#w.ire the same as here
tireironmybeloved · 10 months
ooc;; so. this past week has been, very literally and without exaggeration, the worst of my entire life. i don't even really know how to talk about it. i have no clue how much i'll be able to be on next few weeks as i'm dealing with everything, emotionally and on practical level with paperwork and stuff. but i did kinda want to let people know i didn't just ignore or forget you, it's been serious shit. not dropping anything at this time, because fuck knows i need the distraction and something fun and relaxing. i appreciate you all, an if you can, give someone or something you love a hug for me.
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about to head off to bed, but if anyone has w.ire and wants to harass nancy over there, feel free! i just miss using this app bc it’s good for quick and easy convos.
the handle is the same as the one here.
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zenwhberi · 5 years
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deifiedstars · 4 years
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                                   HIATUS NOTICE
i probably should have posted this earlier, but i somehow convinced myself i would be able to work summer at a tourist attraction (aka the busiest time of year) in the covid environment and roleplay at the same time and it just isn’t happening. 
replies will still be getting done when i feel like it, but i’m gonna be slow as hell. hopefully once we hit september things will chill out again and i can be more active on here, but since my september schedule looks just as terrible as my august one, i’m going to assume the worst so we can all be pleasantly surprised if it works out for the better. 
i didn’t want you thinking i’d forgotten about you guys, i haven’t and i love you all very much and i’m still excited to do replies when the inspiration hits but i just can’t force it and trying to force it is stressing me out so i’m going to stop trying.
i’ll be around ooc and you can feel free to ask for my dis.cord or my w.ire or whatever if you want to contact me.
i’m going to pin this post on all my blogs so everyone can see it and hopefully understand. 
keep being awesome! mwah! 
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hcrrisoned · 4 years
*dusts off*
I wanna write again and miss you guys, but I’m not motivated enough to sit on my desk to be online on tumblr. :(
So you can now catch Andrea on W.ire (using the same url as on here) <3
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tireironmybeloved · 9 months
ooc;; to bed i must from here, but i will be replying as best i can next evening or over the weekend, it's my bday and i got a thing sat night, and as always feel free to catch me on the disco or w.ire
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