#we also do nail trims here but lol hes a butt about it and hates it. im going to get a dremel and try my best not to get his hair in it
girlhorse · 1 year
I’m sure you’ve said it on your blog before, but do you groom Enzo yourself or does he go to a groomer?
I groom him myself (adequately). I'm slowly learning how to shave his paw pads & trim around his feet to the havanese standard. The only trimming allowed/expected is around paws to look neat & some of a sanitary trim, which i have shaved on him because otherwise he smells like p*ss. it's not noticeable from the sides.
He gets a bath every week to week and a half and i brush him as often as i can (trying for daily, but executive dysfunction) His coat could be better (as in, longer and more full) but we have so much sticks and burs this time of year it's causing his fur to have a lot of breakage on his tummy and legs. Not noticeable to a non discerning eye i think, though.
He's going through a coat change and his tangling has been worse/more frequent and i get quite a bit of hair off of him when I groom him but it's not a welfare issue or anything, just a pain in the butt!
I would like to get a groomer on board at some point, maybe once a month, if my financial situation ever improves. it would definitely help me manage his coat esp for the things im not quite skilled at yet. Id also like to meet a groomer that was like, happy to share grooming tips with me xD
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