#vyranoth the frozenheart
angels-arbys · 5 months
Guardians of the Dream pre-patch cinematic
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Vyranoth the Frozenheart
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sekhisadventures · 1 year
After the Storm
Valdrakken, The Roasted Ram, Three Hours After the Death of Raszageth
Normally, when a threat like Raszageth would be defeated, the cities of Azeroth would be alive with celebration. Cheers would echo throughout the taverns, wine and ale would flow like water, and those who helped defeat such a dire foe would be practically carried through the streets…
… but despite Raszageth’s defeat at the Vault in the furthest reaches of Thaldraszus it was hard to miss the fact that not one, but THREE massive proto-drakes were seen leaving the wrecked halls shortly afterwards.
Raszageth had fallen to the forces of the Alliance and Horde. Infact, to the entirety of Avalon and Savage United. Even Sekhi had managed to fight her way through the howling tempest of the Incarnates’ song to help her allies defeat the Storm Eater… but while the proto-drake had lost the battle, she had perhaps won the war.
As Raszageth succumbed to her wounds, Sekhi even hearing the Incarnate’s furious elemental chorus become a slow mournful dirge… she heard three more songs suddenly growing louder around her, just before Khadgar and Kalecgos let out a cry of alarm to the assembled adventurers as the Titan’s Prison failed, and three new foes exploded out of their cells!
Fyrakk the Blazing, a massive beast of molten rock and flames.
Vyranoth the Frozenheart, whose every wingbeat was a blizzard worthy of Northrend itself.
Finally their leader, Iridikron the Stonescaled, whose rage-filled cry at seeing Raszageth’s crumpled form was as powerful and forceful as an earthquake.
Before the three could claim revenge for their fallen sister, Khadgar had weaved a powerful teleportation spell to spirit the assembled heroes of Azeroth away from the battlefield and back to Valdrakken… and moments later the entire city gazed up in terror as the vault exploded from within, and the Incarnates took flight over the Dragon Isles.
Now, what would have been a celebration was instead a tense game of waiting. Rather than attack Valdrakken, the Incarnates had fled for parts unknown.
Sekhi sat in the grass outside the inn, gazing up into the sky as she idly turned her flute in her hands. She had felt the songs of the three Incarnates. They were each weaker individually than Raszageth had been as they had just escaped, but against the already exhausted and battle-weary adventurers it would have still been a terrible and costly fight for either side. With them freed the fate of Azeroth was once more in jeopardy.
Sekhi had heard from Nelen of the theories of the elemental chaos that had predated the rise of mortals upon Azeroth, and she wanted no part of that. That wouldn’t be a song, it would be endless rancor of noise and sound that would leave all within it at the mercy of the Primalists... and perhaps even cause the return of the Elemental Lords. True the Earthen Ring had sided with them during the war against the Legion, but then they had a common foe. The Lords needed their help, would they still stand by the mortal races without the threat of extinction?
Sekhi sighed, then yipped a bit as a hand held a skewer of grilled meat infront of her muzzle.
Jeemjazo sat down on the grass next to her, the empty stick his own had been on dangling from his muzzle as he idly chewed on the wood. He took it out and said, “Owed ye fer that one ye gave me. Yer mate Edwood told me ‘bout what happened at the Vault.” he nodded. Jeemjazo had become much more laid back since he had been reunited with his mother, his only living relative really, and had begun looking into how one might join the Horde’s navy… but he didn’t want to leave Sekhi alone with Dissonantia after her.
That being said, he hadn’t gone to the Vault. He was a novice with his weapons at best and saving Sekhi from Cenoon had been luck more than anything. Galdia and Dareley had been teaching him how to use his sword and axe in a way that wasn’t just flailing them about, but he was only just learning. After all, Saltfang wouldn’t have wanted a slave who could fight back, the pirate captain had never taught Jeemjazo how to handle a weapon!
Sekhi sighed, “Thanks Jeem…” she replied, nibbling on the meat. It smelled delicious, Jaie having become good friends with the Ram’s head chef and having swapped a few cooking tips with them. They had clearly taken some of her spice techniques to heart… but her own heart wasn’t in it. Raszageth’s success at freeing her kin was a unique threat for the shamaness. She’d only just managed to teach herself how to block out the Storm Eater’s song, and now there were three more of them, likely stronger than she had been.
“Murblblbl…” whined Murgly Jim, looking at her as he sat up in the eggshell backpack that was his home.
Sekhi looked at him, then gave him a small smile and reached out a finger, poking him gently right above his mouth. “… boop.” she said with a faint giggle.
Jim blinked at her, then shrugged and blew a bubble.
Inside the Inn, in her private room, Samantha Montebank stared into the mirror over her wash basin. Her eyes were narrowed in annoyance.
“Alright Annulus. I’ve had it up to HERE…” she gestured with her hand just under her nose, “… with this ‘I cannot say’ garbage. Three proto-drakes that make Raszageth look like a ticked off salamander are loose and I’ve been hearing shit since we got to the Isles, and I know I’m not just imagining it because I talked to Darkhoof and she said she’s hearing something too, from below us. Start talking or I’m going to go out of the city with a shovel and keep digging until reach whatever is making that sound!” she snapped.
From inside her mind came the reply, “Samantha. It is not that I do not wish to tell you, it is that I am prevented from doing so.” said Annulus.
“Prevented by what?!” she hissed, trying to keep her voice low. Nobody could hear Annulus but her, so to an outsider it would sound like she was talking to herself… which, to be fair, some of the ren’dorei did. Becoming a void elf could leave someone more than a little… off… sometimes. “I know Deathwing was a starcursed monster by the end, did he leave something on the Isles from the Void?” she asked.
A long moment of hesitation, then came the reply, “Not… something… no.” said Annulus.
As she did Samantha scowled, “Annulus, you give me a straight answer or I swear to whatever entities I can think of I’m marching right downstairs and asking Dareley to perform an exorcism.”
She winced, feeling a sudden alien emotion in her mind… then blinked as she realized it was fear. Annulus was afraid? She didn’t even have a body! What could hurt her?!
“Samantha. Do not say such things. I am telling you all I can, but I am still tied to the Void and through it my creators. When I say ‘I cannot say,’ I mean just that. I can NOT say. No matter how you beg, plead, or threaten me, I am prevented from imparting this information to you in any way.” stated the void entity.
Sam frowned, straightening up. “Fine, fine. I wouldn’t do that anyways, too big a risk it’d undo… well… you know…” she gestured to her torso. “Still, I know that there has to be something on the isles related to the Void. I heard about that ‘Black Locus’ thing they found in the Plains, and Deathwing was probably already void-mad by the time they sealed the islands. I know enough about history to know he made the Dragon Soul under their instructions…” she frowned, walking around the room slowly.
Then she paused, a thought occurring to her. “Annulus… before he was Deathwing, he was the Earthwarder… are there, I dunno, caves under the island?” she asked.
Annulus didn’t reply, but Samantha felt an odd tingle of… relief… that certainly wasn’t her own.
“Yeah, that would make sense. From everything Nelen told us that he was able to dig up on dragon history the other four aspects were totally unprepared for Deathwing's betrayal, but he was VERY prepared and caught them all by surprise… so he had to have fallen before they left to fight in the War of the Ancients. It wasn’t just some spur-of-the-moment thing.” she nodded, “It…” she paused, “… yeah… of course. He was the Earthwarder, he had to have somewhere he could have communed with the Old Gods in secret… and where better than where the other four couldn’t follow him? He must’ve used his power to shape the earth and found somewhere underground!” she snapped her fingers, then grinned as she felt a ripple of pleasure.
“Huh…” she smirked, “I felt that… Annulus, I didn’t think void beings like you had emotions.”
“We have been bonded for several years Samantha. As I affect you, you to can affect me to some degree…” admitted Annulus.
“Oh? Good to know… I wonder what else our bond can pull off now…” she muttered, glancing in the mirror, then jumping a bit before she spun around and pulled her daggers in one fluid motion to come face to face with…
… nothing at all.
She glanced back at the mirror, seeing only her reflection… but for a moment she’d have sworn she wasn’t alone in the room. A shadowy figure had been standing just behind her…
… or perhaps, it always had been and was just now becoming more real?
 A few doors down, Zhan-min was looking over his beer making ingredients and tools, examining something he picked up from the interior of the vault before they’d all fled the other Incarnates. He couldn’t sense them as strongly as Sekhi could, but he wasn’t exactly complaining. What he’d felt had been quite enough thanks!
He opened one of his keg-maces, scrubbing it out with a cloth and clean water, the poured in a beer base and held up what he’d found. “This’ll either make th’ most powerful brew I’ve ever done… or it’ll blow someone ta bits.” he muttered, dropping it into the keg and sealing it firmly.
The strange weapon shook suddenly, then went still, and Zhan-min heard thunder rolling… It’d mature given time. All he needed now was to think of a name.
Down below in the main room of the Inn was the rest of their team, save for Grimo who had been asked several times to not smoke his cigars in the Inn and, after he’d told a seemingly pandaren barmaid that he’d smoke what he damn well pleased after that fight toots he was reminded, loudly and violently, that while the citizenry of Valdrakken may look like orcs, humans, elves, pandaren, and such… that they were likely dragons with a visage form… and was chased out of the room as the pandaren unleashed a gout of flames at him after taking offense at his words.
Nelen sat at the table with Nitika, Jaie, Edwood, Mola’raum, Galdia, and Dareley nearby, and infront of the table was Laurelgosa in her own visage form as Laura Brightflame, pacing back and forth as she explained their new foes to them.
“Now, remember, some of my memories may not be entirely accurate even now… but of those three Iridikron, that is the earth-aspected Incarnate, was the most dangerous. He was the de-facto leader of the Primalist Rebels before my people were sealed away, and he was a cunning and dangerous foe. Their retreat as opposed to laying siege to Valdrakken was likely down to him. He would not risk a frontal assault against an unknown foe, especially one that had proven capable of defeating Raszageth, and even moreso with them weakened from their captivity.” she nodded firmly, the formerly meek and unsure dracthyr now talking as though she was a seasoned veteran giving a military briefing… but then, her memories had been slowly returning over the past few months and, it had turned out, that is precisely what she was.
Neltharion had made the dracthyr to be soldiers, and a soldier she was indeed.
“Fyrakk is far more impulsive than Iridikron. This can be used against him, he will underestimate his opponents sometimes. This is likely how he was defeated by the Aspects.” she nodded, “Their sister, Vyranoth is far more restrained than either of them… but this can make her the most dangerous of all. She’ll bide her time until she knows when to strike where it will do the most damage.”
Galdia growled, sitting up in her seat, “Then what the fel are we sitting around for?!” she spat, “If this is when they’re weakest we should go take ‘em apart now!” she barked.
Laura shook her head, “Believe me Galdia, I would wish to stop their threat as soon as possible… but Iridikron will be ensuring they cannot be found. His mastery is earth. Once free of the Vault they likely went to ground in a very literal sense. Its possible they may not even be on the Dragon Isles anymore. Wherever they are, they will be well hidden…”
Dareley nodded, then shrugged, “Er… how though lass? I mean, big bloody dragons made o’ fire ‘n ice ‘n suchlike are hard ta miss.” asked the dwarf.
Laura nodded, “A fair question Dareley. One thing I do recall clearly is this: the Incarnates can take a visage as well.” she explained, gesturing to her own appearance of an elven woman with hints of draconic features. “While their own visage forms are far more… elemental… than our own, they are not much bigger than your average human or orc. While in their transformed state, hiding is as simple as finding a convenient cave and Iridikron using his power to seal the entrance. With Sekhi’s help we may be able to track them down but she is one Shaman and they could have retreated to another landmass entirely.”
Galdia growled, emptying her mug and slamming it down. “So, basically, we’re stuck waiting… AGAIN.” she snapped. “Yeah, screw that. I’m going to go take Nightpelt, find some Primalists, and beat some leads out of them.” she nodded, getting up and stomping out of the inn.
Laura sighed at her as she left, but Nitika shook her head. “Its best to just let her. Galdia isn’t good at waiting for an enemy to come to her.” she shrugged apologetically.
The dracthyr nodded, “Yes, I have fought alongside several dracthyr in the distant past who were much the same…” she smirked a bit, “She would make a fine Dark Talon if she was one of us.”
Edwood shrugged, “Eh, can’t say I don’t get what she’s feelin’.” commented the Forsaken. “Today was supposed ta be our decisive battle against that giant purple monster… ‘n now her mates are runnin’ wild across Azeroth. Gotta admit, I’m feelin’ a bit antsy at that thought m’self…”
Nelen nodded at that, “Likewise Ed. I mean, I know retreat was the smart option, I was about ready to collapse when Raszageth finally died… but… well…” he shrugged, “Yeah… worgen instincts are screaming ‘they are a threat, kill the threat’ over and over.” he shook his head, taking a deep breath as he did. “I’ll manage, but its not easy.” he glanced around, then realized that one specific member was unaccounted for. “Huh… where’s Shalandrae?” he asked Dareley.
The older dwarf shrugged, “Oh, she’s been workin’ more with th’ Dragonscale Expedition lately. Apparently helpin’ out this draenei lass who saved her arse a bit ago.” he replied.
Nelen raised his eyebrow at him, “Huh, well, alright then. I suppose if she feels like she owes her that only makes sense.” he replied.
Dareley, who had known Shalandrae for longer, just smirked a bit… though it was hard to see under his beard. He had a feeling that it was more than just that.
Near the outskirts of the city, Shalandrae was sitting under a tree with her hands folded over her middle, her legs stretched out before her, as a large panthera rested it’s head on them with a contented purr.
“How cute… normally Eocundo is not very friendly with people other than me.” chuckled Aziguni as she rested against the tree as well.
“It’s a druid thing, we’re all good with animals. Some of the more powerful among us can even understand their voices. Shan’do Stormrage can talk to most anything he likes.” she replied, scratching the large feline behind it’s ears as it stretched and pawed at the grass. Nearby Muaaqi, her talbuk, grazed idly.
Aziguni chuckled, sketching in her book again as they sat there. “You know, I truly envy you druids. You have a connection with the wilds of Azeroth that few others can ever hope to come close to. Eocundo, Muaaqi, and I have… an understanding among us, but to truly be able to speak to them as we speak to each other…” she sighed wistfully, “Perhaps someday… my people are not native to this world, our connection is not as strong as the kal’dorei’s is. Perhaps one day we too shall hear ‘nature’s call’ as you do.”
Shalandrae shrugged, “I was born just before the War of the Ancients, I didn’t hear it until the Legion returned to lay siege to Mount Hyjal. That’s about ten thousand years, give or take a few. Its possible…” she admitted.
The draenei smiled at that thought, and for a while nothing was heard but the scratching of her charcoal on paper… after a long moment however, Aziguni broached the subject that was on everyone’s minds. “So… there are three of them now…”
Shalandrae sighed, “Yeah… there are. So much for keeping it quiet. Alexstraza and Nozdormu raised the alarm to everyone they could the minute Raszageth went for the Vault… and I don’t think anyone on the island missed when those three blasted their way out.” she frowned, rubbing her eyes, “The minute word reaches Orgrimmar and Stormwind, and it will eventually, its going to be chaos. Raszageth was as powerful as an aspect, and everyone still remembers the destruction Deathwing caused… now there’s three who want to subjugate the mortal races and return the world to elemental chaos?” she shook her head slowly.
“Indeed… I imagine Turalyon is praying to the Light that King Anduin returns soon just so that he can have him explain why this was kept secret from the populace at large.” smirked Aziguni.
Shalandrae snorted, “Elune have mercy on that poor man… there’s going to be an angry mob outside of the castle demanding answers. I imagine there’s letters heading back to the city as we speak reading ‘bigods! Giant dragons made of elemental madness! Its Deathwing times three, take the kids and run for the hills!’”
Aziguni smirked, then sighed, “It would be more amusing if it was not also true…” she pointed out.
Shalandrae sighed, “Yeaaaaaaaaaah there is that…” she winced, then looked down as her pouch whistled at her. She fished out her gemstone and drew the rune for ‘connect’ on its polished surface as Nelen’s face appeared over it in miniature.
“Shalandrae, sorry to cut your visit short but we just got word that Raszageth’s storm over the Forbidden Reach to the north is dissipating. Looks like it can’t maintain itself without her. The dracthyr are organizing an expedition there to see what they can find so we’re meeting up to see how we can help.” said the magus.
“Eh, its okay Nelen. I could do with some dinner anyways. I’ll be at the Ram in a little bit.” she replied, drawing the rune for ‘sever’ to end the spell and getting to her feet. “Gotta run for now Aziguni. Nice seeing you again.” she nodded, giving Eocundo one last pat on his head before walking off through the crowds, her staff balanced on her shoulders with her wrists resting over it.
“Yes, I enjoyed it as well. Give your colleagues my congratulations on defeating Raszageth.” she replied. She watched her go, then glanced down at her sketch. It showed a detailed drawing of the tree, and of a night elf woman leaning against it with a large panthera resting it’s head on their lap.
She smiled at it, then closed the sketchbook and put it away. “A lovely thought, but now is definitely not the time… perhaps once all this is over, should it end in our favor.” she mused to herself, then whistled for her companions and headed back towards the building that the Dragonscale Expedition had rented in the city for their headquarters.
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angels-arbys · 11 months
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nzoth-the-corruptor · 6 months
Dissertation on Why Vyranoth Should Be the Dark Heart
In 10.0.7 (Return to the Forbidden Reach) a lore document was added in Farscale Cove, [A Song of the Depths], which details a prophecy concerning Azshara's return. In this document the Harbinger is established as a mysterious force working towards the same goals, and seemingly doing quite a bit of the footwork for Azshara to return from her current whereabouts.
The most relevant page to this post, however, is page 3:
The Harbinger speaks of a primal power that seeks the end of Order. Such rage can be bent to serve our ends. A hunger lost to the ages will be reclaimed. A dark heart left broken awaits the taking.
In 10.1.5 (Fractures in Time) we learn that Iridikron has allied with the Harbinger and uses an alliance with the Infinite Dragonflight to go into the past and reclaim Galakrond's hungering essence from his corpse. The very first thing we learn about Iridikron, in the very first cinematic of the expansion, is his association with the concept of Hunger ("And if Iridikron's hunger is unleashed..." — Tempest Unleashed cinematic.) I actually have a lot more to say on the concepts of Hunger/Earth/Dark Bargains etc but those don't belong in this post because this ain't about him.
So we know the primal power is the Incarnate[s], and we know the hunger lost to the ages is Galakrond via Iridikron. That leaves the dark heart: which, being the name of Patch 10.2.7, we're going to learn the identity of for certain very soon.
A Heart Left Broken
Vyranoth is a strong candidate for a number of reasons; some strong, some weak. Her title being The Frozenheart goes ahead and puts that word association on the table; the Vault of the Incarnates finale establishes her close relationship to Raszageth (while her brothers go on the warpath swearing vengeance, Vyranoth is the one who sounds horrified with what she's seen re:her sister being murdered right in front of her), and this is carried to the Secrets of the Reach cinematic where Vyranoth's opening lines are mourning Raszageth.
Later, we learn that Vyranoth and Alexstrasza used to be close. Really close. Their gal paling ended when Alexstrasza betrayed Vyranoth by condoning the kidnap of primal eggs to be altered in the Life Pools.
Vyranoth continues her association with regret and mourning during the situation with Lethka that leads to her killing her former trusted soldier.
Vyranoth says: Lethka. I failed her. [...] Vyranoth says: I know it [killing Lethka] was not easy. Suzska says: For us, or for you?
Vyranoth is also the only character to express any form of regret over Fyrakk, despite him having previously been so close to Alexstrasza she refused to execute him the first time around.
(We're not getting into anything from the War of the Scaleborn novel because frankly, the book and the game seem to be operating on entirely different continuities. Nothing exclusive to the book has been mentioned in the game and the two mediums contradict each other at nearly every opportunity, in addition to War of the Scaleborn massively contradicting Dawn of the Aspects which HAS lore that made it into the game. Apropos to mention that WotS has a whole bevy of Vyranoth Being Depressed content, though.)
So we have established the 'heart left broken' half.
A Dark Heart
The Secrets of the Reach cinematic establishes that Vyranoth knows what Aberrus is: Neltharion's secret laboratory. I'll also take a moment to point out that the Vessel (1) Iridikron takes from the Reach is identical in form to the Vessel (2) he uses to store Galakrond's Essence — the only difference is the presence of runes and cosmic energy in the latter, which could have been added at a later point if both vessels are intended to be the same item. Vyranoth takes Vessel (1) from Iridikron to decipher its contents, which leads us into...
Opening the Way, wherein Vyranoth draws enjoyment from watching Fyrakk make his way down to Aberrus knowing he'll consume the energy there & elates in the knowledge that soon the dracthyr will unleash the Aspects' 'darkest nightmare.' Iridikron tells her they have much still to do and the two depart together; he is also seen with a still-inert Vessel (1) again. Next we see Iridikron in 10.1.5 he has Vessel (2).
The Vessel is a very relevant point, I think, because even though it is Iridikron who locates it and holds onto it most of the time, it is Vyranoth who is established as messing around with it and decoding its contained information (and purpose?)
We also see Vyranoth in Fractures in Time, having a big blow-out argument with Alexstrasza who seemingly had invited her to talk. (Alexstrasza: "I knew you would come.") Their conversation amounts to Vyranoth rejecting Alexstrasza's apologies and calling her a liar.
When Alexstrasza attempts to compel Vyranoth to understand that Iridikron is not fighting for the good of dragonkind but for vengeance, Vyranoth replies that vengeance is the only thing left for them. (It's unclear if the Rough Edges cutscene is supposed to be before or after Dawn of the Infinite.)
This is an extremely sharp contrast to their very next cutscene together, where Vyranoth returns to Alexstrasza's side as an ally.
Something that stands out in both Rough Edges and Sound the Alarm, however, is that Vyranoth emotes extensively. In Secrets of the Reach, Opening the Way, Fury Incarnate, Larodar's Corruption, and A Crown of Flame, Vyranoth is shown as being fairly unemotive: her face just doesn't move much. When she's getting Fyrakk to lay off of Gerithus in Fury Incarnate is about the only time she expresses anything with her face and not just her voice.
It's only when she's talking to Alexstrasza that she seems compelled to express herself so strongly, and you can see when she turns her back on Alexstrasza in Sound the Alarm, when her face is visible only to the camera, that her 'on the verge of tears' expression falls away in less than a second.
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It's hard to interpret her abrupt change of heart as being genuine; to see Vyranoth abruptly go from 'yasss unleash the Aspects darkest nightmare. VENGEANCE IS ALL THAT REMAINS.' to 'my brother punched a teenager and corrupted a deer man so I'm going back to my ex-girlfriend who treats my people like second class citizens and is actively lying to me right now' and think that there isn't anything deeper at play.
Finally I think there is something to be said about the "deceived by those who squandered our birthright" line in A Crown of Flame playing over Alexstrasza and Vyranoth's exchange of Looks.
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