#we are gonna get an every era graduation extravaganza
What can I say about the new piece other than it was so tragically, heart-wrenching well written? It was so great, I loved it. Have we ever gotten to see them acrually break up? I mostly remember the aftermath and allusions to it
anon, you are about to make me cry 🥺❤
im genuinely so happy to hear you loved it! i was particularly stressed about this part as i didnt know if i could communicate these feelings accurately (i have never and probably will never get this type of reunion, so all i could write from personal experience were the heartbroken parts hahaha)
ive not written the actual break-up, as you've said - it has only been aluded to, and i don't think i will. i genuinely don't think i could do what is supposed to be a very emotional scene justice. the run-up to it will however be examined in the graduation finale im planning (but you didn't hear that from me 😉) so we will see how that turns out!
thank you, thank you, thank you for reaching out to me! these messages mean more to me than words can explain ❤
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