#wawwa liveblog
anonil88 4 years
We Are Who We Are Ep 1 thoughts.
Heads up I've started writing these halfway into an episode so I'm immersed pretty into it and can make a well rounded reaction.
Interesting set up and premise. But I wonder how well this will be executed.
Very open free spirit household.
Those kids are pieces of shit for inviting him and then bullying him. He is a little weird but a sweetheart.
Also HE LIKES FASHION of course he does.
He's a bit of an alcoholic it seems or just likes alcohol which can teeter the line. Oh no he had to leave his lil boyfriend 馃槶.
Aw his other mom picked him up.
Ooo throw up shot nice smh.
This mustn't be the first time he's been drunk or gotten in trouble.
Sigh theres always a parent who saves the day no matter straight or gay.
Ahh military parents getting caught in their ego and ignoring their partners and kids.
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Oooo "Americans can only be happy in America"...."This is America." Gotta love that US based are tiny bits of America but lineal spaces.
Wait is Fraser autistic? Or does he have any mental disorders? Maybe I'm only saying that because my family would have drop kicked me if I'd slapped my mom unless (when I was younger with less coping skills) was having an outburst of sorts.
Whattt dead? Whatttt? Oh he's still drunk.
Thank goodness he still had some clothes packrf like I would have had a full panic attack if my luggage was lost oversees with my designer clothes. (I'm assuming designer because his granddad has schmoney but he also gives me cates about his looks.)
Thats a nice jacket though, I think Commes Des Garcons is the brand or at least this is an inspired piece.
Oh okay Fraser I see you have some lil crushes forming. That soldier foine tho he's probably like 18. So eee idk bout that cause he's underage. (Edit: Fraser is 17 so if the soldier is 18 its not illegal but i'd rather Fraser not get community ass or dick. No more cmbyn Luca.)
The music selection is pretty great like Klaus Nomi ??
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CUDI !!! Wait Cudi is their, Caitlin's dad :0
The military regulations are pretty clean. Her voice and commands could be a bit cleaner though. But maybe that's on purpose because shes gotta be nervous af now commanding a base.
Fuck you Colonel.
This base is pretty nice btw.
Oop okay subtle flirtatious behavior and noone can kick you out of the US military for being queer now...kind of. Oh he's just a giant flirt also again can we not do the minor and grown ass adult thing.
Loving Maggie and Fraser's relationship. But I feel like Sarah and Fraser's relationship is going to be whirlwind.
Oh thank the lord his clothes have come omg all designer/custom piece .
Just let them be them jeez everyone has to find themselves regardless of if you like or agree with it or not. Ahh Caitlin/Harper is living a double life hmm exploring their identity.
Lmfao Fraser said you're like me so lets talk, but I won't out you.
So overall thoughts the editing is a bit choppy like all over the place. Which is kind of disorienting and I don't know if a lot of people are going to enjoy that. Editing can really break shows even good ones. But characters wise I'll say Cait/Harper is a mystery and it took me a second but I got that they were staring at Fraser because Fraser seems very obviously nyc and probably more understanding. But they have no idea how to approach Fraser so they were just staring and tbh queer folk yes thats what we look like its sometimes obvious that we all stare at eachother with a certain wonder, confusion, and excitement even past the baby gay stage.
I feel like Fraser is a person who goes through the world in a daze like floating from one space to another. It makes him scatter brained and different, his interests vary but this is about him learning. I like him though just don't know much about him yet. Of course if I had to relate him to any character from another popular adult show that centers teens he's a more chaotic windmill version of Jules from Euphoria. Speaking of which I think this show might have a hard time carving out its own identity because of their shared platform. This premiere was like world building and very very vague so we only have touches on each character.
I will keep watching because I would like to see where this story is going to go. Also to see the acting chops of these new young actors. I am hoping that the next episode gives us the viewers more to hold onto rather than dental floss attached to ceiling post by nails. But, I just hope we get more clarity rather than just vague things we need to piece together in the future. Which btw works super well for movies but not always TV. So adapting that style to TV is gonna be interesting.
[Also funny how most actors first big role their characters name sounds like their name lol.]
Preview: so everyone just doing everyone but, this seems like it is going to be very sad and dark which is fine with me.
Sorry this is so long.
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t4tozier 4 years
i鈥檓 starting we are who we are, idk if we鈥檒l finish but i鈥檓 excited and a little nervous so wish me luck
i might liveblog so blacklist wawwa lb if u don鈥檛 wanna see
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anonil88 4 years
We Are Who We Are Episode 2
Okay time to see how episode 2, right here right now, goes.
Cinematography of this show is pretty crazy no lie.
Oh so they are really androgynous in self to everyone.
This lady looks like my friends mom, they are Italian american.
Ahh hes converting to Islam, and I forget that Cudi is old enough to be someone's parent.
When reading lines accidentally can be gender affirming.
Weak ass sex game smfh exactly why young ones don't need to have sex and/or need proper sex ed.
Oh shit that would suck even if it isn't your first time, like who the fuck wants to get their period on the beach? Orr was it the weak lil 2 second stroke.
Thats a weird freeze frame decision.
Interesting how do you convert or adopt a religion without your family ever knowing
Aight bet so Harper is the name, thats why being born in a more femme body regardless of gender or sex is annoying. Folks just stare because they feel they can.
Their brother is 馃憥馃憥馃憥.
This shot in the cat tails with them just sitting there is very calming.
Ugh and everyone only knows or calls them Cate. Their hair is so healthy oh my god.God.
Can't tell if they are loving this, having a period, or absolutely hating it. I think its very possible they may be gender nonconforming and very obviously not straight.
Ugh I forget this is set in like 2016
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They aren't telling mom because mom will make too much a big deal about it, and it seems her dad just gets that his kid isn't like other kids but now that you're menstruation has come he's all I guess ill do it on my own.
This show is definitely going for a poem vibe rather than a standard narrative.
Oooo Harper oooo
I like how we are seeing both their perspectives of the same week.
Oh so this his test of religion has been coming for a while.
Dayum so you listening to Young Ma, tuning their whole mother out completely.
Both these kids got a problem with their mom on both ends.
I love this cut off baseball jersey vest though like imagine that with a pair of painter pants.
Ohh shit Fraser with the fashion drops, he said your style is wack or too damn big to blend in so let me assist you.
Yesss Fraser that baseball top with those pants is an absolute fit.
This is so fucking dumb, gon break they damn necks gliding off this building. Yea yall are fucking stupid.
At least Craig came to make sure they were all "safe" kind of.
Fraser is like
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Episode thoughts:
Harper/Caitlin, this duality is quite interesting and soft its not like overtly hit you over the head . Also Cudi being a dad is chile does he want any other kids cause i would yaknow consider flipping my idea on pregnancy for that. Also wild how these kids look closer to 14, than their actual age of 17-ish and the girls in Euphoria are in their 20s, can look 17/18-ish.
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anonil88 4 years
Wawwa ep 4 liveblog
Toxic men make me....
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I don't want them dead these ignorant ass holes but if they tripped into a large elephant poop pile id laugh.
Paint Fight! These kids even the 18/19 or so year old have no respect for other peoples things.
Which his maturity levels are a big reason i think age of enlistment is wayyyyy too low. Especially for active duty enlistment not the education benefits.
They aren't dating smdh.
These kids are really putting together a shot gun wedding 馃拻. This is such a bad idea gosh.
Caitlin/Harper is leaning into the rumor like a bearded Santa clause.
Their brother really needs to learn religious tolerance 馃檮 or at least stop being a fucking little shit.
Their ex is the only one thinking logically here but also he's an asshole about it.
Teens hanging out of cars terrifys me.
Aw Fraser aint about that breaking and entering life. Don't blame him at all for it but his outfit is cute. I hope someone was smart enough to capture the moment though.
Those JBL from experience can take a beating.
Eating spaghetti like that is disgusting.
The frozen frames in this show, not the still shots, but the ones where there is action and the scene just stops/freezes. I do not like them.
I love spin the bottle but with crazy stories.
That was abuse, fuck.
The music selection even though Morrissey is a twat.
Fraser and Cait/Harper look gone as fuck like gone. They are such sweet friends though.
I hope they got food and not just more alcohol.
LET HIM SPEND TIME WITH HER, stop being selfish.
Hes concerned with Islam "so much" apparently" but not the premarital sex.
This is like an analogy for teen desire I swear. Full on animalistic insane unbridled behavior.
Drunk crying to Frank Ocean about missing the bestfriend who is going to a warzone in a bathroom alone.....sounds about right.
All them hickeys or bruises on Fraser's neck.
Was wondering how Cait/Harper was handling Craig's deployment, I guess not well.
The difference of the two guys who've been close to Cait/Harper is ASTRONOMICAL.
Um that was dumb to kiss her back Fraser.
Oop...Cait/Harper said
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Ngl I've been through that having to just move around the sex to get what I needed. I was too tired and not hungover enough to care. It was in college but I've heard much wilder stories from much younger international students.
Maybe that had to do with cultural views on certain ages, trust levels of parents, etc.
Cait/Harper been had a crush on the bestie mmmhm.
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THANKYOU THE CONTROLLER IS ACTUALLY FUCKING ON. Tv shows and movies have people playing with off CONTROLLERS like tf.
See I'd of gone awol just to be with my lover, he should at least wake her up before he goes. Goodbyes seem the hardest part.
I know this song!!!
Bye Craig 馃憢 *he locked his legs in position don't do that y'all you'll pass tf out*
Preview thoughts: Oop Cait been found out o.o. Is that a fly ass sweater i see 馃憗馃憗. LOVE? LOVE??? IM Knocking my friends head off her shoulders, crush on her or not. How you gon just hop into your friends not even cold yet bed ? Can we as a whole stop chalking people up to their hair. This is gonna get messssyyyy.
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anonil88 4 years
We Are Who We Are Ep. 3 liveblog
Chips ahoy has shellfish?
These two are adorable, also he didn't answer what book he read?
If the actress playing Caitlin really did cut her hair omg.
This music selection again is amazing.
I mean he isn't wrong they should have cleaned up their mess, young teens not thinking about that though lol. All that mess is gonna attract is bugs.
I love that they just get to be kids sometimes and have fun, also love how he's like stop staring at my moms they aren't zoo animals lmao.
Yea that breakup was coming lol, also what kind of friend is this girl also he really jumped right onto their bestfriend ewwww.
14 year old boys thats where all that nonsense behavior starts
Ohhh Ocean Vuong that's the book/author. Night sky with exit wounds.
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No bih they haven't cause y'all are 14 years old.
The crop top that hides the growing yiddies and ball shorts.
Oop Fraser said boo im bouta educate you on the queer community and transgender people because I think you might be a lil non cis and non het.
But, can fraser please elevate this child's wardrobe a little bit more because
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Here Fraser goes snapping. WAIT he also likes to cook wow. I hope my child is like him but with manners, because that cussing at me in my home I'd be putting the designer in my closet with restrictions.
Oh fuck, you can hear Fraser and his moms fighting....shittt. and Cait is about to scrub that damn boat in the middle of the night cause their daddy is PISSED.
Which I mean they both deserve the punishment.
Oh we doubling back to their house to see what happenerd. Fraser autistic or not would have gotten hurt pulling someone else's hair like that.
Thank goodness Maggie was there as a buffer.
Wow Sarah that is fucked, oh she meant it like you're his mom too but at least he doesn't hate us.
Complicated ass relationships.
Oop they got themselves a lil Italian gf. Damn puberty is hitting.
He's a homophobe too. Oh Cait I feel so bad for you.
Oh shit he's having a real bad panic attack. See at least my future partner, hopefully, would lean into me and our child as I help them cope, like damn.
Ooo she got the Oakley visors lmao
Wowwww she is the only woman to have been in command.
Oh she's Bi....oop.
Her brother jealous as fuck, fuck him. Like all serious he is a piece of shit stain.
When you don't wanna fit the stereotypes cause your parents are gay lol
Cait said.....if u say so.
They both finna cheat I'm guessing with this set up.
Cudi's legs are so small lmao lil cute chicken legs 馃槉
So im supposed to feel bad for him cause he is suicidal...anyways his friend is a good person.
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Here Fraser goes being a jealous hoe, your mom doesn't even know you like this grown ass man. Which pump your breaks kiddo you don't have ownership over your friends or lovers or interests, which at that age it can feel like you do.
Cait/Harper's dad really really prides himself on order, protocol, and rules smfh. Cait/Harper is fucked in earning their dads love i think once they come out.
Yaknow what let her get a lil entanglement.
Preview: Oooo a wedding episode/party. They aren't dating ughh they are the homo bestfriends gosh. Sarah is gonna be a better parent to Cait/Harper than she is to Fraser. Fraser who she coddles and loves but they completely butt heads because they are so similar as people.
I am sticking this show out for the eventual drama but Fraser from the aftershow isn't autistic but he is neurodivergent and a little shit to his moms cause he knows he can get away with it. Sigh word of advice, if you're parents are good parents try to be less of a dick because you cannot get the time back.
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anonil88 4 years
We are are who we are Episode 7 lb
Look at all those chickens
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So quiet on election night thats wild. Maybe because they just don't care.
Sarah showed up in sweats, this is bad.
Damn they are dead, damn.
Trust they see more in barracks, a lil tit is not gonna hurt anyone. Also damn Chloe them thangs are sitting. Hello.
No time at all to pray.
I mean Fraser, your mom is gay she has a bit of semblance that trans people exist. Also taking a child that is not your own to an enfo assessment can turn out awful for that kid if their parents don't accept them. Especially if you are not in a position to take care of and invite that child into your home to raise.
Fraser get your head out your selfishness, be aware of your audience.
God, did their friend die?
A moment of silence simultaneously is eerie.
Oh no ;(
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Damn an iud.
I'm with curly haired kid not the blonde one.
Based on Fraser being blunt like that with 0 I still think he may be somewhat on the autism spectrum or at least he has anxiety.
I hope Danny doesn't kill himself.
R.I.P Craig
She is only gay sometimes aka not now, that switch up is hella cold.
Oh, well I guess he gets his bluntness from Maggie.
Basically Maggie you are the distraction and she is breaking up with you.
DAYUM, she does have a son though. One who no one views as her own cause he's not biological which is weird. She already has those insecurities and everyone keeps reminding her of thatm
Grief bonding is real.
Danny is snapping, Sam sees this is ridiculous, and Harper/Cait ran to Fraser fast.
Wait Fraser and Cait could still be a thing, even though I doubt it, cause they aren't cis and Fraser definitely isn't straight.
Gosh this is a bleak group vigil. Oh wow, Craig's wife is there.
So military couples both wear their blues/greens at formal events together gotcha.
Harper/Cait's dad can get drop kicked rn i swear.
Fraser just being a support for Harper/Cait aww he finally got that he said the wrong thing earlier.
Leave her be Maggie.
Sarah really is mothering these two kids, oh fuck Richard is drunk. Damn he knew all 3 soldiers who died closely.
Its not her fault they died also, there is a chain of command. Someone gave her an order and she went along with/followed the order. If she had said no more troops it would have gone over her head and still happened.
This episode is really really good so far. The pacing, the story, just really well done. This series as a whole is a slow burn to the end it seems cause so far this is super cohesive.
Back to the house where they last saw Craig.
Ahh religious battles. So he was gon say no to the alcohol but yes to the coke??
Sam doing coke and ketamine, chileeee.
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Drugs and alcohol only provide temporary relief from grief y'all. It's something you actually have to work through even though it hurts.
Yea please someone go follow his widow please. I mean technically even if you divorce someone and have kids you will always be bonded to them. Technically it always follows you that you've been married before in your paper trail.
Noooo Fraser Noooo, you can't just pop up on people like that.
Fraser seeing this half-naked man is bumbling. Yea kid, they were having sex or about to. You interrupted
Maggie is going to put this child under house arrest i swear.
Not these two weirdos baiting a child into a sexual encounter/threesome.
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Come thru Dev with this soundtrack though we love a good radiohead moment.
Oh thank the lord he came to his senses, yes lets get out of there Fraser. He clung to that man like a scared leaf and looked at that woman with so much confusion. If Sarah finds out he's getting soldier man is fired.
Okay forest lmao
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Thats how you fuck up your bike, don't do that.
Close the fridge before you defrost is damn.
Not him looking for a gun and then deciding on alcohol. Boy it is perfectly okay, you weren't ready and thats okay you aren't old enough and that man is far too old for you.
The freezer please.
Alcohol poisoning here he comes. Where is Maggie? I know Sarah is busy at work but where is Maggie. He feels like a failure because what he was looking for was a male figure to connect to and its muddled with attraction.
Oh there they are, awesome. He is so mad at Sarah. Maggie really can be an excellent mother when Fraser needs it. Glad they are home to take care of him.
They can be soulmates and not fuck.
As I said sex doesn't heal the pain of grief.
Soundtrack is 馃敟馃敟馃敟
Yo Danny stop, omg they all are snapping, this is someone else's house. This is why you don't do psychedelics right when you greive or something traumatic happens. Those folks gonna enter their house and be pissed.
I wonder if the bottle was like half full cause he drank an entire thing of whiskey.
Oh awesome he got his moms to help, yay and Maggie is a doctor too so that works out well.
It is telling that they felt safer calling Fraser and his parents, rather than their own. Glad Danny is okay though.
Kids really don't allow for no funny bidness.
Oop thats a subtle, "I know you're fucking my wife so stop."
But she said it straight up with her wife, like I know why and what you did but let's not do that. Oh so both parents think their kids are bad influences on one another.
Damn so she habitually does this, their relationship has so many unstable variables and factors.
Awe they are on skype, also I now remember Harper/Cait told Fraser not to kiss anyone else.
Clearly Jennifer is still not watching her kids because her son just left out the door. Her son just left and she didn't even ask him what he was doing.
Is he gonna pray? Set up to look like something bad but he's in reality going to pray?
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This gif is beautiful
I am excited for the finale, if this is the 2nd to last episode. They both gonna fall into their queerness fully.
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