#war crimes and logistics is just what we (I) do in scifi
other-peoples-coats · 2 years
i am soooo compelled by the logisics of GFFA and also the warcrimes therin do you think we’ll get to see those at some point 👀
depends where you wanna see them, anon!
Be that monster you been wanting is going to very much go more into war crimes, both, uh, gffa specific and...not..., and there is some logistics(-adjacent) stuff coming up, plus just, like, the base level of How Do You Run War logistics consideration required in the sort of fic it is.
Never killed nobody is going to have...............honestly a lot more logistic(-adjacent) considerations, partially from a spycraft perspective and partially from a 'we are running a fucking planet' perspective, though at the moment its looking a little lighter on he consideration of what war crimes actually are - that said, its outline is more vague than btmybw (and also covers uh like 5 fics) so theres plenty of time for me to add some more 'yavin convention: the fuck is up with that?!' to it.
the sequel to small dark corners that I'm kicking about has zero war crimes but (currently) an extended plotbeat about logistics; theres a couple of others I'm picking at that have varying levels of both.
I also just really really want to write a fic about the one (1) war crime we know does exist in star wars (yarvin convention, again, the fuck is up with that), because I think its so fucking funny (in a fridge horror sort of way), that summary execution of prisoners is a-ok but god forbid you not blindfold them first.
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