the-frost-sisters · 4 years
The Frosts were oh so bored. With the hunt for mutants at an all-time high, it was always ‘lay low’ and ‘don’t do anything stupid’ but god was it dull. Breaking into a mutant detention center sounded really good right now; What they wouldn’t give for a job, no matter how trivial it may be. But instead, they were sat at a wooden table outside a cafe watching the world go by as they sipped on tea, except Phoebe who had opted for coffee. There was a slight chill in the air. The kind that had everyone rushing around and completely ignoring the world around them. Normally, there was something so fascinating about them but today nobody stopped to look at the three triplets wrapped up in matching Dior coats with white scarves. Each of them picked up their mugs, took a sip and placed it back down against the saucer, like creepy puppets or something. It wasn’t intentional merely a side effect that they were so in sync. “Maybe we could-” “Do not finish that sentence,” Esme interrupts Phoebe. “We stay put until we’re needed.” Esme leans back in her chair. Sophie was being unusually quiet while Phoebe intentionally pushed her foot out from under the table and into the path of a passerby. If she couldn’t have fun with her - their - powers, she could still cause a little trouble. “Oh my god, are you okay?” Phoebe asked, the other two rolling their eyes but wearing small smiles. 
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mxgneticm · 4 years
New York... It had been too long and too many memories and betrayals of his kind, the superior kind. The world wanted mutants, they needed to be saved but they had to control the narrative and Magneto had spent too many years being someone else’s puppet. “The world wants to be saved, it needs it. Humans are too fragile, too singular minded to truly control anything.” It was too easy to manipulate the nearby metal, it was as part of Erik as his arm or his eyes. “Now, tell me why you think the world wants these characters in costumes instead of their future?” Mutants were what was next in the world and nothing could stop evolution. 
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frostedmind · 4 years
The city was beautiful. So much chaos surrounding it and so many that didn’t even know it. Mutants, supes, superhumans all around and then there was the bottom of them all. Humans. So average and weak. Nothing compared to her and others like her. “Look at them. All of them worried about meaningless things.” She could hear all of their thoughts. “What to get for Christmas,will they make the subway on time and other boring things not even worth the thought they formed. How do they stand it?”
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notbutchercd · 5 years
             Moving was never fun. Back in college, she hated it, moving from her little apartment to a house with Billy and when they moved again. She couldn’t stand how boring and tiring it was. Thankfully, she had her kid back and he could easily lift the heavier boxes but the moving truck was still outside the new Brownstone building with a lot more and her hands were full and about to drop everything she was holding. “Do you mind giving me a hand?” she asked to whoever was nearby.
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queenmaevex · 5 years
Maeve chuckled as she was in the company of men, in awe of the so called goddess in front of them. Standing tall among them. Of course, she had a drink in hand and so far, the night was going somewhat swimmingly. The boat was yet to be rocked so to speak. However, that was when she had a camera flash in her face. Maeve smiled politely but was a little took off guard. Then another flash and her face turned pale, as if she was about to be sick. She was back there. The plane. All those people. “That is enough pictures, thanks.” Maeve protested feebly with an attempt of a polite smile as she guided her hand to block her face from the camera. Instead, more rapid fire flashes and clicks and, oh God, she was reliving it. “I said stop.” She said more firmly. At the next flash however, Maeve lost her call. “I said get the camera out of my fucking face!” She snapped, tearing the camera out of his hands and smashing it across the floor before stumbling back, perhaps a little drunk. Looking around at the scene she caused, she cursed to herself. “Shit.” She muttered quietly, instead going over to the bar. “Can I get a top up? Oh and two shots of tequila.” She leaned on the bar, unable to be alone with her thoughts anymore.
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billybutchur · 5 years
HE’D had enough of the flying cunts thinking they were better than everyone and not giving a toss about any other person. They’d fought them well enough but they needed more power. Nineteen billion dollars worth in a needle that was only half a needle full. His eyes scanned over the blue substance before plunging into his vein and forcing the Compound V into his bloodstreem. “If you’re gunna watch I’ll have to start chargin’ ya,” he remarked as he put the needle in the trash can as he felt eyes watching him.
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natesinister · 4 years
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  He had done the right thing in accepting the job, now he was more than a babysitter for the Homelander, Nathaniel was now  Senior Vice President of Vought International's Hero Management as well as running the research department. His time was already cut thin and he didn’t need to be disturbed. “Whatever you need it better be good,” Nathaniel almost took the door to his office off its hinges. “You have five minutes and it better be good.”
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Jessica stuck to the walls of the party, camera around her neck. Unlike many, she didn’t make an effort to dress up. Instead, she wore the usual; ripped jeans, biker boots and jacket with a band t-shirt that had probably seen better days. Still, she was there for recon. Drinking out of her flask, her eyes scanned the party, keeping the image that Becca gave her in the forefront of her mind. Wondering if they would bring the kid and that, perhaps, it was the perfect opportunity to grab him while everyone was busy doing whatever the hell it was. She made sure to scowl at anyone who tried to come up to her, keeping her distance. She didn’t need to cause a scene right now. 
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friendlyspiderr · 5 years
He was running late.....again. It seemed he was always late or just barely on time if he was lucky. Doc was kind about it but Jameson never was. Lucky for Peter, he wasn’t on his way to either of them but did have his hands full. Out of nowhere, someone came barging into him and he dropped everything he was holding. “Yeah, don’t worry about it- I’ll just pick it all up myself!” he shouted at the person.
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theglacier · 5 years
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Vought Tower... Everything inside was almost within her grasp and Elizabeth sure as hell was going to take it. She had been in The Young American’s since she was a teenager and now she had outgrown her own team even if Vought wanted her to live by the values. Chaste, Clean and conservative was the motto of her team but Elizabeth wanted more.  “I’m looking for Mr. Edgar’s office, would you be so kind as to point me in the right direction?” Elizabeth asked. She was dressed in her civilian clothes, hiding her Supe identity for now. 
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a-burnt-melody · 5 years
"I think that went rather well." Melody hummed to herself softly as she flipped through the pages of a book that she'd accidentally left in her boss's office. It had been so long since she'd seen the book that she'd nearly forgotten what she'd written in it. Some of it was documentation of what she done during her time at F.E.A.S.T. , some of it was just venting and some of it was of a more personal matter. She could recall almost all the events that had been talked about but when she came to one page in particular she sighed softly.
"It is passion, it is... forbidden. Oh the things that would be said if word got out. That's what makes it all the more delicious. With the 'boss', no less. Scandalous! But passion makes no accomodations for self-preservation. 'Sure I may joke about it now but if someone was to find out I'd be ruined... but I don't care. I loved you and though I never got the chance to say it before you got dusted I hope that if you find this you'll know how I really felt.' " She read the words in the same manner she had wrote them and as she continued to read a saddened expression crossed her features. She quickly shut the book when she heard footsteps approaching and she looked up quickly before trying to hide the book.
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"Uh, so... you maybe wanna level with me? How long have you been there and just how much did you hear?" She questioned with a raised brow.
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Joseph took a breath as he stepped out of the car and for a moment he seemed to be a little annoyed. He turned and watched as the car speed off down the road before slipping a hand into his pocket. A faint hint of a smirk began to cross his lips then he turned away and started walking towards the restaurant pausing for a moment as a loud explosion came from the direction the car had been headed.
He shook his head and opened the door to the restaurant before quickly taking a seat at one of the booths closest to the windows. Then he glanced towards the window before closing the shades, just as a server approached the booth. He ordered himself a cup of coffee and smiled softly at her as she turned away to go get the coffee as well as a menu. However the smile faded as soon as he heard the door open and he slowly reached for his gun only to stop when he saw who it was.
"Just when I thought this day couldn't get any better." He said in a sarcastic manner before moving his hand away from his gun. "What's someone like you doin' on this side of town? Did you get tired of all the supe bullshit as well or are you just here because you heard the rumors about this place as well?"
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stxrlightannie-blog · 5 years
The night was freezing and all Vought had told her to do was to wait around and intervene if any crimes happened. They had her stationed by bars, hoping that there was a girl Annie could save to help further her brand. It was sickening and degrading but no one had quit the seven, Annie wasn’t even sure if that was an option. “Either you can join me and stay quiet or you can run across the street and get me a slice of pizza.” Annie snapped to the person near her. They had cameras and her handler around, just in case anything happened they could film it and show it all over the news. Annie felt like she was nothing more than a show dog waiting for her turn.
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Martin took a breath as he flipped through the pages of a book he'd found while cleaning his office. It seemed to have been written by one of the volunteers during his absence and it was heartbreaking to read certain entries that had been written by the volunteer. Halfway through one of the later entries he found himself being reminded of why he'd started F.E.A.S.T. in the first place and that's when he heard the door to his office creaking open slowly. He took a quick breath before turning slightly to see who had opened the door to his office.
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"Are you here to volunteer? We could always use a few extra hands here and we welcome anyone who is willing to put in the time to help this city's Homeless." He said with a small smile as he shut the book and placed it behind him on his desk.
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notbutchercd · 4 years
       Taking work out to a café wasn’t the best of ideas but she needed a little break from the office. The work was intense so she put away the folder and secured it in her bag but noticed that her stuff had invaded the table next to her. “I am so sorry!” she said as she cleared away her things. “I didn’t mean to get in your way.” She hadn’t looked at the person yet, instead clearing up after herself.
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mistressmagnetick · 5 years
The more Kitty worked at this job the more moments she felt like the white rabbit in Alice In Wonderland. "I'm late I'm late for a very important date!" Well that date was meeting notes she had to type, at least three contracts she had to proofread and scheduling a mediation for tomorrow afternoon. And of course only one hour for lunch. So with the pad thai she'd bought at a food truck balanced in her hands and briefcase satchel held tight against her side Kitty weaved in and out of traffic. She wanted to get back to work in time to eat and maybe get on top of her to-do list so she could stop by the school later that evening.
When she was in law school Kitty had not imagined her life being like this. Of course she knew all about paying her dues but she imagined more... mobilizing groups of downtrodden mutants, leading class action lawsuits (that won) holding entire courtrooms in her thrall as she proclaimed the guilty as such. But reality sucked. And it especially sucked when her heel got caught in a divot in the ground and she went sprawling into random strangers.
Admittedly this was better than falling through random strangers but it still scattered her stuff on the sidewalk. At least the pad thai was safe inside it's Styrofoam container.
"Damn it damn it. I'm so sorry." Kitty blushed as she scrambled to pick up her things.
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