#via IFTTT
coffeenuts · 1 year
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Senxa meta by IVa e vieni 1 https://flic.kr/p/2ozs823
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natures-uprise · 1 year
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amrselim · 1 year
Muse Text To Image Generation via Masked Generative Transformers نص الى صورة تاكد انك مشترك في القناة 💯 ومفعل الجرس عشان يوصلك كل جديد 🔔 وما تنساش تعمل لايك للفيديو 👍 نشرك للمقطع هو اكبر دعم ممكن تقدمه لي ... https://bit.ly/3QjmIll أتمنى أن ينال الشرح أعجابكم ...................................................................... https://bit.ly/3N9F3OH https://bit.ly/3ux7pwI شير مشاركة #BIMarabia اشترك في القناة لمتابعة الشروحات الجديدة videos https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYaOLTtPmOQX1fgtDFW52Q?sub_confirmation=1 بيم ارابيا https://bit.ly/1TSqEbr ❤️ رابط الاشتراك في القناة https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYaOLTtPmOQX1fgtDFW52Q?sub_confirmation=1 ❤️ روابط التواصل ✅ انستجرام https://bit.ly/2JY3wZP ✅ الفيسبوك https://bit.ly/3AcrQBO ✅ تويتر https://twitter.com/bimarabia ✅ لينكد ان https://bit.ly/2nqASDv ✅ قناة التلجرام https://bit.ly/3bu9Pod ✅ الموقع الالكتروني الشخصي https://bit.ly/3N9F3OH https://bit.ly/3suwyqU https://bit.ly/3bEr3zh augmented reality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9c5h0X-Kqw&list=PLNMim060_nUKpt2st91YUPa7BqWd0U2eb open source مفتوحة المصدر https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNYyejjLa-s&list=PLNMim060_nUK6qoVzrpjLucG_aBNaz_Ny revit workshop ورشة عمل ريفيت https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FIZBNN7CLk&list=PLNMim060_nULOxkcpmsGdaRXRnEj7rmGC OPEN STREET MAP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKHnpu5birw&list=PLNMim060_nUJBibv97w-SfqGMjQCDc6xT المدن الذكية https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nGsbGafZ6c&list=PLNMim060_nUKxO8GJj5c-9POTgiCfOdmE الاستدامة https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_dma-4wOJU&list=PLNMim060_nUKIQ9OEPA5xGjQ471AQyp3F https://bit.ly/3QjmIll الذكاء الاصطناعي https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWmW84ZBrbg&list=PLNMim060_nUJs5lSTwbFK8Pe1BCUPT_EB January 5, 2023 at 08:13PM by Omar Selim BIMarabia عمر سليم بيم ارابيا
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volghan · 2 years
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Amazon Alexa is a graduate of the Darth Vader MBA
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Next Tuesday (Oct 31) at 10hPT, the Internet Archive is livestreaming my presentation on my recent book, The Internet Con.
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If you own an Alexa, you might enjoy its integration with IFTTT, an easy scripting environment that lets you create your own little voice-controlled apps, like "start my Roomba" or "close the garage door." If so, tough shit, Amazon just nuked IFTTT for Alexa:
Amazon can do this because the Alexa's operating system sits behind a cryptographic lock, and any tool that bypasses that lock is a felony under Section 1201 of the DMCA, punishable by a 5-year prison sentence and a $500,000 fine. That means that it's literally a crime to provide a rival OS that lets users retain functionality that Amazon no longer supports.
This is the proverbial gun on the mantelpiece, a moral hazard and invitation to mischief that tempts Amazon executives to run a bait-and-switch con where they sell you a gadget with five features and then remotely kill-switch two of them. This is prime directive of the Darth Vader MBA: "I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further."
So many companies got their business-plan at the Darth Vader MBA. The ability to revoke features after the fact means that companies can fuck around, but never find out. Apple sold millions of tracks via iTunes with the promise of letting you stream them to any other device you owned. After a couple years of this, the company caught some heat from the record labels, so they just pushed an update that killed the feature:
That gun on the mantelpiece went off all the way back in 2004 and it turns out it was a starter-pistol. Pretty soon, everyone was getting in on the act. If you find an alert on your printer screen demanding that you install a "security update" there's a damned good chance that the "update" is designed to block you from using third-party ink cartridges in a printer that you (sorta) own:
Selling your Tesla? Have fun being poor. The upgrades you spent thousands of dollars on go up in a puff of smoke the minute you trade the car into the dealer, annihilating the resale value of your car at the speed of light:
Telsa has to detect the ownership transfer first. But once a product is sufficiently cloud-based, they can destroy your property from a distance without any warning or intervention on your part. That's what Adobe did last year, when it literally stole the colors from your Photoshop files, in history's SaaSiest heist caper:
And yet, when we hear about remote killswitches in the news, it's most often as part of a PR blitz for their virtues. Russia's invasion of Ukraine kicked off a new genre of these PR pieces, celebrating the fact that a John Deere dealership was able to remotely brick looted tractors that had been removed to Chechnya:
Today, Deere's PR minions are pitching search-and-replace versions of this story about Israeli tractors that Hamas is said to have looted, which were also remotely bricked.
But the main use of this remote killswitch isn't confounding war-looters: it's preventing farmers from fixing their own tractors without paying rent to John Deere. An even bigger omission from this narrative is the fact that John Deere is objectively Very Bad At Security, which means that the world's fleet of critical agricultural equipment is one breach away from being rendered permanently inert:
There are plenty of good and honorable people working at big companies, from Adobe to Apple to Deere to Tesla to Amazon. But those people have to convince their colleagues that they should do the right thing. Those debates weigh the expected gains from scammy, immoral behavior against the expected costs.
Without DMCA 1201, Amazon would have to worry that their decision to revoke IFTTT functionality would motivate customers to seek out alternative software for their Alexas. This is a big deal: once a customer learns how to de-Amazon their Alexa, Amazon might never recapture that customer. Such a switch wouldn't have to come from a scrappy startup or a hacker's DIY solution, either. Take away DMCA 1201 and Walmart could step up, offering an alternative Alexa software stack that let you switch your purchases away from Amazon.
Money talks, bullshit walks. In any boardroom argument about whether to shift value away from customers to the company, a credible argument about how the company will suffer a net loss as a result has a better chance of prevailing than an argument that's just about the ethics of such a course of action:
Inevitably, these killswitches are pitched as a paternalistic tool for protecting customers. An HP rep once told me that they push deceptive security updates to brick third-party ink cartridges so that printer owners aren't tricked into printing out cherished family photos with ink that fades over time. Apple insists that its ability to push iOS updates that revoke functionality is about keeping mobile users safe – not monopolizing repair:
John Deere's killswitches protect you from looters. Adobe's killswitches let them add valuable functionality to their products. Tesla? Well, Tesla at least is refreshingly honest: "We have a killswitch because fuck you, that's why."
These excuses ring hollow because they conspicuously omit the possibility that you could have the benefits without the harms. Like, your tractor could come with a killswitch that you could bypass, meaning you could brick it at a distance, and still fix it yourself. Same with your phone. Software updates that take away functionality you want can be mitigated with the ability to roll back those updates – and by giving users the ability to apply part of a patch, but not the whole patch.
Cloud computing and software as a service are a choice. "Local first" computing is possible, and desirable:
The cheapest rhetorical trick of the tech sector is the "indivisibility gambit" – the idea that these prix-fixe menus could never be served a la carte. Wanna talk to your friends online? Sorry there's just no way to help you do that without spying on you:
One important argument over smart-speakers was poisoned by this false dichotomy: the debate about accessibility and IoT gadgets. Every IoT privacy or revocation scandal would provoke blanket statements from technically savvy people like, "No one should ever use one of these." The replies would then swiftly follow: "That's an ableist statement: I rely on my automation because I have a disability and I would otherwise be reliant on a caregiver or have to go without."
But the excluded middle here is: "No one should use one of these because they are killswitched. This is especially bad when a smart speaker is an assistive technology, because those applications are too important to leave up to the whims of giant companies that might brick them or revoke their features due to their own commercial imperatives, callousness, or financial straits."
Like the problem with the "bionic eyes" that Second Sight bricked wasn't that they helped visually impaired people see – it was that they couldn't be operated without the company's ongoing support and consent:
It's perfectly possible to imagine a bionic eye whose software can be maintained by third parties, whose parts and schematics are widely available. The challenge of making this assistive technology fail gracefully isn't technical – it's commercial.
We're meant to believe that no bionic eye company could survive unless they devise their assistive technology such that it fails catastrophically if the business goes under. But it turns out that a bionic eye company can't survive even if they are allowed to do this.
Even if you believe Milton Friedman's Big Lie that a company is legally obligated to "maximize shareholder value," not even Friedman says that you are legally obligated to maximize companies' shareholder value. The fact that a company can make more money by defrauding you by revoking or bricking the things you buy from them doesn't oblige you to stand up for their right to do this.
Indeed, all of this conduct is arguably illegal, under Section 5 of the FTC Act, which prohibits "unfair and deceptive business practices":
"No one should ever use a smart speaker" lacks nuance. "Anyone who uses a smart speaker should be insulated from unilateral revocations by the manufacturer, both through legal restrictions that bind the manufacturer, and legal rights that empower others to modify our devices to help us," is a much better formulation.
It's only in the land of the Darth Vader MBA that the deal is "take it or leave it." In a good world, we should be able to take the parts that work, and throw away the parts that don't.
(Image: Stock Catalog/https://www.quotecatalog.com, Sam Howzit; CC BY 2.0; modified)
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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foone · 3 months
foone I need your help. you're the only person I can think to ask. I recently developed some sort of narcolepsy type disorder and it would be useful if my friends could trigger a shock collar or something similar via IFTTT or app, to wake me up if I fall asleep during the day. my searches for actually remote-triggered collars or devices haven't been successful except for stuff like the Lovense, which could work I guess but they're kind of bulky to wear as a bracelet or something. not to mention expensive. and I don't want to put something up me just to use the alarm function. anyway let me know if you know anyone working on this ok thank you byeeee
I've worked on doing some remote collar shocking stuff but it's tricky and incomplete.
I think the only off the shelf option is a PAVLOK:
It's a watch that shocks you, but it apparently can sync with a phone and you can set it up to shock you when you get emails and stuff? I don't know how well those functions work, so you may want to look into it more before you drop the cash on it, but it looks like it might do what you want.
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perjdk · 11 months
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from Blogger https://ift.tt/REjbyvN
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Have is good now, me and my best friend! via https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/ypyd7r/have_is_good_now_me_and_my_best_friend/?utm_source=ifttt putyouinabettermood.com
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medewerkers · 3 months
🌟 Nieuw
Je kunt vanaf nu ook polls aan reblogs toevoegen.
Wanneer je zoekopdrachten op specifieke blogs uitvoert, levert het voorvoegsel '#' vanaf nu alleen tagresultaten op. Dus als je op een blog naar '#katten' zoekt, laten we je alleen berichten zien die deze tag gebruiken. (Dit is ook de manier waarop zoeken op Tumblr in het algemeen werkt als je '#' als voorvoegsel voor de zoekopdracht gebruikt).
We hebben het tabblad Vandaag in Verkennen op het web verwijderd; standaard wordt nu weer het tabblad Trending gebruikt.
Op het web hebben we de optie "Vorige reblog bekijken" aan het menu met de drie puntjes toegevoegd. Klik op de drie puntjes rechtsboven een bericht om de optie te gebruiken!
Omdat we er toch bezig waren, hebben we ook een aantal andere items in het menu met de drie puntjes op het web opgeschoond. De volgorde van sommige opties is aangepast en "Op gesprek abonneren" heet vanaf nu "Bericht volgen".
Op Android is voor alle gebruikers met de laatste versie van de app de optie “Vorige reblog bekijken” nu opgenomen in het menu met de drie puntjes voor reblogs.
Je kunt aangeven dat een bericht commerciële content bevat om aan de Wetgeving digitale diensten te voldoen. Dit voegt alleen een banner met "Commerciële content" aan het bericht toe en heeft verder geen invloed op de zichtbaarheid of de klassering van je bericht op Tumblr.
🛠️ Fixes
Het via IFTTT (Engelstalig) plaatsen van berichten op Tumblr werd recent meer ingeperkt dan gebruikelijk waardoor sommige acties niet werden uitgevoerd, maar dit probleem is ondertussen opgelost.
We zijn een aantal visuele problemen met Tumblr Patio (Engelstalig) aan het oplossen en een aantal van jullie helpt ons bij het uittesten van de oplossingen.
Op Android had een klein aantal gebruikers die appversie 32.9 gebruikten geen toegang tot hun berichten. Dit probleem is in versie 33.0 opgelost.
We hebben de oplossing uitgerold voor het probleem in de iOS-app dat voorkwam dat mensen hun concepten konden bewerken.
Gebruikers kunnen geen vragen meer sturen naar blogs die hen hebben geblokkeerd of naar blogs die zij hebben geblokkeerd.
Op het web werd de blogselectie in de berichteditor onjuist over de balk voor tekstopmaak weergegeven. Dit probleem is ondertussen verholpen.
Op het web gaf de instellingenpagina voor je blog (tumblr.com/settings/blog/blogname) het menu voor accountinstellingen in het zijpaneel rechts weer. We hebben dit gebied bijgewerkt zodat nu het blogzijpaneel wordt weergegeven (Berichten, Concepten, Wachtrij, enz).
We hebben een aantal kleine aanpassingen gedaan die het probleem zouden moeten oplossen waarbij er werd aangegeven dat er ongelezen items in je inbox waren, terwijl dat niet zo was. Laat het ons alsjeblieft weten als je dit probleem nog steeds ervaart.
🚧 Nog mee bezig
We hebben geprobeerd om een vervelend probleem op te lossen dat ervoor zorgde dat werd aangegeven dat er vragen of inzendingen in je inbox aanwezig waren terwijl dat niet zo was. Dit probleem trad op wanneer iemand een vraag indiende en daarna om de een of andere reden werd geschorst of geblokkeerd, zodat de vraag niet langer zichtbaar was. Helaas hebben we dit probleem voor sommige mensen juist erger gemaakt en werd er een nog hoger aantal ongelezen berichten weergegeven. Die poging om dit probleem op te lossen was dus een fiasco, maar we werken nog steeds aan het ontwikkelen van een oplossing die wél voor iedereen werkt.
🌱 Binnenkort
We hebben weer een Hack Week gehouden waarbij we allerlei coole, nieuwe, experimentele functies hebben ontwikkeld! Volg @engineering (Engelstalig) om te zien wat we allemaal hebben bedacht.
Heb je een probleem? Dien een supportverzoek in (bij voorkeur in het Engels), dan nemen we zo snel mogelijk contact met je op!
Wil je feedback over iets geven? Ga dan naar onze Work in Progress-blog en ga in gesprek met de community.
Wil je Tumblr rechtstreeks met een bijdrage steunen? Bekijk dan de nieuwe Abonneebadge in TumblrMart!
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natures-uprise · 1 year
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netherworldpost · 1 year
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I am absolutely not leaving Tumblr (I’ll rot here, it’ll rot here with me). I am interested in diversifying my social media presence, given:
Elon Musk bought Twitter and is destroying it quickly.
Tumblr is currently owned by Automattic and I don’t know their 10+ year plan
At least a good handful of folks enjoy my social media rambles (hi!)
insurance that if Musk or someone like him buys Tumblr (there is no evidence of this happening, I am preparing for an unforeseeable future), I’ll have spent the years between Right Now and Then in building up another channel.
I’ve been noodling slowly a pinterest account (link) that I’ve had for ages and forgot about until #1 on the above list.
To satisfy #3 on the above list, a key learning I’m finding: do not pin items from the Tumblr dash.
They link to the dash, not the post itself, in testing. A more useful path seems to be:
Going to a Tumblr’s archive
Selecting “Post type: Photo”
Clicking through the desired images to pin, opening them in a new window each
On each individual page, pinning.
In testing, this has preserved the link.
Depending on one’s strategy, you could reblog lots and lots, then go to your OWN archive, and pin from there. This is more work than benefit as I currently see things.
The path of discovery (someone finds pin on my board -> clicks pin -> they have a Tumblr account -> that they are logged into -> and thus follow my Tumblr account -> for future benefit to me) is long, convoluted, and likely extremely rarely successful.
A more reasonable path of discovery: I find a Tumblr that has a neat collection of stuff -> I browse their archive for 5-10 minutes and open a series of image posts -> I pin them to my Pinterest boards -> a third party stumbles across my Pinterest account -> they follow my Pinterest -> there is a future benefit to me.
It would be useful in extreme casual pinning to have an accurate Tumblr dashboard -> Pinterest board link, but ultimately any benefit is washed out with the above process of archive browsing allowing a significantly targeted approach. It’s a guesstimate but more pins are created in a shorter amount of time.
Yay efficiency!
There are automation services (such as IFTTT) that could handle the above fairly easily, but I do not like that many leaks in systems. The security risk of being hacked is increased in response to a tiny, marginal benefit.
None of the above processes takes into consideration “the best time” to pin in order to increase discovery -- that is, “make sure you are pinning between 9 AM to 2 PM on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays!” (this is a fictional example, not advice on times to pin/blog/etc.)
I hold very minimal weight to "best time to...” social media  advice. More effective:
Buy ad space on cheap networks.
Partner with people who have a following -- do not focus purely on people with a large following; diversify between tiny, small, medium, and large followings -- that legitimately like your product, or, introduce your product, send them a sample, and if they genuinely like it, discuss doing business.
And create frequently. Large stuff, medium stuff, quick/simple stuff.
The experience of others is bound to vary as none of this makes inherent sense, but trying to trace “XYZ are the best times to promote!” are far too costly in light of user behavior, opaque social algorithms, and both the monetary and opportunity cost spent in researching said “best times” to promote -- which are going to constantly shift.
(pours two glasses of root beer)
and thus concludes another session of “they call me atty, your exceptionally odd former marketing/advertising forum host.”
Since we’re chatting about pinterest, follow good ol’ evil Netherworld Post via this link.
The general subject matter will be the same as most of my rambles: monsters, queer monsters, and queer monsters kissing queer monsters.
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firstprince-ao3feed · 9 months
Where are the links? I wanted to have hyperlinks but I have tried to find a solution with no luck. To be taken directly to the fic the link is underneath the title and in this format, “https://fit.tt/{#}” and can be copy pasted redirecting you to AO3! Only the unique ift.tt link at the top of the post will take you to the individual fic.
How often do fics post? Fics are automatically put into the queue upon being posted to AO3, they post every hour, on the hour.
Can you help me find a fic? Sometimes, but i recommend visiting @rwrbficrecs with those questions!
Are there fics in other languages? Yes! I try and tag them but have to do so manually so i don't catch them all, but you should also be able to search as it appears on AO3, usually as it is spelled in it's native alphabet.
can i support the blog in other ways? if you feel so inclined i do have a personal ko-fi
info reminder that “need help finding this fic” type of works to AO3 are against TOS, any post of this type made via the RSS feed will be deleted! if you see one i missed pls dm or send an ask with the link so it can be removed and reported.
update 10/19 #1: blog restored! update 10/19 #2: code updated
02/14: IFTTT has implemented a fix and is monitoring the issue!
admin on vacation 04/15-04/29
Happy reading!
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williamchasterson · 4 days
Lord of the Rings actor Bernard Hill dies aged 79
Bernard Hill enjoyed a career spanning decades in film and television. from BBC News https://ift.tt/DU2OiXx via IFTTT
View On WordPress
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computercodingclass · 15 days
Extract URLs From Text File Python | Extract Links From Text Python | urlextract python
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perjdk · 1 year
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from Blogger https://ift.tt/azZfyBR
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cats [OC] via https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/1138rm8/cats_oc/?utm_source=ifttt putyouinabettermood.com
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