#we both know denji's face of happiness and thats not it
my-fancy-hat · 11 months
I can definitely see the vision that Yoshida's perse Denji's personal arc and relationship can be read as the queer closeted experience too as some people have pointed out in these past chapters. Both who share the same feelings of disconnection with their environment, in addition to an inherited social ineptitude and naivety about what it really means to be normal, in which they assume that the origin of their frustration and sadness comes from their weirdness and not from the rejection that the same scheme who ignored them now inflicts on them. This uncertainty of knowing that, despite the fact that you are doing what the manual says, what the majority does, you still do not get the same results of satisfaction and personal fulfillment that everyone gets, is what increases this frustration and pilled anger against their surroundings and against each other; Yoshida has faith that this is the path to take, that the results are guaranteed by logic so tries to persuade Denji to trust on his good intentions, while Denji is submerged in an existential crisis from said normality that feels more transgressive than comforting, even though he already has what he wished for and maybe what Yoshida envy of him. Them forcing each other to do things they both know it won't make them feel any different from the usual apathy and sense of losing themselves in the progress with so little reward such as doing the expected of their asigned gender roles (men always wants girls, always wants sex) for example, only increasing their solitude as a result.
Like, we all know the obvious, that all of this comes from their respective backgrounds and duties, Denji as the extremely poor orphan kid forced into child-labor and, taking Yoshida's subtle wording, it makes you think he's not so different from him, like a child soldier raised by the state similar to Makima and Reze. These feelings of the uncomfortable normality that secures your place as the "social failure" despite your desperate attempts to prove yourself to be worthy of acceptance, are very common around a lot of groups incluiding the one mentioned on here, as on top of that is so valid to take in consideration the not so-subtle tension (and poor tasted jokes), misunderstanding but at the same time complicity between Yoshida and Denji makes this interpretation really interesting, to me.
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lehguru · 1 year
here i am with the first round of self-ship questions! c: how did you two meet? was it love at first sight or did it take some time? 💕
I HAD TO WAIT FOR SO LONG TO ANSWER THIS CUZ I WANTED TO GIVE IT MY ENTIRE FOCUS EJWGDHEHKDJ BUT AAAAAAAAA IT MADE ME SO HAPPY!!! imma start with my fav selfships from each fandom cuz yes. (jk it will b my main ones lol)
denjia (denji x me): with both of us it took some time! i know i know, its denji, but i think it would take at least sum weeks for him to actually grow true and real feelings for me. we probably met at high-school or because of some mutual friend (yoshida), but then i just started to go to his house to hang out all the time, till the point where i was basically living there (even leaving my clothes and makeup in his room).
leguru (bachira x me): i love to think that we would randomly meet at a cafe or maybe a blind date? but he would ask me where im from and get EXTREMELY excited when i say im from brazil LMAO i would take a while to fall for him but he would absolutely fall at first sight; he would look at me with heart eyes whenever i speak ngl
suguria (geto x me): he prolly saved me from a curse 💀 or we met at a museum (in a modern au). i think that i would immediately fall in love with him or at least be HELLA attracted romantically to him (going against my demiromantic ass), like?? a hot guy?? that knows abt art??? and dress up with baggy clothing??? and long hair??? AND HIS GORGEOUS BODY AND EYES??? yeah im in love. for him it would take a while, simply bcuz he would b actively trying to cut his feelings before they grow (but it wouldnt work)
livinho (lavinho x me): BRAZILIAN BITCHES!!!! i prolly met him at a party with funk playing lmao for some reason he decided to approach me (thats why i think he would either fall in love at first sight or second sight LMAO) and we just hit it off very well (not... in a nsfw way). he prolly leaves smthin he owns with me, like a necklace or a ring, just do he can text/dm me and make me go on a date with him just to give it back lol and tbh it wouldnt take me long to fall for him cuz hehe he is funny ♡♡
the CoD ones will b under the cut cuz im still a lil shy abt them
königia: könig immediately falls for me!!! i was in the administration of KorTac and probably helped to give them info to jobs and what they needed, so as soon as i walked in a meeting, he became extremely flustered and his eyes went WIDE, hella puppy-like (thank god his mask hid his blushy face). it takes me a while to fall for him, because he is SOOOO much taller and bigger than me so i would b so scared of him. i would probably fall as soon as i learn this huge teddy bear man have social anxiety and trips over his own words while he tries to ask me a question.
elimon (simon/ghost x me): probably the same situation as könig. i was in a admin role and we had a lot of contact with each other, but i think we both would take a while to fall for each other. me bcuz i would b a little intimidated by him and ghost bcuz huh... its ghost lmao. he legit doesn't feel the need to have a partner so he prolly dont even realize he's falling for me lol. i prolly fall for him while we communicate during his missions (me at the base andhim in the field), it includes some banter and i can see a little of his sense of humor so it makes me smile a lot — i definitely pick up a bit of his accent or at least sum british slangs like "bloody hell, lad"
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