prowlnation · 5 years
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Open Character
This guy is the man that Matt met in California in the year he lived there that basically stole the teacher’s heart. They had a intense relationship that became very serious, very fast and it scared Matt away. He wasn’t ready to make any kind of commitments like that just yet and so he ran off without telling his partner why. He thought he could hide back home but I love the idea of him finding Matt and confronting him, bringing even more drama to Matt’s life. It would be interesting if he even got along with Tori and she approved of him OR NOT.
I have more ideas for these two but I can’t put them into words just yet. Plus I’ll spam you with pictures. The name is open and so is his species and age. Im flexible on the face but I would prefer it be Richard Harmon!
Wanted on Prowl by Salt
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prowlnation · 5 years
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Open Female Wanted
So I am very open for/with this one.
So the idea is: Eddie had a daughter when he was a teenager, and not in transition yet. He carried the child to term, cause he just couldn’t abort, and gave the kid away (for adoption) or she got cared for by the bio dad. (Whatever you'd like best)
So she would be around her teenage years now, around 16-ish. And suddenly, she is standing in front of Eddie like: Hi, I am your daughter. So she probably found out some information via the agency/Dad and probably also via Eddie his parents, cause they especially have always been open for a meeting/contact etc.
I think it could be a nice dynamic and it’s maybe also a little bit extra drama, cause why not? Eddie knows about her, just never tought he'd see her again. The relationship between them could start a bit strained, and eventually grow, or not.
Wanted on Prowl by Simone
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prowlnation · 5 years
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Cross - 27 - Andrew Garfield
It's a hard life when you're different from your family and they almost send you to a psych ward because you can hear 'voices'. No one likes their minds being read and so Cross being a telepath has often been on the outs with other people. He's not afraid to ruffle feathers though and has used his ability to get ahead in the world of reporting. Also using that area to try and figure out more about the supernatural world.       
Wanted on Prowl as a canon
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prowlnation · 5 years
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Simmons - 38 - Alesha Dixon
Former FBI Agent Simmons has been trying to understand what she is for a long time. When she was a teenager she developed her ability of Telekinesis and the strange tattoo that went along with being a Gifted. Determined to learn more without risking exposure herself she decided on law enforcement, believing the temptation others would have to use their abilities for selfish gain would be too great. Instead of ending up in just police work Simmons managed to get into the FBI. She spent years in the service as a Special Agent and had a tendency to work cases that seemed unusual. Eventually those cases lead her to Skyline who seemed to pop up every so often and 'protect' an individual in need. Learning the truth about Skyline from the CEO and offered a position Simmons left the FBI and became the Head of Security for Skyline.      
Wanted on Prowl as a Canon
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