#viii. the failed prototype. / nier: automata verse
veinblooded · 2 years
@glorytomankind​​ (cont):
Glancing over at the stranger, 4S simply tilted his head before humming to himself. It wasn't that hard when you have your scanner to show you if the heat is nearby. Even the fact that when you look around....this place seems kinda empty. But was he going to tell the other that? No way that’s some stranger danger tier right there.
"I got curious! I guess you could say I just followed the trail."
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He messed with his bag as he adjusted it, it was pretty worn down for sometime with him checking out what the world could give him. He had his own mission to do, and we see it through. Though he was curious WHO and WHAT this person was in-front of him. Looks can always be deceiving.
"So....who are you? And what is this place?”
          the run from his relentless pursuers had robbed cael of what little strength he had left, leaving behind a humanoid machine broken and battered beyond repair. 
          for reason he was unsure of, the pair of yorha androids— 2B and 9S were their unit designation, supposedly— were restless today. agiated even, they were dead set on completely erasing his existence— wiping every trace, every proof, every little dropplet of blood out of the history pages as if it could magically, laughably prevent the determined marching of the machines somehow. 
          that 2B unit, he had to admit, was unforgiving with each strike of her sword filled with the burning intent to destroy him that he barely managed to escape. but, being a fearsome abomination himself, it was nothing compared to what he had to suffer during the course of his short-lived confrontation against the machine horde, if anything, she was simply better than the stupid whelps with even more stupid ideals, all of whom were too unprepared in the face of a frenzied machine but decided to become mere preys for his claws still. had it not been for the annoying support of her partner, he would have walked out of that battle with her arm as his trophy.    
          but he hadn’t, regrettably. their battle ended in a draw, 2B was knocked unconscious along with 9S, and instead of her arm, his right arm was viciously butchered and disfigured— only electronic static remained behind as a reminder of its ultimate defeat, his vision fuction seemed to be damaged too. the world span around him like a rollar coaster and began contorting into a chaotic, disoriented mess that resembled a puke at best. it was harder to see what was going on now, so it took every last bit of his will to drag his crushed body into the comfort of the hollowed cavern underneath the waterfall in the city ruins. the cold, robotic warning voice of the system inside his head grew louder with each heavy step, and with it loomed the dreadful consequence of what would happen if he failed to find new replacement parts. 
          an unfortunate fate befell on him though, truly unfortunate. barely a moment of respite had passed when another intruder decided to show themselves on his doorsteps once again and— if it was another victory-seeking challenger, cael was ready to embrace what was to come. yet, surprisingly, whoever they were, they were merely a clueless someone who was lucky (or unlucky?) enough to stumble on him when he was at his worst. exhaustion finally caught up with him. the humanoid machine rasped out with great difficulty, though he wasn’t sure if his speech was coherent enough for the other to understand, coutersy of 2B for malfuctioning his voice box.  ‘ l.. l- lea-ve be-- fore i k-- ill yo--- u. ’
          an impossible feat to achieve at the moment, but he refused to die pathetically. 
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