#was just staring at him like 'somehow I get the name Nigel but that can't be right'
torra-and-the-toons ยท 2 months
Another one of my coworkers got me re-watching Codename: Kids Next Door again, another classic I remember loving as a child. (At this rate each one of my coworkers is going to be responsible for getting me to rewatch a different cartoon from my childhood askdhasdhasd)
So far it's not really grabbing me like EEnE or Animaniacs did, but I'm still kinda enjoying it so we'll see what happens.
I know this headcanon is rather common, but I like to imagine we are seeing everything through the eyes of their imagination. Like, all the stunts, the tree house base, the props are all make-believe irl, but through the power of their vivid imagination, we get to see it the way we do.
I'm such a sucker for that shit, that's partially why Ed Edd n Eddy resonates so well with me because they're just hanging out and having fun. It brings me back to when I was their age and man, the nostalgia is real. I may not be able to go back and be a kid again, but I can relive it vicariously through these cartoons.
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ambitionsource ยท 3 months
ok I FINALLY caught up (just before the s4 finale too let's go) and there's so much I need to say!! firstly, like always, the writing is just next level like I've laughed, I've cried, I've stared at my phone in shock I love this universe so much. idk where to actually start so this is so out of order and so long sorry but kenneth!! that whole plot was so sad but the resolution was so cathartic and lucas and grace becoming kinsleys is so beautiful and I'm so proud of him reclaiming himself. CHARLIE!! my jaw dropped when he came out to eleanor I wasn't expecting it but I'm so proud of my boy!! like he deserves to be happy and who he is!!!! him and zay oh I love them so, I'm so excited to see if zay's going on tour or not but I hope they're ok either way. FARKLE!! MY ORIGINAL BOY!! I was rooting for him and isa so much and I just want him to be happy. also ik I said this on ig but as a longtime stuart and jennifer fan I wanna again thank u for making him an absolute wifeguy it's so cute and actually makes a lot of sense (like no wonder u two have six kids ๐Ÿ˜ญ) and since gmw were cowards and never gave us their backstory I'm now accepting ambition as canon and I also eagerly await their spin off sksfjksk. anyway back to the main plot rucas I'm always rooting for u, riley matthews ik ur gonna do what's best for u both in or not in california!! the jeric wedding was sooo beautiful and rae!! maybe I'm name biased but I loved her, her connection to lucas was so sweet. super excited to see where josh and maya goes and yindra!! they could all work for the same label which would be so fun!! I kinda hope nigel gets to go to london (sorry jade) bc I think he'd do so well and they could still work somehow idk how but they could ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ anyway sorry this went so long but I'm so excited for the finale ik it's gonna be amazing ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–
miss rae!! "like I've laughed, I've cried, I've stared at my phone in shock I love this universe so much" i adore how long this message is but rest assured, this sentiment alone would have been enough. this is exactly what we hope for with each new episode and it's so lovely every time y'all reiterate that we're hitting the mark. ๐Ÿ’ž
as for the rest of this beautiful wordy message (which we love and encourage):
yes on the friar plotline!! that piece of this world has truly been slow burning for years -- all the way back to season 1 -- and it was so cathartic to finally bring some clarity and closure to it. i can definitely say that writing 410 and 411 were challenging but also some of my favorite episodes to craft in the entire series (and, dare i say, some of our best). i'm so glad it landed and is paying off. it was so meaningful to start getting to write lucas james kinsley in the following episodes instead.
can't even get into the zc of it all i'm so *dial up noises* about them. make me insane, truly. it's been a long, hard-fought journey but oh did we get here. i'm so proud of both of them for the growth -- ESPECIALLY charlie, as you said. he's come so far (even if there remains tribulations to face, i.e., eleanor)
it's definitely been so fun to bring the minkus clan to life over the last five years. they are a unique, intriguing, colorful cast of side characters (just like the gardners), and i'm so happy that we have readers like you who enjoy even those details in our story universe. ๐Ÿ˜Š their dynamic as a family has certainly come a long way since the pilot too.
for everything else you've said... well, the finale awaits!! thank you so much for reading as always, pal, and i hope you enjoy the rest of the season (if you haven't already).
-- Maggie
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