#was uninpsired with this one for awhile dont know why
Hi! I'm new to tumblr and I absolutely love Trollhunters, so when I saw you were doing this I got so excited :D If I could, do you think I could request an Arrrgh x TrollHybrid Reader, and a Draal x Artist Reader? Both of them very fluffy please! (And maybe a kiss for the Arrrgh x reader?)
(Going with the Aarrrgh one because I've already done Draal X Artist Reader lol. Not really sure what you meant by troll hybrid so I just made them a changeling sorry :"3)
Aarrrgh had found you wandering with torne clothes and a heavy backpack in the woods. Strickler and Nomura had left town having places to hide and Otto was covering his own ass but you had no where to go... so you remained. You were scared the troll would kill you at first but Aarrrgh knew you weren't a threat, you were just someone who needed help.
You were camping in the woods cause changelings had come to your house to kill you after your failure. Aarrrgh asked to see your camp and the troll was suprised as it wasn't set up very good and you seemed to be struggling. Deciding you didn't deserve this after the help you'd given Jim, he asked you to pack everything up and doing so he took you to a nice unoccupied cave near TrollMarket.
It was in that cave you currently resided. With Aarrrgh and the Trollhunters help you'd made the spacious cave a home to be proud of.
The cave was covered in warm blankets and fluffy pillows. Woven branch mats had been made for the carpet and troll furniture from TrollMarket seperated the cave into different spaces. You'd made a makeshift living room, a sleeping space, a kicthen area, and a place to lounge. Vendel and Blinky had also donated some books and a bookshelf giving you a small library in the cave making it feel more homey.
There was also a cooking space near the entrace where you had spices and herbs hanging from the cave wall with all your perserved food. A large fire pit took up space near the entrance so the smoke would filter out. And although your home didn't have any modern day amenities like your old house you didn't mind. It was cozy and it was dry and it was safe and away from the Order and somewhere your friends could easily visit you.
As you started a fire to cook something for the night Aarrrgh came with food. Entering he smiled at you before chuffing as he got closer. You smile back and as he drops the food he comes closer and nuzzles you happy.
"Missed you." He states in his deep rumbly purr. Nuzzling him back you pull away to give him a little kiss on the nose before you scratch the area behind his horns.
"I missed you too." Giving him another headbomp feeling his mossy furr in your hands he purrs loudly before settling in your lap. Letting him get comfortable you look at the fish he brought. Gutting them and flaying them you stab them before putting them over the fire. Something Jim had taught you to do.
As they cook your content with the home you've made and the mate you'd found.
"Hey Aarrrgh." You whisper softly as you comb your fingers through his mane.
"Hmmmmm?" He hums softly. Giggling at how cute he was you give him another kiss as you listen to the fire crackle and pop.
"Thankyou." You murmer before hiding your face in his furr embarassed. He purrs softly before gently nuzzling into your lap scooting closer to you.
"Welcome." He hums happily as you both cuddle in silence waiting for the food to cook.
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