#vitiligo hybrid | nikos van hyperchan
gainercrimsonartblog · 5 months
I have an idea for Nekuma and Nikos. Currently figuring out how it works considering who they’re related to.
It is very much eating and weight gain related.
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gainercrimsonartblog · 3 months
Any OC thoughts just burning a hole in your head?
Mostly rapid/instant weight gain thoughts, but recently I’ve also thought about possibly inflation type scenarios for mostly Adonis, Mal, Nekuma and Nikos.
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What weight is most comfortable for Nikos?
It depends on the point of time in Nikos’ relationship with Yin. Currently, he’s more like Nicholas, preferring to be the feeder and to not gain at the start. So somewhere between 180 and 190 lbs would be most comfortable. Some pudge on his tall frame, but only enough to be able to easily hide it.
When he finally understands how he personally feels about it, as opposed to his more medical centric thinking from earlier, the 300-400 range would be most comfortable to him. He knows he can go further, since both he and Gin have the same hunting and cooking skills, but that’s his comfort zone.
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gainercrimsonartblog · 3 months
How does Yin realize they want to gain?
Pretty easily, really. Every so often Yin l completely changes how he looks, including body weight, so people don’t suspect that there’s an immortal being amongst them. So there have been times where he decided to have a body that was bigger, fatter generally. The more often he gave such appearances a try, the more he realized how much he liked it. So now he does it on the fly either while alone, or with his boyfriend, Nikos, around.
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gainercrimsonartblog · 3 months
Which of your OCs would drink a potion that doubles their weight? Which would drink multiple?
Just off the top of my head, here are the OCs who would do either.
Just one: Sally, Marx, Nicholas, Nikos, Myriam, Mel Agi, and Mal
Multiple: Adonis, Yin, Gloria, Nekuma, Richie, Frederick, and slime gal.
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gainercrimsonartblog · 3 months
What are Yin and Nikos' favourite ways to help each other gain? Like do they like certain types of food, ways of being fed etc.
Yin and Nikos have different ways they prefer to gain. Since Yin hasn’t yet reached a point in his story where it’s possible for him to eat, so Nikos can’t really help much beyond words of encouragement and describing his own experiences with gaining. And even then, Yin would prefer to have faster gains via a lot of stuffing.
Nikos, on the other hand, prefers very slow and gradual gains. So he can have an easier time adjusting and still be able to do the things he does for as long as he wants. Yin’s able to help with a combination of encouraging words, complements, and making Nikos’ food more fattening.
They both have a pretty similar diet, all things considered. Yin’s is more varied, since he used to be human and thus doesn’t get sick from grains and stuff. Nikos feeds himself, except for days when Yin wants to be the feeder. Regardless, Yin helps out in the kitchen and adds what he knows is not only safe for Nikos, but is also extra fattening.
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gainercrimsonartblog · 5 months
Could you tell us more about Nikos?
Sure thing!
Putting it all under the cut, because it got a little long.
Nikos is the resident healer, aside from Nicholas (more so than him, even), amongst my OCs. Basically he mends every injury everyone he encounters has. From traditional/modern methods for things like broken bones, to using what ability he does have to fix damaged muscles, skin and the like.
He’s stubborn, refusing to budge if anyone, even authorities, try to get him to leave someone he either cares about or believes is in need of medical attention. Regardless of who they are or what they may or may not have done.
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His face claim and voice claim is this guy from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Outside of medical stuff, he likes to cook and play the violin to relax. He also takes care of a semi-sentient toy dragon that his partner, Yin, made back in the 70s. Turns out surgery and stitching up an old stuffy both use pretty much the same methods!
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Nikos has two pairs of arms, has vitiligo, and sharp, black teeth and claws. He actually shares the same teardrop shaped spot pattern on his claws that his father, Nicholas, has.
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People who first meet him and see his eyes tend to mistaken his white pupils as a sign of having lost his eyesight. He hasn’t, it’s actually caused by another couple of abilities of his that he just can’t turn off: future sight and time/interdimensional travel. It gets quite annoying when he has to sneeze and he suddenly finds himself in an entirely different universe. Luckily, Yin knows how to find him. And his future sight is very, very weak. He doesn’t even realize he’s seeing anything most of the time, because it’s all too brief and near constant. He and everyone he knows, except for Yin, seems to be completely unaware of this ability of his.
Yin doesn’t say anything about it, either. He’s had no reason to.
Also, being an experiment means he has an assigned number, he just isn’t aware of it unlike his siblings. He is experiment 7811, and his batch sibling, who lacks any human DNA, is Experiment 7812. Nikos has no idea that he even has another sibling besides Nekuma.
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gainercrimsonartblog · 5 months
after a particularly large binge, does Nikos wake up and realize "uh oh" when he likes the results?
After a particularly large binge, whether it be accidental or on purpose, he’d likely be used to how stuffed he looks. And think nothing about it because normally he doesn’t eat enough to gain a noticeable amount of weight.
But after sleeping it all off and seeing how much pudgier he is? I think that’s when he realizes ‘uh oh’ upon discovering that he likes how it looks on him. Which would of course be further enjoyed when he realizes how much better cuddling with his partner is with the extra pudge :]
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gainercrimsonartblog · 5 months
Do Nicholas' other experiments find themselves drawn to gaining like Nekuma?
I haven’t figured out if it’s the same for Seven. Nikos is a feedee and feeder, leaning more towards feeder who gains. Granted it’s a very hesitant gaining for some time. Yin, his partner, helps him out with it.
There’s one more experiment not at all into feedism, so she’s not on here. All the rest didn’t survive long enough to find out.
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gainercrimsonartblog · 6 months
Which OCs would fight a force feeding until they start to realize they really really like it?
I’d say that would be Mal, Adonis (pre knowing they like to be stuffed), Nicholas, Nikos, Yin (if he were able to eat anyway), Gloria, and Sally.
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gainercrimsonartblog · 6 months
Who of your OCS would you put in a forcefed/kidnapped scenario?
I’m actually in the process of writing such a scenario between Mal and Adonis, with Mal doing the kidnapping and force feeding. But I also might make another where Mal is getting force fed. Can’t do evil corporate things if you’re too stuffed and massive to even think ;]
I would probably have Nicholas go through such a situation as well. Sounds like a great way to get this villain to finally soften up and become less dangerous.
Gloria is the one kidnapping and force feeding potential ‘stock’ to sell in the black market. I would definitely figure out a way to turn the tables on her. ^_^
Myriam and Nikos are also on the table for characters I would put in such situation.
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gainercrimsonartblog · 8 months
Are any of your OCs particularly cuddly and affectionate with others?
Adonis and Yin are the perfect examples of this, tbh. Adonis is from a clan where closeness with fellow clan mates is highly encouraged and accepted starting from a young age. And being naturally very cuddly already, yeah they get real affectionate with anyone they like.
Yin actively seeks out moments to cuddle and be affectionate. Which makes him dating Nikos interesting, since the young man isn’t affectionate or cuddly most of the time (acute senses makes this difficult for him). So we get moments where Yin is just draped over the poor guy. Put his full, dead weight on Nikos’ shoulders or lap and stays there until Nikos decides that he’s ready for a cuddle session. Or he waits until Nikos is asleep in the day and joins him in bed for sleepy cuddles.
Nekuma gets very cuddly and affectionate some time after escaping her creator, Nicholas. She finds out eventually that not all forms of touch are bad and the pressure from a hug is something she looks forward to. She will pull a friend, family member, or partner under a weighted blanket with her for what she sees as the perfect cuddles.
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gainercrimsonartblog · 10 months
Would any of your OCs read WG fics? And would any of them write one?
This is a interesting one. Tbh, I haven’t really thought about how reading and writing wg fics could be traits for any of my OCs.
I think Nikos likes to read WG fics and even talks a bit about them to his partner, Yin. It amazes the ageless god to no end how many of these stories exist in the world.
Adonis would also read fics on occasion after they start actively gaining.
Richie does it in secret. He likes the ones where the reader is the one gaining.
Mal would both read and write WG fics.
Not sure about my other OCs, but these are the ones I could think of.
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Thoughts on a characters with such massive massive bellies they flop onto the ground, so said characters take to having a wheeled platform tucked under their belly to help them waddle about?
Also, would any of your OCs do that?
Love it! Only ever see it in art, but it makes a lot of sense for characters who are still able to at least waddle around and have massive bellies. And it’s a fantastic tell for a character that is about to become bedbound.
I think the closest OCs I can think of are Mel Agi, Adonis so they can still invent things to make it all easier, my nameless slime gal, and perhaps Nikos if he allows himself to get that far.
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Do any of your OCs get shy/flustered about their gaining?
Yes, actually!
The biggest examples would be Nekuma, Nikos, and Zania. Nekuma’s already naturally shy, so it doubles when she realizes she’s gaining weight. Nikos isn’t as noticeable, but he does get a bit flustered. He’s partially human and, unlike his siblings, cannot shapeshift, so it’s actually easier for him to gain weight. And Zania’s a combination. Not as strongly as Nekuma, but definitely obvious when she gets flustered/nervous.
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Do any of your OCs enjoy being force-fed? Whic ones, if any?
So far my slime gal definitely likes being force-fed. Gloria’s more for force-feeding others, but probably wouldn’t turn down the opportunity to be force-fed if it comes up.
I haven’t thought of it as much with other OCs, but I think Nikos might also be into it if it’s his partner, Yin, force-feeding him.
Sally feels like she leans more towards willing, but also wouldn’t turn down an opportunity to be force-fed.
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