k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 1 year
To any troll who is currently in the imperial military: What was your job back when you were on planet?
that’s everyoneee hehe all of my trolls r fleet trolls. i’ll do my mains for now. these r kinda ooc.
Ryf: “The government assigned me barista at troll!starbucks because that’s just what lowbloods do lol. it was absolutely shit. If I’d been higher caste, they might’ve given me something cool like library but nooo.”
Warren: “i killed people n that was alright but it coulda’ been nice to have done some jobs or somethin’ to get some more shit n money n stuff but i wasn’t in the system until like the last year or so but coz there’s so many trolls in those archives n shit they done completely fuckin’ overlooked how i just popped up out of nowhere of conscription age like one year after my account was made n shit but it’s wahtever. jay said he’d get me a purple chip n i did that for a while but it weren’t under my name n shit n i wanted my own account so we got one of ryfraf’s friends to log me properly into the system n that did the trick jus’ nicely. previous purple had a job doin’ architectural plannin’ with a firm which i showed up to half the time but they didn’t really fuckin’ miss me n it was mostly just free money. coz it was like. i was expected to oversee the midbloods drawin’ up the drafts n shit. which i did. but i also had some guy workin’ with me n’ he knew i’d killed his partner n that scared the shit out of him so he didn’t say anythin’ to the firm we were workin’ for or anything. he was kinda’ hot. i fucked him sometimes. that also got him to shut up.”
Jay: “I was a police officer. : )”
Mars: “That was so many fucking sweeps ago. I’ve mostly been in the court doing court things. Lots of accounting. I miss accounting. Then after that, well... I suppose it wouldn’t be on planet anymore would it? Because I went directly to being an admiral. Conquered a lot of territory. They think I’m too much for that now, though. Whatever. I’ll get back to doing it eventually, that’s for sure.”
Cody: “I was in school. With Elliot and Derek. I did a few odd jobs here and there for anyone who wanted to hire me for shit. Did some fucking tutoring for idiots. Half the time they couldn’t understand what I was telling them but whatever. They fucking payed me. Midbloods and highbloods are so shit with math sometimes it’s unbelievable.”
Elliot: “We worked in a fucking pizza shop. It sucked. I wanted to kill everyone who came in through that fucking door.”
Derek: “I found the pizza shop alright! Elliot’s just easy to anger. However, I did do some tutoring as well. That was a real pain. Cody’s right. People are fucking stupid.”
Zyrehn: “I’m too rich for that shit. I’ve never had a job in my life.”
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 2 years
Are you guys doing anything for halloween?
You guys meaning? Everyone? Hahaha . I'll let whoever wants to answer answer
Ryfraf: we're having a big fuckoff party on my old ship. Only friends invited tho lol. But we all got a LOT of friends everywhere so there's gonna be a lot of peeps anyways. Saarins bringing his guys, jays bringing his, warren his, etc. I'm excited to meet the extended family! I think we're all gonna trick or treat at each others doors or some shit too? It should be fun! I'm gonna get so fucking drunk lol. And I'm gonna fuck like SO many people.
Warren: yeah what the guy up there said. I'm bringin my guys. Bunch of funny little lowblood bitches who saved my life when they found me on planet when I woke up from being dead lol but that ain't relevant
Jay: I'll partake in this if I must.
Ryfraf: OH BY THE WAY. There's two weeeeks until Halloween if you wanna befriend me in that time period ;P my dms r oppennnn. More friends the merrier!
Wow I think that's everyone. You want to know about Cody Elliot Derek too? I don't know anything about them lol
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djmusicbest · 8 months
Vocal Trance Hits _ Vocal Trance by Armada
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DATE CREATED: 2023-09-24 Tracklist : All Falls Down - Andrew Rayel, Florentin, Kyle Anson.mp3 Anywhere (Road Trippin') - anamē.mp3 Beautiful Life (Shine Ibiza Anthem 2023) - Paul van Dyk, Marc Van Linden, Sue McLaren.mp3 Behind Blue Eyes - Matt Fax, Chris Howard.mp3 Bloodstream - Cubicore Remix - Ferry Corsten, Ruben de Ronde, Cubicore.mp3 Breathe In - PRAANA, Klur, Kuala.mp3 Breathless - ReOrder, Ghost Etiquette, Miss Geist.mp3 By Your Side - Robbie Seed, Maryjo Lilac.mp3 Changing Fast - Helsløwed, Ava Silver.mp3 Chemical Affair - Farius, Tea Petrovic.mp3 Close My Eyes - Simon Patterson, Sarah de Warren.mp3 Color Blue - SOMMA, Sasson (FR), Nathan Nicholson.mp3 Company - Progressive Mix - Chris Schweizer, Sarah Howells.mp3 Cosmos - Armin van Buuren, Rising Star, Alexandra Badoi.mp3 Dark Space - Trance Wax.mp3 Dayglow - Armin van Buuren, Stuart Crichton.mp3 Deja Vu - Tensteps, Sarah de Warren.mp3 Escape - BetweenUs.mp3 Every Read the full article
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muznew · 8 months
Vocal Trance Hits _ Vocal Trance by Armada
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DATE CREATED: 2023-09-24 Tracklist : All Falls Down - Andrew Rayel, Florentin, Kyle Anson.mp3 Anywhere (Road Trippin') - anamē.mp3 Beautiful Life (Shine Ibiza Anthem 2023) - Paul van Dyk, Marc Van Linden, Sue McLaren.mp3 Behind Blue Eyes - Matt Fax, Chris Howard.mp3 Bloodstream - Cubicore Remix - Ferry Corsten, Ruben de Ronde, Cubicore.mp3 Breathe In - PRAANA, Klur, Kuala.mp3 Breathless - ReOrder, Ghost Etiquette, Miss Geist.mp3 By Your Side - Robbie Seed, Maryjo Lilac.mp3 Changing Fast - Helsløwed, Ava Silver.mp3 Chemical Affair - Farius, Tea Petrovic.mp3 Close My Eyes - Simon Patterson, Sarah de Warren.mp3 Color Blue - SOMMA, Sasson (FR), Nathan Nicholson.mp3 Company - Progressive Mix - Chris Schweizer, Sarah Howells.mp3 Cosmos - Armin van Buuren, Rising Star, Alexandra Badoi.mp3 Dark Space - Trance Wax.mp3 Dayglow - Armin van Buuren, Stuart Crichton.mp3 Deja Vu - Tensteps, Sarah de Warren.mp3 Escape - BetweenUs.mp3 Every Read the full article
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 1 year
Warren, Jay said you were planning a surprise. What is it?
Yah so we're specops for the fleet right so basically we did a really good fucking job this sweep n did a lot of missions for the empire n they liked us enough they gave us perk so we're gonna go to some wintery vacation planet or some shit n spend the holidays there. I ain't told the crew yet I'm gonna tell 'em soon but I hope they lose their minds this is like one of those things that only like super high end generals get tbh. So like really special stuff here heheh. They give us a big house to live in n then they stock it full of stuff so I'm gonna make a huge fuckin feast and everything it's great
Also if you go on n ruin the surprise n tell anyone anythin I'll hunt ya down n personally fuckin kill ya coz it ain't no fun spoilin shit got that?
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 1 year
is there any particular type of food that warren won't eat?
Well I mean is gotta be fresh n shit. Thas obvious standards. Raw is fine n cooked is fine but as long as it ain't you know rotten n shit I'll eat it. Also I don't like bland stuff but I'll eat that too if I gotta. Swhy I usually keep spices n hot sauces n shit on me ya know. Make things spiced up n stuff. N is also why I usually cook for my crew! Some of those guys have shit taste n then it's fuckin miserable. So like I cook for them coz of that. But there ain't nothin much I won't eat just aside from stuff that's ya know standard shit that ain't edible.
Oh and I'll eat troll too haha. It's good, specially if it's a fresh kill. Jay likes to feed me some of the meat from his kills sometimes hehe.
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 1 year
📜 🦃 📝 For Warren/Jay
📜 :  Is your muse on the nice list, or the naughty list?
Warren: “i’m on the nice list coz i’m really cool n i do lots of cool things for my crew n also i came back from the dead n made sure that jay would find me so yeah i’m on the nice list”
Jay: He looks at you for a long second. He’s thinking about it. Judging you for asking this. Then he splits into a big nasty grin. “Naughty.” His grin widens. “As to why... that’s for me to know, and you to find out, hm?”
🦃  : What does their Christmas dinner look like? Is it a huge feast? Something small? Or do they maybe settle for takeout?
Warren: “We all cook somethin’ nice for each other n have a big fuckin’ feast. Lots n lots of fuckin’ food. We have leftovers for days after. I usually like to cook one thing I’ve always cooked n then somethin’ new. This time I did my usual big roast meat with Christmas spices, n then I made some mac n cheese for it. Good fuckin’ shit, everyone absolutely DEVOURED that shit. Ryfraf usually makes cookies, his cookies r really fuckin’ nice. The other guys make all sorts of different types of shit. Side dishes usually, since I’m in charge of the big main course. Everyone helps out n shit.”
Jay: “I usually help Warren with whatever he’s cooking. I also try and make a key lime pie every year. Warren’s tried to get me to adjust the recipe multiple times. He insists I’m a terrible chef, but I think his tastes are just terrible. My key lime is the most excellent thing I know how to make, AND it tastes really good in coffee, and that’s truly what matters.”
📝 : Does your muse or their family have any holiday traditions?
Warren: “Well like I said we all try n cook somethin’ for dinner together. N then on top of that we do some gift exchangin. We usually just get each other gifts n shit n put em under the kringlefucker that’s what y’all call it, but this time we tried out doin’ a secret santa type shit which was a whole lotta’ fun. So I think we’re gonna’ do taht again next year. We also get everyone from everywhere to come back to the ship n hang out n stuff. It’s like a big extended family visit complete with all the fuckin’ n melodrama n’ yellin’ at each other n’ shit. Big fun party with all the guys we know, it’s great.”
Jay: “I enjoyed the secret santa. Our nurse bought me scented colored candles. For the wax. : ) I quite like the concept of purchasing gifts to embarrass or scare people. Warren also neglected to mention the joint effort taken to decorate the entire ship. It’s just among the hive, excluding extended members. Just the few close crew members. Naftha insisted on fucking with me and ruined every perfect little excellently centered decoration I would place on the walls, so I made sure to teach him a good lesson about that, but otherwise decorating went well this year. Ryfraf seems to find so many exotic and interesting items from his travels around which I always enjoy going through. And Riymah always adds a lovely touch... she puts blood on the walls. Which normally would disgust me because it’s messy... but there is a certain charm to jade and rust colored walls for Christmas...”
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 1 year
Ryfraf have you ever cannibalised. how often. when’s the last time. Warren do you have any medical conditions you’re hiding from your image? will you disclose them?
Ryfraf: “I drink blood lol. Does that count as cannibalism? Also why do you wanna’ know?? You want my location too? Wanna’ fuck me or something? I bet you wanna’ fuck me. Or let me bite you. If you smell good, I bet you taste good hehe.” He fixes you with a grin. One of his patented I’m Hot and Sexy and you Want Me So Bad looks. Then he says, “I’d eat troll I think. Blood tastes so fucking good all the fucking time, I bet raw flesh would taste similar just... more solid. Since it’s not just liquid adjacent, you know? Textured... Chewy....” He’s salivating just a little bit.
Warren: “Look I’ve cannibalized a lot, you should try it’s yummy tasty good shit. But that ain’t the question for me. I’m gettin’ asked the very personal question of do ya’ got shit to hide tell me about it whatcha’ hidin’ huh tell me yer secrets come on. Damn! Do I LOOK like wikipedia on warren to you? Nuh uh I don’t! Thas’ coz I ain’t a free encyclopedia or wahtever they call it n shit. Nah. Anyways. You like my arm?” He holds up his right arm. It’s completely mechanical. Black metal. Small purple lights. It moves smoothly and with ease. It looks like if an arm were a gun or a gun an arm. A death machine while still being a normal arm. Except completely black metal. “I could pop ya’ like a grape. Squeeze ya’ so hard you leak blood from yer pussy like yer toothpaste. Thas’ hot haha.” He’ll reach out and ruffle your hair with his mechanical arm and say, “Ya’ an entire buildin’ fell on me but I survived. Big disaster. They all thought I died n’ shit but nah. Still here. N then I transformed into fuckin’ uh fuschia when I died that one time n my arm regrew which was so shitty i cut my own arm off again after that n shit coz i really like this big fuckin’ arm of mine. n also i payed an ARM AND A LEG HAHAHA for it. you know. There’s problems n issues n shit n then ya’ solve them n then there ain’t no problems no more you know? Yeah. You should try it sometime.”
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 1 year
35 36 both Warren and Jay
if you were stuck in an elevator, what would you do?
Warren: “id get outta’ there duh. you just gotta’ know how to take things apart n shit. n then all of that. but like if i was stuck stuck like if i aint got anywhere else to be maybe i’d just jack off and wait for someone to show up. maybe sleep a little bit. i don’t see why it’d be a problem n shit. sometimes life forces ya to stop n chill out a bit n if its gonna’ be via elevator then i guess that’s jus’ how it gonna’ be. but anyways i’d get outta’ there so it ain’t gonna’ be no issue for me”
Jay: “I would also ‘get outta’ there’. However, my question to you is: how occupied is this elevator? Is it me in there? Is it me and Warren? Me and a stranger? Me and a roomful of idiots? Because if it’s just myself, I’d find a way to get out. And if it’s Warren, I’d fuck him, and the rest would be figured out later. And if it’s a stranger, I’d fuck him if he’s hot, kill him if he’s not. And if it is a room full of people... well I guess it would still depend on the type of people in there. Some are easy to work with. Some are trusting and following. Others are harder to work with. Others question. Killing them all would work only if I had a method with which to kill them. And if not, they might have some use for me. Someone might be able to get me out anyways. But let me pose this to you. Why would you ask me such a question? Do I look like someone who will be caught in an elevator? Do I look stupid enough to be caught in that situation? Absolutely not. I explained this all to you to humor you, but if you ask me another one of these questions in which I must fantasize a way out of a situation I would never even find myself in... I am finding your house address and killing you myself. : )”
do you call the manager if you don’t get what you want in a store?
Warren: “what’s a manager gonna’ do? if i can’t find it, how’s he gonna’ find it? just find it yer damn self, it ain’t up to some jerkoff thinks he knows it all to do my job for me. his job is to manage. i ain’t workin’ for him. i’m gonna’ find that shit my damnself. you know there was this one time this store didn’t have any fuckin’ mayo for my steak n i went n looked all over for it, n it weren’t anywhere, well. i jus’ left the store. didn’t ask anyone for anythin’. if they can’t help me, then they ain’t gettin’ my business, simple as that.”
Jay: “I always get what I want in a store.”
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 1 year
for Jay and Warren unless this was answered before: How do you choose your victims?
(tumblr is being a dick and wouldn't tell me if my first try sent, so if it did ignore this, but if not at least this got through)
Probably got this on my other blog but it's been a while!
Jay: "I don't reveal my secrets. : ) But I like my kills sexy. Good for fucking."
Warren: "Meanwhile I jus don't choose. I go in there n I kill whoever coz it ain't about the victims it's about the mass carnage ya know? It's about the screams and the violence n the bloodshed n shit. It's about kill count over quality. It's about mowing all those fuckers down. It's about bein god amongst mortals ya know? Shit. It's the most powerful shit in the world."
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 2 years
Warren what kind of guns do you like? Do you prefer handguns or larger guns like rifles or SMGs?
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There’s this one jank fuckin’ pic of me some guy drew that has the guns I like to use on it, but basically the louder and more fuckin’ damaging the better. I ain’t got the fuckin’ patience nor time of day to sit there and be fuckin’ precise, I want these bitches fuckin’ screamin’, I want them scared, n’ I want ‘em fuckin’ running ya’ know. I get into the thick of it and fuckin’ gun ‘em down that’s how the shit that fuckin’ works. Jay over here he’s the guy who likes to prolong the fuckin’ torture and get ‘em scared n’ shit and get them all ya’ know losin’ hope, see the fear in their eyes n’ stuff but I ain’t about that. Somethin’ about prolonging it kinda’ gives me the fuckin’ spooks. I’m not here to enjoy their pain, I’m hear to enjoy their fear, n’ I’m here to get as much fuckin’ blood on my hands as possible. N’ kill as much as possible. It’s cathartic havin’ that much goddamned fuckin’ power. Just to cut ‘em all down like that. That they don’t even fuckin’ know what hit them... shit, that’s the fuckin’ stuff right there.
‘Nways to answer yer question the main guys I use r a big Magnum from the fuckin’ 70s, a MAC-10 handheld machine gun (i think it’s from ‘nam or somethin’, it’s got like. It’s military issue. I stole it from some guy, that’s a long story I ain’t gonna’ tell right now, but the gist of it is that it was a cool fuckin’ gun n’ the guy had it in his fuckin’ pawnshop for like this outrageous amount of fuckin’ money and I said hey dude I want that and he’s like it’s not for sale n’ I said there’s a fuckin’ price tag on it and he’s like it’s not for sale so I pull out that fuckin’ magnum of mine, fuckin’ HANDCANON ya’ know (like that one fuckin’ scene in Pulp Fiction, lol, divine intervention ya’ know), n’ then I say okay NOW will ya’ fuckin’ sell it??? And he’s standin’ there pissin’ his fuckin’ pants and he slowly shakes his fuckin’ head, goddamned GUN pointed at him ya’ know???? And he fuckin’ tells me no??? Big mistake mister!! Lol so anyways I tell him, yeah well that’s where ya’ fucked up, kiddo (he’s like fifty lol) n’ I fuckin’ blast his goddamned brains out fuckin’ BLAM bye bitch. N’ then I crawled over the counter and took that fuckin’ MAC-10 AND the bullets for it, and I stole the cash in his register too n’ then I got on the fuck outta’ there.
What was the question again.
Oh yeah the last one is a Serbu super shorty shotgun n’ I bought it off Amazon lol.
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 2 years
Warren, is there any more, I guess modern, bands that you enjoy? Or just the classic stuff for you? No judgement either way, Green Day is awesome.
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Here’s the thing about everythin, kid. I’m a 90s kid. I got a lotta’ my music taste to spite my god fearin’ son of a bitch fuckin’ father of mine. I ain’t been in the 21st n’ 22nd centuries long enough to really figure out what all kinda’ music they got goin’ on over here. So it’s mostly stuff I grew up with.. but yer tellin’ me Green Day n’ Muse ain’t fuckin’ modern music? R ya’ askin’ me if I like pop music, s’that what it is? Coz I don’t. That stuff ain’t shit. But I hear Muse’s comin’ out with a new album soon, sometime in August. So if that ain’t modern enough for ya’ then Idk whatta’ tell ya’, lol.
Shit, lemme think about it tho. I don’t really like anythin’ other than that 90s shit I listen to. I guess I could get behind that MCR shit, but it just doesn’t fuckin’ hit all that hard for me. At one point I was listenin’ to Panic! At the Disco, but I think that got old fast... shit’s gotta’ be gritty n’ world hatin’ ya know... I’m too fuckin’ damaged to get behind any of that goddamned gushy happy fuckin’ worldview some of these fuckin’ bastards have. What the shit am I gonna’ fuckin’ do? Smile? Be happy? Be fuckin’ optimistic?? Go the fuck to hell, haha.
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 2 years
Warren does your colorblindness ever get you into trouble?
I ain’t fuckin’ colorblind lol. Who the fuck said I’m colorblind?? I’ll fuckin’ kill them.
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((A/N: he’s got tritanopia which is blue-yellow colorblind. Meaning he can see blue and red and that’s IT (so no yellow, no green). So the reds are VERY bright reds, and that’s why it’s his favorite color coz that’s the color that’s the brightest and part of why blood makes him so crazy coz it’s just so... bright. In human format, which I answered in coz that’s just the guy who was here rn, he doesn’t really have much trouble with it. Sometimes he’ll say the wrong color for certain things and Jay will make fun of him for it. He can distinguish his greys pretty well, and anyways, he doesn’t obey traffic laws. In TROLL FORMAT he’s getting the high bloods and the low bloods mixed all the fucking time. Purple is grey blue black to him. Fuschia is red. Olive is blue grey. Here’s a funny little chart I always refer to:
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So in troll format he’s kinda’ fucked. And it doesn’t help that my AU they are all sorts of SHADES and SATURATIONS which just completely erases his ability to distinguish a troll by blood color. But he’s working on it. He can sorta’ pick up on their signs or horns or size or shape to figure out what flavor of troll they are (coz in my AU each caste has a specific horn and sign shape trend). And he’s confident enough to act like he knows what he’s doing and never ever focuses on a mistake he makes. If someone points it out he just keeps going as if that’s what he meant to say to begin with. Needless to say, it pisses him the fuck off in both human and troll format, but it’s not something he really lets A. Get in his way or B. Get the better of him. Also don’t tell him I told y’all this (spoilers, he knows, and I’m just gonna’ ignore him telling me whatever the fuck he’s telling me coz guess what? he has no power over me 😏.) ))
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