#was also gonna recc other songs following a loose homestuck theme but goddd just snaggletooth pumpkin is so funny
tmos-time · 2 months
Swear to god dude every time i see you reblog do you know this band it'll say shit like "do you guys know The Gooblyflus Forks" and all the votes go "no what the fuck are you saying" but then you reblog going OH MY GODDD GUYS GO LISTEN RIGHT NOW THEIR SONG SLEEPING IN THE FLORESCENTS IS AMAZING and it never fails to confuse and amuse me. not insulting i am just genuinely amazed by how you know so many of the artists mentioned and it always being the ones with 99.98 percent of people going "what the fuck is this it sounds made up". Never change
LMAO, i am simply unhinged and use discover weekly as my main source for finding nicher and nicher songs like an echo chamber <3 and then proceed to have a penchant for only reblogging the polls for bands that are niche as fuck with VERY good songs lmao, i have an image to maintain as a weird short king with a 98% on obscurify o7
anyways. for the occasion of answering this ask on homestuck day and picking something thematic (you have to pretend i added an image of that godawful screaming baseball with a megaphone in front of it)
go listen to snaggletooth pumpkin by zaki!!!!!
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