wildroseofarran · 4 years
Talk about Waylon, Callum.
“We could be here all day and that still wouldn’t be long enough for me to sing his praises. He’s a bloody godsend. He works hard and he’s thoughtful and considerate. I’m lucky to have him as an employee and as a friend. Especially as a friend. I wish him only the best.”
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wildroseofarran · 4 years
This Too Shall Pass || Waylon & Callum
Waylon: "Have I mentioned, your house is fucking gorgeous," Waylon said softly as he set his bags down next to the bed in the guest bedroom of Callum's home. It was oddly comforting, seeing the familiar bed, but at the same time it caused the twinge of anxiety at the base of his spine to twist just a little bit further. He sighed as he took a seat on the edge of the bed and looked back at Callum with a small smile. "Been a while since I was here last.... thanks for letting me stay again. I really appreciate it."
Callum: "Thank you," Callum said proudly, looking around at the room he'd lovingly restored and decorated. One of many. "I put my blood, sweat, and tears into makin' it what it is. I'm glad it can offer you some comfort in these less than ideal times."
Waylon: "Yeah...." Waylon rubbed slowly at his arm and looked off to his side. He hadn't spoken with Callum much recently, especially not about his fears regarding these particular times, but they had plenty of time to do so now. "It's... gonna be weird. I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight without Rosmond there, at least to start..." he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.
"Do you and Guildias always sleep in the same place? You have separate houses, right?"
Callum: Callum sighed and took a seat beside Waylon. He couldn't imagine what Waylon was feeling right now. While he himself was married to a vampire, Guildias had already been one when Callum had met him. They hadn't had to go through the transition that Waylon and Rosmond were currently going through. They had to make completely different adjustments.
He nodded. "No' always in the same place but almost always together. Sometimes we sleep here, sometimes at his house. It's no' the most common arrangement but it works for us."
Waylon: Waylon brought his knees to his chest and perched his heels on the edge as his arms wrapped around his legs to hold them there. His chin rested on his knees and he stared at a spot on the opposite wall.
"Have you had to spend more than a few days away from Guildias? Since you started sharing the same bed?"
Callum: "Only when I've gone to visit family in Scotland." One of these days he wanted to take his husband up there with him. He wanted Guildias and his father to meet.
"The days apart will seem eternal but I promise they'll go by quickly."
Waylon: "What if they don't? And they go on for an eternity?" Waylon asked, his voice soft. "If you plan a trip, at least you have an end date...." He knew he was being dramatic, but his heart only seemed to grow heavier. "I know it'll be fine, it's just... it's just hard. Could I work more in the shop? I have a lot more down time..."
Callum: "I know, mate." Callum wrapped an arm around Waylon's shoulders and gave him a squeeze. "I can give you some extra work if you think it'll help, but it really won't go on forever. It might no' be a trip and there might no' be an end date, but it will end. This too shall pass."
Waylon: Waylon rested his head on Callum's shoulder and leaned into his friend as he squeezed. "I think some extra work will... help distract me." He nodded in understanding, and tried to let Callum's words ease some of the weight hanging over his heart. "You're right... It's just... heavy... and suddenly stupidly lonely, even though I'm not alone..." he sighed again, but seemed a little less tense. "Can I ask you something else?" Waylon asked and glanced at Callum. "I can't really talk to Rosmond about it... he got mad at me the last time and I guess... I guess I'm hoping you can help me get some insight?"
Callum: Business was going to slow a bit between the end of the holidays the beginning of February, but Callum was sure he could find something extra for Waylon to do. It might be the perfect time to start some projects he'd been putting off for lack of time.
"I will if I can. What's on yer mind?"
Waylon: Waylon chewed at his lower lip, uncertain with how to ease into the topic on his mind. He was pretty certain there wasn't a good way to do so.
"I... made the suggestion that I wanted to become immortal with him, in my own way," he started and fidgeted with the sleeve of his sweater. "I gave no plans, no real ideas, and the few I've seen are less than ideal so please don't like- worry about it-" he added quickly as his cheeks warmed, "I just don't... know anyone who is immortal outside of his aunt, and I have a feeling if I asked her it wouldn't end well... I don't think she likes me." He shrugged. "I guess... I guess I just hoped maybe you might know since your husband is immortal. Rosmond doesn't talk much, and he doesn't elaborate when I press sometimes...and I don't want to force him."
Callum: Callum blew out a long breath. That was a very heavy thing Waylon was asking. It didn't surprise him that Rosmond hadn't wanted to broach the topic.
"Immortality is a rare thing, Waylon. It might no' seem like it because we're surrounded by vampires in this town but out in nature, so to speak, there aren't many who can achieve it.
"That bein' said, the only person I know who is immortal who isn't a vampire or a demon is a friend o' my family's. She's a Druid as well, and if immortality is rare, an immortal Druid is even more so."
Waylon: Waylon was quiet for a while and he stared down at his hands. What Callum said made sense, the methods he'd seen so far typically involved taking time from others, and that wasn't true immortality. That was a temporary lengthening tool, and a cruel one.
"No wonder he talked to me like I was a child..." Waylon laughed softly, but it was hollow and pained as tears burned at his eyes. He'd been thinking along a completely different train of thought than Rosmond when Waylon had brought it up, and now Rosmond's response made so much more sense. What Waylon had pictured and what Rosmond meant were two different things, and Waylon had managed to insult their relationship in the process. He was incredibly foolish, and it hurt his heart to have made that mistake.
Becoming a vampire was essentially his only option... and Waylon already knew Rosmond would never allow it. Would he stay if Waylon decided to find a means to do it anyway?
"I know it wouldn't matter what I want after I'm dead, with me being mortal, but I don't want him to go back to the... withdrawn person I first met. He deserves so much more, and I just want to be there for him. There's just... so much to him, and I love watching him step out and enjoy himself and... is it wrong for me to want to know more? To try and actually understand what it would mean to try and become immortal with him? Is it wrong of me to want to at least try to understand?" He cast a teary-eyed look at Callum.
Callum: Callum pulled Waylon in for another hug, longer this time. This was such a heavy thing to be weighing on a mind. Forever was a difficult concept to grasp.
“No, it isn’t wrong of you. I understand wantin’ more time, wantin’ to hold on as long as possible. Forever is an awfully long time, mate. I don’t think we can ever truly grasp that until we’re starin’ it in the face. Hell, even death is difficult to grasp.”
He sighed again. This would have to be a conversation Waylon and Rosmond needed to have, but he felt compelled to offer something in the way of hope.
“However difficult immortality may be, it’s a lot easier to find a way to extend your life beyond its natural length. To slow yer agin’ process. It won’t give you forever, but it’ll give you longer.”
Waylon: Waylon wrapped his arms around Callum and returned the hug with a squeeze. He had to apologize to Rosmond when next he saw him, but that thought would wait for another day. In his heart he wanted to say he still meant his words, and in a sense he did, but the meaning behind them was altered. It would wait.
"Thanks..." He laughed softly, and he felt a little bit of the tension ease from his chest. "I'm going to have to look more in depth into that," he sighed and squeezed again before gently pulling back. "I've seen some methods to do so... But it's stuff I don't understand, or could never do alone, and most of it's... pretty cruel. I know I have time, so I'm just going to keep looking."
Callum: He gave Waylon a small smile. "I think I know one or two people who might be able to help. And I don't think I have to tell you to give those pretty cruel methods a verra wide berth. The price they demand is verra steep." And speaking of prices. "Stay away from crossroads, too."
Waylon: "I'd really appreciate it Callum, thank you," and he nodded. "Oh don't worry that won't happen. I can't imagine a demon would have a recipe for what I need anyway."
Callum: "They would, that's the problem. But don't you worry, we'll find a way to help you."
Waylon: "Well... Thanks," Waylon hugged Callum tightly at that. "It means... A lot to me. I have a lot to say to Rosmond when I see him next. This helped a lot." He released his friend and laid back on the bed with a sigh. "Gods, this has been way more exhausting than I expected... I knew it'd be hard but.... Sleeping I think will be my main problem. Do you have any tea or something I could drink to help me sleep?"
Callum: Callum would be there to support Waylon when the time came. Beyond being his employee, Waylon was his friend, and Callum would do whatever was necessary to help him.
"Aye. I could put a wee bit o' belladonna in some tea or I could give you some o' my cousin's sleeping tonic. Choice is yers."
Waylon: "Hmmm.... Which do you recommend?"
Callum: “The belladonna is verra effective but if you really want good sleep, and a lot of it, I recommend the tonic. It will knock you out fast and it will knock you out for at least ten hours.”
Waylon: "Hmmm.... Let's save the tonic for when I really struggle to sleep. I'll try the Belladonna for tonight," he smiled appreciatively at Callum. "Thanks again- for everything. Letting me stay here, helping me... I'm really grateful to have you as a friend."
Callum: Callum smiled and patted Waylon on the back. "No thanks are required, mate. I know you would do the same for me. Now come on. Let's put the kettle on."
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wildroseofarran · 4 years
Is it safe for Waylon to maintain a relationship with a vampire like that?
“....You realize ye’re askin’ a man who’s married to a vampire, aye?”
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wildroseofarran · 4 years
Is there nothing about Waylon that worries you?
“Should there be? Are you askin’ because of Rosmond?”
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wildroseofarran · 7 years
Precautions & Assurances || Waymond & Callum
Callum: Callum was watching them out of the corner of his eye as he put together a bouquet, trying and failing not to smile. Seeing Rosmond so obviously adored by Waylon made him happy.
Rosmond: Rosmond then turned his attention to Callum. Would it be too much trouble if I...stayed here while the two of you worked?"
Waylon: Waylon turned to look hopefully over his shoulder at Callum. There was no one in the store so he hoped that would work to their advantage.
Callum: The smile got bigger. "It wouldn't be any trouble at all, mate."
Rosmond: He was trying to be subtle about it. He wanted any excuse not to be in that house, and any excuse for Waylon to be as far away as logically possible.
He squeezed Waylon's waist and attempted a warm smile. Still broken.
"Thank you."
Waylon: Waylon smiled and squeezed Rosmond's neck as Rosmond squeezed him. Then he kissed the ghoul gently on the lips. "Did you like your present?" he asked and smiled warmly up at Rosmond.
Rosmond: His collar was adjusted for Waylon to see the evidence. "Yes."
Waylon: Waylon's smile widened even further and he kissed Rosmond again. "I'm happy you do! I uh... I also might have gotten your aunt something...." Waylon reached behind his head to rub the back of his neck sheepishly. "I know that we haven't even... well /met/ officially- but from what little I've seen of her- she seems like she'd be the kinda person into really extravagant things and would be the kind of person who likes to be the center of attention. So I found this-"
Waylon: https://financesonline.com/uploads/scarlet.jpg
Waylon: he held out a small box with a bracelet inside. "It's all real- and I cast a glamour on it so when she wears it so it'll draw bystander’s attention even more than I'm sure she already does. It makes her the center of attention basically."
Rosmond: "I...don't know if she'll accept it. I'll show her and let you know. She's here, which means she doesn't want to be...most of the time. It's beautiful, though."
Waylon: "If she doesn't want it that's fine- I tried," Waylon shrugged, "That's all I can do I suppose, unless you'd like to go with me to find something else? Unless you think she just wouldn't accept anything from me...." Waylon made a face of uncertainty, but then he shrugged. "Why wouldn't she want to be here? Either way-" he hugged Rosmond tightly. "I'm glad you like my gift, I think it suits you..." he smiled at Rosmond and leaned up to kiss the tip of his nose. "What brings you to hang out here? Anything going on at the house?"
Rosmond: Rosmond took a breath. He refused to let go of his witch. "This mustn't leave this shop..." He looked to Callum to confirm.
Waylon: Waylon's eyes filled with concern as Rosmond breathed, and he set his present to the side and placed his hands on Rosmond's biceps to pull back just enough to stay in his arms while looking up at him. He waited for Callum to respond to make sure it was okay for Rosmond to go on.
Callum: Callum gave a single nod. "It won't get past these four walls. You have my word."
Rosmond: "Charon is dead and it's my fault," the ghoul finally said.
Waylon: Waylon's jaw dropped and he stared at Rosmond in disbelief. "Wha.... how? What... what happened?" Waylon asked softly.
Callum: His hands stilled in the bouquet, expression much the same as Waylon's as he waited for Rosmond to explain.
Rosmond: "The bell jar, the creature I allowed to leave. The one you witnessed. He returned when you and I were out."
Waylon: Waylon's face paled and his fingers curled against Rosmond's biceps. "... does your aunt know? Is it... is it still out there?"
Callum: "What creature? What's out there?"
Rosmond: "She shot it twice. Charon emptied her gun into it. The child Gertrude negotiated with took it away."
Waylon: "Wait- so it came back, Charon and your aunt shot it, and that kid showed up and took it away again?" Waylon asked, totally confused.
Waylon: He glanced back at Callum. "It's some... arachnid- thing- person- um.... a were spider."
Callum: "A were-spider killed Charon Malone? How? She shot it, that should've done enough damage for her to get away."
Rosmond: "There a reason I sent you in through the backdoor. She was...a pile of crushed, ripped flesh on the front lawn."
Waylon: Waylon felt something in him lurch and he felt a few stray tears rise in his eyes. He wasn't close to Charon- but she had enjoyed his food and he had enjoyed her...mostly silent company. He blinked and realized his hands where shaking, and he looked up at Rosmond. "Does your aunt know you let it go with that kid to begin with? why did it go with him at all?"
Rosmond: To that, Rosmond couldn't help the momentary wild in his eyes. "No. It needs to stay that way."
Waylon: "Of course not!" Waylon nodded fervently, although the fear that gripped his heart for Rosmond made the tears threaten to rise again. "Do you think it will come back?"
Rosmond: "It wanted Gertrude, so...more than likely."
Callum: Callum was staring out the window, only half paying attention to the conversation now. The few times he'd been in Charon's company she'd been nice to him, but it wasn't really her character that invaded his thoughts.
How powerful, he wondered, must this creature be to do that to the ghoul of Gertrude Draegan?
Waylon: "...." Waylon felt his stomach flip and he swallowed. "Rosmond.... What if it comes back and tries to get you?" he asked, his voice shaking slightly. He wasn't even concerned for himself, he only imagined Rosmond torn to pieces in the front lawn, and it made the corners of his eyes burn with tears.
Rosmond: Waylon's hands were held almost painfully. "It won't happen to me. It won't. I'm different."
Rosmond: This was a unique voice of confidence. Not raised and proud, arrogant. This was an almost lazy tone of a veteran accustomed to death.
Waylon: Waylon squeezed as his hands were held, and he ignored the pain. It reminded him this was real, and what they were dealing with was real as well. "How are you different?" Waylon asked and squeezed tighter over Rosmond’s hands. It wasn't that Waylon didn't believe in that tone of confidence, he did- especially because of the lack of arrogance within it. But he needed more, something to quell the dear in his chest that one day he might come home to find Rosmond dead on the front lawn.
Rosmond: "She was young, only just out of the first century. A flower of the modern age. A gun wouldn't have sufficed against the foe that ended her."
Waylon had much to fear and Rosmond was beginning to pick up on it. Between his fear of Rosmond turning to dust and now this, what more could he possibly do to strain the witch's heart?
"You needn't worry."
Waylon: Waylon laughed weakly and moved to wrap his arms around Rosmond's waist in a hug, and he buried his face against Rosmond's chest. "That's not very reassuring Rosmond...." he admitted quietly. Rosmond was older than Charon and while that gave him experience and more power, Waylon wasn't convinced, and it worried him. He squeezed Rosmond tightly.
Rosmond: Arms made their way around Waylon's shoulders, looking to Callum for help. Surely the druid could supply some much needed support.
Callum: Callum didn't snap out of his trance until he felt Rosmond's eyes on him.
He took a moment to center himself before getting to his feet and offering them both the most reassuring smile he could.
"It'll be all right, mate. Rosmond is verra capable of defending himself. And he's no' alone. I'm no warrior but I can wield a sword when it's needed."
Waylon: Waylon looked at Callum as he spoke, and he nodded slowly. "Okay... I'll... I'll try not to worry about it I guess...." even though he was definitely going to worry about it.
Rosmond: "It's going to be fine." However... "But, if... if I'm wrong, would," he looked to the florist again, "would he be able to stay with you?"
Callum: "Ye're no' goin' to be wrong, but aye. He can stay with me."
Rosmond: "Thank you."
Waylon: "I'm not leaving the mansion if you're staying there," Waylon said quickly and he looked up at Rosmond with a determined stare.
Rosmond: "Don't argue with me on this. I didn't say now, but if."
Callum: "Listen to Rosmond, mate," Callum said gently. "Gertrude Draegan is a force of nature."
Callum: "If things go to hell we'll be able to do more from outside her house."
Waylon: Waylon’s grip tightened on the back of Rosmond’s shirt and he pressed his face against his chest. ".....I'm reinforcing that protective spell on your necklace."
Rosmond: "Your concern is touching, but my aunt won't harm me." Perhaps you, though...
Waylon: "Well then I'm worried about the spider."
Rosmond: "Yes. Suppose he should be put back where he belongs."
Callum: "Where is that exactly?"
Rosmond: "In his bell jar."
Waylon: "Why would you put him back? He was covered in dust when he came out! That can't be comfortable..." Waylon didn't care if it was going after Rosmond’s aunt- he just didn't want Rosmond caught in the cross fire.
Rosmond: "It couldn't have been comfortable being torn to mulch on the front lawn, either."
Waylon: Waylon was quiet at that, and instead he just rested his forehead against Rosmond’s chest.
Rosmond: The ghoul held protectively to his witch. "I'm sorry. That was vulgar."
Waylon: "No... You're right. It killed Charon." he shook his head.
Rosmond: "I'm going to see Guildias after this, see if I can get him to help me track it down and either capture it or destroy it."
Callum: "Whatever yer course of action, don't go into this encounter with the spider unprotected. Even if you don't think you'll need it."
Waylon: "Exactly," Waylon nodded and gave Callum a thankful smile.
Rosmond: "I'll be safe, I swear to you both," said the ghoul.
Callum: "See that you are. I don't fancy losin' a friend."
Waylon: Waylon wanted to point out that while Rosmond could promise to be safe, those trying to potentially hurt him weren't making promises for the same thing. But instead he squeezed Rosmond as tightly as he could, as a way to convey he better stay safe.
Rosmond: Callum considered him a friend, an idea that warmed his skin, forcing him to turn all of his attention back to his beloved witch. "It's alright," he said, understanding the tightened embrace.
Callum: "And if Guildias is uncooperative, let me know. I'll give him some encouragin' words." Either that or he'd walk around in that lacy thing his husband had gotten him for Christmas.
Rosmond: "I thought you would be against that."
Callum: "Whoever this spider is, he's a threat to us all, includin' Guildias. Eliminatin' threats sometimes requires extreme measures and I'm no' exactly equipped for that."
Waylon: "Me either... " Waylon admitted reluctantly.
Rosmond: "Then we'll take care of it," said the ghoul.
Callum: "You have my complete confidence, and Waylon's as well I wager."
Waylon: "Mhmmm..."
Callum: Callum smiled. "You've got this, mate."
Rosmond: "So..." He didn't know how to end this conversation, you see, which was why he was looking everywhere but the shopkeepers. "Do you two...need...assistance?"
Callum: "Why don't you accompany Waylon on his deliveries? That way the two of you can spend some time together."
Waylon: "That'd be perfect, another set of arms would be nice."
Rosmond: The ghoul actually smiled, one of those awkwardly crooked ones that reached his stone green eyes. "I'd love that."
Callum: "Then off you two go. There are lots of holiday parties in need of their centerpieces."
Waylon: Waylon nodded, handed Rosmond a box of centerpieces, and motioned for him to follow Waylon out.
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