (right now we basically just have spices and a few days' worth of plain pasta.)
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