richard8786 · 4 years
Paano Gumawa ng Intro sa Vlog gamit ang Kinemaster | KineMaster Tutorial...
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larasophieyi · 4 years
Please do subscribe my Youtube Channel: LARA YI ♥️ Thanks ♥️♥️ #youtubechannel #youtuber #vlog #2020 #vlogintro https://www.instagram.com/p/B7NAZ96BOgeiKhw3wmKS3a2Wf59N6GCGXirCcw0/?igshid=28s0dkwn88lj
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bckttwlsn-blog · 5 years
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hello friends n baes ! im el & this is my lil bean beckett !! he’s very soft n sensitive so pls approach him with caution n love. if u like this post, expect me to IM u immediately cos i’ve no chill :))))) and bc i’m super excited to get to know y’all!!! if tumblr IM isnt ur thing (bc it sure as hell isn’t mine) then y’all can hit me up on discord @ not enough scotty 🤪✌🏼#1968 also ignore any typos bc uh im not pERFECT OK >:-( thx y’all xoxo
.・゜゜・introducing: harry styles as beckett wilson, a twenty-four year old bullet journaling/art youtuber
so my dear beckett was born n raised in birmingham, alabama where being a ~*~proper gentleman~*~ was bsc drilled into him from the moment he could walk & talk. expect a lot of “y’alls” from him but don’t mistake him for a cowboy bc he is pRIM AS HELL
he’s also sensitive as fuCK but trust me when i say that he was told to hide that kjshda imagine him at 4 and feeling a lil emo bc his favorite corner in the sandbox was taken but knowing he isn’t allowed to cry ?? ouch !
he never really felt like he clicked with his peers but that didn’t stop him from trying his best to fit in ?? tbh from about high school his motto was “fake it till ya make it”
and fake it he did !!! beck played sports, did well in school, and went to the university of alabama (rollLLllLLll tide !) just like the rest of his peers . this bitch even joined a fraternity ,,, ya it was that deep
though his passions lied in the arts, he decided to go for a degree in law; something that could bring great prestige to the wilson family, who were known to raise lawyers out the wazoo akjsdhk
his parents were proud of him and he had a good life, so he continued to lay low and follow the crowd
but somehow the desire to start a youtube channel, something super out of the ordinary for good old bham, won over his need to be seen as normal
but that didn’t mean he was abt to put it all out there oh no no !! he made the youtube account “how to art” (shut up ok he was duMB ,, and he still is tbh) in 2012 and posted videos of anything under the sun: animations, portrait time lapses, random sketches - you name it ! but all without his face or any indication of his identity
he slowly but surely realized that he had a niche following that especially appreciated his bullet journal videos and he began to specialize in those, perfecting his calligraphy and doodles as he went on
it wasn’t until he graduated in 2014 and was participating in a gap year that he changed his youtube name to “beck’s bujo corner” and became a more active and involved youtuber, including non-bujo related videos where he just talked abt being an artist n stuff (omg #facereveal KJADH)
not to be dramatic but he’s handsome and he has a slight southern twang and he’s good at what he does ,,, of course he got more attention after all of that 
long story short he uhhHHhhhhHHH never applied to any law schools :///
C U R R E N T L Y 
ok so beck came from money and so that plus all of the money he was making on youtube made it easy to move from la (and hide from the disappoint from his parents askdjh who made it known that they were noT OK WITH HIS CHOICES but also love him too much to cut him off)
moving to the big city meant vlogging bc he felt like he actually had exciting content (like come on: “sleepy day in birmingham!” vs. “country boy takes on the big city yeehaW !” u already know which one u would choose)
he’s now live in la for about 2.5 yrs and while he’s enjoying the hell out of himself, he sometimes finds himself at a crossroads
he’s grateful for the life he gets to live bc he gets to be himself and practice his passions everyday, but sometimes he rlly do be sad bc his life is NOTHING like he imagined it would be when he was a kid
his relationship with his parents is still iffy bc even tho he’s been on youtube for a while, he hasn’t rlly been considered an ~*~influencer~*~ until the past few yrs. he’s working on it day by day but his fans don’t know that bc (for the sake of his family’s prestigious image) he’s pushing the “perfect family” narrative
honestly he’s just the king of self sabotaging himself, so expect him to do dumb shit a lot and then beat himself up for it for ages and then ... repeat !
tbh if u made it this far ur the realest bith i know ... so thank u <3333
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biacostas-blog1 · 5 years
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what’s shackin bacon i’m tink or leo whichever floats your boat, this is my lil bean bia some of the inspo on her blog is for the traveler so pls don’t mind me as i edit some things around to fit her new label the beauty guru if you wanna plot feel free to hit me up here or on discord ( leothelion#0738 ) if you’re a shy coconut smash that heart and i’ll come to you. 
( bia costas, demigirl, she/they, 24, ines silva, the beauty guru ) 
the basic backstory 
the costas family comes from portugal, they’ve been invested in oil and politics since the countries independence. her mother was a beauty queen turned stay at home mom and her father runs the business, the two first met on the day they got married so they may not have been madly in love but bia still has fond memories of her time with her parents
bia actually doesn’t have any memories of portugal because in 1970 her family was run out of the country ( basically it came out to the public that her family wasn’t just providing oil they were also making weapons for the FRELIMO - which is the group essentially fighting for Mozambique to gain their independence ) though they still have money invested in the country and her father will go back from time to time, he didn’t think it was safe to raise their family there 
so growing up she went to school in the netherlands and spent a lot of time traveling with her family, her mother would take her on trips to new places every time she came back with good grades on her report card and that’s where she says her love of travel started. 
however the two bonded over more than just travel her mother put her in her first pageant when she was only 6 months old and until she was 19 she was competing. she loved the competition of pageants and really enjoyed getting to try new skills, learn new routines and meeting all of the girls, she even wound up competing in the mrs universe pageant where she was second runner up 
as soon as she finished the pageant her mother was talking about next year and tbh bia just lost it, she’d been trying to explain to her mom that she wanted to take a break from the pageant world but it was her mom’s dream to be mrs. world but she never made it quite that far and all she wanted was for bia to finish the job but it was driving her lk crazy so she quit doing pageants and decided to take her trust fund and dip 
she spent a year in paris, designing clothing, hanging out with the locals and taking very aesthetically pleasing instagram photos which very quickly grew her a following. people kept asking her if she’d ever make a youtube and the idea of it wasn’t that far off, she loved going live and hanging out with her instagram followers and youtube just felt like an extension of that 
tbh the only reason she made her first video though was because of a bet, her cousin bet her 10k that she couldn’t get 2k subs in less than a month. being the competitive lil bean she is, she took that bet and by the end of her first month on the platform had 10k 
as much as she enjoys making videos, part of her is a little thrown off by the whole thing because it’s people who are obsessed with how she looks who assume that she’s just an air headed pageant girl 
lk reminds of of jeffree starr in that you either looovve her or you hate her content there’s not much in between 
personality wise
sag sun, libra moon, cancer rising aka a whole hot fucking mess 
bia is passionate to a fucking fault, she has such a bleeding heart that she tends to stick up for everyone ever which leads her to a bit of trouble here and there 
she’s gotten arrested in foreign countries multiple times for shooting off at the mouth, she usually has her money and influence to get her out of a tight squeeze but her parents are constantly begging her to chill 
she was raised muslim but stopped practicing around age 15 
on the internet she’s an open book, she doesn’t mind when people dig up her beauty queen pics or ask her what she’s mixed with the only thing that’s a hard limit is her family she actually waited almost 2 years to finally put her family on her channel bc she was so anxious about people saying rude things about them 
but in person she’s a bit more closed off, she’s not the biggest fan of really talking about her personal life ( her family, her thoughts and feelings nah ) but she’s still really really bubbly and outgoing, she can very beautifully mask her i’m really uncomfortable right now by giving you just enough of an answer and then pivoting to make the convo about you or telling a story that’s related but not really 
she’s sUCH a soft goober it’s awful, she’s been known to just hand out money to children selling things on the streets and she’ll randomly cash app her subscribers money because she’s just like wAT DO I NEED ALL THIS FOR? I COULDN’T SPEND A BILLION DOLLARS IF I TRRRIIIEEED
she’s not the type to rub her wealth in your face, she’s that person who will buy a 30 dollar dress from target and then pair it with a 3,000 dollar pair of shoes because ‘i’ve gotta be subtle but still flashy’ 
she loooovves animals, she currently has a mastif she’s in love with his name is kurtus hemingway 9/10 of her videos include her cooing over a pup on the street 
she’s lk a reformed party girl?? after she stopped doing pageants she lk went WILDT because she could and boy can i tell ya my girl made up for all of the lost time though now it’s pretty rare for her to be sloshed. she’ll still have a drink from time to time but she’s much more in control of herself than before
wants to be a good role model for ppl but also has nooo idea how to do that so she’s got a few apology vids for being insensitive or stupid >.< 
a few wcs
someone who wasn’t v close with bia but one day they needed to get away for a while so bia invited them on a trip, the two spent weeks together hanging out, getting drunk and exploring brazil together 
someone who bia is always trying to convince to do a collab with her but always come up with a reason not to do it 
the person everyone ships bia with but the two have ZERO romantic feels for each other but from time to time they’ll do something click baity like act like they’re gonna kiss for the thumbnail but cut the video before the kiss happens 
roommate?? tbh bia could live alone but she’s really paranoid about being on her own so she has a roommate 
someone who has a dog/cat/pet of some sort that bia is OBSESSED with, this is optional but i think it’d be lk funny if she doesn’t really like the person that much but she puts up with them bc she loves their animal  
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hazesmr-blog · 5 years
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                     ❛   welcome back, sleepy heads  !   ❜
waddup i’m sutton, i’m 19, and i never fuckin learned how to rp !  i’m in the gmt timezone and trying to live my best life but instead i just make a load of oc’s to live vicariously through uwu. i love yt, tmg and... basically that’s it lmao. i’m really chill and i love my asmr baby so i hope you can vibe with her too ! my dm’s are always open but i’m probably most on discord tbh so add me at: chodey ko#5778 !
              *       〉     hazel katherine novak 。                            。 the asmr god       〈       *
    fc: bree kish.  cis-female .  she / her .  twenty two . 
                                           stats       ◦       pinterest       ◦       connections 
hazel hails from the town of ogunquit, maine, which is a town with a population of 920, so she is used to a much quieter pace of life than what los angeles offers. she wasn’t born there, mind you. 
she was born a state over in quebec, to the whirlwind of a reckless couple veronica and jacob novak, high school sweethearts turned man and wife through a shotgun wedding at the age nineteen. the pair had been recreational drug users throughout their teens and that didn’t cease after the birth of hazel. they had another child when hazel was two, a little brother named after their father (but hazel to this day just calls him jack or jacky). 
when hazel was five, she and jacky were removed from their parents and their grandparents, avery and george novak got custody of them.
to say hazel has humble beginnings is putting it lightly. her grandparents didn’t have much in income. she and jacky shared a small spare room in the two bedroom house; hazel was always helping around the neighbourhood for extra cash to help buying things, always from thrift stores. they didn’t have a tv either because it was unnecessary cost and they had to save electricity so she grew up on radio stations and casette tapes with stories on.
from being thirteen, hazel was always trying to earn substantial money, from getting part time sweeping pet fur at a nearby dog groomers, doing laundry / shopping / housework / etc for the other elderly folk around her area. when she was fifteen one of the men she helped with wrangled her an evening shift at the store his daughter managed. so with a more stable income established and jacky beginning to do odd jobs himself, the novaks found themselves with a bit of luxury money. a few months into the arrangement, hazel would drop out of high school to continue working full time to help support her family. this was when she got herself and jacky second hand iphones and the novak’s got internet!
hazel is also diagnosed with anxiety and depression linked to trauma from her childhood (her brother was mute for many years too) and her outlet for this is art. 
fast forward to 2014, at age 17, when looking for some white noise to play in the background as she focused on some art, she clicked on an asmr video out of curiosity. after that she was hooke and got addicted to the calming sensation that aided her in restless and troubled times and, whilst it was no permanent alternative to her medications, it was soon a vital step in her night time routine.
eventually hazel was struck with the same thought as many viewers: could i make this ? so she created hazesmr and started making faceless videos with her headphones and phone and beaten up laptop, doing drawing videos, tapping, whispering, even a few rookie roleplays! 
her channel was very small for about a little over a year, staying around 15,000 subscribers that hazel was so grateful for as she could help people through her content. but in 2016 asmr blew up and, for better or for worse. so did her videos and channel in turn. this new level of community and interactivity encouraged her to finally do a face reveal for her 500,000 subscriber milestone and things just kept growing from there.
it became another facet of income for her and her family that she never could have imagined being hers.
she moved to la to explore more opportunities as a creator and is now trying to adjust to life in a loud environment as well as balancing her asmr channel and her newly formed vlog channel to showcase more of her non-asmr self and navigating the demand for content is quickly becoming a hectic lifestyle but she can rely on her friends to help get a video out and stick to her dual-channel schedule!
though, secretly she fears the newfound vulnerability in her content as she’s showing more of herself than ever before, whilst trying to protect her privacy and past.
hazel sends a portion of her monthly earnings back home to her family to support them.
she has three big goals currently: get her high school diploma, help her grandparents buy their home, and save up to support jacky going to college.
hazel is a mixed bag, very all or nothing. this means she gives her all to projects and those she trusts and cares about, but can be incredibly fickle at times as her interests jump frequently. she’s hesitant and cautious but if she warms up she can easily be the life of things. she’s so big on supporting charities and giving old / unwanted things to thrift stores and donating to food drives and other worthy efforts. she’s passionate and creative and just one of the kindest and attentive souls you’ll meet. soft spoken even off camera, just soothing af presence in general tbh??? the type of person people unload their baggage to within 24 minutes of knowing her rip
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bradiies · 5 years
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i STILL don’t know if i wanna use gif icons or static icons so i’m gonna be – going back & forth for a bit but !! hello !!! i’m cc , this is bradie i’m so excited to be here ??? i’ve got a “bio” kind of thing here as well as a bunch of headcanons here , but there’s a bullet point bio thing under the cut for better understanding cause i went all over the place sksksk.
she’s from st. paul , mn and was raised a dancer by her mom & her older sister ! but she’s always kinda been noncommittal ? only stayed in dance for super long because of her mom , but always wanted to do so many things that she was one of those kids that did 70 different activities.
was a daddy’s girl 100 % !! loved her dad , who was a retired football player & he was her best friend , her person & everything in between. kept her grounded throughout her childhood & gave her the nickname bradie after the boys in class made fun of her for a girl name when she was such a sporty girl. ( her real name is bryanna !! )
 [ trigger warning : death ] her dad died when she was thirteen after he dozed off behind the wheel & it really hit bradie super hard. it hurts so much to think about it & she never talks about it. but ever since he died , she hasn’t been kept as grounded as she should be – u know ? [ end trigger warning. ]
she went sorta wild in high school , doing every sport she could ( while still doing dance for her mom ) and experiencing life as a reckless teen. she barely graduated , but was good enough to into the university of minnesota ! she joined the pom team ( which is like ... the dance team but with pom poms ? ) because of her mom & her dance background.
her sophomore year she dropped out of college on a whim & went to rome ! she filmed her first video there & posted it , & because of her instagram following it gained a lot of traction , so she just kept going. 
anyway !!!! she’s relatively neeeew at youtube ( 1 and a half years with only 830k subs !! but she’s gaining really fast so ... there’s that ) & mmmm overall she’s really noncommittal ?? really likes running away from things & hiding behind smiles & filtered photos , you know ?
she’s not a bad person , just sorta flighty – & has been spending more time in l.a. with the vlog squad instead of travelling so oops.
i also have a bunch of wanted connections here & my discord is ( gospel music stops )#3856 if u wanna plot lmaooo. 
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afterdarkness75 · 7 years
Download Link: https://videohive.net/item/youtube-opener/19909261?ref=Afterdarkness75 . Youtube Opener useful for any type of area; Vlog, Vlogger, Vlog Opener, Vlog intro, Vlog identy, Blog, Blogger, Youtuber, Youtube Opener, Youtube Channel, Logo Reveal, Logo intro, Logo Ident, identity, Simple Logo Reveal, Hip Hop Logo, How to Vlog, Broadcast, Brand intro, Bumper, Tv, Social Media, Business intro, Cooking Channel, Cooking Tips, Food, Kitchen, Recipe, Travel Opener, Technology Opener, Fashion Opener, Sport Opener, Corporate Opener, Cooking Opener, Music Opener, Glitch Opener, Media Opener, Trailer, Promo, Travel Promo, Sport Promo, Special Event Promo, Brand Promo, Fashion Promo, Youtube Promo, Presentation and etc. . - Easy to Edit - Multi-Purpose Template - Works with Image or Video - Works for All After Effects Languages - Well Organized - Fast Render - Music is NOT included. . . . . #travelvlog #travelvlogger #travelvloggers #travelvlogs #travelnow #passportlife #traveladventures #travelust #vlogintro #vlog #vlogs #vloggig #youtubestar #vlogsquad #youtubeblogger #youtube #youtubeintro #youtuber #youtubechannel #youtubers #travelblog #travelbloggers #travelchannel #travellove #holidaytrip #vacationday #summertrip #tourists
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afterdarkness75 · 7 years
Download Link: https://videohive.net/item/youtube-opener/19909261?ref=Afterdarkness75 . Youtube Opener useful for any type of area; Vlog, Vlogger, Vlog Opener, Vlog intro, Vlog identy, Blog, Blogger, Youtuber, Youtube Opener, Youtube Channel, Logo Reveal, Logo intro, Logo Ident, identity, Simple Logo Reveal, Hip Hop Logo, How to Vlog, Broadcast, Brand intro, Bumper, Tv, Social Media, Business intro, Cooking Channel, Cooking Tips, Food, Kitchen, Recipe, Travel Opener, Technology Opener, Fashion Opener, Sport Opener, Corporate Opener, Cooking Opener, Music Opener, Glitch Opener, Media Opener, Trailer, Promo, Travel Promo, Sport Promo, Special Event Promo, Brand Promo, Fashion Promo, Youtube Promo, Presentation and etc. . - Easy to Edit - Multi-Purpose Template - Works with Image or Video - Works for All After Effects Languages - Well Organized - Fast Render - Music is NOT included. . . . . #fashionvlog #fashionvlogger #fashionlife #vlogintro #vlog #vlogs #youtubestar #vlogsquad #youtubeblogger #youtube #youtubeintro #youtuber #youtubechannel #youtubers #fashionblog #fashionblogs #fashionbloggers #fashionblogging #fashionblogger #fashionbloger #fashionchannel #fashionlove #fashionista #instabeauty #instagood #instadaily #instabeauty #instagood
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